Finally Complete

By parkercuddles

90.3K 1.4K 255

When Zayn and Liam Malik decided to finally adopt, we'll see how their lives go with the newfound happiness t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 6

6.7K 135 17
By parkercuddles

It'd been about two weeks since the family had visited the school, and it was now Sunday in the Malik household, and you could say things were a little hectic. Liam was trying to calm a crying Niall, as he'd spilt his juice on the floor and was afraid he was going to be in trouble. And Zayn? Well...lets just say Zayn's got a bit more on his hands. He was chasing a hyper Louis around the house and something always goes wrong when Louis is hyper. Today was no exception. As Louis was running away from Zayn, he accidentally ran straight into Harry, sending both of them to the floor, one of the boys crying.

Zayn sighed as he saw the sight. He pulled the crying Harry into his arms who immediately buried his face into the comfort of Zayn's chest. Louis on the other hand was still a bit stunned.

"C'mon, Louis," Zayn said, pulling Louis up from the floor. "Hazza, we're going to get you an ice pack for your head, and you, Louis, are going into timeout for 10 minutes. I told you to stop running, and you didn't, then you hurt Hazza. So 10 minutes in timeout oughta do you some good."

Louis whimpered, as he felt horrible for being bad and making his brother cry.

Zayn led the upset Louis over to the timeout chair they'd gotten and sat him down. "I'll come get you in 10 minutes, okay?" He said. Louis only gave a solemn nod in reply and let Zayn turn him so that his nose was in the corner.

Once Louis had been put in timeout, Zayn walked the sniffling Harry over to the fridge.

"Let's get you an ice pack," he coo'd to the boy that he'd say on the counter. Zayn pulled out a little ice pack they had and wrapped it in a towel. He then picked Harry back up and walked upstairs where Liam and Niall were.

Zayn found the two in their bed. Liam was rocking a sniffling Niall, so Zayn just went and sat down alongside Liam with Harry in his lap. "What happened to him?" Liam asked. Zayn sighed. "Well Louis didn't listen when I told him to stop running in the house, so he smacked into Harry and sent them both to the floor. Louis' in timeout, but I'm going to get him in like five minutes," Zayn replied. Liam only nodded in response, so the two sat in silence besides occasional sniffles from one of the boys until Zayn noticed Louis' timeout was up.

"Hey baby? I'm going to go get your brother real quick, so sit with daddy for a few minutes," Zayn said. Harry gave a slight nod and cuddled into Liam once Zayn had placed him beside his daddy. Zayn then headed downstairs and went to the corner where he'd left Louis.

"You can come out now, baby," he said. He heard Louis sniffle then say, "N-no. M'a b-ad boy." Well that broke Zayn's heart. "Baby, you're not a bad boy. You just did something naughty earlier, so I had to put you in timeout so you won't do it again," Zayn replied. That made Louis turn around. Zayn could his red eyes and a few tear tracks on his puffy cheeks. "S-so I'm not bad?" Louis asked. "No, baby. You're never bad. C'mere and give me a hug now," Zayn told the little boy.

Louis jumped up and ran into Zayn's arms. He wrapped his tiny arms around Zayn's neck and buried his face into his chest. "M'sorry," Louis whimpered. "It's alright, but I'm not the person you need to be apologizing to," Zayn responded. Louis nodded in reply and allowed Zayn to carry him up the stairs where his husband and other two children were.

Once upstairs, Zayn carried Louis into his bedroom where Harry was still laying with Liam and Niall. "Hazza?" Louis asked. Harry looked up at Louis. "M'really really really sorry I made you fall," Louis apologized quietly with his head down. "S'okay; still love you," Harry replied sweetly. Liam and Zayn had to resist the urge to coo out loud, because the boys' bond was just so cute.

"Well, since you boys are going to school tomorrow, I think we should go get some school supplies," Zayn told the boys. "School supplies?" Harry questioned. "Yeah! We're gonna get backpacks and and pencils and colors-" Zayn started to say but was interrupted by Niall excitedly asking, "Colors?!"

Liam and Zayn both smiled at the tiny blonde and Zayn said, "Yes, baby. We're going to get you some colors," with a tickle to Niall's tummy which resulted in the boy breaking into a fit of giggles.

