11. His Achilles Heel (bwwm)...

By kudz12

1M 41.7K 8.8K

Are you tired of the damsel in distress stories then this one is just for you. Read and have fun... Highe... More

17 - Double play
Dangerous Affair (bwwm)
Story Flow
Next Chapter teaser
A King's Love
King Maker: The One who Controlled them All

30 - The Finale

16.4K 763 142
By kudz12

Thank you to all who supported this book. Had so much fun writing this one, plus your awesome comments kept me going.

Please please tell your friends about the book if you really enjoyed it. If not just tell your friends they might enjoy it more😉

Please, please, please I beg of you. Leave a comment I want to know how you as the reader found the story, was is cliché or something a bit different from what you have read....pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeez😩

Question: Which other book(s) should I enter for the Wattys? For those of you who have read my other books.



Malcolm sat in the dark room unchained which was what he least expected. The door opened as he saw a silhouette of a man before it was closed. The person has entered the room and only started to walk once he had locked the door.

The light blinded his eyes as soon as the switch was turned. Looking up he saw Marcel standing over him and his expression said it all.
"Where is my family?" He asked through clenched teeth.
Malcolm gave him a blank stare in response before he stood up charging towards Marcel who was already prepared for him.

The fool did exactly what Marcel wanted as the lights were cut off leaving them in the dark. Malcolm felt a sharp pain as Marcel punched him right above his left kidney before he found himself on the ground being pummeled by large fists.

The lights came back on as Marcel smiled admiring his handiwork.
Dragging Malcolm by his hair he brought him to his chair, this time securing him on the chair.

"You should know. I love being handy," he said moving towards a table that had different tools arranged.
"F**k off," Malcolm spat as he spat out bloodied spit. "I am not saying anything."
"But you just started," Marcel smiled holding an injection. "Adrenalin," he said injecting it into Malcolm.
"Kill me for all I care, you will never see her."
"Malcolm, stop blubbering nonsense and start talking some sense," he smirked looking straight into his eyes.

Taking an electric saw, he smiled as Malcolm's eyes bulged.
"Oh sorry I forgot, I need to secure your hands properly he said grabbing a hummer and nails.
Holding the nail over his arm just below his wrist he watched as beads of sweat formed on Malcolm's forehead. In one swift move he drove the nail through the man's arm and armrest as blood dripped onto the plastic.

"Don't want my floor getting dirty with all the blood you are going to spill. Don't worry though," he said taking another nail. It will be all over as soon as you tell me what I want," he said as he took his time with the other nail as he cried out in pain."
Sighing in satisfaction he stood back to admire his work.

Taking the saw he turned it back on after wearing a face mask and apron.
"Now where are they?"
Malcolm remained silent.
"Oh well, don't say I didn't ask," he said as he cut off a finger smiling as the man cried out in pain.

The door swung open as Alexis walked in holding a bag.

Working swiftly she inserted an IV line into Malcolm's arm just as max and another walked in carrying logs of firewood.

An hour later a fire was blazing and Malcolm's was unrecognizable. His right eye was swollen and his chest has numerous cuts his right hand bandaged and missing all its fingers as Marcel and Alexis sat by the fire making small talk.
"Where am I?" Malcolm slurred as Marcel took out the fire rod from the flames.

Walking towards Malcolm he placed the burning rod on his thigh as Malcolm screamed out in pain.
"All this can end in a matter of seconds Malcolm. I can get Alexis to give you pain medication and you can be on your merry way," Marcel said as he crouched before Malcolm.
"Where are they?"

Malcolm mumbled something making Marcel lean in closer before he stood up looking angrier than before.
Grabbing Malcolm by the throat he squeezed watching the man's eyes bulge as he struggled to get air. He squeezed until his felt his windpipe before going limp.

"I know where they are."



As soon as the door was shut a cloth was placed over her mouth. She couldn't resist the urge to take in some air as she held her breath thus resulting in her inhaling the drug, knocking her out.

She woke up to the sound of a child crying instantly knowing that wail. Moving towards the small cot she found her son crying to his hearts content stopping once she picked him up.
She had to stay alert, they were playing mind games with her. Just like they did Debra.

The door swung open as she looked at the man she thought was family.
"Why?" She asked only receiving a smirk as he turned on his heel.

Stepping out of the room two pairs of hands grabbed her as a young girl came and took her son away from her.
"Don't worry no harm will come to the child he is family after all. But you on the other hand, you have caused me so much trouble," he said as they dragged her downstairs.

