When I saw her

By Joker400

293 98 14

Sapphire pretended to be a normal girl. She had been training to defeat the Dark Followers. It was in her blo... More

Dark followers
Death or Love
What if
A chance
Keep holding on
The Only Exception
Bring Me to Life
Safe and Sound
The end bye bye guys


18 7 1
By Joker400

Sapphire's POV

"Sapphire." Angel said, lighting nudging me awake. I think I was in 3ed period. Angel had her schedule changed so she was in all my classes. That made me less nervous about running into a Follower at school.

"Yeah, what?" I said, still tired.

"You need to stay awake." She pointed out.

"Says the one sleeping in first period." I looked at her.

Angel rolled her eyes and said, "Fine. You have a point. We both need to stay awake. Happy?"

"Yeah. So what are we doing right now?" I whispered.

"Uh.. something about doing the problems on the board." She used her pencil to point at the board with our assignment.

"Right. I knew that." I muttered, opening my notebook and textbook.

"Yeah, you so knew that." Angel rolled her eyes.


We were sitting at lunch. Ashley convinced me to sit with some of her other friends and I convinced Angel to sit with me, causing AJ to also sit with us. There were two guys; both with brown hair and they looked similar except for the fact that one had green eyes and the other had brown. There was an Asian girl with black hair and brown eyes and a rebellious girl with dyed red hair and piercing, pale blue eyes.

"This is Sapphire and her friend, Angel." You could hear the resentment in Ashley's voice when she said Angel's name. "And Angel's friend, AJ."

The other 4 sitting at the table introduced themselves. Andrew was the green eyed guy and his brother, Jack, was the one with blue eyes. The Asian girl was Rachel and the girl with red hair was Michelle.

"So you're the girl everyone's talking about." Michelle said to Angel.

"Yeah, sure. I'm hoping they're saying good stuff..." She said.

"Mostly about the amount of girls you've already fucked." Michelle said, bluntly.

"How many are they saying?" Angel asked, emotionlessly.

"About maybe 5-7." Michelle was watching Angel with interest. "Are they right?"

"Great and yeah, close enough." She mumbled, looking at the table.

"Wanna fuck?" Everyone at the table stared at Michelle, then Angel. Even I was surprised by her bluntness and so was Angel. "What?" Michelle said, looking at everyone staring.

"You're gay?" Andrew, or was it Jack. Anyway, one of the brothers asked both Michelle and Angel.

"I'm bi." Michelle said. Andrew, Jack, Rachel, and Ashley still looked a little surprised. They looked at Angel.

"Yeah, I'm gay." She said, glancing in my direction. "Isn't that obvious."

"Anyway, back to my question, do you want to fuck?" Michelle said, looking at Angel. "And I know what I'm doing unlike some idiots here."

"No." Angel said to her, looking me in the eyes.

Michelle, who was sitting on the other side of the table, walked around until she was standing in front of Angel, who'd turned, watching her warily. She sat down next to her and slowly ran her hand down Angel's arm and down to her thigh. I saw Angel's jaw clench as Michelle's hand moved to her inner thigh. Michelle moved closer to Angel and was about to kiss her. I looked away, not wanting to see anymore.

"I said no. Get your hands off me." Angel said in a restrained voice. I knew she was struggling to turn down Michelle.

"Why? We both know you want this." She said, smirking.

"No. I don't." Angel was glaring at Michelle. "Now get your fucking hands off me."

"Fine." Michelle got up and walked back to her previous seat, ignoring Angel.

I looked at Angel who was staring at me. She held my gaze for a minute until she looked down at the table.

"Holy shit. Angel, did you just turn down sex?" AJ said, staring at Angel, shocked.

"Yeah." Angel mumbled.

"I bet 5 minutes until you-" AJ started.

"I'm not fucking her." Angel's voice was hard as she glared at AJ.

"If you're still here in 5 minutes, I'll believe you." AJ stated.

*five minutes later.*

"Now do you believe me." Angel said, raising an eyebrow at AJ.

"Yeah. This is creepy. You actually said no." AJ said, staring at Angel.

"So you're saying you think I'm a slut." Angel glared at AJ.

"You can't really say you're not." AJ pointed out.

"Yeah. I guess." Angel mumbled, staring at the table. This would be a good time to point out that she didn't end up fucking AJ yesterday and Michelle today.

"Did you say no because of what happened yesterday?" I asked quietly. AJ was staring at us, suspiciously.

"Yeah." She said softly, looking out the window and then turning to me.