"Well I say we get down to Tesco and pick some things up," Liam said. That received eager nods from all three boys, so the two fathers helped each of the boys apply their shoes and they headed down to Tesco!


Once at Tesco, Liam grabbed a shopping cart from in front of the store and walked inside. "Ni, do you want to sit in the cart?" He asked. Niall nodded, as he'd sat in the cart last time they'd come to the store and he found it incredibly fun. So, Liam picked the tiny boy up and placed him in the child's seat in the cart.

The family strolled around the store for a few minutes before finding backpacks.

"Daddy! Look! It's a Spider Man backpack! Look, daddy, look!" Louis exclaimed, pulling on Liam's shirt as he tried to run toward the Spider Man backpack. "I see bud, I see, but it's not going anywhere so calm down, okay?" Liam replied, making Louis calm down. He nodded and just latched onto Liam's hand as they walked the rest of the way towards the backpacks.

"Ni, do you want to get out to look?" Liam asked. Niall thought for a second, then slowly nodded his head and allowed Liam to pick him up and place him on the ground. "Go look for backpacks and when you find one you like, come tell me and daddy," Zayn said to the boys. They all nodded their head and walked towards the racks. Well, two of the boys did. Niall grabbed Liam's hand again and quietly stated, "Come with me, daddy." Liam smiled and allowed Niall to walk him toward the backpacks, while Zayn stayed behind and smiled at just how much his life had changed for the better.

Soon, Harry had found himself a Paw Patrol backpack and Niall had found one that was in the shape of a puppy. The two fathers just adored how excited the boys were over the backpacks and they were incredibly happy that they caused those cheek breaking grins.

After getting the backpacks in the cart, as well as Niall, the family headed over to the school supplies section and looked for everything the boys needed. "Boo, can you go grab two notebooks and a folder?" Zayn asked. Louis nodded and walked down the aisle until his eyes landed on the notebooks and folders. He put his finger on his chin, looking as if he were in deep thoughts, before choosing a red notebook, a blue notebook, and a green folder. "Here, baba!" Louis exclaimed, handing the items to Zayn who then threw them in the cart. "Thank you, bud," Zayn replied, ruffling Louis' hair, who then scowled because apparently he didn't want Zayn to 'mess up his do.' That made Zayn laugh at how adorable Louis was and he promised not to do it again.

A few more minutes later, and Liam was helping Niall and Harry load the last of their colors and pencils into the cart. They ended up buying way more crayons and markers than needed, but hey, they needed them for the house too!

So, once the family of five had grabbed all their items, they decided to grab lunch boxes for the boys. Harry got a blue one, Louis got a red one, and Niall got a green one. Liam and Zayn decided that was probably enough for the boys, so they headed up to the cashier to ring up all their items.

Once they'd finally rang everything up, Liam and Zayn walked out the three boys and helped them into the car seats. They then decided to head down to a little diner for lunch. However, the boys were a bit curious about school, so Louis asked, "Are we gonna get to see you at school, baba?"

Zayn sighed. "Probably not very often. I teach big kids and you guys go to the little kid school, but I promise I'll come see you every day at lunch."

Well that probably wasn't the best thing to say.

"But you said I was a big boy! I'm five!" Louis said loudly. That only made Zayn and Liam chuckle because the little boy was nowhere near intimidating. "We know, bud. I teach big kids like tall. You're still a big boy. We know," Zayn assured Louis. "Good," Louis replied cockily with his arms crossed. And it took all of Liam and Zayn's willpower to not just burst into laughter.

After a few more minutes in the car, Liam pulled into the diner and pulled Niall and Harry out of their car seats while Zayn got Louis. They walked into the diner and decided on a booth.

"So what do you boys want?" Liam asked. "Can I get that, daddy?" Niall asked quietly, pointing to the bacon on the menu. "Sure, baby," Liam responded. "What about you two?" Harry and Louis continued to look at the menu before Louis exclaimed, "Oh! I want that!" Liam looked at what he was pointing to and it happened to be a hamburger. "Okay, you can get that," Liam told the boy. Louis smiled and then it was just up to Harry. "Hmmm...I wan' that," he said, pointing to the plate of pancakes on the menu. "Breakfast for lunch, bug?" Liam asked. Harry nodded with a goofy grin, so Liam and Zayn told the waitress what they all wanted when she came around.