"Marcel will find out soon. Malcolm will tell him once he gets his hands on him," she said with a small smile. "And we both know he will not forgive you so easily," she added.
"Who said I need forgiveness, once I am done with you, I will take care of him. He will see that all this was done for the good of the families. The power you both yield combined is something not many are happy about. So I am fixing the problem. And if it means killing you both as the solution so be it," he said turning to the man beside him.

As the door was opened for his departure she heard Mario crying at the top of his lungs as she moved towards the door her motherly instincts kicking in but was stopped by the man.
Grabbing his arm she twisted his fingers making him buckle down in pain as he cursed before another goon came in throwing a punch at her face as she stumbled back falling onto the ground. Grabbing her by her arms they dragged her towards the wall chaining her up as she faced the wall. The ripping of her shirt was loud and clear as she tested the strength of the chains giving up as they were secured tightly around her wrists.

The cracking of whips was a sound she was all too familiar with before she felt the sting of the leather on her skin. Blood was definitely draw from the first lash. However she produced no sound as she detached herself from the pain focusing on happy thoughts, thoughts of her family. They stopped whipping her as she felt the sting of hot water over her open wounds as her body tensed up from the pain. Beads of sweat ran down her face as she clenched her teeth in sheer pain.

"Let's have some fun with her, I'm sure the boss won't mind," one of them said as they unchained her.

As she crumbled to the floor one of them held her down before she could react as the other hovered over her pulling her pants off.
Images of when she was young flashed before her eyes as her underwear was ripped. She remained still as the other loosened his grip seeing she was no longer struggling.

Turning her head to the side she saw one of the whips carelessly placed on the ground within her reach.
As the man's pants fell down to his ankles she closes her eyes as she muttered gibberish causing the one who wanted to have his way with her to stop his actions.
"What is she saying?" He asked his friend who leaned down towards her.

What she did next had the other pulling up his pants in a hurry as she bit the other man's ear making him cry in pain as her teeth continued to sink into his flesh biting off his ear as he cried in pain.
Before pants guy could finish dragging his pants up she tripped him causing the idiot to fall down hard.

Whilst the second one was crying over his bleeding ear she grabbed the whip using it to choke pants guy to death before doing the same to ear guy. As he took his last breath the door swung open as armed man ran into the room stopping at what they saw.

"Chain her up and don't remove the bloody chains," she heard one of them who must have been the one left in charge yell. Pulling up her pants she spat out the blood in her mouth wearing a smirk as one of them approached her with caution.

"I hope you said goodbye to your family because like your friends over there," she said nodding in the direction of the two bodies being dragged out, "you are going to die today," she smirked as the man visibly gulped in fear grabbing her hand securing the chain around her wrist before securing the other hand.



"Where is my father?" He yelled as soon as he saw Max.
"He left and hour ago," Max responded.

Heading towards his room he grabbed his favorite gun and without another word they left heading to his childhood home.
"Why are we going there?"
"My father has my wife and child," he growled pressing down on the gas pedal.
"Your father? Why would...."
"That's something you can ask when we get him," Marcel cut Alex off.

Alexis was silent all the while as she texted away on her phone.

Before they reached his old home they were stopped by a group of man.
His men were already out, guns aimed at the latest threat.

Theo got out of his car.
"Relax, we are here to help. As we speak Neil is locking down the area, no one will leave that house. I am here to escort you through the main entrance," he said pointing to a large vehicle that looked like a battle ram.
Marcel simply nodded his head as he got back in it his car.

Charging towards the house the vehicle did its job exceptionally well tearing down the gate like it was nothing.
The impact of bullets on his car was as though the heavens had opened to let water pour down.
It soon slowed down as one by one the men fell like dominos as he got out of the car crouching low.

"Follow me," he signaled to some of his men who followed him no questions asked.

"Will it open after all these years," Alex growled as Marcel used his foot to dislodge the makeshift door.
"It will," he replied just as the door slightly moved under his force.

Moving with stealth he signaled his men to spread out. Just as one of his father's man saw them he fell down from a head shot. Neil stepped into the house his gun still in hand. Moving up the stairs they searched room by room coming up to Marcel's old room where he found a maid holding his son.
"Hand him over," Alexis commanded as the young girl trembled.

Just as Alexis turned away from the girl walking away from her all color drained from Marcel and Neil's faces as she raised a gun in Alexis' direction.
"You can thank me later," came Kim's voice over the wireless radio as the maid slumped down onto the ground.
"Maybe a shopping spree," Tariro murmured as she gave Kim coordinates for the next shot.
"Hmm maybe," Kim murmured as she pulled the trigger.

