Beach Love [Sequel to Unexpec...

By PlanetGinger

26.6K 437 36

"I just wanted a new start. The feeling of being alone was not a good feeling. It just made you want more and... More

Beach Love [Sequel to Unexpected Love]
Beach Love part 2
Beach Love part 3
Beach Love part 4
Beach Love part 5
Beach Love part 6
Beach Love part 7
Beach Love part 9
Beach Love part 10
Beach Love part 11
Beach Love part 12
Beach Love part 13
Beach Love part 14
Beach Love part 15
Beach Love part 16
Beach Love part 17
Beach Love part 18
Beach Love part 19
Beach Love part 20
Beach Love part 21
Beach Love part 22
Beach Love part 23
Beach Love - Epilogue

Beach Love part 8

857 16 0
By PlanetGinger

I just want to say, I am so happy you guys have stuck with me! I know I haven't uploaded in FOREVER and I'm so sorry :/ I'll try to be better from now on. Hope you enjoy! Expect more uploads! Comment, Vote and Fan pleasee(: Thank you so much! Love you guys!


The wind, refreshing against my toasted skin, blew my few extra hair strands out of my face. The salty smell of the Pacific Ocean greeted my nose willingly. Brady’s slight bantering in the background didn’t ruin my mood. It actually helped me keep a slight grasp on reality.

“Hey babe!” Brady hollered from the garage. My eyes opened to an ocean extending for miles. I turned around and answered Brady with a quick, “Yeah?” I heard some fiddling around in the garage and a few clanks from metal objects. “Umm…Can you come here for a minute?” He asked. I rolled my eyes. Probably something to do with that stupid motorcycle he found in the junk yard and swore he could fix. I quickly got to my feet and ran towards the garage.

“You need something?” I asked. He looked up from his intense focus. “Uh…” He started. Brady had a few black smudges of grease on his face and his hair was all messed up. It made him look even more attractive. “Kind of, I just was wondering…at this party, you won’t ditch me will you?” His eyes were dead serious, but for some reason, I couldn’t take his question seriously. I think it’s because, I found it impossible to happen. I laughed a little, which I saw hurt Brady a little. “Are you serious? Why would I ever ditch you? You’re my…” I stopped before I got too carried away.

Brady shook his head. “You may think it’s a stupid question, but you don’t get it. I’m the odd one out here. Not you. You may think you’re used to being the awkward one, or the new one. But this time, it’s not going to be you. It’s going to be me. You’re the only one I know. You. That’s it. Sure I have a pretty good idea who your bastard of a boyfriend is, but I don’t care about him. I don’t want to be the one who’s the loser, not socializing, not partying, even though I own the place.” He stated. There was obvious anger in his voice, but it wasn’t aimed towards me. I nodded. “Okay, okay. I promise you I won’t.” I wrapped my arms around him and rubbed his shoulders. “I swear to you, I will never leave you. No matter who it’s for.” I took a deep breath. “You’re my everything right now. I can’t lose my everything, or else I’m nothing.” I admitted. He smiled and kissed me lightly on the cheek. “That means a lot.”



My fist slammed hard against the door and I let out a loud grunt. “Just leave me alone!” I yelled at my sister, Olivia. “Quite being such a drunken bastard AJ! Ever since that girl moved…” She scoffed and I heard her footsteps slowly fade away. That girl…that girl…I thought to myself. She has a name.

I laid down on my bed, grabbed my bottle of booze I had sitting on my nightstand, and began chugging it down. Tears came into my eyes that I could not help. I barely had a grip on sanity anyways.

Just then, the door to my room flung open to show an angry Bryce standing in the entry. “Hey you shit-head! Quite being such a dumbass and pull your head out of you pants!” Bryce said, taking my bottle away from me. “Hey!” I jumped to my feet, furious. “Give that back!” I yelled. Then, without another thought, I dove, sending the booze flying into the air. “No!” I screamed and tried to grab the bottle before it shatter all over the floor, but it was too late. The smell in my room smelled heavily of alcohol now. Dad will be just thrilled. I hit Bryce in the stomach really hard, then reached for my bag of cigarettes. “I’m gonna take a smoke!” I walked out of the room and into my backyard. Well if you can even call it a backyard. It was a little fenced in area that barely had any grass and small little gimpy hot tub that we had took up all the room.

