Accidentally in Love: A Capta...

By CaptainSwanLuver

16.5K 736 333

Emma Swan needs to be married by 30 in order to receive the money from her trust fund and save her failing bu... More

Part 1/13
Part 2/13
Part 3/13
Part 4/13
Part 5/13
Part 6/13
Part 7/13
Part 8/13
Part 9/13
Part 10/13
Part 11/13
Part 12/13

Part 13/13

1.4K 67 88
By CaptainSwanLuver

~I never thought I'd be capable of letting go of my first love. To believe that I could find someone else. That is, until I met you.~

One year to the day they had pretended to marry, Emma and Killian would pledge their lives to each other for real this time.

Belle found herself standing outside the bathroom door again, knocking.


Killian came to stand beside her. "This is déjà vu. Is she okay?"

Belle nodded. "I think so, she's just taking forever to get ready."

Killian knocked on the door. "Love, it's me. Can I come in?"

Emma's voice emerged panicked. "No!"

He sighed and turned the doorknob, surprised to find it unlocked. He opened the door and heard her shriek. Once inside, he closed the door behind him, his eyes scanning the large bathroom, but not finding her.


"Over here," she said.

Killian's brow furrowed for a moment before he realized her voice was coming from behind the shower curtain. He came to stand in front of it.

"What are you doing?"

"You can't see me in my dress before the wedding, Killian."

He rolled his eyes. "Not this again."

"Yes, this again. You saw me before our fake wedding and look at all the bad luck that followed. We almost lost each other."

Killian sighed heavily. "Emma, this is ridiculous."

"You said you would indulge me if this were for real and now it is. I don't want to tempt fate."

Killian swept the curtain aside, as her mouth dropped open. "Killian!"

He got into the bathtub with her.

"What are you doing?" she asked.

He took her hands in his. "I need you to listen to me."

"Okay," she said softly.

He began, his voice tightening with emotion. "We don't need luck, Emma. And fate is on our side. Fate is the reason I walked into your store when you needed me to. Fate is the reason we are together and nothing is going to change that."

Emma took a deep breath. "Okay, you're right."

His eyes scanned her, his lips curling into a smile at the beautiful sight she presented. His brow furrowed though when he recognized the dress.

"Wait, is this the same dress?"

Emma nodded with a smile. "Yes, it was the one. I knew it then and I wanted to marry you for real in it this time."

Killian laughed softly.

"What?' she asked.

"Don't you see, love? You were hiding from me for no reason. I've already seen you in this dress."

Emma shrugged, with a chuckle. "Oh, that's true. But it's for real this time, so the first time didn't count."

He bobbed his head. "Okay." He paused and then asked. "Are you ready to become Mrs. Jones?"

Emma shook her head. "No."

Killian's eyes widened and his heart froze in his chest for a moment. "What?"

She smiled. "I'm ready to become Mrs. Swan-Jones."

Killian breathed a sigh of relief and then kissed her forehead. "I can hardly wait."

She gave him a gentle shove. "Well, if you don't leave me alone so I can finish getting ready, then I may never become Mrs. Swan-Jones."

Killian jumped out of the shower and offered her one last smile. "Remember, to find my eyes when you get out there."

Emma smiled and nodded, but knew she wouldn't need him to get her through this time. He turned on his heel and left.

Fifteen minutes later, Emma emerged from the bathroom.

Belle smiled at her. "Are you ready?"

"Never been more ready in my life," she said.

She followed Belle outside and stopped at the end of the aisle. Emma admired her mother's handiwork. It was very similar to the first wedding, just taken up a few notches. More people, more flowers, more lights.

But none of it mattered. The only thing that mattered was the amazing man standing at the end of the aisle, unable to take his eyes off of her. As Emma met his gaze, she realized that this time her hands holding her bouquet were steady and her legs felt firm.

Her father appeared by her side and she looped her arm through his. He smiled at her. "You look even more beautiful than the first time. I'm pretty lucky. I get to have this moment with you twice."