"She must be downstairs," Marcel said already moving out of the room once he was sure Mario was safe.

Kicking the door open the man who was busy beating her up stopped, surprised at the intrusion.

Before he could reach for his weapon, he went down on his knees in pain as blood seeped from both his legs.
"Marcel," she whispered grabbing his attention.
There was so much blood, that was the first thing Marcel registered. Secondly he was glad she was alive.
"Marcel," she whispered again, as he realized her eyes were closed.
"Love open your eyes."

"Help me block out the pain," she begged. "I need you Marcel," she smiled before losing consciousness just as she was released from the chains.
"Nyasha," he said gently but she didn't respond as he carefully lifted her up in his arms.
Neil stood rigid as he looked at his sister before he turned to the man who had been beating her raising his gun pulling the trigger without a word.

Walking out of the house Kim and Tariro were waiting outside but stood shocked as they looked at Nyasha.
Neil ran towards his wife before she hit the ground holding her up in his arms as Kim stood in a state of shock as Theo got ahold of her.
Climbing into the car Alexis took charge in an instant as they rushed to the hospital.

"Marcel let go of her," Alexis yelled as Marcel snapped out of his daze realizing that they had arrived at the hospital. The door was already open as a gurney was pushed towards them by one of the nurses.

Loosening his hold they moved her onto the bed in haste moving into the building.
He moved in a daze his main focus on her until hands stopped him just outside the theatre.
As he paced the lobby Max came up to him.
"We found him," was all he needed for Marcel to know.
He would deal with his father once Nyasha was safe. His men would take care of him and besides he need not worry as Neil could handle things.


She lay on her side her right hand secured in a cast, her entire abdomen wrapped up in bandages. It was a miracle the baby had not come to any harm after what she had experienced.
He sat beside her bed waiting for the medication to wear off before she woke up. He wanted to be the first one she saw when she opened her eyes, the first one to reassure her that she was safe. She had locked her mind away from the present in order to block the pain, Alexis had mentioned. It was a smart move but at the same time risky because of the probability of her not coming out of that trance like state as she would feel more secure in such a state that reality.

"My love, I need you to wake up," he whispered brushing his lips upon her finger tips. Leaning back in his chair sleep took over as he succumbed relaxing in the chair. A few hours later he felt the weight of his son on his chest as the little one stirred awake. He knew his sister must have placed him in his arms most likely to stop him from fussing.

"We need to be very quiet buddy. Mommy needs to sleep," he whispered as Mario looked at him a grin forming on his face.
"I'm already up," he heard her say as he looked in her direction.
She closed her eyes smiling at them as he moved closer to her laying their son beside her.
"You are awake?" He asked as she slightly nodded her head.
"How are you feeling," he murmured.
"Sore all over," she whispered as she turned onto her back coughing only to cry out in pain as Marcel shot out his arms to bring her back onto her side.

"I'm sorry sweetheart," he whispered looking worried as he reached for the emergency button.
A few seconds later Alexis and a nurse were in the room seeing to her.
He stood back watching over her as they drew blood to run more tests administering some more pain medication.
"I can't stay here," she said close to tears once they were done. "Please take me home Marcel," she begged as he looked at Alexis who looked like she wanted to no.
"I will make sure she stays in bed," Marcel stated.
"That I am sure you can archive but I will be there to monitor her recovery," Alexis chuckled taking her leave.
Arranging for transportation they headed home were all the necessary equipment was already set up.


"Did they find him?" She whispered as he held her close watching the first snowflakes descent from the heavens.
"They did," he said in a deep voice.
"What are you going to do to him?" She whispered.
"I don't know," he said stroking her arm in a soothing manner lulling her to sleep.

Pulling away from her he slowly unwrapped her bandages discarding them after disinfecting his hands as he gently applied the ointment that would help reduce the scarring just as Alexis had showed him. She flinched now and then from the sting of the medication as he worked fast enough for her benefit. Rewrapping the wounds in a fresh bandage he resumed their previous position looking towards Mario who was fast asleep in his own little bed.


She woke with a start as her eyes met Marcel's making her relax.
"It's okay love, I am here," he whispered holding her close until her heart rate returned to normal.
Throwing the covers away he gave her a sponge bath informing her that everyone was coming over for dinner.

"You look absolutely radiant my dear," her papa stated as she sat down at the dinner table.
"Thank you papa," she smiled as Marcel took his seat at the head of the table.
His father walked in looking well as he sat opposite Nyasha.
Several men walked in a few minutes later with Neil leading them as he sat next to papa across from his wife.

