To Seduce a Vampire | 18+ ✔

By SerenityR0se

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[COMPLETED]✔ The Blood Magic Series |Book 6| 2017 Fiction Award Winner for Best Series. ⁃⁃⁃❖⁃⁃⁃ "Too bad th... More

The Blood Magic Series - Book 6: To Seduce a Vampire
Book 6⌇1. Don't You Look Delectable
Book 6⌇2. I'm an Assassin For a Reason
Book 6⌇3. Incomplete
Book 6⌇4. Of Course, There's a Rebellion
Book 6⌇5. Nothing is a Secret
Book 6⌇6. First Come The Tears
Book 6⌇7. Then Comes The Violence
Book 6⌇9. Throw Away The Key
Book 6⌇10. Reality Bites
Book 6⌇11. I'm Not a Stripper...
Book 6⌇12. I'm Not Listening
Book 6⌇13. I'm Not Caring...Am I?
Book 6⌇14. I'm Not Biting You
Book 6⌇15. Pleasure
Book 6⌇16. He'll Never Change
Book 6⌇17. Respect
Book 6⌇18. Electricity
Book 6⌇19. Do What You Want
Book 6⌇20. Soul
Book 6⌇21. Link
Book 6⌇22. Weak
Book 6⌇23. Vengeance
Book 6⌇24. Desire
Book 6⌇25. Who Said Three's a Crowd?
Book 6⌇26. Trap
Book 6⌇27. Fragment
Book 6⌇28. Shadow Soul Link
Book 6⌇29. Hell's Flame
Book 6⌇Epilogue: Eternity
Sinful Temptation [One-Shot]

Book 6⌇8. Undying

20.8K 1.1K 170
By SerenityR0se

Chapter 8 ∣  Undying


My first sense to awaken, was smell, drawing in the deep scent of ash and coals. It was much harder to get my eyes to open their heavy lids, my body broken but slowly starting to heal with time. Lying on my side, I pulled the fingers from my left hand into a fist, taking the silky texture with them. Feeling the remnant traces of undiluted liquid silver coursing through my veins, polluting my bloodstream brought back the moment of fear in their eyes.


Resorting to weakening a vampire when you are one, is just plain cowardly. I remember seeing the face of the one who should have been my beloved, choking the life from me. He held no remorse or sadness in his eyes. His decision was final, choosing Cleo over me and defending her put everything into perspective.

I should have run.

I shouldn't have dared to storm into his coven and think I could take her life. I demonstrated the will to stand against my coven leader. Seeing as I think I'm still alive...Landon will have notified every coven about my actions, his words branding me as a rogue vampire.

There's no place for me on Earth anymore. My heart still aches, and it just won't stop. I want to disconnect completely, but I can't, something is still lingering and holding onto my very existence.

Fresh hot tears crept from the corners of my closed lids, trailing down the sides of my cheeks as I took a shaky breath.

Why me?


I just want to fade away.

Focusing on the shadows, I attempted to take in its pull.


My strength and speed were returning, but the last thing that would come back was my inherited ability. I'd have to wait until the silver had completely run its course to fade away into nothing.

That's all I am.


Hearing something in the distance, my eyelids fluttered open, blinking several times to absorb my surroundings as well as brushing the tears away.


This is unfamiliar. Where am I?

My vision was hazy at first, focusing until I finally was able to get a good look around me. I was in a rather grandiose bedroom, the many shelves and stands that lined the walls also held dark pictures of what could only be described as a heritage. Sitting up, I gripped the sheets in my hands, looking down to see I was encased in warm covers, the darker hues of ebony and maroon a stark contrast to my pale skin.

My long light brown hair was undone from the tie that once restrained it. Pulling back the covers cautiously, my eyes held the clothes that had replaced my assassin's outfit. Wearing simple black yoga pants and a loose-fitting tank top.

I froze. With my heart beating faster, trying to comprehend what happened and where I became a lot harder than when I originally woke. Some part of me was secretly hoping this had all been but a terrible nightmare and that I would wake next to Landon with the mark of his fangs clear as day on the side of my neck.

No, but now I really did feel like I was in a nightmare.

What if he had sent me away? What if I was going to be killed in a more gruesome way with my death sentence undetermined. Maybe I was just living on death row now...everything was so confusing and making my head hurt.

Pushing back and covers and sheets, I swung my legs, my bare feet touching the ground. Much to my surprise, it wasn't a cold marble floor that met with my skin. No, it was just a gentle warmth that came from the very different flooring in this room that instantly relaxed the sore muscles in my feet, calves and trailing up to my thighs.

Standing, I could just see the hint of light coming from the sides of the dark curtain that had been drawn to shield away from the sun. Turning away from the deathly light, I wandered around the side of the bed, taking a good look at it and raising my eyebrows.


Near the elegantly crafted headboard, the filigree impeccable, I caught sight of what appeared to be cuffed. Not sure what type of metal it was made from, I glanced away, wondering exactly who brought me here. Taking another step, I tripped over something on the floor flinging my hands out to catch myself as my knees hit the warm ground.

Scowling, my eyes lingered on straps that were locked around the bedpost. My heart skipping a beat, I shot another glance at the opposite post and saw the same strap, the ends embedded with cuffs like the ones at the headboard.

The fuck...

