
By -shebebrax

54.6K 1.3K 919

๐›๐ฎ๐ญ ๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ฌ ๐ข๐ฌ ๐ฌ๐จ๐ฆ๐ž๐ญ๐ก๐ข๐ง๐  ๐ญ๐ก๐š๐ญ ๐œ๐š๐ง'๐ญ ๐›๐ž ๐๐ž๐ง๐ข๐ž๐ . . . More

A/N Review Book
*New Story*


1.2K 46 52
By -shebebrax

Two weeks later


I stood before Sherri's stove, preparing breakfast.
With all the worrisome from being at the hospital, I have not been like myself. I'm more scared than I'd ever been, I'd never been without Sherri for this long. Hadn't gone this long without a kiss, without touching her.

A week ago, when it was my turn to see her, I couldn't believe my eyes. I didn't know who that person was lying upon that bed, but it wasn't my Sherri. That person couldn't speak, couldn't see me, was barely breathing. That human looked so soulless, so lifeless.

"Mom?" Bayley called out to me. Her and Griffin were seated at Sherri's kitchen table, ready to be served with their food. It had been a few days since I've seen my children, considering they had been spending an awful a lot of time with their dads. "How long do we have to stay here?"

I turned from the stove and sat down plates, covered with their favorites, in front of them. "I don't know right now, doodlebug. Sherri won't be home for awhile, so we're doing her a favor. But don't worry, we'll be back home, soon."

Griffin looked at me with eyes of curiosity. "How is she? Is she okay?"

I took deep breaths before responding. I knew Sherri wasn't doing so well. Since she'd been in the hospital, she'd been the same way: unresponsive. And, although the kids were concerned, they were just children and they didn't have to know of Sherri's condition; at least not right now anyway. "Um, y-yes. She's okay. Actually, I'm gonna see her today."

"Can we come?" Bayley asked, getting excited.

I sighed. "Bay, I-I don't think that's a good idea. Maybe another day, okay?" I then paused. "Sherri...she's uh...I just don't want you guys there right now, y'know? I don't want you freaked out or anything."

"Let me guess," Disappointment filtered my son's face. "We're going back with our dads?"

I placed a gentle kiss upon his forehead. "Just for today, but I promise you guys I'll come get you, and you don't have to go back to your dads til you decide."

I knew that my children wanted to be home with me, and I wanted the exact same thing, but right now was a pretty questionable time. The woman that I planned to marry was lying in a coma. I had to be there by her side. For, things could've been worse.


"Fluid," A familiar voice spoke. "Every time we drain it, more and more builds."

I could only hear what my ears were allowing me to hear. I couldn't see, couldn't speak, couldn't smell—and just when I thought I could listen to my surroundings, my ears began to go out on me as well.

"This is bad, real bad." Another voice replied. They spoke other words, but I couldn't quite make them out.

Then, there had been a knock at the door. The first voice okayed for the human on the other side of the door to enter.

"Hello, I'm Dr. Wu." My heart began beating rapidly as I listened to my doctor greet the other bodies in this room. "Sherri's Nephrologist."

"Good," a common voice replied. "We've been meaning to speak with you."


"How do I live without you? I want to know. How do I breathe without you if you ever go? How do I ever, ever survive?"

Thirty minutes after dropping my children off to their fathers and reassuring them that I'd be back to take them home, I entered the hospital of which my fiance was stationed, with worry sitting heavy in my heart.

As I mentioned before, things with Sherri had not been going well. Nothing had changed with her condition. Nothing positive.

Once I'd seen Mama Saum, Lisa, and even Mike—who didn't really come around—I marched to them and the four of us greeted each other with everlasting hugs. I examined them closely, their eyes were all glistening, but not the type of glistening you'd hope for.

"Sorry I'm late." I said, taking a seat next to Sherri's mom. "Have you guys heard any news? Anything new?"

Lisa sighed, then began to respond to my questions. "Actually, there is news. They've said that Sherri hasn't made any progress, and that she isn't really doing any brain activity. Especially not breathing. Mainly because of the reappearing fluid in her lungs. They clear it, then it just comes right back."

"And, that's not good." Mike added. "Not good at all." 

I looked in the opposite direction as an expression of disbelief formed upon my face. If this fluid doesn't leave, things could be drastic. "So, what now?"

"Well, they've placed her on life support." Mama Saum joined the conversation. "If the fluid stops building, Sherri's breathing, and progress is made, then she'll soon wake up from the coma." She then paused, allowing words to establish upon her tongue. "But, if there is no progress, no breathing or anything at all, then we've agreed to consider other options."

My stomached dropped once I heard those words "other options". She can't mean what I think she means. I ran my slender fingers through my blonde hair. "Other options? Other options like what?"


"Dr. Wu, you knew that Ms. Saum's kidneys were pretty damaged, right?"

I heard footsteps roaming around the room. "Of course. I'm her doctor. I've even made sure she received the required treatments. Why do you ask?"

"Cause," Sighing came from the voice responding. "If you knew that her kidneys were as damaged as they are, you would've taken the extra step. You would've recommended giving a procedure, or surgery."

Listening to the words flying around me, I couldn't help but to feel worried and utterly shocked. The day in Mr. Wu's office, when I asked him to rate my condition and he didn't, I knew I was in for a fight. I just didn't want to believe it.

"I didn't give her any procedure nor surgery because as bad as her kidneys already are, placing her under anesthesia could've killed her." Dr. Wu paused. "C'mon, as a doctor you should know this."

The other doctor breathed heavy breaths. "You're right, Wu. Agh, this is one hell of a condition we're dealing with. And if she doesn't make any progress, her family will have one hell of a decision to make."


"Take her off of life support?!" I asked Mama Saum. "So the other option is to take Sherri off life support?!" The blood in my body was boiling. Nothing came over me but rage and absolute hurt. The day that I would lose Sherri, is the day that I would lose myself.

"Or we could let her suffer!" Her mother shot back. "Teri, Sherri can't breathe, she can't speak, can't see. If this continues, the only thing left to do is to let her go. To let her rest, peacefully."

Tears surfaced around my pupils as my heart began beating quickly. I was not afraid of many things, but I was afraid to lose the one I deeply loved to some damn sickness. "No, Mama Saum, no. We can't do that to her--we cant--"

She precluded my sentence. "Do you think I want to lose my daughter?! Hell no! But if it means letting her be at peace and not suffering, then it's what I have to do."

I breathed heavily as a trail of tears cascasded down my face. "But, how are you just gonna make this decision alone? We were planning to get married, to have a family. Don't I get some say-so in this?!"

"She did consider your feelings, Teri." Lisa butted in. "But the doc said since you two aren't technically married, you are not obligated to make these drastic decisions. Just the parents. But, since our dad isn't present, the choice is in my mom's hands."

A bit of pain fell from the above and jumped into my soul, causing me to fall to my knees--holding my chest as my heart collapsed. Hearing that letting Sherri go was a choice that may have to be made, and I didn't get a say in that choice, broke me completely.

They could take her off of life support today or tomorrow, and all I was supposed to do was sit back. "This--this ain't right. Not at all." My head shook from side to side as tears raced to my chin. "I mean, if you choose to pull the plug, who will be there for me to love, huh? Who in the hell am I supposed to marry?! Mama Saum I've lost people before, and I've gotten over it. But, I can't lose Sherri. That's pain I'm not ready for."

Ump, what a chapter. 😔✋. Your thoughts?
-Not Edited.
-Chapter dedication: Swansong55 thanks for all the recent love on this story!
Bring tissues!

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