For The World

By looxired

94.5K 3.4K 1.1K

Sequel to Choose Me. More

Ch. 1
Ch. 2
Ch. 3
Ch. 4
Ch. 5
Ch. 6
Ch. 7
Ch. 8
Ch. 9
Ch. 10
Ch. 11
Ch. 12
Ch. 13
Ch. 14
Ch. 15
Ch. 16
Ch. 17
Ch. 18
Ch. 19
Chapter 20
Ch. 21
Ch. 22
Ch. 23
Ch. 24
Ch. 25
Ch. 26
Ch. 27
Ch. 28
Ch. 29
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Ch. 42
Repeating Days: Sophomore Year

Ch. 41

1.4K 74 73
By looxired

Wicked Ways

Her eyes were tightly shut, she was sweating profusely and she just didn't want to go through this anymore. She's tried to wake herself up but it wasn't a dream. She couldn't wake up from this. She couldn't get her life back and it scared her half to death. She couldn't believe Lauren had di-


She was shaken harshly causing her eyes to open. She sat herself up immediately to catch her breath as she began to cry. But the moment her eyes landed on the girl in front of her, she calmed. Her body went into a state of shock and she couldn't believe her eyes. It was all a dream. Lauren was still here. Her eyes were looking into her own right now and it was real.

Y/N began to cry even harder now as she reached her hands over to hold her wife's face in her palms to make sure it was legitimate. And it was.

"Hey..." Lauren began softly, her eyes filled with concern for her wife. "What happened? Did you have a bad dream?"

"It - it seemed so - so fucking real." Y/N said breathlessly. She shook her head as her thumb traced Lauren's bottom lip. "I - I can't believe it wasn't real."

"Whatever it was, it wasn't real, babe." Lauren reassured her "I promise you. It wasn't real."

Lauren laid back down, pulling her wife down with her and holding her as tightly as possible, knowing it's what Y/N needed right now. Lauren had heard her mumbling in the middle of the night but she didn't think it was serious. The moment she felt the bed being wet was when she woke up. Y/N had been sweating so badly it was like she had jumped into a pool and laid down in the bed only seconds later from being drenched.

Lauren tried to wake her up about 20 minutes ago but Y/N wouldn't wake up. Then she began to cry. She began to cry and sweat and scream in her dream and that pushed Lauren even more to wake her wife up. She had taken her shoulders in her hands and shook her as hard as she could to wake her up. It took a good 5 minutes for it to start working. Lauren didn't know Y/N was having this bad of nightmares, or even nightmares in general. Or maybe this was the first?

As Y/N began to drift back off to sleep, Lauren couldn't. She was worried. She couldn't sleep when Y/N cold have another nightmare like this again. Or what if the next one was worse? What if the next one she wouldn't wake up from? Lauren had read once that some people had had such bad nightmares that it's given them a heart attack in their sleep and they don't wake back up. Could this happen to her now wife? Did Y/N need help?

In the morning, they woke up to a loud knocking on their suite door. Lauren slid out of bed, trying not to wake her up but she still did. Lauren whispered for her to go back to bed, seeing as she barely had enough sleep. Y/N nodded and shoved her face into one of the pillows as her arms slid under it. Lauren stretched, seeing that it was only 7 in the morning. As she yawned, she left the room and into the living room to get to the door.

The knocking continued until she opened the door. The person busted into the room dramatically and in a panic. Lauren was about to curse them out, trying to shut the door but then someone else came barging in to. She saw that it was Chris and Chandler. They both started looking around the suite, Chris going straight for the room to make sure Y/N was okay since he just saw Lauren. Lauren shook her head, being too sleepy for this.

"What the fuck is going on?" Lauren demanded an answer.

Chandler looked at her, shaking her head. "Junie."

From the mention of the name, Y/N fully woke up. She pulled herself out of bed and out of the room to Lauren's side. "What about him?"

"We saw him." Chris said as he checked the bathroom and the closets. "He's here. Somewhere." He said through gritted teeth.

"How - where?" Lauren said, matching their voices with panic.