I lit up and let out a puff of smoke. My dad was going to be home soon, so I figured I should probably get my last smoke out for the day. My dad hated it when Bryce, Olivia, or I smoke or drink while he’s home. He doesn’t give a shit if we do it, he does it too, but we just cant when he’s home. It’s stupid rules really.

I heard the door open behind me and I turned around to see who it was. I sighed, agitated. “Go away Olivia. I don’t want to talk.” I said, and let out another breath of smoke. “I know you don’t, you don’t have to. I just want you to listen.” She tried to soothe. I could never stay mad at my sister for very long. I felt the closest to her out of my whole family. Bryce is just a douche, and my dad never makes an effort, then my mom…well she’s never been a part of my life.

I shut my mouth, deciding that she’ll bug me if I don’t let her say what she has to. “Okay, you used to be the shining star of our family. Look at Bryce and I, we’re far from anything you were. You were perfect. What happened?” She seemed concerned. I didn’t want to answer this question, I didn’t like it. “I thought you said I didn’t have to talk.” I quickly responded. Smartass responses are usually my specialty. “You don’t have you, I’m just saying, that you’re wasting your life away. You’re going to college, sure. Living in a dorm, whatever. Moved out, cool. But who really cares? It’s what your actually doing with your life that matters. You have a girlfriend, oh what’s her name…” Olivia was running through names, until I finally cut her off. “It’s Trina. Her name’s Trina.” I said.

“Trina, fine then. But just look right there. Here you’re going out with this girl who you don’t even like! We all know you’re still flaunting over that one chick who moved to where ever the hell she moved to.” Olivia made a point. “Actually…” I began. “She’s back. She’s back, and now she see’s me like this. Like a total wasted case. Like a druggy. Someone she probably never wanted to see me as.” I replied, my voice sounded even more angered. This conversation wasn’t helping.

“So that’s why you’ve got to change.” She stated. I look my sister in the eyes, and I was confused. “What?” She shook her head. “If you really love her this much, if you changed for her already, but not in the best way, you can always change back. You just need motivation. I think you have that now. Focus on her. Focus on you. Focus on getting her back!” She encouraged.

“You don’t understand! I can’t get her back! I have a girlfriend, she has a boyfriend! I’m a waste-case, and right now, I’m dealing with the police and possible prison again for that stupid robbery!” I threw my cigarette onto the cement and rested my head in my hands. “My life’s ruined.” I sighed and felt more tears coming.

“Does Bryce still have any more drugs in his drawers?” I asked nonchalantly. That’s the only way to help myself feel happy again. “No! Besides I would never tell you anyways! You need to fix this AJ! And I mean right now! You’re being stupid.” She sighed and walked back into the house, slamming the door on her way.

Whatever. I don’t give a damn what she thinks. I don’t give a damn what anyone thinks. My life’s a mess, and I’m the one that screwed it up.


Amber’s POV

My hands swiftly went through Brady’s hair a few times, messing it up playfully. “I love your hair. I really do. It’s just so fun and…” I gave it a little tug. “Cute.” I giggled. Brady laughed. “So, let me get this straight…” He adjusted me so that I had my legs on either side of him, and I was sitting on his lap facing him straight on. “You think I’m cute, sexy, attractive, perfect, ‘your everything’, and yet, you still wont go out with me?” He had a point there.

My smile vanished and I got up off of Brady’s lap. “What?” He asked as he followed me into the kitchen. “I think that was a pretty reasonable question. Or statement, however you’d like to look at it.” I avoided eye contact as I took the milk and eggs out of the fridge. Then, I finally thought of a way to approach this. I stopped what I was doing and spun around, meeting Brady’s gaze eye to eye. He took a step closer to me, our stomach’s now touching and pushing me against the counter, his face inches from mine. “I’m listening.” He urged, wrapping his hands around my waist, holding me close to him. I looked down, I couldn’t make eye contact with him when he was trying to pull a move on me. “Brady I…” Then I stopped. I had to word this perfectly. “You are all of those things to me. Truly you are. You’re everything that a girl could ever want.” Then I paused.

