Nasty Impulse | ✔

By xhuzaifaahmad

420K 13.5K 5.7K

"Come back, Ava. Why did you leave me?" He said looking deep into my eyes. "After what you did, no one can co... More

First Chapter
Second Chapter
Third Chapter
Fourth Chapter
Fifth Chapter
Sixth Chapter
Seventh Chapter
Eighth Chapter
Ninth Chapter
Tenth Chapter
Eleventh Chapter
Twelfth Chapter
Thirteenth Chapter
Fourteenth Chapter
Fifteenth Chapter
Sixteenth Chapter
Seventeenth Chapter
Eighteenth Chapter
Nineteenth Chapter
Twentieth Chapter
Twenty-Second Chapter
Twenty-Third Chapter
Twenty-Fourth Chapter
Twenty-Fifth Chapter
Twenty-Sixth Chapter
Twenty-Seventh Chapter
Twenty-Eighth Chapter
Twenty-Ninth Chapter
Thirtieth Chapter
Thirty-First Chapter
Thirty-Second Chapter
Thirty-Third Chapter
Thirty-Fourth Chapter
Thirty-Fifth Chapter
Thirty-Sixth Chapter
Thirty-Seventh Chapter
Last Chapter

Twenty-First Chapter

8K 296 24
By xhuzaifaahmad

In your times of absence, I yearn for your presence,
In your times of presence, I yearn for your stay.
You seem to me as vital to existence
As the rising and setting of the sun each day.

-Nathan Hall






"Now what will we do?" I looked at him nervously. 

"How would I know?" He frowned. 

"We can break it." I suggested enthusiastically.

"Are you mad?" He looked away and stroked his forehead.

We both were still near the door, thinking of all the possible ways to get out.

I pushed the door once again and said to him, "Hey, help me."

"Do you really think you can break this." He said irritated. 

I rolled my eyes. "Do you have a better plan?"

"Will you let me think or keep blabbing?" He glared at me.

I went mum. I then said after a while, "Think fast, sir."

He clenched his fist and annoyingly moved towards me. I stepped backwards involuntarily. "Why should I even think of a plan to get out anyway? You were the one who locked us inside. You should come up with a plan."  

"I just---"

"Stop, don't think. You don't have a mind."

I gasped.

"This all is happening because of you."

"And how is that?"

"Well, if you hadn't locked me inside in the first place--- this all wouldn't have happened."

He scowled and yelled, "Why would I lock you inside?" His coarse voice made me jump.

"Don't yell and don't lie."

He was getting more furious. I saw him taking a deep breath and calming himself down. He then said to me, "Look, Miss Williams, I am bloody locked inside my own office, it's already feel like a hell and you are not doing any good and making it a bigger and a more horrible hell."

"Well, I was just saying people shouldn't lie," I looked everywhere but him. "You know lying isn't good for health."

"So, you think I locked you inside?"

"Well, do you think I was stupid enough to sit here for two hours, doing nothing at all." I looked right at him in his eyes that were also fixed on me. "Of course, you locked me inside because let me tell you I tried everything but the doors didn't open."

"God, I can't believe I have such a dumb assistant." He groaned.

I moved my forefinger up to his face. He glared at it and on realizing I suddenly moved it back and hid my hand behind my back.

"Can't you see there's some problem with the software of these doors or maybe some hardware problem--- I'm not sure." He moved to the door of my office and pushed it. "See all doors are locked. They open from the outside, but not from the inside." I tried to maintain my eye contact with him, he really looked so experienced and attractive when he talked like this.


Turned out he really was right. When I left the room and he got trapped inside, that time I didn't do anything. The same happened when he left me. I knew he would never do such a thing. I know he's a jerk and I can expect really rude stuff from him, like giving me extra work, but locking, that's something only mentally ill person would do.

"Oh, I get it now. Sorry." Was I blushing? I had no idea, but I hope I wasn't because that would be so weird.

"And why would I lock you? I'm not some kind of kidnapper or a mad men." 

Kidnapper, no. Mad men, well it's a topic I don't want to debate on right now.

He moved to the couches and sat. I also followed him and sat on a couch in front of him. He rested his head on the couch and closed his eyes.

The moment he closed, I got up and cried wide-eyed, "What are you doing? You can't sleep, you need to get me out of here."

"I was not sleeping. I was thinking." He looked at me and then again closed his eyes.

My stomach grumbled. I looked at him, hoping he wouldn't have listened the rumbling sound of my tummy, crying for food.

"Well, think fast I'm---" I said, nervously moving on my seat.