Chris balled his fists, "I called Chandler this morning to meet up for coffee before we would come here to make sure you two make your flight." He was fuming, his face turning red. "He was - he was in a car. He had a black hat on with the number 21 on it. It was brief, but I know it was him. It - it was him. The car was headed here - to this hotel. We needed to get here before he did."

Little did they know, Junie was there.

He was standing in the room right below them. He had wires hooked up to the ceiling, listening in on their conversation. He clenched his jaw, cursing himself for being careless. He got carried away with getting away with this for too long that he grew careless. He shook his head, running to the wall and punching it with all the force he had in himself.

And last night, he had listened in on his sister and Lauren all night long. He was twisted in a way that was hard to describe. He knew what was going on. They were having sex. But he still chose to listen to it. He listened to the moans his sister and her wife made and he just sat in the chair in the corner of the room and... listened. He was screwed off in the head. Being away only made him worse. Being away only made him want to hurt his sister even more. He didn't even care about his appeal anymore.

Junie began to the pace the room. It was hard for him to keep a low profile already and now more people than just his sister knew where he was. He knew he couldn't threaten all of them, there wasn't much he could keep as leverage over them. He didn't even know what the hell he was doing anymore, he just knew that within every single day, people were closing in on him and he needed more time. He needed more time to figure out what he was doing and how to not go back to prison or the institution.

His walls were crumbling and he just knew that there possibly wasn't much he honestly could do. He slowed his pace down though when Chris continued.

"You two need to go." He claimed. "Now. Just get an earlier flight and just leave."

Y/N nodded her head, agreeing. "He's right." She said lowly, then met her wife's eyes. "We need to leave. There's no way in hell Junie can get out of the country, he's on America's Most Wanted list, there's no way he could get passed security."

Lauren looked at Y/N in disbelief, "I'm not leaving everyone I love to deal with your psychotic brother."

Y/N took a deep breath and Lauren's hands in her own. "I can't have anything happen to you. Not you." Her voice cracked, thinking of the nightmare she had just had. "Please... or you go and I can handle him. He's my brother - he won't do anything to me. You need to go though."

Lauren's eyes widened, "No. Hell no! I'm not leaving anyone - "

"You need go." Chris demanded of his sister. "I'm serious." He glanced at his sister-in-law. "Y/N and I can do this, together."

"And then I can meet you there in a few days." Y/N told her confidently, making sure her voice doesn't waver. "Just - just think of it as me running a few errands, okay? And I'll take a flight to you by Friday."

"By Friday?" Lauren repeated. She swallowed a lump in her throat. "I don't want to go alone."

Y/N thought for a moment, then had a small smile. "You won't. Ugh - I'll know just the person to go with you. Just - just pack your things and I'll be okay in an hour to take you to the airport. Chris," she gained the boys attention. "stay here with her and Chandler will come with me."

Chris nodded his head and watched as Y/N placed a kiss on his sisters forehead, then left the room quickly with Chandler. He wrapped his arms around Lauren tightly, whispering to her. "She'll be okay. I promise. I'll make her my person while you're gone."

With words of reassurance, Lauren felt slightly at ease. Unbeknownst to them, Junie was listening in and caught every word. He grinned wickedly and began gathering his things up around the room. He grabbed the pager off the bed and paged someone he knew would help him get onto that plane and follow his sister. He had his ways. And now another plan was set into motion.

Y/N and Chandler made it across town to Dinah's apartment. If Y/N knew where the girl was, it was here. She didn't even bother to check her own apartment because with how the girl had left the wedding, she knew that was the last place Camila would want to be. If anything, Camila would want to be with the one person she goes to when she can't go to Y/N. And that was Dinah.

If Junie was making a come up again, she had an idea as to what her brother was thinking of doing. If he couldn't get to Lauren, he'd get to Camila. And Y/N wasn't going to let that happen. Junie knew that that was the two people Y/N was devoted to the most, other than Frankie, who Junie already took from her. And if Y/N had Lauren at her side, then Junie would go after Camila to make Y/N listen to what he wanted from her. He was a deviant.

