For The Future

Oleh The_Ghost_King_13

157 7 15

A sequel to Future Fish The future is scary, but it's even scarier when the people you care about leave. What... Lebih Banyak

Our Beautiful Mess
A Better Day Today, Right?
Is This Home?
The End of Something Beautiful
A New Path

Dreams Can be Haunting

17 2 2
Oleh The_Ghost_King_13

(A/N): Smut and violence warning, sit back and enjoy the ride.

Tears streamed down my face, I could feel my face becoming disgustingly red.

"Hey hey now, don't cry sweetheart, everything will be okay, I promise," his voice flowed out softly, like it used to. His big hands cupped my face carefully as to not brake me, like I was a fragile doll that would shatter at the slightest of touches.

"B-Beck!" I blubbered and took his hands in mine, "Why? Why is this all happening? I miss you so much, please stay here."

"Cho, I-I miss you too," he stammered. His face loomed closely to mine and right about as our lips were about to connect, he shifted his lips up to my ear.

"There's no escape from me now Cho, you hear? You're mine and only mine, the sooner you get that through your head the better off you'll be." Ryuki's voice suddenly penetrated my ear and he bit down hard on my neck. I screamed in pain and looked up at where Beck had once stood. He was now replaced with Ryu, my new boyfriend. All at once Ryu disappeared and I was left on my knees, clutching my neck in pain.

"Beck! Beck!" I cried helplessly. I wanted him to kiss me and tell me everything would be okay, I needed him to keep me sane and safe.

"No more Beck for you," Ryu's voice ghosted across my being and into my ear, "only you and I. Forever."


"Gahh!" I sat up with my eyes open and looked around. No traces of either of them in my room. I took my hand through my hair, I had only been dating Ryu for a couple of hours and today was our first day as a couple in school. I shook my head to get the horrible dream out of my head, surely I was just over-reacting, everything would run smoothly and I'd make Beck jealous and then we'd date again.


Beck's P.O.V.

I arrived to school and much to my discontent Ryu and Cho we're holding hands. They had to have started dating and the realisation made my fists clench in anger. I turned my head and decided to join Brooke while we waited for the bell to ring so that we could go into school. I saw a sight I wasn't expecting, Kya and Rirī stood over by her. Rirī was holding onto a boy that was probably a grade below me with gray hair and glasses. I walked over and Brooke's eyes lit up.

"Beck! Look who showed up today!" she gushed and her sparkly eyes shot straight to Kya. I smiled a little and looked over at Rirī and the boy he was holding onto.

"Hey guys, Rirī it's your first day and you already picked yourself up a man?" I teased.

Both of their cheeks flared and the gray haired boy sputtered out, "N-no! He's hurt so I'm helping to keep the weight off of his injured ankle!"

He sounded hilariously defensive so I left the matter alone.

"Hey don't worry, just giving you a hard time, no biggie," I assured and he seemed to calm down a little bit, letting Rirī relax back into him.

"Beck dude I missed you!" Rirī said and held out an arm. I obliged and gave him a hug, watching his "friend" tense up and glare at me.

I pulled away and said, "I missed you too little bro, good to see you've got people looking after your clumsy self."

The boy supporting Rirī let off when he finally understood I was Rirī's older brother and blushed at the compliment.

"Yeah Kuma's pretty cool if I do say so myself," Rirī agreed.

"Well it's nice to meet you Kuma, though you'll understand if I keep an eye on you, can't have my little brother around a bad influence," I concluded and shook his hand. I was much taller than him, to the point that it was almost comical.

"Well with all due respect, I won't be involved in any delinquency or inappropriate activity so you have no reason to worry," he assured. I almost laughed at how much he sounded like Cho's dad, Rei.

"Alright you sound trustworthy enough," I said and turned to Kya, "you on the other hand, I'll be keeping a close eye on you."

He laughed and responded, "Well of course you will, no one can keep their eyes off of me, especially not your cute little sister."

Brooke's cheeks bloomed with red and she smacked him.

"You're gonna loose one of your eyes if you don't shut up," she muttered.

The bell finally rang and we all headed into the school. My stomach clenched at the sight of Cho and Ryuki walking hand in hand through the hallway, looking gleeful and open about their new relationship. I made it to my first class and had to suffer through their small whispers and giggles, it was torture.

Cho's P.O.V.

I could barely concentrate on what the teacher was saying because Ryuki was telling me a random hilarious joke or fact every two seconds. I started to think that maybe this plan wouldn't be so bad, at least temporarily. I mean he definitely wasn't the worst candidate for the job, he was very attractive, no avoiding that, supportive, and his sense of humor matched up perfectly with mine. Finally the class was over and we spent the next few classes together and I realized how much Ryu and I actually got along and that I actually really enjoyed his company.