"Are you secretly dating or something?" AJ asked.

"No." I said. Angel moved her gaze to the window again.


The final bell rang and my teacher released us on time for once. Angel and I walked out and Ashley ran up to us.

"There's a party at Sarah's house. Ben asked me to go and he told me I could bring you. Can you please come?" She asked.

"See. You like him." I accused.

"No, I don't. Anyway, are you coming. I'll die of boredom at Sarah's." She begged.

"Fine. Can Angel come?" I asked.

"Why?" Ashley looked angry at the mention of Angel's name.

"After the what almost happened... you know..." I said, referring to the almost rape I was still freaked out about. That was true, but I also wanted her to come because she was my Protector and everything.

"Fine." Ashley reluctantly agreed. "If you come anywhere near me, I'll get a restraining order." Ashley said to Angel, still glaring.

"I won't." Angel said, seriously. I knew she was still beating herself up internally about it.

"Sapphire, we need to go shopping." Ashley said.

"Fine, but Angel's coming." I said. Ashley glared at me before pulling me to her car with Angel following.

"Meet you in front of the main entrance." Ashley said to Angel, not giving her a death glare to the first time since she found out who Angel was.

"Kay." Angel said, walking over to her car.

"One question. Why the hell are you still talking to her now that you know what she did?" Ashley semi-glared at me.

"Well, she did save me and she's not that bad." I said. I actually liked hanging out with Angel and even though she had her flaws, I knew she a good person. Like today, when she turned down Michelle. She was trying to change for the better.

"So, you know what she did to me last year." Ashley was glaring in her rearview mirror. Probably at Angel, who was following us.

"She's trying to change. She turned down Michelle." I pointed out.

"She fucked with Casey even though she said no at first." Ashley argued.

"Let's just stop arguing about Angel. We need a good outfit for the party." I said, trying to distract her.

"Distracting, really? Whatever. I have the perfect idea for you." She said, and started to go on and on about what she thought would work for me. I wasn't really paying attention.


Somehow Ashley convince me to wear black shorts and a shirt that was strategically ripped with a black tank top under it. I was at Ashley's house and she insisted on me putting on makeup. She wanted to do it, but I refused after what she put me in. I finished at the same time Ashley started. I had on some eyeliner, mascara, and lip gloss. I didn't usually wear too much because it felt weird. Angel was wearing the clothes she wore to school. She obviously didn't want to buy anything, much less go to the mall. I ended up slapping her a few times when I came out in shorts or a tight shirt.

"Holy shit." I heard Angel mutter as I stepped out of Ashley's bathroom.

"My eyes are up here." I said, glaring at Angel, whose eyes were roaming my body.

"Sorry." She mumbled. Ashley came out of the bathroom and we walked out.


"Come on. Please?" Ashley begged. She was trying to get me to spin the bottle.

"No." I said. Did I mention she was drunk? At least she stayed away from drugs.

"Please? Don't leave me alone with them." She pointed at a group consisting of 6 jocks, cheerleaders, and people from other groups mixed in. Apparently everyone else was probably toointimidated or busy to join.

"No. I don't want to." I refused.

"You're coming. You need some action." She grabbed my arm pulling me to the group.

"Angel, you're coming with me." I glared at her. She rolled her eyes, but followed me.

There was the usual jock and cheerleader matches. Ashley ended up having to kiss Ben. Sarah was pissed because everyone could see the chemistry between Ashley and Ben. I took my turn.

Guess who I had to kiss. Angel. Obviously.

I turned to her. She leaned forward and kissed me. I froze, but kissed her back and after I realized what i was doing, I pushed Angel back. She was obviously avoiding my eyes. There were some whistles from people who stood around watching. Angel saw who she had to kiss. She gagged seeing it was some football player. Jason, I think.

"Fuck this, we're leaving." She said to me, pulling me up.

"Am I that bad?" Jason joked.

"Yeah." Angel glared at him.

"Hey, the rules at the you have to kiss me." Jason said, standing and walking in front of Angel. I saw the look of disgust on her face as he leaned in. Right before he kissed her, she moved her leg and kneed him in the balls. He fell back onto the couch, groaning in pain.

"Don't fucking touch me." Angel said, her voice was threatening. "Or it'll be worse." She turned and stormed out with me following quickly.

"How are we getting to your house?" I asked. We didn't exactly have a car and she lived kinda far away.

"I'll call a taxi." She said, pulling out her phone.


I walked with Angel into the cafeteria.

"Do you know why everyone's staring?" She whispered to me.

