Face-palm, Fenrix...

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"Did not!" Lucky shouted while running through the meadow, laughing so hard her sides hurt. Her companion, Fenrix, was close in tow, as he had been almost since he met her.

"Did so! You're just to proud to admit it!" Fenrix retorted, also laughing. Both slowed and Lucky turned around to face him, still trotting away from him. She looked like she was performing some sort of dressage trick.

"I'm too proud?! This coming from you!" She laughed. Her flirtatious friend only grinned.

"Yes, this coming from me, beautiful." He continued his grin as he wriggled his eye brows suggestively. Lucky whacked him. He yelped.

"Idiot. You deserve that." She scolded playfully and started walking away

"Why do I even compliment you?" He wondered aloud, flexing his sore fore arm. "Ah, yes, 'cos I adore you, and I care about you so much that I just have to let you know." He bowed and grinned at letcherous grin.

Lucky still had her back to him. Stunned at first, flattered by the compliment, then focused on the poorly concealed flirtation. He really hasn't changed. Lucky huffed in frustration. He made it so damn hard to tell weither he was genuine or just flirting. So damn hard. She huffed again, ears back.

"Did not." She stated firmly, returning to their previous banter.

"Can you even remember what we were arguing about?" Fenrix asked, chuckling as he trotted to her side. Lucky mearly looked at him out the corner of her eye.

"Oh, listen, Pretty Boy, that was, by no stretch of the imagination, my version of arguing. You do not want me to argue with you." She glared. Fenrix could see the clear threat, but chose to plow right through the thick mask of frustration that clouded her.

"Maybe I never will know how you argue, but my question is still, can you even remember what we were 'bantering' about?" He asked with a knowing grin. Lucky sighed under her breath.

"Enlighten me."

"I can't, I can't remember either!" Fenrix confessed laughing. Watching him so cheery, despite her most out of character mood changes (of course always the result of Fenrix, it's just one of the things he did to her. Again, damn him.) Lucky found herself laughing as well.

"You know, when you're not womanising, you're actually quite good company." Lucky said as she walked ahead. Fenrix sighed dramatically.

"Alas, then I am never good company. I shall just have to settle for being wonderful company - as usual." He said, stroking his ego and winking at her. Lucky rolled her eyes. Again, she was with him, because...?

The two did nothing of much note, simply and quite frankly messing around with each other. Fenrix proved himself to be a play boy in more ways than one, not only being a womaniser but more often than not acting like a complete kit. All the same, it couldn't be said that Lucky didn't enjoy his company, immaturity and all. She enjoyed the frequent trips to the river, the unique games he would force her to play, and then force to admit that she liked it, she enjoyed the thrill of the wind flying past as they raced in the sky; she enjoyed the calming glides he would convince her to join him on. Despite their jokes, he was good company.

There was, however, something strange that caught Lucky's notice. Usually, the two would spend the entire day together, consciously or unconsciously falling under the category "courting couple", only parting at sunset, when Lucky would return to her tree that she'd 'stolen' from Fenrix (according to him), and Fenrix would retire to his cave. But today, for some reason unknown to Lucky, Fenrix wanted to part early. She questioned it, of course, but Fenrix brushed it off, never really telling her where he was going, or why, but assuring her it wasn't anything too serious and he'd meet up with her again the next day. Lucky simply cocked an eyebrow at him, but he just chuckled, gave her a quick, affectionate nudge behind her ear and left.

Lucky FenrixWhere stories live. Discover now