Y/N immediately jogged out of the elevator once it reached Dinah's level. She knocked wildly on the door, "Dinah! Dinah, I know she's here - "

Dinah swung the door open with an unimpressed look. "This is seriously unnecessary, Y/N. Give her some sp - " Y/N went ahead and ignored the girl. She went right into the room with Chandler following behind. "Bitch... aren't you suppose to be on a plane?" she asked as she shut the door.

Camila was sitting at the end of the bed with a surprised look. Y/N bent down to be at eye level. "I need you to go with Lauren."

"What?" Camila asked, not understanding. "Where - what are you talking about? Did something happen - "

"Did you realize that you married the wrong girl?" Dinah chimed in, crossing her arms by her chest.

"Dianh." Camila gave her a disapproving look.

Y/N glared at the girl and brought her attention back to Camila. "I need you to go on my honeymoon with Lauren. I can't go."

"What the hell?" Camila said in disbelief. "Are you kidding me?"

"Please." Y/N said pleadingly.

Camila looked into the eyes of the girl she loved and lost. She couldn't believe what she was asking of her. But as she stared into the other girls eyes, she could tell it was serious. She could sense the panic and she could sense the need that Y/N had right now. Her shoulders slumped as she closed her eyes, shaking her head as she wanted more answers before she agreed to do this.

"Why?" Camila questioned.

"Junie." Y/N answered honestly. "I can't - I can't have you or Lauren here. I can't risk anything happening to either of you. So I need you to go with Lauren while I take care of my brother."

"He's back..." Camila whispered.

Dinah looked between the three other girls in the room and shook her head. "When did he come back in the first place?"

Camila chuckled bitterly, "D, you really need to watch the news sometime."

"You need to go then." Dinah quickly backed Y/N up. "Get your shit, get out of my hotel and take your ass onto that plane to Canada."

Y/N shook her head, "I bought new tickets on the way here." She informed them.

"Where am I going then?" Camila wanted to argue.

Y/N looked around the room. She knew she could trust all of them, but she didn't know where Junie was and she didn't know who was really listening. She shook her head, "The less who know the safer you'll be."

Dinah went into defense mode, stepping up to Y/N. "No, I need to know where my best friend is going - "

"Trust me on this." Y/N said desperately. "Please just trust me."

Dinah clenched her jaw and exhaled a deep breath through her nose before silently agreeing. She just wanted to make sure Camila was going to be safe, but she knew Y/N would never do anything that could potentially hurt the Cuban, so she let down her guard on this one. Camila began gathering her things together and Dinah joined them all back into the car.

By the time they got back to Y/N's hotel, Lauren was zipping her luggage and Chris was zipping another. Chris began talking about what Lauren should do once she got to Canada to stay safe. When Lauren saw that Camila had shown up with a suitcase, she instantly knew why Y/N had chosen the girl to go with her. Lauren knew how protective Y/N was over the younger girl and she admired it. She went up to her wife, hugging her tightly and giving her a chaste kiss.

The car was packed on the way to the airport. Chris, Chandler, Dinah and Y/N were practically the other two girls bodyguards. Once they got to the check-in, Y/N had gotten the tickets for the two girls and passes for everyone else so they could get through security. Chris and Y/N had kept looking over their shoulders to make sure no one suspicious was around. After they all made it passed security, Y/N led the way towards their gate. Lauren grew confused when they had walked passed one that was for Canada.

"We just passed our gate." Lauren tried to tell Y/N, Chris pausing along with her.

Y/N turned around, grabbing her wrist gently, "No." she told her as they continued walking. "We didn't. I got you knew tickets."

Just as she looked over her shoulder, she saw a man with a black cap on and a green hoodie. She knew that hoodie anywhere. Growing up, Junie never took that thing off. It was their fathers and after he had passed, Junie would hear that hoodie for weeks - even months, to try and feel closer to him. Y/N froze which made Dinah, who was behind her, run into her. He was here.

"Go." Y/N demanded them. She handed the tickets to Dinah, "Get them to the gate."

As her eyes locked with the boy with the black cap, he turned a different way. Y/N pushed through her group of people before Lauren grabbed her wrist and yanked Y/N to look at her. "Please come with me." Tears were welling up in her eyes. "Please... I - I just got you. I can't lose you already."