"I think it might have to do with last night." I replied.

"Fucking awesome." She muttered. We walked to our usual table. Before Angel could sit down, Jason appeared grabbed her arm and turned her around so she was facing him.

"Get your fucking hands off me." She said, her voice hard.

"No. You still owe me a kiss." He said, leaning in and kissing her.

Angel pushed him back, looking disgusted. She was strong enough to get him off her. This could be bad. She was a trained and skilled fighter. Not to mention the fact she controlled Fire. I watched as she punched his face, causing him to stumble and curse.

"I told you not to touch me." Her voice was low and threatening.

"OMG, I'm so scared." He said in a high voice. I saw her teal-blue eyes flash navy blue. Two other football players moved forward and grabbed her arms. Jason moved forward and punched her face. I saw her head snap to the side. I moved forward to help, only to be pushed back into a table by a few other football players. I think I might have hit my head. Angel saw what happened and pulled her arms out of the guys grip. She had the guys that were holding her and the guys that pushed me lying on the ground in seconds, using skills she shouldn't reveal she knew.

"Sapphire, are you okay?" She asked.

"I'm fine." I told her. It was a little blurry, but other than that I was fine. I saw her get pulled back by Jason. She turned and punched his face, using all her strength. I stared as she kicked his stomach, then grabbed his head, pulling it down as she raised her knee. He stumbled back, his nose bleeding. The teachers arrived and it took 2 male teachers to restrain her.

A teacher came over to me and helped me to the office after Ashley explained me hitting my head. I was sitting in the nurse's office with an ice pack against my head. I could hear some of the conversation going on in the principle's office. I heard both Angel and Jason say what happened.

"After hearing both sides, you're both suspended for a week." Mrs. Chen finally said. "Anyone else involved is suspended for 2 days."

"But that girl was the one who threw the first punch." I heard who must be Jason's mom say.

"I'm sorry to offend you, but that fucking idiot was the one who kissed me when I told him more than once to not touch me." Angel said.

"Any girl in the school would be honored to be kissed by me." I heard Jason say smugly.

"Any girl who's not gay." Angel said. I knew she was glaring at Jason. I heard who were probably Jason's parents gasp. I thought I heard one of them mutter, "Disgusting."

"Your son's the disgusting one." Angel's voice was cold.

"Everyone calm down." The principle said.

"I help fund the majority of activities at this school. Don't make me change my mind," Jason's controlling father said.

"We both know what will happen if this ends unfairly." Angel's voice was low and threatening. Di

"Both of your suspensions are lessened to 3 days, consider it a warning. That's final." Mrs. Chen said with finality. I heard chairs moving and Angel appeared in the door.

"Does Mrs. Chen know?" I asked.

"Her mother is a descendant of Light. She's not closely related to you at all and she knows I'm powerful. She could sense it and I also had to explain in order to change my classes." Angel said. The school principle was a Light Descendant. I never saw that coming. "I need to leave, and you're coming with me." Angel said, walking over and helping me stand. I was a little dizzy from getting hit in the head.


"Hey, Sapphire. Wake up." I heard someone say. I opened my eyes sleepily.

"What time is it?" I asked Angel.

"7. You fell asleep on the ride over." She said. "Do you want to eat?"

"Yeah, just not something you've cooked." I said. Angel rolled her eyes and walked into the kitchen. I was still wearing the jeans and white v-neck shirt I wore to school. Sleeping in jeans was apparently extremely uncomfortable.

"Why are you in the kitchen?" I asked from the door of her room.

"You'll see."

About 15 minutes later she came out holding a bag.

"Is that edible?" I asked, doubtfully.

"I can make a sandwich." Angel said, walking to the door.

We got in her car and I asked, "Where are we going?"

"You'll see." She said. I rolled my eyes and turned the radio on. The song, Dark Side by Kelly Clarkson, was about half way through. I sang along, dancing as much as you could in a car. Angel watched me with an amused expression.

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

Don't run away
Don't run away
Just tell me that you will stay
Promise me you will stay
Don't run away
Don't run away
Just promise me you will stay
Promise me you will stay

Will you love me? ohh

Everybody's got a dark side
Do you love me?
Can you love mine?
Nobody's a picture perfect
But we're worth it
You know that we're worth it
Will you love me?
Even with my dark side?

Don't run away
Don't run away

Don't run away
Promise you'll stay

"You're not too bad." Angel said, smiling at me. "We're here." I looked around confused. I could only see trees. She got out and walked around, opening my door. Somehow, she was already holding the bag.