They all ate together once the food came out, Louis basically mutilating his hamburger to eat it. Niall had to have Liam cut up his bacon into tiny little bites, and Harry ended up with syrup covered fingers. So basically, lunch was a success.


It was now six o'clock, so that meant dinner time. It runs smoothly, as does bath time, with all three boys sharing a tub as they had been doing since they got to the Malik household nearly a month ago. However, bedtime was a different story. Louis and Harry were too incredibly hyper, which made it difficult to get them into bed. But, once the words, "Do both of you boys want a time out?" came out of Zayn's mouth, the two boys quickly scrambled to their rooms and jumped under the covers. With all three boys now in bed, Zayn and Liam headed to each of their rooms so say their goodnights.

The two men first walked into Louis' room to see the boy laid sideways in bed, nervously chewing on his lip.

"Louis?" Zayn asked once they walked into the room. The blue eyed boy sat up in bed and let his daddies sit on the edge of his footie covered bed. "What is it, baby?" Liam asked. They were a bit worried when Louis didn't correct them for calling him baby, but Louis finally spoke up and said, "M'scared 'bout tomorrow." And yeah, Zayn and Liam's hearts cracked a bit, because even though he claimed to be a big boy, Louis was still a baby and he was the only one who hadn't visited his classroom.

"Lou, I promise there's nothing to be worried about. School is going to be so fun, and you're going to make so many new friends! I promise you'll love it, and if you ever feel upset, just come to my classroom and you can stay with me, okay? Don't be worried," Zayn told the fretting five year old. Louis bit the inside of his cheek then slowly nodded. "Okay, baba. I love you. Night night," Louis replied. "We love you too baby. Goodnight. You can come get in our bed if you feel like it," Zayn said, hugging the boy and kissing his forehead. Liam also leaned down to kiss the boys' forehead and then they were shutting the lights off and headed to Harry's room.

They discovered the boy was already dead to the world, so they merely kissed his cheek and and shut his lights off as well.

Lastly was Niall's room. "Hey, baby," Liam said as they entered the room. "Hey, daddy," Niall replied quietly. "You sleepy?" Liam asked. Niall nodded his head in response. "Well we're just gonna say night night and you can go to sleep. I love you," Liam said. "Love you too," Niall whispered. Liam and Zayn kissed Niall's cheek and were halfway out the door when Niall called out for Liam. "Yeah, baby?" He asked. Niall then looked down and shook his head. Liam sighed and walked over to Niall. He crouched down by the side of the bed and asked, "What is it, baby?"

Niall contemplated asking, but then he decided to go for it, so he leaned down by Liam's ear and whispered, "Can I sleep with you and baba tonight?" Liam smiled lovingly at the boy and pulled him into his arms. "We're having a little visitor tonight," Liam told Zayn as he shut off Niall's light and closed the door. Zayn smiled and asked, "Are you coming to sleep with me and daddy tonight?" Niall wrapped his arms around Liam's neck and nodded. Zayn smiled in return and then they were placing Niall in the middle of their bed and crawling in.

And maybe their hearts swelled a bit when they felt Louis and Harry crawling into the empty spaces in the bed later that night.


It was now morning in the Malik household and it was only a tad bit hectic. Only a tad.

Zayn was helping Louis get his London Academy chinos on over his undie covered bum while also helping Harry put his sock on his right foot. Liam was helping a sleepy Niall brush his teeth with his spongebob tooth brush while trying to keep the toddler awake.

Somehow, the men managed to get the kids downstairs 10 minutes later for breakfast, which ran smoothly with Louis only complaining a bit when he wanted milk instead of orange juice, which turned out to be an easy fix, and then they were all in the car.

"Alright, we are now buckled into the Malik Express; destination: London Academy, for our first and last stop of the morning. Now, who's ready for their first day of schooooool?" Liam says in a pilot type voice with a hint of enthusiasm. Once he sees all the kids raise their and call out "meeee!" he starts the car and takes off toward the school.

Liam and Zayn couldn't believe it, but they were about to drop their children off for their first day of school.

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