Y/N took a deep breath, "You won't. You've got me, always... but this is my mess. My brother. I can't have him hurting anyone." She looked at Chris, "Make her go." She yanked herself from Lauren's grip and began running. She could hear Lauren's whimpers in the background as she cried for her wife.

Chris grabbed Lauren who tried to chase after Y/N. His grip was tight and Dinah led the way to the gate. As they began walking, Camila lingered in the back of them. She had an itch inside of her and she knew why. She couldn't let Y/N go at this alone, she didn't deserve that. She watched as Dinah kept checking the gate numbers and the tickets in front of her in her hands. Camila made sure Chandler wasn't watching her and Chris was too bust keeping a hold on Lauren to pay any attention to her. Soon, Camila slipped away from them unnoticed.

Y/N turned down the hall she had seen her brother go down. There were too many people to try and spot him out. She use the tips of her toes to scope him out but it didn't help much. She rounded another corner and bumped straight into someone, clashing their heads together. When she looked up, she was furious.

"What the hell are you doing here?" she was about to fume.

Camila shook her head, "You really think I'd let you do this alone?"

Y/N sighed, "Camila - "

"We're in this together, remember?" Camila had to remind her. "I came back to New York for this exact reason. I promised you. I'll be as safe as I can be, but I'm not leaving you alone."

Junie was at the end of the way, hiding halfway from a corner and peering over it as he watched the two interact. He knew his sister had seen him. It was his intention. And he knew Camila would follow, he knew there was no chance that Camila would leave his twin in this time of need. Safe or not, he knew Camila would risk it all for Y/N. And that's what he was hoping. He slipped away again, going past them unnoticed and listened into their conversation before fully being out of ear shot from the two.

Soon, he was at the gate and looking across the way at Lauren, Chris, Chandler and Dinah. The four were freaking out about losing Camila. Dinah was willing to go look for her but Chris had told her not to, not wanting to lose another person. Lauren was crying into his arms and Chandler was looking around. She soon caught a glimpse of what could be her old childhood friend.

She didn't dare take another look, not wanting him to move from his place. She held her finger up to everyone and walked a few steps away, taking her phone in her hand and dialing Y/N. She knew Junie was within eavesdropping distance, so she lowered her voice, telling Y/N that Junie wasn't too far from Lauren. Y/N panicked and she and Camila were on their way towards the gate.

Once they got there, the plane was already boarding. It had taken Y/N longer to get there due to her and Camila doing something, but when they did, she told Chandler, Chris and Dinah that they needed to leave. They all were relentless, but she had told them they she'd meet them in the car shortly. The phone rang and one of the airline workers answered, Y/N glancing at them momentarily.

Lauren and Camila got in line and Y/N stood behind them, her arms around her wife securely. "I love you." She whispered into her ear. "Nothing will happen, I promise. You're safe now."

Lauren couldn't tell why, but in the way Y/N had said it, it made her relax. She felt like Y/N was absolutely positive about her devoted words and she let herself sink into her wife's arms. "I love you, too."

Once the lady had checked Camila and Lauren's tickets, Y/N handed the lady a piece of paper and the lady stared for a moment before nodding her head. From across the room, Junie grew intrigued. He called his friend quickly and then scrambled in line to board the plane. Camila and Lauren both got into their seats and Y/N was only one seat ahead of them. Lauren's hand reached up and held her wife's shoulder, her hand staying there until everyone was boarded and the plane began to take off.

Y/N's eyes were closed when there was some shuffling around her. When she opened her eyes and looked to her right, he was there with a devilish grin.

"Hey sis." He whispered.

She stared at him for a second before replying. "Hi, psycho."

"You knew I'd get on this plane." He said intrigued. "Didn't you?"

"You were going to follow them." She said knowingly. "You would've followed them and hell only knows what would've happened once the plane landed. I couldn't leave them."

Junie glances at the two girls between the crack of his and his sisters seat. They were both sleeping. "So... which one? You have yet to really choose, huh? That's why you raced off to get Camila. Can't dare to lose one of them."

