Ryo: Naruto's Older Brother |...

By TheAllAmericanNordic

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*****Orochimaru's Curse***** Insanity reminds me of an assassin... It's quiet, deadly, and sneaks up on you w... More

Chapter 1: Brothers
Chapter 2: Departure
Chapter 3: Found
Chapter 4: Morin
Chapter 5: Genin
Chapter 6: Ramen
Chapter 7: Explained
Chapter 8: Teamwork (Dammit)
Chapter 9: Drunk men
Chapter 10: Deadly Puddles..?
COVER POLL(+ disclaimer)
Chapter 11: Demons
Chapter 12: Konoha's Traveling Flash
Chapter 13: Dreaded battles
Chapter 14: The 4 dragons
Chapter 15: Training (Ugh)
Chapter 16: I'm fine really...
Chapter 17: I really hate bridges
Chapter 18: Speed
Chapter 19: The Battle Between the Demons Begins
Chapter 20: The Battle Continues
Chapter 21: Clarification
Chapter 22: The Death of Our Rivals
Chapter 23: The Devil and The Mastermind
Yuto & Eita Takuno Profiles
Chapter 24: Were you always this annoying...
On Hold A/N (no longed valid)
Chapter 25: I swear I'm not... Actually maybe I am
Chapter 26: Shogi
Chapter 28: The Festival of Falling Part II
Chapter 29: People are People... Pineapples are Pinapples, get it straight.
Yo wtf!!

Chapter 27: Festival of Falling >Part I<

1.3K 38 11
By TheAllAmericanNordic

Pre-Kyuubi Fact~
Ryo used to love ramen, he would eat it every week with his mom. However after her death, he could never look at ramen the same way. Hence he started avoiding it like the plague.

2 weeks, 4 days later:
Ryo's POV:

"The festival of... What?" Naruto questioned.

"The festival of passing dear brother of mine!" I replied happily. "It's one of Konoha's smaller festivals, but personally it was me and mom's favorite." Naruto paused for a minute, before falling back into step with me.

"And we are going to it... Tonight." He curiosity asked.

I sighed. "That is what I just told you, didn't I? That is, after training."

We both fell silent after that. Which I guess is reasonable, It was 5o'clock in the morning. This time of year was always my favorite. Chunin exams, festivals, and cool weather, so what better then to share it with my little bro? Exactly!

We finally reached training ground 56, which seemed to be our preferred area of training. We silently set up. I brought the targets, and Naruto started training. Naruto continued training with endurance and shadow clones, while I wrote up some seals to use for later accessions.

All in all, we both ended up doing our own thing until lunch came around. That's when an interesting topic of conversation came up..

>lunch time~

I sat under large oak tree on the left side of training ground 56, surprisingly quietly, eating my rice balls.  I silently watched Naruto throw targets at the beat up target I had brought. The rhythmic 'thunk' and 'clinks' almost lured me to sleep. I was so unfocused, that I didn't realize that the 'thunks' and 'clinks' had ceased and footsteps were heading towards me. I didn't even realize my Brother was standing there until he spoke up.

"So Ryo-" he started. I jumped and spun to look at him.

"Dear kami! When the hell did you get there?" He sweatdropped.

"I was always here... Pay more attention next time, sheesh." He pouted.

"Ahah, uh, sorry didn't hear you walk up. I was uh... Meditating, yeah that what I was doing" I explained.

"Of course you were, you definitely weren't asleep." He countered. I pouted, and tossed him a rice ball.

"What do you know... Mr. I know everything. Here's lunch."

"Hm, do you have any ra-..." He froze and glanced at me in worry.

"What?" I questioned.

"Oh nothing... Rice is good." He replied quickly and stuffed his face with the rice. I shot him a strange look. We ate in silence after that. Until however Naruto broke the silence once again.

"So this festival thing, you said before it was your's and mom's favorite, right?" He asked me. I nodded and smiled.

"Yeah, every year we would go down to the booths and get some fried dumplings. Afterwards we would watch the fireworks from our rooftop." I sighed. "Those were the good old days..." I smiled remembering my mothers Crimson hair, how she would get so mad at me if I stayed out too late training.

"Hey Ryo..." Naruto started nervously. I looked at him weirdly. When did my hyperactive brother get this nervous. He's been like this all day... What's going on with him?


"Can you... Can you tell me about our mom and dad?" He questioned. I looked at him... Seriously... No one told him yet.