I'm glad I didn't tell him that I haven't eaten anything. Actually, it was because of him. He didn't let me take a break and I couldn't eat anything because of him. I need food.

"Is there something wrong? It looks like you're uneasy." He asked. "If it's about the door. We'll get out." He assured and a part of me now really felt safe and satisfied.

"No, it's this attire, it's so uneasy." Well, I didn't tell him about my crying tummy, but I also didn't lie. I really do hated this attire, it was so tight and was suffocating me.

"You can change."

Yeah, I can.


"There's a changing room, attached to the bathroom. Just go to that door." I saw a door which I really didn't notice.


"How did you know that I can change. I mean that I have clothes with me." I asked puzzled.

"Well, when you came with my dad outside in the parking lot, you were wearing casual clothing when the office hours just ended and on the same day I saw you in office attire, so I thought you might bring clothes with you. You also told me you keep spare clothes with you in case anything happens."


He remembers everything. 

I moved to the door he mentioned. Pushed--- didn't open.


"What?" He looked back from the couch.

"How can this door be any different from the others. We're trapped and now we don't even have a bathroom."

"You really need to use one?"

"No, but what if I had to." I walked back to the couches. "No one should've such doors, neither at office nor at home." I added. 

"It's new technology."

"Your new technology trapped us inside."

He didn't say anything.

"Hey, these doors and stuff are controlled by your phone. Maybe you should trying opening from there." I suggested.

He produced his phone from his jeans and turned the screen on. I moved up to him and stood near him.

"They are already open." He said, his eyes fixed on screen.

"Close them and then again open them." I suggested and tried to do it myself when he moved the phone away from my hands.

He kept on trying, but nothing happened.

"Okay, give it to me." I snatched it from him. The interface of the app was very nice, but difficult to understand.

I pressed a button and all lights turned off. Everything went dark.

"Why would you turn the lights off?" He sounded irritated.

"Opps." I pressed the button once again. "I didn't do it on purpose."

"You know nothing. Give it back." He moved his hand to my mine to take his phone back. I moved a little backwards.

He kept sitting, sprawled like an eagle on the couch. With his long arms he grabbed my wrist to snatch the phone from me and pulled me a little. I lost my balance and fell right over him. My head collided with his and my breast with his hard chest.

I moved my head back and stroked it. I looked at him. He was looking at me annoyingly. I studied his features from up close. His clean-shaved jaw made him look more young and attractive and he really looked hot in jeans.

Stop it!

I tried to get up, but I fell once again. This time my head dropped on his chest. His cologne was pure manly and pleasant. I managed to quickly get up and this time making sure not to fall once again. My cheeks were burning and I was feeling so much embarrassed. I could barely look at him and on the other hand his glare was fixed on me.

"Ah--um" I stuttered as I collected all the things I could say to make this moment less uncomfortable for me. "um--- maybe you should call someone to come up and open the door."

"Why didn't you tell this thirty minutes ago?" He looked around for his phone which was still in my hands. I quickly handed it over to him.

He took it and called someone. "Hey, man, can you come here at the office. There's a problem with the--- just come as fast as you can."

I didn't ask him and sat on the couch in front of him and waited.

We sat in silence and no body spoke, but my tummy did.

Oh, god when will this person, whom sir called, will come? I am so hungry right now.

"Okay, there's definitely something wrong with you." He looked at me with concern. "What is it?"

"I am hungry." There I said it.

"Why didn't you eat?"

I was astounded by his question. I snapped, "Well, you kept me inside the office. Made me work all day, didn't even let me leave and give me a lunch break so I could go out and eat."

"I clearly remember asking Kourtney to bring food for you." He looked shocked.



"Well, she didn't."

"Dammit, that girl is really bad at her job."

"It's okay, she might've forget." He was angry at Kourt. I tried to calm him down. I didn't want anything bad for Kourt.

"Well, I don't want my employees to forget every damn thing I tell them."

"It's okay." I murmured. I felt strangely good that Sir asked someone to bring food for me. Seemed like he wasn't that bad person. He had some nice qualities too. 


I was about to start a conversation to end this silence when the door opened. I saw Jordan, Sir's brother, the ultimate jerk came inside. We both got up and before the door could close and we all three got trapped, we hurried to the door like it's a race of life and death. He frowned at us. Well, he didn't know the reason we ran.

We both stepped out of the office and it felt amazing. Free!

"What happened? Why did you call me?" Jordan asked moving out of the office with us.

"There's something wrong with the door. Anyways, just leave it."

His eyes moved to me, "What are you doing here at this hour?" He than looked at Sir, "you told me you weren't fucking with this girl."