“Well, I got that part. I think I’ve been told that so many times now, that I find it hard to believe anymore.” He said. “I know, I know, it sounds cheesy and fake, but it’s the exact opposite. It’s just that, you know when there’s such an intense chemistry with someone, that…it’s almost an instant romance?” I asked. He nodded. “Believe me. I’ve known that for a while.” He smiled and winked. This was too difficult. I can’t do this now.

“I’m going to make an omelet, do you want one?” I asked, removing myself from his grasp and going to the fridge, again to grab some cheese and ham bits. I poured two cups of milk and pulled out a pan to cook the omelets on. Brady rested against the opposite counter that I was working at. “You know, I feel like your avoiding that question.” He said honestly. I laughed. “What? Why would I-”

“Don’t act like you don’t know what I’m talking about Amber. You suck at faking around me.” He’s right, again. I do suck at trying to pull a fast one by Brady. I sighed. “I know. And, it’s just…not the right time. I have something to tell you, but you have to respect me enough to be okay waiting until I’m ready. Okay, babe?” I continued on making the omelets, adding the ham and cheese on. Brady was silent. I looked out of the corner of my eye to make sure he didn’t leave or disappear on me. He was still there, he seemed like he was thinking about something intensely though.

“You still there?” I half-heartily teased. He let out a small laugh. “Yeah, still here.” He said quietly. “I’m going to…take a quick walk, okay?” He said. I nodded. “Okay, but what about your omelet?” He shoved his hands in his pockets and walked towards the door. “Just leave it out. I’ll be back in a second.” He assured. I shrugged. “Okay then.” Then I heard the door shut.

I finished up the omelets and ate alone, leaving Brady’s omelet out like he’d requested. I finished my omelet rather quickly and waited in the kitchen a little while for Brady, washing the dishes and stuff while I was waiting. When I was done with all the dishes, I glanced up at the clock and noticed that Brady’s been gone for a half an hour. I decided to put his omelet in the fridge, so it wont get all gross and moldy.

I was getting a little concerned now, Brady didn’t seem to be coming back. I wonder where he went? I wonder where he is now? What time will he be back? What’s he doing?

Out of boredom, I decided to turn on the TV, see what’s on. Degrassi, Dragon Ball Z Kai, The Backyardigans, Spongebob Squarepants, nothing, nothing, nothing. I finally just turned it on MTV and Jersey Shore just happened to be on. I sighed and my eyes flickered to the door, hoping to see Brady walking in saying “Sorry it took so long,” and then spill his guts about what he did and where he was, but that didn’t happen. I threw the remote on the couch and figured this was going to drive me crazy. I needed to get out of here, I couldn’t just sit here while he was out doing whatever.

I grabbed one of my jackets off the coat rack and felt through all the pockets for my keys, but I couldn’t find them. “What the-” Then it dawned on me. I couldn’t go anywhere because Brady took my car keys. Wherever he was going, obviously he needed a car to get to. I groaned, clearly annoyed with Brady at this moment. I grabbed my jacket anyways, throwing open the door and running outside towards the ocean, not even bothering to close the door. Tears started streaming down my face, for some reason, I felt really alone right now. More alone then I’d felt when I moved from here in the first place. More alone then when I’d lost AJ the first time. More alone then you could possibly think of.

Once I hit the sand, I took off my flip flops and threw them to my side. I ran into the water and sat there, not caring about getting my butt wet, not caring about how cold it was, and surprisingly it was pretty warm for Oregon, and not caring about the make up now smudging.

I just wanted a new start. The feeling of being alone was not a good feeling. It just made you want more and more. I sniffed and splashed some water on my face. You’re losing it Amber, you’re officially losing it…

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