Light In Darkness •NaruHina•

By potatoejung_

272K 9K 17.5K

Help me from this hell called life. Save me from the nightmares that chase me. "Hinata... Stay here." Be th... More

Author's Note


9.1K 356 635
By potatoejung_

Hinata's POV

I paced across the room quietly and waited for the alarm clock to go off. It was morning and Monday, the day of my new job.

Sakura was asleep on her bed and was snoring rather loudly. She and her parents were nice enough to let me stay here until I was able to get on my feet so me and her were sharing a room.

I can't keep relying on people, I'm turning 19 this year. I have to start pulling my own weight.

I sat back down on the blow up mattress and pulled the blanket to my chest. Sakura seemed upset the rest of yesterday after she received a text from her unknown friend.

But Sakura, Sasuke and I spent the day at the mall so that was fun.

"Oh Sasuke...." The pinkette mumbled in her sleep with a smile.

I frowned slightly and furrowed my brows at her. She could at least sleep quietly, but she talks so much I don't think that's possible.

Five more minutes...

I fiddled with my thumbs and laid back onto the mattress, my hair fanning over the edge. I thought about my new employers and the quaint little ramen shop I would be working at in about an hour and a half.

Sakura giggled playfully in her sleep and turned... Although I think she might've turned to much when she began to slip off of her bed. I inhaled sharply when her body hit the ground with a hard thud.

"S-Sakura..." I whispered as I crawled towards her unconscious body. "You okay?"

I poked her shoulder to see if I'd get a reaction but she only groaned and swatted my hand away. I guess that was a reaction.

I deadpanned when I heard the pinkette continue to snore and curl into a ball on her wooden floor. I slowly crawled back to my bed and peered out of the window.

The sun had risen and was sitting comfortably on the opposite side of the sky, casting small shadows here and there. But since I didn't have to go to work until nine am, Sakura insisted that I sleep until eight... Although I've been up since about 7:30am.

I laid my head on the pillow and closed my eyes, wondering just how long five minutes actually took. Probably like ten or something.

I ran my hands through my hair a few times before grabbing a small strand of hair and began to make a small braid.

The red alarm clock on Sakura's nightstand began to make a high pitched ringing noise. I saw Sakura flinch and if she hadn't fallen off the bed already, she would've.

"The hell...?" The pinkette groaned as she shuffled over to her nightstand to turn off the sound.

"Ohayo Sakura." I greeted as I folded up my blanket and set it down before getting to my feet.

"Ohayo..." she mumbled back just before falling back onto the soft mattress, her legs hanging off the side of it.

I smiled slightly and grabbed my clothes that I had set out and walked into the restroom. I did my usual morning hygiene routine before quickly changing.

I dressed in my grey jeans and plain white t-shirt and my black sneakers. I tied up my hair into a high ponytail and with Sakura's permission, applied a thin line of her eyeliner.

I smiled with my appearance and walked out of the bathroom. To my surprise, Sakura was already up and probably in the kitchen. I grabbed the small shoulder bag that Sakura had given me with a few necessities.

"Leaving already?" The pinkette asked as she entered the room with a plate of food.

"Well yeah, I'm--"

"SAKURA HARUNO! YOU KNOW BETTER THAN TO TAKE A WHOLE PLATE OF FOOD INTO YOUR ROOM!" A loud feminine voice boomed from downstairs, cutting me off.

Sakura groaned and walked back to the door for a moment before yelling back down.


She turned and closed the door before sitting down on her bed and patted the empty spot next to her, motioning for me to sit next to her.

"Here, eat something." She offered a smile and held out the plate.

"Arigato Sakura, demo--"

"No buts, you need to eat a little something before heading out."

I reluctantly took the white porcelain plate from her and took a strawberry from it. The pancakes, however, looked uncooked and the eggs were burnt. I only picked off the berries and banana slices that sat on the edge.

"Ano... Who made this?" I asked quietly.

"My mom. I know she isn't the best cook but I've learned to eat it." She smiled slightly and withdrew the plate from my grasp. "You want me to drive you to work?"

"No it's--" I looked at the alarm clock and realized I only have twenty minutes to get there and takes me at least thirty to walk. "Yes please." I smiled.

"Cool, I'll get my keys." The pinkette stood up.

I nodded and also stood up, making my way to the door.

"You can go wait by the car, it'll take me a minute to actually find my keys."


I swung my legs out of the car and stepped out of the white vehicle. I closed the door and Sakura rolled down the window from inside.

"Just call whenever and I'll come pick you up, 'kay?"

"Hai. Arigato Sakura, again."

"No problem, you can count on me now. No more Kiba." She winked at me before driving away.

I waved as she drove off and hung on to her last words for a few seconds.

No more Kiba.