What kind of kinky shit

I thought sex was supposed to be tame, waiting to give myself to Landon had frustrated me many times, but I never strayed away from him. Whoever had brought me here, had some sick mind. I wasn't sure if I should be more afraid of this new place, or if I Landon should have just killed me.

I'm not staying here...

Getting to my feet, I watched where I was stepping this time, afraid of what else I might stumble upon. Slinking to the door, I took the handle into my hand, jiggling it a few times and determining it was locked. My eyes shifted for a moment, my strength showing as I pulled hard on the handle and the lock broke free, the handle falling to the floor and rolling away.

Grimacing in pain, I let go of my vampiric strength, the silver just barely holding onto me and making each step painful when unleashed. Breathing in calmly, I slipped my fingers into the hole where the door handle used to be, pulling in back into the room. Poking my head out the door, I looked to my left and then my right, a bitter silence returning to my ears.

Shrugging, I stepped out fully into the hallway, battling with myself as to which way I should go. Considering I didn't have the ability to cloak myself or dissolve away, this would be a bit of a challenge if I picked the wrong path. Finally concluding, I started walking down the right hallway.

I would be lying if I said I wasn't scared.

The high ceilings and walls that supported the structure were intimidating, a building much larger than any vampire mansion I had seen.

Nearing an intersection, I decided to continue with going right, because in a labyrinth at least if you always choose one direction, you knew where to backtrack your steps.

"Stop," a cold voice brought the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end. Turning my head ever so slowly, my eyes landed on two tall well-built men, their clothes like what the male vampires wore, only their color choices were a mixture of dark and light grays. The blood ran away from my face when I saw the weapons they had at their belts, both outfitted with two swords each.

My eyes looked sideways and the second voice growled, "Don't even think about it."

I thought about it.

Taking off quickly at a breakneck pace, I flew down the hallway, my feet pounding against the floor as I heard footsteps closing in behind me. My panting increased, hearing them edging closer and closer kick-started the renewed fear in my heart and I let myself clutch my inhuman speed for just a moment.

Another male appeared out of a branching hallway, drawing his weapons as I was running right at him.

I'm not going to die here.

My strength followed my speed, my hands meeting the warm floor as I cartwheeled, following up with a back handspring, connecting my ankles around the neck of the man. Locking into place, I used every ounce of my strength to hurl him in the direction of the two who had almost caught up to me.

Coming out of my acrobatics, my feet hit the ground once again and I didn't look back, my eyes seeing large doors in the distance. Hopefully, this was the exit to this prison...this nightmare I had been dragged into.


Please stop following me...

Leave me alone!

I shook my head, hearing the heavy footsteps behind me once again, knowing they had their own supernatural abilities to be able to keep up with me, let alone outpace me. The pain of using my vampiric strength and speed bit me hard, my veins ready to burst from the lack of oxygen, the silver threading through my cells. Even though it was tapering off, it still hurt like a full dose was injected into me.

"Stop running!" The first voice yelled out, making me flinch when I heard the whoosh of metal sailing past the right side of my face. The sword lodged itself into one of the doors, the pounding of my blood rushing to my ears blocked out whatever they were calling. I was too afraid to listen to anyone, anything, I just wanted to fall apart.

A few more strides and I outstretched my hand, skillfully taking the handle into it and throwing the large door back behind me, catching one of my pursuers in the face and emitting a loud growl. I screamed when I felt one of their hands wrap around my upper left arm, dropping to the ground and throwing the man over my shoulder.

Before another could lay a hand on me, I flipped over the one I had laid out on the ground, stepping out into the blinding light. Snapping my eyes shut, the pain of the light almost blinding me the moment I felt the earthen ground beneath my bare feet. I hadn't stopped running and without my sight, I tripped and crashed into the ground, my arms almost catching my fall.

I landed on my chest, the smell of ash and coals was much stronger, and I felt a heat I'd never experienced before, my skin prickling from the savage temperature.

That's it...I'm going to burn to death from the sun.

Hands wrapped around my ankles and I was flipped over onto my back, my arms shielding my face further from the glaring light. For someone who spends most of their life in the shadows and away from all lighting but candlelight, I was completely out of my element.

"I told you to stop!" The first voice growled down at me, hearing the man as another continued to hold my ankles.

I didn't say a single word, tears coming to my eyes again. Here I once was so strong but broken into a thousand pieces by Landon, I was nothing anymore.

"Are you deaf?!" He spat at me and I flinched again, letting him see my response.

Why isn't the sun burning me?

"W-W-Why a-am I n-not bu-burning?" I croaked out, feeling his presence closer to me.

"Stop scaring her," a deep voice made the one holding my ankles instantly release them. The presence that once stood near me, faded away. In fact, they were all but figments of my imagination by how quickly they receded away, leaving just this one powerful force behind, nearing me with each breath I drew.

Each time I attempted to squint my eyes open, the light invaded my sight, forcing me to shut them again. I'd never had my sight taken away from me, the fear of not being able to see crept further into my bones. It reached a peak when the man knelt next to me, brushing the hair from out of my face.

I knocked his hand away, trying to pull myself away, but I couldn't.

"You want to know why you aren't being burned?" He asked in a voice that sent shivers down my spine.

I whispered gently, "Y-Yes."

"You're not on Earth."


"That isn't the sun."


"You're in Hell, specifically, the Dominion Plan," he finished, the goosebumps spreading across my exposed skin.

I really did die...

Published on Amazon as an ebook and paperback.

To Seduce a Vampire by K. A. Young.

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