Emma smiled and kissed his cheek. "I'm the lucky one."

The music started and Emma and David began walking down the aisle. Killian sucked in a breath as he watched her come toward him. He couldn't believe how beautiful she looked. He couldn't believe that this incredible woman was about to become his wife.

She finally made her way to him and David placed her hands in his, as he kissed her forehead and joined his wife.

Emma smiled at him, tears suddenly popping into her eyes.

A genuine Justice of the Peace began this time. "Today, we are here to join this man and this woman in marriage. It's no secret that Killian and Emma have had a unique journey to this moment. "

Emma and Killian exchanged a knowing look.

"Emma and Killian, you are about to begin your life together. You already know the ups and downs that love can bring and you have proven you can weather the storms together. Never forget that."

Emma smiled at Killian. They never would.

"Emma and Killian have written their own vows. Killian, you may begin."

Killian blinked back tears as he looked at Emma. "I've been alone most of my life. I had resigned myself to be alone forever. It was less painful that way. I never thought I would love again, Emma, and then I met you. And I couldn't help falling in love with you. You made me want to be a better man and you never stop believing in me. I know that marriage won't be easy. Nothing worth having ever is. I can't wait to begin this journey with you and I know that whatever comes our way, we'll deal with it together. I love you, Emma."

Emma swallowed hard, as the Justice of the Peace looked at her.

"Emma, you may begin."

She squeezed his hands in hers. "Killian, before you, my heart was closed to love. It had been broken so badly that I decided it was better not to open it up ever again. And then you came along and, try as I might, you found your way into my heart. You made me see how wonderful love can be when it's with the right person. You helped me see I could trust a man again. Trust you. And you supported me in the craziest thing I've ever done. You put me first, Killian. You sacrificed your own happiness so that I wouldn't lose my family. I know you've been alone for a long time, but you're not alone anymore and you never will be again. We're in this together. I love you, Killian."

Killian felt a tear fall down his cheek, as the Justice of the Peace went on.

"Do you, Killian, take this woman to be your lawfully wedded wife?"

Killian looked into Emma's eyes and said, "I do."

"Place the ring upon her finger and repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, and forever pledge my devotion."

Killian took the ring from Robin and slipped it on Emma's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed, and forever pledge my devotion."

The Justice of the Peace looked at Emma. "Do you, Emma, take this man, Killian, to be your lawfully wedded husband?"

Emma nodded her head and smiled. "I do."

"Place the ring upon his finger and repeat after me: With this ring, I thee wed, and forever pledge my devotion."

Emma took the ring from Belle and placed it on Killian's finger. "With this ring, I thee wed, and forever pledge my devotion."

Emma and Killian felt their hearts swell as they knew this time it was for real. Those rings were a symbol of their never-ending love.

Emma and Killian joined hands again.

"By the power invested in me by the state of Maine, I now pronounce you husband and wife." He turned to Killian. "You may kiss the bride."

Killian didn't hesitate this time. He cupped his new wife's face and pressed his lips to hers. Emma ran her hands across the back of his head, deepening the kiss. When they parted, their foreheads remained touching.

They did it. They were husband and wife.

Their guests erupted in applause as they made their way to the end of the aisle hand-in-hand.

Killian turned to Emma with a grin. "Hello, wife."

"Hello, husband," she said with a giggle.


~I think you can see a future here, a happy one.~

Killian held out his hand to his new wife, as the first bars of "At Last" began to play. Emma placed her head on his shoulder as they began to sway to the music.

It was hard to believe they were husband and wife. No pretending this time.

Emma looked up at her husband and smiled, tears spilling down her cheeks.

"Hey," he said. "Why are you crying?"

"I'm just thinking about happy I am and how this doesn't feel real. It feels too good to be true."

He shook his head. "It's not. A year ago today, I stood right here, holding you in my arms and knowing that in a few hours I would have to give you up." He paused and then added with a smile. "But now you're all mine."

