Blood Traitor (Scorose Fanfic)

By DramaticDeatheater

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Scorpius Malfoy tried not to fall in love. He really did. But it is very hard not to fall in love with Rose W... More

Prologue- The Beginning of the End
Chapter 1- The First Exchange
Chapter 2- The Sorting Hat
Chapter 3- The First Day
Chapter 4- The Misfits
Chapter 6- The Untold Truth
Chapter 7- The Restricted Section
Chapter 8- The Blood Curdling Pages
Chapter 9- The Intimidating Invitation
Chapter 10- The Strangely Quiet Party
Chapter 11- The Bloody Mess
Chapter 12- The Crumpled Monstrosity
Chapter 13- The Unexpected Passenger
Chapter 14- The Happily Squished Carriage
Chapter 15- The Angry Explosion
Chapter 16- The Daunting Situation

Chapter 5- The Giving and Receiving

269 12 2
By DramaticDeatheater

The snow had began to settle, creating a beautiful backdrop as we travelled through the Scottish countryside. My cool breath steamed over the window so I used the cuff of my jumper to wipe it away- dampening the edge. I had accomplished my offical first term at Hogwarts and- I'm not going to lie- was feeling pretty proud of myself.

Twisting my position, I turned to face my two best friends. Al was sitting opposite me, his brown fringe swifted slightly across his left eye and a green Slytherin beanie covering the rest of his head. He had a small smile across his face; trying not to show how excited he really was for Christmas. Rosie was sitting next to me at this present moment but the adrenaline was running so high through her- she kept switching seats.

"I love Christmas!" Rosie squealed for the thousandth time. "We know!" Me and Al both said simultaneously; before we all erupted into an enlightening laughter. This past term had been the most fun of my life. Yes, homework and school could sometimes be a bit of a bummer, but I couldn't really complain; we did learn magic. I had often sat with Logan and Tobias during classes or hung out with them in the common room; I considered them my Hufflepuff buddies! I also hung out with Issac and Jade too (I couldn't not hang out with my metaphorical siblings) but Jade had mostly been with the Slytherin girls- leaving Issac with Al and us or by himself. We did invite him to sit and do whatever with us- but he often declined.

However after classes and at the weekends- me, Al and Rosie stuck together. We would do our work and talk for hours and even sometimes play on our brooms (but only under supervision from Madame Straight). When I say we played- I really mean me and Rosie did whilst Al watched. Even though his parents were both top quality Quidditch players (his Mum had even played for Holyhead Harpies), Al said he'd rather not. "Much safer on the ground," he'd say; me and Rosie just laughing and rolling our eyes.

"Can we do the presents now?" Al asked, snapping me back into reality. "Okay, okay," I grabbed my school bag, which now did not contain an thing school related; only Christmas glee. I had already given the Wheelers a chocolate frog each (knowing they'd appreciate the food; which they must have seen as it was already gone) and Jade and Issac were receiving a family present- like they did every year- so I didn't need to worry about them. However, Rosie and Al had become two of my favourite people in the whole world within such a short space of time- they definantley deserved a worthy present. We had agreed to give them out on the train back to London- before we were reunited with our families- as I wasn't sure whether I could meet up with the two during the 2 week break.

"How about I start then," Al said pulling out a cube-shaped object that rang with a metal clang when my nails clicked against the sides. Starting to rip off the paper, I looked up at Al with a grin of gratefulness and curiosity. I let the reindeer-themed paper fall to the floor as I admired the tin box with badger on a broom continuously flying across the lid. I glanced back over at our with a face that read 'seriously?' and he cracked into a small chuckle before announcing, "It's a bicuit tin! You know for those dark chocolate ones you like. From when we first became proper friends!" I let out a little giggle, impressed he remembered our first proper encounter, and leaned over to pull him into a swift embrace. "I love it, really," I said, grinning from ear to ear, "Even the bloody badger!"
"It just reminded me of you and, well, I couldn't help myself." Al admitted as I placed the tin in my bag.
"For Merlin's sake," Rosie interupted, a jokey tone in her voice, "You two just get married already." We all gave a brief chortle before she handed me a brown package, tied with a blue bow. You may think that I am being showered with gifts- but that isn't really the truth. The cousins were giving me the presents and I was giving them mine- they would receive ones from each other on the actual day (hopefully)!