"You don't know? Seriously?" I questioned. He has got be kidding, even if the never told him, I'm practically a carbon copy of dad, there is no way he still doesn't know?

"No!" He pouted. "Nobody had ever told me! Every Time I asked they always told me 'when you older.' Or 'Later Naruto, Later.' And I'm sick of it. I want to know!" He ranted and looked me in the eye.

I sighed. Why wouldn't they tell him? There really isn't a reason... Oh wait. Dad is the Yellow Flash, Mom had the Kyuubi. You know what... Maybe they did have a reason. But if he were to find out by himself, maybe, just maybe...  "Look Naruto, I think that you go figure that out for yourself." I continued despite his loud outburst. "It shouldn't be that hard. I'll give you a hint... Me and dad could be twins now that I'm older. When you can tell me 'Who' are parents are, I'll tell you who they were really." I explained, then stood up despite his protests.

"Come on Ryo! Why can't you just tell me! I have been waiting for 12 year to learn this information!-"

"I told you, I'll tell you later bro. Now let's continue training. The festival is still 6 hours away!" I smiled and started walking.

Despite the deflated look on his face, and the small death glares he gave me the rest of the day, we continued training until 5:30 pm that night.


Emilio's POV~ 4:45 pm...
"-and checkmate." Shikamaru stated tiredly. He stiffened a yawn when he saw the look on my face. He sighed. "Hey, don't hate the player... Hate the game."

I growled. "It's so much simpler to hate the player... And besides, I do like this game you cheating dumbass." I shot back.

"I didn't cheat, you just can't get this game. Besides only my own father has ever beaten me." He countered.

"Allowed me to be the first..."

~ 5 minutes later~

"How the hell did you already win! I knew it you are cheating!" I yelled out.

He smirked. "You strategy was so obvious that a child  could figure it out."

We sat in a tense silence after that while we set up another match. This was practically our whole day in a nutshell. I challenged him, he beat me, I yelled, and repeat. It was a never ending cycle of challenges and loses. I sighed in defeat, after game number 67 came to a close.

"Blah... I think you killed my brain Shikamaru..." I moaned and sprawled myself across my side of the floor. I messaged my temples, trying to calmed the thudding i felt within.

"It not my fault you suck at this game..." He replied and leaned against his bed. ~"though I have to admit you improving slighting..."~

The second part I didn't quite catch. His voice was lost in the outside noise and the distance between us.

"Did you say something?" I asked. He glanced at me and shook his head.

"Nothing important."

We sat in a half awkward, half peaceful silence. Both of us just drifting in and it of the dream world and ours. The slice stayed until a slight knock echoed throughout the room. We both glanced up just in time to see Shikamaru's sad walk in.

"Hm, so your still at it.." He commented on our half finished game. I heard Shikamaru sigh, and mutter a quick 'this is such a drag' before going to pick up the pieces of our half finished game. I groaned and sat up as well. Quickly picking up the numerous Shogi pieces, we both now sat in a silent empty room.

I glanced up at the clock on the wall and nearly chocked when I saw the time. 5:45.

"Damm..." I muttered. "We dozed off for half and hour? The festival is only 15 minutes away now..."

"Hm, so you going to it I assume?"

"Yeah..." I replied. "Ryo told me he and his mom used to go to all the time when he was younger. So Ryo, Naruto, and I are going tonight." I quietly explained. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Shikamaru nod his head and sigh.

"What a drag... I heard my dad talking about that festival the other day. I'd beat my Shogi board we are going head that way too. And knowing my dad, he's probably getting dragged Along by Chogi and Ino's dads. So they will probably be there too." He paused for a moment before letting out another sigh. "Worst of all, I know Kiba goes every year, and he might drag along his teammates..." He glanced up and saw my confused face.

"Ummm... Okay..?" I said uncertainly, not recognizing any of those names at all. I had hoped to maybe recognize some names... But nothing.

"Oh that right... You never went to our academy so you wouldn't know any of the graduating genin. Well I guess you'll meet them tonight at one point or another."

I nodded and slowly stood up from my place in the floor. I stretched out my back and arms before standing up straight.

"I would say 'see ya tomorrow'" I started. "But if your theory is right, which they usually are, then I guess I'll see you tonight."

"I guess so..." He said.

~a random Dumping place in Konoha— 6:30~

"Oh the sweet taste of Konoha Dumplings!" I cried and happily shoved a beef and chicken dumpling into my mouth. "Oh I've missed you!"