Emma felt her tears begin to spill down her cheeks and she wiped at them roughly with her fingertips. "You know, I hardly ever cried before you, Killian Jones."

He laughed and brought his thumb and forefinger to her chin, lifting her head so their eyes met. "Happy tears, right?"

She nodded and said, "The happiest," before placing a kiss to his lips.

When the song ended, they took their seats and soon their meals were served. Before they could begin to eat, Mary Margaret stood and got everyone's attention.

"I'd like to make a toast to my beautiful daughter and her new husband. We are so happy you found each other and that you make each other so happy. Killian, my husband and I are so proud to have you join our family and we can't wait to watch the love between you two grow everyday as you build your life together."

Emma smiled and leaned forward to kiss her groom. Killian linked their fingers and brought her hand up to place a soft kiss on her knuckles.

"Ugh," Belle said, as she downed her champagne.

Emma and Killian turned their attention to her.

"Something wrong?" Emma asked.

She waved her hand at them. "It's you guys. I mean, I am incredibly happy for you, but you are so in love, it's starting to get annoying."

They laughed, as Emma smiled. "I think you just need to find someone of your own."

Killian gestured to Robin. "How about Robin?"

Belle's eyes widened. "He's a thief. No offense."

Emma looked up lovingly at Killian. "Sometimes you have to look past the initial impression to see the person below. I'm so glad I did."

Belle squinted over at Robin, watching as he slipped some silverware into his jacket pocket.

She gave Emma and Killian a pointed look. "Not everyone can get as lucky as you two."

Killian squeezed Emma's hand. "Maybe he just needs a reason to change, someone to see the good in him."

"Go over there," Emma prodded.

With a groan, Belle slowly walked over to Robin. She pointed at his pocket and he shook his head. Belle reached in and pulled the silverware out. He smiled and laughed, waving his hands in dismissal. Belle put the silverware on the table and held her hand out to him, in a silent request to dance. He accepted, pulling her into his arms.

Emma smiled at Killian. "Maybe Belle's on her way to finding love, too."

Killian kissed his wife's forehead. "If she makes him even half as happy as you make me, then he'll be one lucky guy."

Emma and Killian's attention was suddenly turned back to Belle and Robin, as they watched her slap him across the face and stalk off the dance floor. Robin watched her go, as he brought his hand up to his cheek and smiled.

Emma laughed. "I think they may need a little help getting there though."

Killian shrugged. "If there's one thing I learned, it's that if it's truly meant to be, then it will be."

Just then, Emma's mother appeared in front of them.

"I think this wedding is even better than the first," she said.

Emma nodded. "Without a doubt. Thank you, Mom, for everything."

Mary Margaret leaned forward and hugged both of them. "Just be happy, that's thanks enough for me.

Soon, it was time to cut the cake. Killian threw a warning look at Emma as they made their way over. "Love, you better be on your best behavior this time."

"You too," she said.

Emma and Killian sliced the cake and they each picked up a piece. Emma carefully placed the cake in Killian's mouth, pausing to swipe at his lip to remove some frosting. Killian smiled at her devilishly and made a move as if he were going to smash it into her face. Emma shook her head at him and he gently placed it in her mouth. He then snaked his arms around his wife's waist and placed a kiss to her lips. Emma sighed into the kiss and then they slowly parted.

Not long after, the wedding slowly came to a conclusion and soon only Emma, Killian, and her parents remained. Emma kicked off her heels and sat down on her husband's lap at one of the tables, encircling his neck with her arms.

"Today was the best day of my life," she said, looking down at him.

"Mine too," he replied, placing a kiss to her neck.

His lips began to trail down her neck and across her shoulder. Emma closed her eyes, a low moan escaping.

They were interrupted by the clearing of throats behind them. Killian pulled his mouth away from his wife's skin and her eyes flew open.

"Sorry to interrupt," David said in embarrassment, as he and Mary Margaret came to stand in front of them.