"Cho-kun your eyes get so pretty when you start thinking so hard," Ryu mused when I spaced out.

"Oh sorry, I didn't mean to loose my focus," I apologized.

"It's okay, I get lost in your eyes a lot, it's only fair that you do the same to me," he said.

"Wow how smooth," I joked and punched his shoulder. We walked to lunch together, hand-in-hand, grabbed our lunches, and sat down.

"Hey, isn't that Beck over there at that table?" Ryu asked. I looked over to where he had nodded and saw Beck watching us with a troubled expression, he obviously hadn't noticed that we saw him.

"Yeah it is," I answered and turned back around.

"Well I have a surprise to make him even more jealous," he said, a wicked grin spreading across his face.

"What is it?" I asked.

"This," he said and, before I could ask more, he scooped down and caught my lips with his. My eyes fluttered closed and I heard loud gasps from all around the lunchroom. He pulled away and when I looked up Ryu had a goofy smile on his face. I took a quick glance towards Beck and he looked beyond angry and I finally realized how far I was taking this. There might not be a way back after this. The bell rang and all of my peers filed out of the cafeteria. Ryu and I spent the rest of the day sitting close to each other and probably annoying the crap out of everyone. But this didn't feel much like trying to make Beck jealous anymore, which scared me. Finally school was over and Ryu flashed me a little smile as we walked out of the school doors together.

"I know that you're doing this to get back at Beck, but this is really fun and I think that anyone would be lucky to have you, so don't let yourself get too hung up on Beck, okay?" Ryu said, his blue eyes glistening.

I was about to reply when a huge mass knocked into me and threw me to the ground.

"Ahhh!" I heard Ryu scream beside me and the sickening thud of his head hitting the ground rang out.

The person that hovered over me punched me in the gut so hard that I lost my breath for a little and my vision was dotted with stars.

"This is what you get you little sinners, don't you ever get all touchy in our school again or else this won't be the last time you see us," the person that held Ryu said, his voice was deep and scary. I heard Ryu whimper and I struggled underneath of the heavy weight of the person on top of me. He smacked new a few more times and gave me a hard punch and split my lip open. They left Ryu in a pile before turning to take off.

"Going somewhere fellas?" I heard a familiar voice say. I looked over and Beck stood in the path of the our two large classmates.

"Psh, get outta our way, unless you wanna look like those two gays," the one that had hurt me said.

"Oh I'm not going to, but you might end up looking worse than you already do," Beck sassed. He didn't give the boy any time to react before he punched him right in the temple. He gave a cry before he grasped his head in his hands. The other boy snarled and socked Beck in the ribs while he was staring at the boy in pain. Beck groaned in pain, but pushed the one boy hard into the other, sending them both to the ground.

"Boys break it up!" a teacher had finally come out with others to see what was going on. In the chaos the two boys attempted to run away, but Beck tripped one and the other ran into his partner's body. We all got sent to the hospital since the nurses office was closed and the teachers had to make sure we weren't physically injured, or else they could face legal charges.


I sat in the hospital room alone because Ryu was sent to a separate room to be checked out and so had Beck. I sat and thought about him, why had he come and defended me, why did he care? I heard the door open and I looked up, expecting a nurse or a doctor. Instead my gaze met Beck, he looked even more pale than usual, which was worrying.

"Wait Beck, what are you doing here?" I asked, sitting up and wincing from the pain. I could feel where I had been thrown to the ground.

"I was discharged, so I figured I'd come and visit my best friend, I only had some bruised ribs, no biggie," he played off. I smiled a little, but I saw the sadness that crept into his eyes when he called me his best friend. That wasn't really what either of us were, of course we were best friends, but we were much more than that and we were just too stubborn to give in. He came over and sat down on my bed beside of me.

He looked down at me and asked, "So what's the damage with you?"

I smiled and answered, "Well they busted my lip, as you can see, I barely avoided a concussion from the impact my head hit the ground, and I think I have a broken rib or two."

"Wow it sounds like they really busted you up," he said, his demeanor changing to a softer one and his time quieted. The concerned expression he had on his face reminded me of random little memories I had with him being overprotective. His eyes became half-lidded and he started to lean his head down. I could barely stand how much I missed him and even if he wasn't going to kiss me, though I was quite certain he was, I leaned up and caught his lips with mine. He closed his eyes and I closed mine. I tried to ignore the stinging pain that came from kissing with my busted lip. Things quickly got heated and he played with my hair, which was something only he knew calmed me down. He pulled away and panted lightly. Without any words he carefully scooped me onto his lap, my stupid hospital gown crinkling with every single move I made. I hissed a little at the pain I felt when I finally got situated on top of him.

