Illusion (Calum Hood)

By calumhoodisnotonfire

250 36 91

Sometimes you find someone who helps you find yourself Thanks to @luckyscharms for the amazing cover! More

Author's Note


20 5 12
By calumhoodisnotonfire

Bostyn's POV

The boys soccer team comes out to the field.

And there he is.

All 6 foot whatever of him.

His warm brown eyes, his messy hair, his muscles.

And that ass. Damn. I never knew guys could have butts that nice.

I guess I had been staring too long in his direction, because he had looked over towards me, flashed that stupid smile of his, and waved at me.

I rolled my eyes and looked down at my sketchbook.

"Guys are just a waste of time at your age, Bostyn. They distract you from what's important. You need to focus on school and sports, not guys." I remember having this conversation with Danielle a couple times. It never really affected me much. I wasn't exactly the girl who had guys chasing after me.

And I definitely didn't mind that. I was very content with being single. I haven't had a boyfriend, and I didn't intend on getting one now.

Whoever this guy was, he was fucking my life up. I can't keep running into him. He's exactly what I don't need right now.

I tried to forget about him and focus on my artwork.

I failed at that. I kept glancing up to watch him. He's really good at soccer. I was shocked at first. He literally just got here and he's already on the team, but after watching him play, I understand why.

Practice was nearly over, so I decided to pack up my stuff and head back to my car.

Dinner was at 6 every night, and I had to be home by then. It was 5:15 now, so I had just enough time to make it home.

I tossed my bag in the passenger seat and put the key in the ignition.

...And the car wouldn't start.

Just fucking peachy.

I tried again, still nothing.

Once I lost all hope for this car to start, I tried to call Danielle to ask her to pick me up. No answer.

I put my head on the steering wheel. The only option left was for me to walk. I might as well try to make it home on time.

I grabbed my bag and got back out of the car.

Just my luck, it starts pouring rain.

I pick up my speed, walking down the sidewalk from the school.

"Hey!" I stop and turn around.

Great. It's him.

"What do you want?" I I look up at him.

"Wow. I give you my hoodie to wear and this is how you treat me?" He smirks and I roll my eyes.

"Fine. Take your stupid shirt. I don't need it." I start to take it off but he grabs my wrist.

"Keep it. You need it. You also need a ride."

"No I don't. I'm perfectly fine with walking, thank you very much." I turn back around and start walking again.

"Yeah, well I'm not perfectly fine with you walking." Before I can even respond to him my feet are lifted off the ground and I am flung over his shoulder.

"Let me down. RAPE! FIRE! KIDNAPPER!" I scream kicking my legs.

"Bostyn calm down. I can't let you walk in the rain." He says calmly.

"How the fuck do you know my name?" I furrow my eyebrows in confusion, not like he could seen it or anything.

I could feel him shrug, "Saw you in the yearbook, looked you up on the school webpage. You're very active in school. I see you're going to be valedictorian."

"Oh... I guess." I mumbled.

I guess we had finally reached his car. He sent me back down on my feet and opened the door for me, "here you go my lady."

I have him a dirty look, "Don't call me that."

He laughed and walked over to the driver's side door.

"Where do you live?" He asked, taking a small glance at me.

"Just go all the way down this road until you reach Red Oak Street." I leaned my head against the window and stared at all the cars passing by.

"You're new here right." I sat up. If this guy is going to give me a ride home, I might as well make small talk with him.

"Yeah. My friends and I came here from Australia. " Ah. That explains the accent.

"Wow. That's cool."

He nodded. It was quiet for a while, until I realized I never even asked what his name was.

"What's your name by the way?"


I looked at him strangely. "Huh?"

"Calum. My name is Calum. Calum Hood. But I'm assuming you knew my last name, since you've been wearing it on your back all day." I caught him smirking from the corner of my eye.

I blushed. I didn't mean to, and I don't know why. "Oh. I didn't notice that actually." I looked out the window. We were already pulling onto my street.

"Sure you didn't, babe. Now which one is yours?"

"The brick one right there on the left. And don't call me babe... You weirdo." All he could do was chuckle at me, which only pissed me off more. Who does he think he is?

He parked in my driveway and got out of the car, running to my side before I could open the door. He opened it for me and grabbed my bag.

I took it and began walking to the door, not even bothering to say goodbye.

"Bostyn!" Calum yelled towards me.

I stopped and looked back at him.

"You didn't tell me goodbye" he made a fake pouty face and I rolled my eyes.

"Bye Calum." I reached for the door but he grabbed my arm.


No way would I hug him. All he did was give me a ride. It's not like I'm going to be talking to him again. He's practically a stranger. And I don't need boys around.

But for some odd reason, I hugged him.

His grip was slightly tight, and he rested his chin on top of my head for just a second, before I pulled away.

He smiled at me and started to walk away.

"Bye you creepy stalker." I yelled at him.

"Bye babe." I rolled my eyes again. I hate him.

I walked inside and set my stuff down on the table in the entry way.

"Bostyn Adelaide Hoffman where have you been?" Fuck. It was 6:20. I didn't realize I was late.

"Oh... My car wouldn't start. I tried to call." I looked away. I could feel my face getting hot.

"Bostyn are you lying to us?" Jeff asked, staring at me.

"No. No. Of course not."

"Where'd you get that then?" He looked at the sweatshirt I had been wearing.

Aaaannnndddd there goes my last bit of freedom.

A/N: this chapter is a bit short but aye what do you think of #Balum so far? Honestly Bostyn is so in denial like how could you not like Calum? He is one fiiiiine guy. Anyways, I'm not sure when I'll post again. Maybe tonight but if not I'll post tomorrow. I hope you enjoy frens.

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