"She's my best friend." Y/N said wholeheartedly, "But I chose Lauren. You know that. You were at the wedding, right?"

Junie laughed crookedly, "Every minute of it. It's pathetic how easy it truly is to get away in this country. They have a horrible justice system." Y/N made a move to get up but Junie soon pulled a gun out and held it by her side so no one could see. "Don't think about it."

Y/N glanced down at the gun, "I have to wiz, brother. Don't be a fool. Then you'd really be screwed."

Junie reluctantly slid the gun back into his coat and let his sister go to the bathroom. When Y/N slipped out of view, he turned around to see the two sleeping girls weren't sleeping anymore. Not even in their seats, other people were in the seats. He sat down again, pressing his back against the seat and shutting his eyes tightly. He felt like the plane was going in circles and he grew dizzy. He grilled his gun in his coat and clenched his jaw. Where could they of gone?

The seat next to him was filled again and he said through gritted teeth, "What game are you playing here?" to his sister.

"You tell me."

He froze. That voice didn't belong to his sister. He soon felt something metal being held against his head and he knew he wasn't the only one on the plane with a gun. "You're going to have to come with me, son." Junie opened his eyes to see an officer next to him. "Make one move and your head will be blown off."

The officer reached into Junie's coat and yanked the gun from his hand, then handed it to the officer standing up behind him. He grabbed Junie's elbow and made him stand up. He quickly cuffed the boy and took him to the front of the plane. The plane ended up making a stop in Canada anyways, arresting Junie. Y/N and Camila had talked to a few airplane security before going to the gate. They had hacked a plan to get Junie caught without him knowing. It wasn't as hard as they had thought it'd be, but it worked out well and soon Junie was going to be taken to jail and hauled out of all of their lives.

The officers met Y/N out front of the airport and kept a tight grip on her brother as she spoke. "You didn't have to do this... Even after everything, you're my brother and I somehow, someway, still love you. But now, you have no chance of ever having an appeal. Of ever going to an institution. Of ever getting out of prison. I hope you're happy."

She tried to pass him but he began to speak back. "You drove me crazy, you know?"

Y/N looked at him, bewildered. "What?"

"I was in love with him." Junie confessed, tears beginning to swell in his eyes. "The moment we had met him, I was in love with him... but he loved you. We were little kids but he fascinated me. But all he ever saw was you. It was always... you.

"I was never enough for anyone because I was always in your shadow." Junie continued, not able to hold back anymore. "I was never enough for the media, for the music, for the label, even for mum and dad. And then I wasn't enough for him. Everyone loved you more... but when it was him. When Franks couldn't even love me back, love me more than you, I couldn't handle it. It drove me bonkers."

Y/N never knew. "What?"

Junie looked down in shame, "I was in love with him."

"Junie," Y/N said breathlessly. "W - why didn't you tell me?"

"It wouldn't of mattered." But then he looked up with a spark in his eyes. He wasn't looking at her, as if he was in his own world. "I got my time with him." He continued to confess it all. "Drunken nights where Franki wouldn't remember the next morning. I'd pretend to be just as drunk. He'd look away and I'd slip a happy pill in his drink. I got my time with him - "

"Are you - " Y/N was officially disgusted and done with her brother. A tear slid down her cheek as she stepped in front of him. "Are you saying what I think you're saying?"

Junie met her eyes and he smiled. "I had my time with him... I had my way for him to love me back. Even if he didn't know. And then he was lifeless. It was our last time." Y/N cringed internally, tightly closing her eyes. "You were in the way for so long." He suddenly grew dark. "With Franki gone, I needed you gone to. So I wouldn't have to remember the pain you put me through. So I wouldn't have to remember that he and everyone else, loved you more than me."

Y/N looked up, shaking her head. "You're fucking sick."

"And you're all but a simple spec of nothing." He stated to her. "I'll be back, sis." The cops began taking him to the car. "You haven't seen the last of me! My redemption isn't over! I'm not finished with you just yet!"

Y/N was shaking, in utter disbelief at the knew information. Junie had taken advantage of Franki? Franki never knew. Was she really the cause of his brain to become so wicked?



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