Ellen was seated next to Nyasha followed by her mother, whilst Alex sat next to Roberto who had not said a work but only glared at Nyasha.
"Now that everyone is here, shall we," Marcel said looking at the heads of the families who were the pillars of their organization. Lifting his hand in a signal their starters were brought in. Marcel helped Nyasha through each course whilst Roberto looked like he was helping difficulty swallowing the simplest of their food.

As everyone seemed to be enjoying their meal Nyasha swallowed her food before placing her fork down.

"Are you going to tell them or should I?" Nyasha said in a cold tone facing Roberto before her gaze shifted to Alex.

Everyone except Marcel looked confused.
"Tell us what?" Ellen inquired.
"He was working with your papa," she said as he made a move to reach for his gun having forgotten they had left all their weapons at the entrance after a thorough search.
"Alex?" Ellen said shock clearly registered upon her features.

"I heard your father talking to him over the phone when he thought I was out cold, the day they took me. He was supposed to keep an eye oN you brother and tell your dad when he was close. How else would he have known they were on their way if not for an inside man. As soon as you broke Malcolm, he tipped off your father allowing him to leave early headed to his estate were I was held captive. When they were on their way to your home he alerted your dad so he could easily escape. What he never saw coming was Kim and Neil. He only anticipated the security on hand.

I begged Marcel to leave the hospital because I knew Alex would have access to me room easily giving him the opportunity to try anything.

Greed is what drove both these men. A father who did not want to be outdone by his son and a friend who was tired of living in the shadows. All in all they wanted more power for themselves using the families as puppets for their own twisted scheme," she narrated in a cool tone just as the heads of each family looked shocked.

"After capturing you I had a little chat with each gentleman here," Marcel said. "They were kind enough to tell me what my wife just mentioned and it pained me that my own father and a man I considered a brother would betray me. After careful consideration I have decided to not have a hand in your death, but what I will do is cut you off. You are family after all, but you will no longer have the families protection from this day fourth," Marcel said turning to Nyasha who looked tired.

"As for the families who had a hand in this little escapade of my father's I cannot guarantee your safety especially from the likes of my wife or her family, well...myself included he smirked as several men walked in standing behind specific family heads.
"Escort them out," Marcel ordered just as the family heads who had betrayed him, his father and Alex were lifted from their seat and led out of the room.
"What about his family?" Nyasha whispered.
"No harm will come to them, but he will leave the country for good. I cannot bring myself to kill him," Marcel murmured as he helped her lay down.

"Take care of yourself my dear," Helen said with tears in her eyes as one by one they left the room.
Taking her to their room he helped her into bed before she grabbed his hand stopping him from leaving.
"Marcel just stay with me, just...just until I fall asleep," she whispered as he obliged her request as he settle into the bed allowing her to lay her head on his lap.

She had been experiencing nightmares ever since she returned. They must have been triggered by the rape attempt Alexis had informed him. She only slept peacefully in his presence and he vowed to be there always to chase her bad dreams away and only allow good dreams to surround her.

New Year's Eve

"I know we had a bumpy start," he said softly as he pulled her into his arms. "I know that I hurt you countless of times. That I disappointed you. Nagged you. Made you hate me, then love me, then hate me again. But through it all you forgave me. Your forgiveness broke me as I broke you. You helped me move one from my past pains and insecurities.
Me wanting you, needing you, loving you brought fourth chaos upon our already chaotic lives but still you stayed by my side your love never doubting us," he said as they stood outside waiting for the New Years firework display to start.

"Marcel?" She asked in question seeing his panicked state.
"I forced you into this marriage," he said as he produced an envelope of divorce papers that he had already signed she saw as she scanned the papers.
"Marcel what is the meaning of this?" She asked stepping away from him only to be stopped in her tracks as he dropped onto both his knees.

"What I am trying to say. Or should I say ask is that will you my love, make me a better man and do me the honor of being my wife at you own accord," he asked as tears freely ran down her cheeks as the lights were turned on revealing her family and his standing in the shadows.
"Yes," she whispered as Marcel closed his eyes in relief placing a kiss on her now swollen belly before standing up to kiss her as he slid the engagement ring he had.

"I love you," she murmured against his lips.
"I love you more," he smiled back just as the fireworks exploded.
She was after all his only weakness. The mother of his children. His wife, now fiancée. His Achilles Heel.

~~😰~~😭~The End~😊~~🤗~~

PS: I really really need help with a cover for Dangerous Affair, HELP!

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