The Theory of Liam Payne⇪Ziam...

By butt3rflyTA3

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"I've been writing this since the first day I've met you Li" [completed] More

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By butt3rflyTA3

"Alright, you ready for the surprise babe?" Zayn asks, covering Liam's eyes as he leads him to the corner of his art studio.

Liam nods, "Zayn, are we in your st-studio?" "How can you tell?" "I-It smells like o-old paint" he says with a grin.

"You have a wonderful since of smell my dear, a cute little nose as well" Liam wrinkles his nose, "Sh-Shut up" he says, a small giggle escaping his lips.

Zayn makes sure to kiss Liam's special spot on the back of his neck, already falling in love again with his boyfriend's smooth accent.

Over the course of speech classes, Liam has been doing well without stuttering. But there were some stutters here and there but either way, Zayn loves it regardless.

Zayn stops abruptly, "Alright, you ready handsome?" Liam nods, "R-Ready" he asks, starting to get excited by the surprise.

"One, two, three" Liam blinks a little, smiling brightly at the painting on the easel. "Z-Zayn, I love it!" He squeals, turning to hug him tightly.

"Really? I mean you did most of the work too Li," Zayn says with a smile, enjoying his tight embrace.

"Read the words I put inside yeah?" Liam releases from his tight embrace, moving forward to admire the painting.

The painting was a lot more beautiful then what Liam saw months ago, inside Liam's silhouette Zayn had drew on the paper.

By the time he read all the words that we're written inside in beautiful cursive, he noticed in the foot region he sees the word stutter.

The man couldn't help but be confused, if this was everything Zayn noticed about Liam, then why wasn't stutter the first thing?

"I-I don't understand" Liam says, looking away from painting they (mostly Zayn) had created, his eyes scanning it up and down. "What?"

"W-Why isn't stutter the first thing on the list? It shouldn't b-be last"

"Everything from that list is everything I noticed since the first day I met you. Your stutter wasn't the first thing I noticed"

"B-But it's obvious" "Well I saw past that, I didn't care if you stuttered. Hell, I find it precious. You know that babe" Zayn says with that smile that always made Liam melt into a puddle. 

Liam reads the words over before looking at him, "T-The Theory of Liam Payne?" He repeats slowly, smiling when he doesn't stutter as much.

Zayn nods, "Yeah, that can be a book of some sort, sounds like it"

Liam blushes leaning in to kiss Zayn's cheek, "N-No one would want t-to read about me"

"I think they would, for a lot of people who stutter maybe? I mean, you've learned to cope with your stutter. Hell you've gotten so much more confident and I find it sexy"

Liam blushes, hitting his boyfriend's arm. "S-Stop" "I'm serious! Like its amazing watching you be so confident when you talk in class and to other people, it's like a new you" Zayn says holding his waist.

"R-Really?" "Yes really, I'm so proud of you baby" Liam smiles, biting his lip a little. "T-Thank you Zee, I love it" "I'm glad" Zayn says, leaning in to peck him.

The younger man grabs both of Zayn's hands, squeezing them. "I-I love you, like a lot" "Mhm, that's flattering. I guess I love you too"

Liam grins, moving forward to pull the man into a tight embrace. "I-I don't know what'd I'd d-do without you Zayn" he says with a smile

Zayn makes sure to place a kiss on Liam's forehead, "You'd be fine, I'm sure" he murmurs, swaying them slowly. "N-No, I would be totally di-different. Much more s-sad"

"Well I'm glad you bumped into me Liam Payne, you've completely turned my world up side down"

"I-Is that bad?" Liam asks, frowning slightly as he wraps his arms around his boyfriend's neck.

Zayn nods his head slightly, "No" he says, chuckling when younger man smacks his arm.

I don't think anyone could resist falling in love all over again with the way Liam's eyes crinkle as a large smile grew on his face.

the end
YAY this book is finished and I thoroughly enjoyed writing it.

So thank you peeps for reading this story and hopefully enjoying it as much as I did :)

And I think what I'll start to do is after completing one fanfic, I'll publish a new one


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