Lucky Fenrix

By Caterang

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Fenrix is, quite frankly, a flirtatious playboy. Never keeping a girlfriend for more than a couple of nights... More

Lucky Fenrix
The Flirt & The Badass
Hey! She's Different!
7 Things
Face-palm, Fenrix...
Readers note

Why Are Idiots Cute?

143 14 2
By Caterang

Night had descended quickly, almost so suddenly that Fenrix hardly realised that darkness had cloaked his home. He shrugged it off, it wasn't exactly unusual for him to zone out, recently anyway. He couldn't remember when he and Lucky had parted, the two had been walking casually together - Fenrix doing all he could to make up for hurting her feelings so much - lavishing her with all his attention, now night had set in and he was walking back to his den alone.

For some reason his den felt abnormally chilly. Strange, today had been so warm, he was surprised he hadn't dozed off when he and Lucky had sunned themselves in the heat earlier. Surely things couldn't have changed so much so quickly? Again, Fenrix shrugged it off and settled down.

Shortly, however, it became clear that there was something wrong, too much seemed off, too much for Fenrix to just shrug it off. He sat up, shivering as a chill ran down his spine, the long fur of his spine raising in its wake. Fenrix gulped audibly, feeling incredibly uneasy. He moved to the mouth of his den, taking a tentative step outside. He shivered, it was unnaturally cold. No way should it be this cold. For that matter, the forest he called home was somewhat darker than it should. He didn't live in a particularly thick section of the forest, mostly due to the recent falling of the larger trees a few years ago, an event that not only created Fenrix's den, but also created gaps in the canopy.

This resulted in the surrounding area being fairly well lit, yet at this moment, Fenrix couldn't hardly see past the tiny clearing he lived in. Nervous, he dared to venture out a little farther. Nothing seemed especially strange other than the almost non-existent lighting. Howerever, there was something odd that caught his eye as he craned his neck skyward. Fenrix's brow furrowed.

"Huh?" He mumbled lightly as he moved clear of his curtain of moss and vine. The moon was full. Yet the moon wasn't due to be full for another ten days, at least. He had planned on taking Lucky up to the mountains for a few days to see it. This was impossible. Also, if the moon was full, wither it should be or not, it should have provided a lot of light, yet it still looked like a moonless night down on the forest floor.

After staring in bewilderment for a short period of time, Fenrix noticed something else of a strange nature. It was a clear night, no clouds at all, yet there were no stars. Not a single one. Normally on a night such as this, Fenrix would be able to see so many stars that they seemed to create a belt across the sky. This night, however, the sky was eerie, ink black, and starless. Another chill shot down Fenrix's spine.

One of the biggest abnormalities, something that surprised Fenrix that he hadn't noticed it earlier, was that the air was, albeit thick, but bland. There was no real scent in the air. The sweet, tangible scent of fresh young leaves and young flora was gone. The air was choking and heavy. Fenrix's ears pinned back and he backed up to the mouth of his den.


Fenrix's ears pricked forward again, and he moved clear of the den, eyes scanning for the owner of the familiar voice.

"Lucky? Where are you?"

"Fenrix..." The sweet voice sounded soft and almost tired, like she had when they were sunning themselves at the meadow earlier.

"Lucky? Come on, where are you? Come out!" Fenrix called, letting out a chuckle. What could she be playing at? If she was tired she should just come in the den, he'd be more than happy to put her up -


Fenrix froze. That was not Lucky's voice. That was a raspy, dead voice, a voice he could practically hear the resentment and hate in. It was a voice he had first heard when he was a teen, and a voice he had been haunted with every since then.

"Fenriixx... You haven't spoken to me in a long time... why have you been ignoring me, Fenrix?!"

Suddenly, there was movement in the darkness. The glow of jagged, lilac markings followed the curve of the edge of the thicket, circling ever closer to the den, where Fenrix cowered.

"W-w-what?! W-who's there?!" Fenrix called, ears pinned back and tail between his legs.

"Oh, come now, Fenrix, that really IS insulting..." The voice rasped, drawing ever closer. "After all..." There was a chilling breeze behind Fenrix and he swung around, eyes wide as she stared at the owner of the voice, or rather what he could see of the owner. All tht was visible in the blackness of his den was the dead eyes, glowing white without an Iris or pupil, and glowing, jagged lilac markings that bore a striking resemblance to Fenrix's, albeit these markings were much prominent and frankly terrifying. "We DO share a body, usually, Fenrix." The voice had a sick, twisted humour laced with it it this time. It was just as unnerving.

"Y-you!" Fenrix suttered, stumbling away.

"Ah! So you DO remember me, Fenni! Always nice to know your subject still knows who's in control."

Fenrix gulped as he took a firmer stance and his hackles rose. "You are not in control! This is my body, I decide where it goes and what it does! It's also my life, and I don't care what you say, I can live it however I like!" Fenrix growled. "Furthermore, I am not your 'subject', at the very least I could be called a host for nothing more than a Parasite!"

At this, Fenrix's company roared, eyes flaring and his aura all but pushing Fenrix out of his own den. Fenrix cowered, all his courage failing him, and stayed lowered to the ground as he backed away.

"How DARE you?!" It roared. "A PARASITE?! Need I remind you what I am, Fenrix?!" with that, it let out another roar and charged him, jaws strong enough to crunch bone like a dead twig grasping his mane and flinging him violently into a tree. As his back connected with the bark, it felt like steal, cold and hard, and a sickening crack was heard as he hit it. Fenrix groaned. "I am a DEMON, and you will fear me as such, you useless, hornless, spineless disgrace of a creature!" it bellowed. Fenrix's shoulders trembled as he rose to his feet, remaining silent.