I neatly undid the ribbon and carefully opened up the parcel. Grandma had always taught me to preserve the wrapping, so it had become a bit of a habit. But before I knew it- in my hand was a photo frame with a familiar picture sitting inside. The frame was black with sparkling jewels dotted around it; reminding me of those dark night skies that you could spend hours watching. However, what was inside the frame was a lot more precious. On Halloween, Rosie had managed to convince Proffessor Remerac to take a picture of us using the camera Al had gotten from his parents on his 12th birthday- a few days before. Inside the frame you could see us all sticking out our tongues, pulling silly faces til each face fissured in synchronisation to an abrupt laughter. I watched over and over again, as the funny faces disappeared and reappeared until the lengthy silence that had been waiting in suspension- now broke with me pulling Rose into a warm hug.

"Thank you!" I cried, hearing the smile across my mouth, "I love it!" I pulled Rosie out from my chest- hand getting slightly caught up in her tangled, shoulder length, scarlet hair- to show Al what she had got me. "Wow, that's so cool!" Al cooed appreciating the photo in all is glory. The smile I had across my face was so wide, it was impossible to try and contain. I felt a bit spoilt, seen as I was the only one who had received anything, so I decided to avert the attention somewhere else.

"Here you are Al!" I said handing over a rectangular object. He quickly tore away the paper and discarded it on the floor (making me twitch at the untidiness but say nothing). " Wow cool! Thanks Scorp!" Al had taken it upon himself to shorten my name- which was something my mother did- but I kind of liked how it came out of his mouth. He was now looking down at the gift in his hand, eyebrows raised and a little grin creased upon his lips. In his hand was a dark coloured book with sliver lettering saying, 'An Astronomer's Dream by H.L. Franklin'. It now sat in Al's lap as he slowly flicked through the pages; soaking up the wonders on each page. The stars shone through, illumianting Al's face as he watched the stars shoot across the page. I felt a warm feeling in my chest; something I felt when I had made someone else happy, so I tried to continue the feeling of contentness...

"Here's yours Rosie!" I handed Rosie a rectangular object though it was a lot thinner the Al's and I had to hold it with great care. Rosie ripped on the wrapping and then stared at present before exploding in her seat. "Merlin's beard Scorpius! Is this the real deal!" She was so estatic it made me and Al chuckle. In her hands what a signed framed poster of Frankie Zabini; retired England captain and Chudley Canons star. The chaser was a family friend so it was easy to get her autograph, but Rosie- the second biggest Chudley Canons fan (first was her Dad)- was kind of freaking out! "Ahhhhhhhh! I can't believe you got me this Scorpius! You know Frankie is the youngest ever player to win the Quidditch world cup! This is amazing!"
"Yeah," I said grinning- feeling the buzzing sensation of someone else's joy. "You've told me a million times. Anway it's only Jade's mum, wasn't that hard to get."
"Wait, Frankie Zabini is Jade's mum?"
"Merlin Rosie, you're meant to be a Ravenclaw!" Rosie wasn't sure exactly how to reply to that so instead of saying anything, she placed a hand on my left shoulder and reached over to give me a peck on the cheek. It may have been quick, but it was soft and warm- making my stomach stir and a deep scarlet rise to my once pale cheeks.

All of a sudden, the Hogwarts Express came to a halt. I grabbed my rucksack, filled with my new treasures and followed Rosie and Al out of the carriage. Exhilarated, I couldn't wait to see my parents and tell them of my first adventures at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry.

AN- First of all, thanks to everyone who has read, commented and voted on my first fanfic! But I really wanted to say a big thanks to one of my best friends VoicelessGhoul for drawing the cover. She's also the basis of the character Mae Nott. If you like Fairy Tale then go check her out but I wouldn't cos she's a bitch😜

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