He cupped my face and asked sweetly, "Sweetheart are you okay?"

I took his hand in mine and looked at it, "Yes, I am now."

I reconnected our lips, knowing he would be too shy to do so for a second time. He started to shift around and the paper dress I wore crinkled loudly with every move.

Beck broke off and said in a raspy voice, "Let's get this damn thing off, you look better without it anyways."

I simply nodded in response and he gently peeled it off, which left me on his lap in my dinosaur boxers. I watched his surpress a laugh and I crossed my arms.

"Hey now, don't forget that there's a prize inside my dino boxers that's a heck of a lot better, barely," I joked and his face went red, his confidence fizzled from just a few seconds ago. I only saw that side when he was in a commanding mood and it was great and only I had seen it because Beck was mine.

"Ri-right," he stuttered. I looked at the painful looking tent in his jeans and I knew he wouldn't take care of it himself, so I lightly pressed on the area.

"Well I'm fully undressed, you should at least take your shirt off, I feel like that's fair," I mused. He completely surprised me and, instead of acting like a moron while he was being pleasured, it seemed to fire him up and he lightly pressed into my groin.

"I get to decide what's fair and what isn't around here baby boy," he whispered into my ear. I let out an involuntary small gasp and felt myself get even more hard.

"B-Beck please," I whispered, suddenly remembering that we could easily get caught in this situation by a doctor.

"Wow that had quite the effect on you huh baby?" Beck asked and pressed harder.

"Ugnh Beck," I put my head on his shoulder.

"One sec, I feel as if I'm being unfair," he said and quick discarded his shirt. I smiled and dragged my cold fingers across his sculpted back. He did swim backstroke, so his back was always beautiful. I felt him shiver under my touch and I pressed harder into his need with the heel of my hand. He released a deep groan that I could hear from his chest. I quickly undid his button and zipper, letting a bit of pressure off of his arousal. His mouth shifted down to my neck and he sucked easily by my collarbone, careful not to leave a mark. He lifted his head and his eyes looked huge, the soft green you would usually find dwelling in his eyes was replaced by a sharp dangerous shade of bright green. He laid me on my back, careful to be slow and let me adjust myself as we went so that I didn't injure myself any farther. He hovered over me and his arms around me made me feel safe, like I was protected and he was my cage from any danger I could be put in. I nodded at him, knowing that was what he was waiting for. He nodded back and went down to my boxers with a wet patch on the front from where I had been leaking. He tugged down the elastic and there my dick stood. I felt my cheeks reddening and I looked away from his gaze. I felt his cool mouth envelope my my throbbing hot arousal and I barely avoided bucking my hips he used his tongue in ways I had never experienced before. He dipped his tongue into the slit a few times before hollowing his cheeks.

"Fuck Beck," I moaned a bit too loudly and bit my hand to keep myself from being any louder. He looked almost pleased that I had to go through so much to keep myself quiet. He hummed around me and after all the stimulation I felt myself almost immediately release in his mouth.

"Be-Beck I'm about to-" I stuttered, but he hollowed his cheeks, making me come right after. I bucked my hips up accidentally and released hard into his mouth. I saw the tears at the edge of his eyes and he ran over to the sink and spit everything out. I stiffled my laughter, thankful that even in his haze of lust he was able to get it all in the sink and not make a mess. He quickly washed it down and came back over to the bed. I smiled at him and saw that he was still hard as a rock. When he sat down I took him in my hand. He almost whimpered at the contact and I felt bad about neglecting him for so long. I pumped rapidly and the soft mewls that poured out of his mouth were absolutely mesmerizing. The way his eyes squeezed closed was very cute, like he couldn't stand how much pleasure he was feeling. He shyly started to buck into my hand and his face scrunched up in a cute manner before he came into my hand and the spare pillow case I grabbed off of a pillow, hoping to our mess to a minimum. He breathed heavily for a minute afterwards, but looked perfectly fine. He winced a little and grabbed his side.

"Beck are you okay?" I asked, now at least both of us were in our underwear. He looked like it hurt to breathe.

"Yeah, I'm fine," he couldn't get through his sentence without hissing in pain.

"I think you need to get rechecked out, please," I recommended.

"I will, tomorrow morning," he said. I watched his back muscles work as he pulled his jeans back on, but left his shirt off and crawled into my bed beside me. I saw my chart that laid in the ground next to my bed and saw that I was indeed staying the night due to my injuries. I relaxed next to him and let him put his arms around me.

"Goodnight," I said into his chest.

"Goodnight," he said and kissed the top of my head.

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