"I'm Fine" (Adopted by 5SOS)

By Xxmusic247xX

146K 4.8K 2.2K

The girl who seemed unbreakable, broke. The girl who always laughed, cried. The girl that never stopped tryin... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Fandom Project
Editing *complete*

Chapter 7

5.6K 181 249
By Xxmusic247xX

\|/ Amber's POV \|/

We've basically had a lazy day all day. After lunch, I stayed in my room and played on my phone. Around every 10 minutes one of the boys would come check on me. It's usually Calum, which makes me feel even more comfortable around him.

I just finished my Chinese take out and headed back to my room. I put in Mean Girls and watched the whole movie while just laying in bed.

When I got up to change the movie, I noticed that none of the boys had been up here in a while. I peeked my head out of my doorway to see if I could hear them.

I did. I heard people talking. More than 4 people. I heard the clinking of bottles and realized what was happening. They invited some people over, and now they're consuming alcohol. Are they drunk? How long have they been drinking? When was the last time one of them checked on me? Before the movie. So they're probably drunk.

I sighed shakingly and started down the stairs, anxiety coursing through my veins.

I walked into the lounge and found Calum, Michael, Ashton, Luke and 4 other guys. I think they're One Direction? Whatever.

"C-Calum?" I asked.

When he turned around, he had a bottle in his hand. His eyes were red and he was drooling a bit. He's more than drunk.

"What do you want?" He drunkly spat.

Now I need something to say.

"I was getting ready for bed and I was wondering if you could turn down the music a little." My mouth worked before my mind, I didn't even realize there was music playing.

"We can do what we want. I'm not going to turn down the music so you can get your beauty sleep. It would be a miracle if beauty sleep helped you." He laughed. Why did he laugh? Why would he say that?

Tears pricked my eyes as I tried to make myself move away from the situation. I don't understand how this could happen.

"Okay." I said as a tear fell. I started to walk away but Calum grabbed my arm. Since when is he physical? He's never shown signs of being violent before.

"You're such a crybaby. The truth shouldn't bother you." His voice wavered when he blinked for a second too long.

I looked down so he wouldn't see my tears and tried to pull away.

I felt an unexpected force on my cheek and looked up in shock.

Calum lowered his arm and looked at me. "Look at me when I talk to you and don't EVER try to pull away!" He shouted.

Someone pulled me away from his grip and out the door.

I silently cried in shock as the person set me on the ground.

When they put their hand on my shoulder I whimpered.

"Shh. You're okay." I recognized the voice to be Harry Styles.

"Wh- how-...." I couldn't talk.

He pulled me in for a hug. "I don't know why he'd ever do that. He's not usually like that. Are you okay?"

I shook my head no and pulled back.

The shock wore off as I realized that that mother fucker slapped me. He hit me. Just like my mom did.

"Stay right here. I'm going to do a couple things and then we're going to my place." He told me.

I didn't agree nor disagree as he went back inside.

Once the door was closed I snuck over to the window.

I saw Harry stomping into lounge and towards Calum. Ashton and Niall must be at least a little more sober than the rest because they set down their beers and rushed towards the scene. Harry punched Calum in the face once before Ashton and Niall got to him and pulled him off.

"What the hell?" Calum screeched.

"You fucking prick!" Harry yelled. "Ambers your fucking daughter and you JUST SLAPPED HER!!"

"So?" He asked like it didn't matter.

He shook his head and yanked his arms away from Niall an Ashton.

He grabbed all the beer bottles and poured them out before throwing them away.

"You all need to sober the fuck up." He ordered.

I went back to the door and stood there.

Calum deserved that, but he shouldn't have to deserve it in the first place.

Harry opened the door and led me to one of the two cars that were outside.

"Won't the others be mad that you left them here?" I asked him.

"Fuck the others." He sighed.

I got in the passengers seat while he got in the drivers seat and started the car.

"Are you okay to drive?" I asked him and glanced at his bruising knuckles.

"I'll be fine." He chucked.

I nodded and stared out the window as we drove.

I noticed Harry started to wince in pain every little bit.

I sighed and put one hand on the steering wheel.

"What are you doing?" He asked.

"Let go." I told him.

"No!" He argued and looked at me in confusion.

"Your hand is hurting you. I know how to drive. I'll steer, you control the gas and break." I explained, keeping my eyes forward.

I turned the wheel as we approached a curve in the road and he gripped the wheel again, looking back at the road.

"I can drive perfectly fine." He argued.

I glanced at his knuckles and saw blood pouring out of them.

"You need to find something to wrap your hand with." I stated.

He sighed and let go of the wheel. After looking around for a bit, he pulled off his shirt. He started wrapping his hand with it and I kept driving.

Other people would be distracted by him but I'm not for one reason and one reason only. I'm a lesbian. So... Yeah.

"Your eyes!" Harry broke me out of my thoughts.

"What about them?" I asked stupidly. I don't know why I always ask, I already know what about them makes people freak out.

"They're changing color." He smiled.

"They do that. What color are they?" I asked.

"They're brown now." He said.

I nodded and kept steering.

"Where are we even going?" I asked him.

"I'll tell you where to turn." He answered.

The rest of the car ride was silent other than the sound of Harry giving me directions.

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