Surprisingly, at Fenrix's show of submission, The Demon settled down. It cleared it's throat, rolled it's shoulders and smoothed it's fur. It took on a dignified air and stood straight, walking casually around the clearing, not looking at Fenrix.

"Right. That's better. There really is not need for such disobedience, Fenni. After all, think about all I've done for you! I freed you from the iron grip of your father, or have you forgotten that part of your life?"

Fenrix remained totally silent and stared at the ground, having to force himself to occasionally make eye contact to show he was listening. That time was one he would very much like to forget, and he had devoted a great deal of his time to doing just that. The Demon started to walk towards Fenrix.

"So," it continued, "Would it be oh, so horrible for you to simply let me out every once and a while? I let you have full control of your body twenty-four-seven, the LEAST you could do is let me have an evening!" it growled angrily, teeth - if you could call those razors 'teeth' - bared.

"I would let you out more, if you didn't immediately seek out someone to hurt..." Fenrix mumbled quietly, hoping The Demon couldn't hear. Alas, he should've been so lucky.

"Oh, Fenni, when will you learn that I can hear everything you say, after all, I DO live inside your head." The Demon said, a sadistic grin on its face. "What, do you want to save face? Protect your image? Have you so quickly forgotten your own transgressions? You say you don't want anyone to get hurt, yet I have seen you break the hearts of many a pretty girl. You know as well as I that that kind of pain can be as real as any physical injury. Not that I don't supports your actions, suffering is always sweet, and when it is my own little Fenni that causes such distress, I cannot help but be proud!" It snickered, that obnoxious grin still present on its face, though fading with the chuckle. Fenrix bowed his head, almost shamefully. The Demon's tone changed from obnoxious gayety to threatening. "All the same, let this be a warning to you; if you don't let me out more, Fenrix, I may become frustrated, even more than now, to the point of forcing my way out. I think you remember what happened last time?" Fenrix shuddered at his words. "Good, and just to drive my point home, I am a part of you. I influence your personality, to a degree. So your precious Lucky Feather..." her name rolled off The Demons lips softly, but with an air of gleeful self-satisfaction as Fenrix's head shot up with the mention of Lucky's name. "How do you know it's not ME that she's in love with?" The Demon grined. Fenrix gasped in horror. He tried to speak, retort, defend both himself and Lucky, but nothing came out. "How safe do you think she'd be...?" The Demon laughed evilly, highly enjoying the shocked, terrified look that spread over Fenrix's features. His breath hitched.

"L-Lucky?! You wouldn't!"

"What makes you so sure?" with these words The Demon turned away from Fenrix, sauntering towards the darkness, leaving behind a very nervous Fenrix. "So long, Fenni! I do hope we've reached some kind of mutual understanding?" at that, it was gone. Fenrix stood there, rooted to the spot. He stared blankly at the ground. His whole body shook, though wither it was from the encounter or from the fear that Lucky may very well indeed be as much in love with The Demon as much as she was him... providing of course she was even in love with him in the first place. Had it been any other occasion, that thought in itself would have been enough to make his head spin, but The Demon...

It would force it's way out if need be. Fenrix could not keep him chaned forever and if Lucky were nearby... He would surely loose her...


Fenrix, still trembling, collapsed, his body giving up on the struggle to stay awake.

"Lucky..." his voice trailed off, his breath tiring. His eyes closed.

"Fenrix... hey, Fenrix..."

"Huh?" Fenrix's eyes shot open and he sat up. "Wait, what?" he was no longer at his den in the dark of night, but back out in the meadow, in the sunshine, birds chirping cheerily and circling gracefully in the sky. The air was once again light and sweet, full of life and warm with the sun shining through a cloudless sky.

"So you finally woke up, sleepy head."

Fenrix's eyes widened at the sound of that voice, that oh, so sweet voice, and turned to its owner.

"Lucky!" he all but spluttered, almost in disbelief, though more in shock. Lucky smiled and cocked an eyebrow cheekily.

"Well, yeah, duh, who else would it be? You just come back down to earth from Planet Fenrix, or something?" she teased, blowing gently on his ruffled fringe.

"What happened?" he asked, dazed and acting like a kit that had been woken up too early. Lucky chuckled and nuzzled his cheek.

"You fell asleep, idiot. Not too surprising, it's really comfortable."

"Oh... right..." Secretly, he was relieved it was a dream, but inside he knew that The Demon had made it's feelings known, the treat it had posed was no dream... then suddenly Fenrix remembered what Lucky had just called him. "Hey, I'm no idiot!" he protested, somehow managing to look serious and pout at the same time. Lucky couldn't help herself but blush at just how cute her companion was being.

"Damn..." she muttered, turning away with a light smile.

"What?!" Fenrix asked, becoming frustrated.

"I'm just wondering why idiots are so cute?" she stated and gave him an affectionate nudge. Fenrix blinked a couple of times then grinned.

"So... you think I'm cute?" he asked, wagging his eyebrows at her and leaning closer.

"You know it, Play Boy. Now, hurry up and make up for neglecting me, I'm getting bored." she demanded, smiling with a playful, highly NOT-innocent glint in her eye. Fenrix shook his head and chuckled. Ah, how he loved this female. Demon be Damned.

"Heh. Far be it from me to pass up such an oppertunity." He grinned and kissed her.

"Oppertunity, now?" she teased.

"A willing female, what male wouldn't take advantage?" he licked her check then went back to kissing her. Lucky, aware that she was still very much pulling the strings, desided to go along.

"Willing?" she asked, breathing lightly and gazing at him through lidded eyes. Fenrix stopped his movements and stared at her.

"Your questioning that now?" he asked almost dumbly. Lucky burst out laughing. "What?!" he asked, surprised.

"It's true, idiots really are cute!" she chuckled. Fenrix glared playfully.

"Shut up, Lucky." and he proceeded to make her do just that.

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