I shook my head in attempt to clear my thoughts before I walked into Ichiraku's. Once I entered, the heavenly aroma of ramen and all the other delicious delights that were held in the ramen shop infiltrated my sense of smell.

"Oh Hinata, you're here." Ayame smiled as she looked up from the cooking ramen.

"Hai, how are you?" I smiled and walked towards her.

"Great, but enough with the small talk. It's time for you to start training, Hinata."

Naruto's POV

I rubbed my eyes and stretched on my soft mattress. The blanket fell over the edge as I shifted from side to side.

I groaned and curled back into a ball, not really wanting to do much today. I'm still so tired from yesterday, I don't think I've gotten my full energy back yet.

I reached for the mobile device on my bedside and unlocked it.

From: Sakura💠
You should go to Ichiraku later.

I didn't really understand and checked the time. She sent that over an hour ago. I only shrugged to myself before rolling back on my back and closing my eyes.

Today was gonna be a long day. I reached down and pulled the soft blanket back onto my body, hoping sleep would become my ally again. But no such luck was on my side.

I lied there for a long while, just not thinking about anything. Just staying still with an empty mind seemed to be refreshing. My ceiling was seemingly the most interesting this at this moment in time.

A soft knock was heard on my door and I stayed silent, not wanting conversation just yet. The knock came again but a little harder and once again I ignored it.

"Naruto, are you awake yet?" A voice called from the opposite side of the door.

Well obviously not.

"It's Tamaki. Please let me in."

I opened my eyes slowly and I struggled to get to my feet. I made my way to the door and opened it to see my brunette friend standing there.

"Hey." I smiled slightly and opened the door completely, motioning for her to come in.

"You could at least put a shirt on when there's a girl around." She groaned and eyed me.

I looked down and for some reason forgot that I don't really sleep with shirts on. I smiled sheepishly and pulled on a near by t-shirt.

"What's up?" I asked her as I sat on my bed.

"Nothing really, I just got a weird feeling and wanted to make sure everyone was okay." Tamaki said and looked out of the window. "Hey, what's he doing here?" Her eyebrows furrowed and she pointed down.

I stood up and looked out the window in the direction she had pointed.

"Sasuke?" I turned and quickly walked downstairs.

Tamaki followed close behind and we both went to the front window and peeked out. Sasuke motioned to someone in the car and walked to the door. Soon enough the doorbell rang and echoed through the house, bouncing back and forth between the walls.

I walked to the door and slowly opened it. Tamaki sat on the chair and smiled slightly when she saw the Uchiha at the door.

"What're you doing here?" I questioned Sasuke once he crossed the threshold.

"Well good morning to you- Tamaki." He stopped in his tracks once he saw the brunette sitting.

"Sasuke," She smiled. "How are you?"

"Fine... But what are you doing here?"

"Hey I asked you that first!" I protested to his question asking before he answered my own.

"Oh, right..." He mumbled and pulled an envelope from his pocket. "I need to give this to your mother. It's from my mom and I was the one sent to give it to her." Sasuke clarified. "Where is your mom?"

"Ano... I-"

"She's in the living room with Minato." Tamaki interjected.

The raven haired boy nodded in thanks and walked down the hallway to them. I turned my attention to my female friend and quirked a brow at her.

"He's not still single, is he?" She sighed.

"Nope. Him and Sakura have been together for about three months now." I said bluntly.

"Dammit..." She silently cursed.

"You'll find someone, Tamaki." I nudged her shoulder. "Someone good for you, I'll have to give them a background check though." I chuckled slightly.

"That's fine with me." The brunette mumbled. "And you'll find Miss Right too." She looked up at me with her hazel eyes.

The swelling in her cheek had gone down some with the medicine she had taken. Although the bruise was still pretty bold and I'm glad Sasuke didn't ask about it. Hopefully it'll go away in awhile.

"Tell your family hello for us!" My mother's voice broke my thought.

"Yes ma'am!" Sasuke yelled back as he walked towards the door.

He turned to face us and looked like he was trying to remember something.

"Ah, Sakura told to tell you to go to--"

"Ichiraku's, I know. She already texted me." I cut him off and ran a hand through my blonde mess of hair. "That woman is gonna drive me insane and she's not even my girlfriend!" I groaned and rested my hand at the nape of my neck.

"She's obviously not your girlfriend." The Uchiha shot a glare at me, causing a smirk to form on my face.

"You two are so silly." Tamaki giggled silently and placed a hand over her mouth, trying to prevent anymore giggles from escaping.

I smiled sheepishly and Sasuke "hn"-ed as he usually does.

"I'll be going now." He turned towards the door and opened it. "If I was you... I'd just listen to Sakura."

He closed the door behind him and I quirked a brow at where he once stood as if he could see me.

"What d'ya think he means by that?" Tamaki asked and stood up.

I released a sigh and let my arms back down to my sides.

"To go to Ichiraku's, of course."

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