Don't Threaten Me With A Good...

By laurentheauthoress

84.9K 2.7K 3.8K

She was just another girl in a crowd of his fans. In an unpredictable way, she and him would fall in love. More

Intro-Author's note
1| obsessed
2| nerves
3| lines
5| burgers
6| waiting game
7| bren-sticks
8| tour dates
9 | stop one
10 | vegas lights
11 | rockstar
12 | honest mistake
13 | steady as she goes
14 | work b**tch
15 | everything you want
16 | new perspective
17 | brendon's big question
18 | flashy jewelry
19 | last concert
20 | elliot
21 | midnight city
21 | death of a bachelor
22 | new uries
23 | geminis

4| fallen

4.4K 144 249
By laurentheauthoress

We stood up and Haley and I screamed and sang every song Brendon sang. The concert was slowly ending to our despair. Sweat was rolling off everyone. It was hot.

"What's good tonight?" He asked the crowd. A scream from thousands of people were his response. "Jesus you fuckers are loud," he chuckled and walked to the other side of the stage. "How would you feel if I screamed every time you asked me a question?"

The crowd screamed again. Haley and I were so close to the stage and were in the pit. Brendon laughed and looked out into the crowd.

"I don't feel to well," Haley said quietly as she fell to the ground.

I screamed in horror and fear at her sudden actions.

"Did someone just fall?" He asked. He squinted his eyes and looked in my direction. Thousands of eyes landed on me and my best friend.

"She passed out from the heat," I yelled. I felt my cheeks go red and I was embarrassed and scared. I was also excited to have a conversation with Brendon fucking Urie. I mentally slapped myself for sounding so dumb.

"Manager, bring those girls to my bus. She needs some AC!" He bellowed into the mic. I lifted her hand and tried to pick her up. The crowd was clapping for Brendon doing a nice thing for one of his fans. A few men in suits with the words 'security' on their backs helped me bring Haley into Brendon's bus. We quickly walked inside and I sat on one of the leather seats.

"You can lay her on me," I assured them. They placed her body on the couch and I put her head in my lap and waved my hand like a fan on her face. I blew soft air on her and tried to cool her down. It was hot.

Her eyes fluttered open and she looked at me with a confused expression, "Where are we?"

I bit my lip and looked around the bus. I was red and everything looked expensive and nice. "Brendon's tour bus."

She flew up, "What?" She held her head and laid back down. She must've gotten up too quickly. "How the fuck did we get here?"

"Well when you fainted, Brendon fucking Urie stopped his whole concert and told his security to bring us to his tour bus so you could cool down," I told her. Her face went red with embarrassment.

"I'm so fucking stupid!" She exclaimed.

Our eyes flew to the door as we heard it shake. Brendon climbed up the stairs. Haley quickly closed her eyes and acted as if she was still passed out.

He extended his hand out to me and looked down at Haley. "I'm Brendon."

I shook it and looked him in the eyes. "I know." I felt dumb after saying it. He knew I knew who he was, he was being polite. "I'm Melanie, and my friend is Haley."

He nodded and sat across from us. I poked Haley and she acted like she woke up. I never took my eyes off of Brendon. He was more perfect than I could ever imagine. The stubble that was on his chin, and his lips. I could die. His lips were nice and plump, I wanted to kiss him.

"Brendon? I'm Haley," she smiled and sat up.

There was an awkward silence in the air, until Brendon broke it, "Well, I'm sorry about the heat."

I nodded and Haley smiled, "Not your fault!"

"So how old are you girls?" He asked us.

"We're 18," we said in unison and gave a look of annoyance to one another.

"How long have you've known eachother?" He asked another question.

"Practically all of our lives, we met in preschool," Haley answered.

"Know any good burger places around here?" He asked his final question, and he seemed nervous about this one. I could feel he was nervous, but hell Haley and I were too. 

"Actually, before we went to your concert we went to one," I informed him.

"Would you like to go again?" He asked us both while twiddling his thumbs. "With me?"

I felt like this came straight out of a book. I smiled shyly at Brendon while he looked me into the eyes.

"Actually I'm going to drive home, I'll meet you there, Mel," Haley surprised me with that action. I expected she wanted to be here as bad as I did. I gave her a look of confusion as she smiled.

"It was nice meeting you, Haley," Brendon called out as she walked down the stairs. "She was nice."

"She's my best friend, of course she is," I smiled politely as I thought in my head, this bitch left me with Brendon fucking Urie. I'm so going to murder her later.

"So the burger place is a little bit away," I told him. He kept staring at me and he bit his lip. I almost swooned. I think he knew what he was doing to me. The driver got into the car and I informed him the address. The bus started off with a nice purr.

"Melanie, Haley calls you Mel?" He asked me, as if he wanted the story behind it.

"Yeah, just a nickname. I call her Hal and she calls me Mel," I told him. I looked at his lips and felt desire. "I loved your concert."

"What's your favorite song off the album?"

I thought long and hard, "My favorite song, hmm, probably House of Memories." He smiled.

"Are you a big fan?" He asked.

"Yeah, I'd say so," I crossed my legs. He didn't need to know that secretly I called him my boyfriend, or that a few days ago I looked up 100 facts about Brendon Urie. I tried to look at him as a normal person, and I felt suddenly embarrassed about being a complete stalker.

His eyes scanned over my body and rested on my hands. "Tattoo?" I looked down and saw some henna Hal and I did two days ago.

"Henna, I want to get some though," I told him. He held my hand in his and looked at it closely.

"What is it?" He asked looking confused. He realized that might've come out as rude, "I-I mean, it's wonderful, but I'm not sure what it is."

I looked at it. It was MU for Melanie Urie, with some flowers around it. I was impatient and didn't wait for it to dry so it smudged.

"Just some flowers," I partially lied. "Looks like we're here!" I exclaimed, desperately trying to change the subject. He let go of my hand and motioned me to get off the bus first.

"Ladies first," he whispered.

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