Youtuber One Shots

By Fuck_you_bitches

614 19 9

It's literally the fucking title, it's fucking youtuber fanfictions More

Stressed out
Face Reveal
Doll House
"I'm cool..."

This Is Halloween

125 5 1
By Fuck_you_bitches

"Come on Cry, I don't wanna be late!" Pewds yelled up to Cry, who was trying to finish the face paint. Cry shushed Pewds and continued to finish. Cry then turn off the bathroom light and walked down the stairs.

"Mark and Jack won't mind if we're a little late," Cry chuckled, tapping Pewds head. Pewds pouted.

"Cry you know how I feel about being on time. I AM a Scorpio, but my rising sign is a Virgo for fuck sake," Pewds whined. Cry rolled his eyes and grabbed his keys.

"Well I'm done, let's head out." Cry grabbed Pewds wrist and pulled him out of the house. They both walked to the car and jumped in. Cry started the engine and put the car in reverse. On the ride there Pewds turned the radio on. Cry heard Pewds gasps and looked at him. Pewds hit Cry's shoulder repeatedly.

"What's got you so excited?" Cry laughs slightly. Pewds turned the radio up and sung along with it.

"I love this song, This is Halloween, This is Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween, Halloween!" Pewds sung while dancing. Cry laughed and continued to drive.

"In this town we call home, everyone hails to the pumpkin song," Cry joined in. Pewds eyes widen.

"I never heard you sing before!" Pewds shouted, causing Cry to swerve. Cry got on his side of the road and glared at Pewds.

"I really don't like to sing in front of people," Cry said shrugged his shoulders. Pewds stared at Cry.

"Cry, your singing is amazing!" Pewds slapped Cry's shoulder. Cry sighed as he turned to Pewds.

I'm really self conscious Felix," Cry looked back at the road. Pewds flinched at the use of his real name. Cry never called Pewds Felix, only when he talks about Cry's past. Cry's past was very...rough you might say. Cry closed his eyes and then opened them.

"I'm sorry Pewds, I didn't want to call you by your real name," Cry sighed. Pewds sighed as he put a hand on Cry's shoulder. Cry tensed up.

"No I'm sorry Cry, I know you don't like to talk about your past." Pewds smiled at Cry. Pewds then felt something wet on his hand. Cry had a hand under his mask, trying to control his emotions.

"I-I'm sorry Pewds, I-I didn't mean for this to happen," Cry stuttered. Pewds looked at Cry with worry in his eyes.

"Cry pull over now," Pewds demanded. Cry did as told and waited for further instructions.

"Now switch sides with me." Cry nodded his head and walked to the passenger side. He opened the door and sat down. Pewds put the car in drive and started to drive. Cry still had his hand under his mask, muffling his sobs.

"Cry, I'm sorry I mentioned that. I don't want you to cry because of me. I know I shouldn't talk about your past, but you need to talk to me Cry." Pewds kept his eyes on the road, one hand holding Cry's. Cry sobbed in his hand, while the other held Pewds. Cry would often have a mental break down, but never this bad

"W-why do y-you even l-l-love m-me Pewds?" Cry sobbed. Pewds looked at Cry with an astonished look.

"Cry, why would you ask me that. I love you so much, I would never even question why I love you. I love your voice, your personality, and I love you because you act like yourself. You don't try to change for anyone, you be yourself even if they want you to change." Pewds smiled and looked over at Cry. Cry had taken off his mask and was looking at Pewds, tears still brimming his eyes. Even more tears flowed.

"P-Pewds, I-I'm sorry." Cry let the tears flow, but there's where happy tears and broken tears. Pewds leaned over and kissed Cry's cheek. Cry smiled slightly and wiped his tears away.

"Pewds?" Cry looked over at Pewds.

"Yes Cry?" Pewds looked at Cry. Cry looked in the mirror and chuckled.

"The face paint smeared," he scoffed.

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