"Where are we?" I asked.

"You'll see in a few minutes." Angel said, smirking slightly. She pulled me gently over to a trail I would've never noticed without her. We walked for about 5 minutes before she turned off the path and I stopped and stared at her confused. She pulled me forward for about another 4 minutes until she stopped suddenly.

I looked up and saw a lake. The water was clear and slightly blue. I could see a reflection of the trees around it. The clearing and river were a perfect oval. I didn't really see how that was possible. It was flawless and perfect. I also don't see how she found this place.

She reached over to me and I flinched back slightly. Angel rolled her eyes and lifted my key. On it, I saw an oval with a blue, water colored substance swirling inside it.. The smaller one had some swirly designs . I looked up at the water and saw it swirling around.

"That alley was a place of Darkness. This one's of Light." Angel confirmed my thought. It was perfect here. I could see the sun lowering behind the trees. Strangely, it wasn't cold. Probably the Light thing.

Angel took a blanket out of the bag and set it on the ground. We both sat down and she took out sandwiches. And yes, they were edible.

"Not bad." I said, smiling.

"Told you they were edible." She joked. We both fell silent, watching the water swirl around. It wasn't creepy, more relaxing and calming. The sun was setting and the sky was a brilliant mix of orange and pink.

"It's perfect. Thanks." I told her.

"Yeah. I used to come here after my parents died and Angelica went Dark." She said, softly. I looked over at her and saw her staring at me. She leaned closer.

"Can I...?" She asked quietly. I wasn't really thinking when I nodded. I knew she'd been through alot and she'd come here as like a sanctuary. And trusted me enough to bring me here.

I felt her lips on mine. Without thinking, I wrapped my arms around her neck, pulling her closer. It felt right, but I was still unsure if this is what I wanted.

I pulled away and said, "I'm sorry. I don't know if I want this." My voice trailed off.

"It's ok. I'd wait forever for you to chose." She whispered. I stared into her clear, teal-blue eyes.

"I know." I replied. We sat in silence, watching the water swirl around.

"We should go." Angel said. I nodded and stood as she put everything in the bag.

"Uh, Angel. It's really dark." I pointed out. I wasn't usual afraid of the dark, but we're talking about a forest here.

"I'm right here. You'll be fine." She said, taking my hand and leading me into the trees.

I looked back at the lake and realized it was the same place as that weird dream I'd had.

I heard a noise to my right and screamed. If happened every time I heard a loud or close nose and everytime Angel reassured me. I wasn't usually scared so easily, but it was a pitch black forest. Not helpful.

We finally got to her car and I was still kinda shaky from the walk through the forest.

The ride back was quiet, in a comfortable way. I kept thinking about the lake. The place was magical. Literally and metaphorically.

By the time we got back it was 10 according to the glowing numbers is Angel's car. It didn't feel like we'd been gone for about 3 hours. It could've been the drive.

"Is there anything you want to do?" Angel asked.

"I have a question... When I was fighting Sebastian, I fought back with Fire. Was that you influencing me or just me?" I asked. She'd said something about Element controlling, and I'd been wondering what I controlled.

"I could've used it if you couldn't control it, but I think it was a mix because you haven't practiced and it takes time to gain control and power." She said. "I also have a theory."

"Close your eyes." She said, I closed my eyes. "Now listen to the water. Picture it, I don't know, doing something unnatural." I listened and heard the waves crashing against the cliffs. I pictured it spiraling toward the sky. I felt a surge of something I couldn't identify.

"Holy shit." I heard Angel mutter. I opened my eyes and gasped. Right near the window, a thick cylinder of water was spiraling upward to the sky.

"Okay, now focus on it. Imagine it becoming part of the ocean again." I stared at it and slowly pictured it sinking back into the ocean. I watched as it did exactly as I imagined.

"Follow me." She said, pulling me out onto a balcony I hadn't noticed before. I guess I hadn't looked out here before.

"Focus on the breeze. Think about it blowing around us, stronger than how it would be naturally." I heard her say from behind me. I closed my eyes and did what she said. I realized what I'd felt with the wait, it was a surge of power. I felt the wind blowing in circles around us. I shivered and felt Angel's arms wrap around me, blocking some of the wind.

"Sapphire. Do you know what this means?" She asked. I was dead tired from the Element stuff, not to mention that it was 11:30.

"No, not really." I said, staring at her. I got lost in her teal eyes.

What she said next caught my attention.

"Sapphire. You can control all of the Elements." Angel whispered.

Holy shit.

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