The looks my two younger siblings (one real, one adopted) sent me did not deter me from enjoying the dumplings I have waited 11 years for. If anything, it made me want fourths. (Yes fourths, why have seconds when you can have fourths..?)

"So Ryo.." Emiko started, slowly munching on a dumpling. "Is there any reason for this festival or to Konohans just like to party?"

I laughed. "As much as we all do enjoy a good party... Technically this festival has a reason.." I faltered. What was the reason again. Festival of falling isn't its entire name... What is it- "oh yeah. This festival celebrates Fall Turing into Winter and all that crap. But honestly most people who attending this festival use it as an opportunity to party. Such as me." I informed them. I kinda remember a story to go along with it... But honestly it can't be important if I can't remember.

"Do you do anything else at this festival? I mean, besides eating dumplings?" Naruto questioned. I smiled.

"Now now dear brother of mine, do I hear a trace of doubt in you voice. Are you questioning my ability to show they younger generation the day joy and pleasure mine experienced in the height of a war torn era. Of dead brother of mine, you wound me-..."

"Alright so I saw a ring toss hoop somewhere down the street and to the left..." I heard Naruto say off in the distance. My head snapped up to see both my younger siblings around 40 feet away and retreading rapidly.  My jaw dropped.

"He left me mid rant! What kind of sick person does that!" I proclaimed, earning several strange looks from other customers.

"~sigh~ Ryo do I even want to ask?" I turned around to see Asuma and Kurenai. "Because knowing you I really DON'T want to know."

"But Asuma!!!" I whined like a child. "My younger brother and Emiko abandoned me mid-rant! You don't just do that to someone!"

"From the looks of it... You brother just did that." He stated.

"Yeah I noticed." I huffed and invited myself to sit at their table (without their consent of course). I poured myself a glass of sake and slowly took a drink. "He reminds me so much of younger me, man." I sighed with content as happy memories flooded my mind. "My mom would get so mad at me when I ran off with you guys all the time during these things."

Asuma and Kurenai chuckled. "One thing that's similar is that you both are Hyperactive." Asuma told me.

"Pft!" I snorted. "He got that from me." Asuma sweatdropped and muttered something along the lines of 'you, idiot, why, friends, again?' "We are friends" I started. "Because once you befriend me you are stuck with me. I will haunt you in the afterlife." I added creepily.

Asuma paled. "I pray I die before you." He muttered.

"Nah uh uh.. Not on my watch Mis amigo." I tsked.

Kurenai playfully slapped his arm. "You're not dying on my watch." Kurenai chuckled.

Asuma mock saluted her. "Yes ma'am."

"Blah" I fake barfed under the table. "Get a room you two!" The both blushed furiously. Asuma turned to me, a furious look plastered on his face.

"Ryo..." He growled.

3rd POV~
Everyone in a 1Km radius could hear the terrified screams of a young blond Adult that night...


Emilio's POV~
"Did you hear that?" I questioned Naruto as he chucked another ring at the 3 cracked glass bottles.

"Did you say something.." He muttered and tossed another ring.

I sighed. "Never mind."

"Hey Emiko! Naruto!" I heard a girl yelled to the right of us. I looked over and saw a mass of pink hair running towards us. I gave a short wave and she skidded to a stop next to us. "Hey Emiko, you didn't tell me you were coming tonight. We could have tried to get you a date." At this, she wiggles her eye brow at me. I suppressed a gag. A date? With a boy nonetheless.. Yeah no thanks.

"Good thing I didn't tell you." I murmured. Nearly raging again as Sakura giggled.

"Oh come on! Don't be a party po-"

"THERE YOU ARE BILLBOARD BROW!" A high pitched voice shrieked behind us. "Where is Sasuke!!"

I slowly turned around (silently fearing the worst) only to be met with a platinum blond in purple cloths.

Throughout the rest of the night, My teams old classmates showed up. The names kinda got lost (or misplaced) in my brain, but I knew one specific person was missing. A specific Nara.

"~sigh~ What a drag. We ended up running into each other after all. And it seems the rest of them are with you to... How troublesome." I heard someone sigh behind me.

Speak of the Devil, and he shall appear....

Hi guys.
I'm sorry if the ending seems rushed (last 2 paragraphs) that's because it was. I really wanted to update for you all.

This was supposed to be, I don't know, twice as long maybe? That's why I decided to split it into two parts because I want you guys to have something to read (and so you know I didn't die in Aussie)

So please
Read, vote, comment, and maybe even Share!

Adios Los Amigos!

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