"We just wanted to give you your wedding gift," Mary Margaret said.

Emma shook her head. "You've given us enough. This wedding was amazing."

"Yes, but there's something else that you deserve," her mother said.

Emma looked at her father, who was holding a large wrapped box. He placed it down on the table.

"Open it," he said.

Emma stood up, sighing in defeat, as she ripped open the package. She pulled the top off the box, her brow lifting in surprise when Dot jumped up and began licking her.

She turned to her parents. "You're giving us Dot?"

Killian bobbed his head. "Uh...thank you."

Mary Margaret stepped forward and took Emma's hands in hers. "Whoever owns Dot controls the money from the trust fund she received."

Understanding dawned on them both. Emma shook her head. "I can't take her, Mom. Not after what I did to get the money. I don't deserve it."

David nodded. "Yes, you do, Emma. Dot is a dog. She needs to be fed and groomed and likes fancy collars. She doesn't need almost 5 million dollars. But you and Killian can put that money to good use."

Killian shook his head in astonishment. "I don't know what to say."

Mary Margaret smiled. "Your father and I have been discussing it and we thought of a good idea for how to use some of the money. You both love to read and that love started at an early age. I know reading helped you both get through difficult times as children. I think it can do that for children today too if they're given the chance. So I was thinking you could use a portion of the money to start a literacy program for underprivileged children. Emma, you could use the bookstore to promote the program." Mary Margaret paused, her voice softening, "Of course, it's just an idea. It's entirely up to you two what you want to do with-..."

Emma felt a smile curl her lips, as she cut her mother off. "It's an incredible idea." Emma nodded, as she hugged her parents. "Okay, we accept. Thank you so much."

"Thank you," Killian said, offering them a grateful smile.

Mary Margaret pointed inside the box. "There's one more thing."

"Mom, this is too much already."

David held up his hands. "This was all Dot's doing. It's from her."

Emma reached inside the box and pulled out an envelope. She tore it open, as Killian looked over her shoulder. Inside, were two tickets to Paris with reservations to a 5 star hotel. Their mouths stood agape.

"For your honeymoon," Mary Margaret said.

Emma shook her head. "We can't accept this. It's too much."

"Emma is right," Killian said. "This is extremely generous, but we couldn't possibly accept it."

"I told you," David said with a shrug. "Talk to Dot."

Mary Margaret smiled. "Dot wanted to use some of her considerable wealth to buy you a honeymoon to Paris. She is a very generous dog."

Emma looked up at Killian and then sighed in defeat. "Alright, thank you. Thank you both...and much."

"You're welcome," David said. "Now, it's very late and I know you two would like to get started on that wedding night so your mother and I have arranged to stay the night at a hotel. You have the whole place to yourself."

Emma smiled. "You guys didn't have to do that."

Mary Margaret slipped her hand into David's. "Hey, after 35 years of marriage, it's nice for us to change things up every once in a while. This wasn't just for you."

Killian nodded his head in appreciation. "Thank you." He then extended his hand to his new wife. "Shall we?"

Emma smiled and placed her hand in his. They began to leave the dance floor, when David called after them.

"Wait, you forgot something."

He walked over and handed Killian Dot.

Killian's eyes widened. "Oh, um, thank you."

Mary Margaret pointed at Dot. "She likes to sleep on the bed. If you put her outside the bedroom, she'll bark and bark all night long."

Emma suppressed a groan. "Perfect."

They made their way inside. She, Killian, and Dot went up the stairs to Emma's childhood bedroom. Once inside, they placed Dot on the couch and then came to stand in front of each other.

Killian smiled, gesturing with his hand. "I never imagined our wedding night would be with you, me, Justin Timberlake, and a Chihuahua."

Emma laughed, as she closed the distance between them, placing a kiss on his lips. She pulled back and met his eyes.

"A year ago, that night ended very differently for us," she said.