"What?" I shrieked.

Sir rolled his eyes and enlightened me, "He thinks we're involved in a relationship."

"We're not." I immediately mentioned it to Jordan once again.

"So, that means you and me---" He started at me lecherously. 

"Ew, no."

"It'll soon be a yes, baby." We all moved inside the elevator.

"Don't call me baby." I said getting slightly fumed. Only this guy's presence makes me angry.

I looked at Sir and his lips were curved in a smile. He was enjoying this. Ugh! He should stop his brother.

I would've gone to club now, but it was nearly 11'o clock and I don't think if the club would be open or not. I was really sad that I couldn't train. It's been two days and I really need to continue my training.

I moved to the exit when Sir's voice brought me to a halt. "It's too late now. Let me drop you to your home."

"No, I can go by myself. Thank you." I smiled.

"Please." He requested like a true gentleman.

I thought and then decided to go with him. "Okay." It was really dark outside, maybe it was better that I took his offer.

We moved to the parking lot where Jordan moved to his car saying, "I bailed on my date for you. Now there's another one. Wish me a good luck." He said to sir and then smirked at me, "See you around, baby." 

I didn't say anything though I was very annoyed. I followed Sir to his car. I sat on the passenger seat. "Should I take you someplace to eat?" 

"No." I quickly replied.

"I think I should. I feel bad for not giving you your lunch break."

"No, please. It's already very late. I should now go home. I'll eat then."

He nodded.

He started driving. His grip was on the steering wheel and he focused on the road. He was driving very smoothly.

"Make sure to call a software engineer and tell him to fix the doors." He ordered.

I nodded and typed it down in my phone. "It'll be the first thing I'll do in the morning." I assured him.

He kept driving.

I had told him my address and in no time he parked the car outside my house.

I reached for the car's door.

"Wait, I wanted to ask something." He said to me.

"Sure." I smiled.

He asked puzzled, "When do you return home? I mean is there something you do after office hours?"

Oh, my god.

Did he know something?

"Why would you ask?" I was so shocked by his question.

"Because I think your parents don't know that office hours end at 7 o' clock."

"And why do you think that?"

"Because I called at your home and when I told her that you'll be late from office today, that you'll be back at about 10 something, she wasn't surprised at all and she said that you usually come home from work at this time. That's why I am asking."

Oh, my god. He's getting way too near my personal life.

It's not right.

"Sir, it's my personal life, so it'll be better if you don't interfere." I was polite.

"I have no intention or interest in interfering in your personal life, I just care for my office's reputation and I hope you inform your parents about office's actual timing. After office what you do and what you don't--- I really don't care." His tone was professional.

He was right, but still I found it annoying.

"Okay, sir." I got out of the car. "Thanks for dropping me off." I smiled and turned and walked to my home. I heard the roar of his car's engine, I looked back and he was gone.

Oh, god. I can't tell mom and dad about the club. I remembered the first time and it freaked my parents out, especially my mom was seriously angry at me. She really hated me doing such stuff. I now had to come up with some good excuse. I couldn't use office as an excuse for this anymore. God! Help me.

I came inside. Mom had already went to sleep, dad and me talked about stuff. I told him about the incident with the door. He was surprised that the door malfunctioned. I ate with him and then he went to sleep.

It was 12 o' clock. I should really sleep now. Tomorrow was a busy schedule. I had to call a software engineer first thing in the morning, then finally tomorrow the clients from China were coming and it was very important day for Smith's Initiative.

As I changed into my PJs, I sat on the bed and thought about the designs of hotel that Caroline, the designer, made. A part of me feels like there's a flaw in them, but who am I to speak in such a matter. Sir has approved them. I sat for a while, but then got up quickly and hurried to my laptop.

I need to make new ones. No matter what, I should at least try.

The designs that Caroline made are full of flaws.

I started working on them and I fixed the absurd things that Caroline had done. It really felt like she had made such mistakes on purpose and sir, as always trusting her, approved the designs. I kept on working and finally, in an hour and a half  I had prepared a whole new design, which I believe was way better than Caroline's.

I turned off the laptop and wished Sir to approve my design.

I laid on the bed and picked up my phone to check the alarm.

I had received a message from an unknown number.

I opened it and read it. 

*"You are THE most beautiful lady in the world. I love you more than anything and anyone in this entire world. Soon, you'll be MINE, baby."*

Now what the hell is this? I laughed reading the message. 

This message surely came from some crazy ass dude! 

I put the phone near me and closed my eyes.

Soon, I went to sleep.

✴ ✴

N e x t :
22nd Chapter.


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