Killian brought his hand up to Emma's cheek. "Tonight, we start fresh and make new, happy memories. We leave the past behind and begin our lives together. Our future is going to be amazing, Emma."

Emma smiled, as Killian scooped his wife up in his arms. She laughed and looped her arms around his neck. He moved to the bed and gently laid his bride down on the comforter. Hovering above her, his eyes met hers.

"I love you, Emma Swan-Jones."

"And I love you, Killian Jones."

He brought his lips down to hers, before trailing his mouth down her neck. She closed her eyes, as she ran her nails down his back and let out a moan of pleasure.

She felt something wet and rough tickle her right ear and she giggled. "Killian, stop!"

"What?" he muttered against her chest.

"That tickles!" she said.

Killian looked up and then had to bite his lip to keep from laughing. Emma's eyes were squeezed shut, her head thrown back, while Dot licked at her ear. Slowly, Emma opened her eyes and came face to face with the dog.

"Ew!" she said, quickly sitting up and roughly wiping at her ear with her palm.

Killian burst out laughing. She threw him a glare, before dissolving into a fit of giggles herself. Then she launched herself at her husband. He landed on his back and she straddled his hips. She slowly lowered her face to his, stopping mere inches from his lips.

"I think Dot is going to be very traumatized by what she's going to witness tonight."

Killian shrugged. "That's okay, love. She can afford a good therapist."

Emma laughed, as Killian cupped her face and closed the distance between them.


~True love isn't easy but it must be fought for because once you find it, it can never be replaced.~

Four days later, Emma and Killian strolled hand-in-hand through the streets of Paris on a beautiful night. They had spent the first two days of their honeymoon locked in their hotel room and wrapped up in each other. By day three, they figured they should venture outside and explore this incredible city.

They walked along the Seine River, stopping to view the Pont des Art bridge where people from all over the world came to put locks and throw keys into the river. Due to safety concerns about the effect of the locks on the bridge, the locks were now being removed. Barriers were up blocking tourists from putting up anymore locks.

Emma frowned. "Oh, I really wanted to see that. I was hoping we could put our own lock on there."

Killian smiled and pulled a lock out of his pocket. "I had the same idea, love."

"Great minds think alike, but we can't do it now," she said gesturing at the wooden barriers.

"Mrs. Swan-Jones, I have never known you to shy away from a challenge."

Emma arched an eyebrow at him. "Even if we could get past the barrier, the lock won't be up long. They're taking them all down."

"It's more about the symbol of the gesture."

Emma nodded. "Yeah, and I think I kind of like the idea of our love surviving anything that tried to destroy it."

"I like the way you think," he said, as he held his hand out.

Normally, the bridge would have been crowded with tourists, but due to the bridge's barriers, they found themselves all alone. Killian slipped past the barrier and then moved to the railing, followed by Emma. A piece of plywood was covering the entire railing. Emma watched as he pulled the lock out and unlocked it with the key. She smiled as she noticed he had written their names and wedding date on it in sharpie, enclosing it with a heart.

He knelt down and pried the wood up a little.

"Hold the corner, love," he instructed her.

Emma did as he asked and held the wood. He stuck his arm under it and managed to clip it onto the railing. Killian straightened and Emma let go of the wood. He held the key up to her.

"Would you like to do the honors?" he asked.

She smiled, taking the key from her husband, as he wrapped his arm around her waist. Emma lifted her arm and hurled the key into the river.

"Quite an impressive arm you have," he said.

"Played softball in college. I was a pitcher," she said, as she placed her head on his shoulder.

"I love learning new things about you," he said, placing a kiss to her temple.

Emma smiled as she met his eyes. "We have a lifetime to learn everything there is to know about each other."

He grinned and lowered his lips to hers. "That we do."

They kissed beneath the stars of Paris, the river sparkling in front of them. Unlike the locks on the bridge, they knew their love would stand the test of time.

......The End............
Thanks for reading!  I hope you liked the end!

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