Working for Him

By Wepr0mised

2.7M 72.6K 19.3K

Sophia Parker has worked as a personal assistant to Adam Wilson for almost 2 years. She has acknowledged the... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42

Chapter 15

76.8K 1.7K 354
By Wepr0mised

Sophia Parker

I was expecting Mr Wilson to show up early in the morning at the house to pick me up for the airport, but he didn't show until 6 in the evening! He should have told me we would be flying at night, that way, I wouldn't have had to rush this morning. I could have taken my sweet time.

Packing wasn't an easy job. Last night, I threw all my clothes in the washer and dried them overnight, I arranged them into my box in the morning along with my shoes and other things.

I'm not really sure I have the appropriate clothes for Michigan, most of them are too casual. I don't even have a suit, although I have one black dress that I can wear for an official purpose.

Right now I was wearing a grey summer dress with my black knee length boots, suitable for any weather.

We are about to take off and I'm sitting directly in front of Mr Wilson in his jet and as usual, he simply can't keep his eyes off me. Part of my liked it but another part of my found it very disturbing.

"You look nice in that dress." His compliment made me warm all over.

"Thank you."

"Did you notice we have a new pilot." He said to me.

"Really? I didn't. What happened to Captain Williams?"

"He went to his home town in Ohio for his daughter's wedding. The new guy is just temporary."

"Aw, congratulations to him."

Captain Williams was actually a nice person and I was really happy for him and his daughter. We seldom have conversations but when we do, he's always so funny and witty. I like his sense of humour, he forces us to call him Captain because he's one of the best pilots from Skymate. But he's also gradually approaching 60 years so he may retire soon. Mr Wilson would have to look for someone to succeed him.

Im sure a number of things would have changed at the office when I return, and I can't wait to start working again. I actually missed it.

"How was your break from the office?" He asked me after a few moments.

"It was okay, I guess. Spent most of it at the hospital. Everything's fine now and I'm glad I'm back."

"Good to know. I'm glad you're back too. I couldn't bear the thought of you not being around for another week."

"Is that why you really came to Richmond? You really don't need me in Michigan do you? You just came here to abduct me because you want me to come back. Congratulations, you've succeeded." I said, wanting nothing more but to hit him.

"I do need you in Michigan, but honestly you're right. I also need you with me. Even if I had to come down here to get you, at least I'm happy you're here now."

"How selfish of you! I was needed more in Richmond!"

"Are you sure about that? Because your mother seemed eager for you to come back with me. And this morning, she told me the reason why." He said.

"I could have handled things perfectly fine. You didn't need to steal me away from my parents!"

"I'm sorry Sophia. If this is not what you really want then I could take you back?"

He surprised me. Would he actually do that? I wasn't really mad at him for taking me with him, I was just angry because of the anonymous picture I received. Seeing him kiss another woman right after I kissed him made me furious at him. He's nothing but a skirt-chaser and he doesn't deserve to be treated nicely.

"I can't go back, my mother wants me to go with you. Plus its too late, we're about to take off."

"It's not too late Sophia, I don't want you to think of this as an abduction. I genuinely need you, I really do."

"Whatever. I'm here now." I folded my arms and looked out the window. Mr Wilson let out a deep breath and rubbed his head. I was really giving him a hard time but I don't care. Next time he won't go kissing other women them moment I let my guard down for him.

The pilot came in and told us to prepare for take off and wear our seat belts properly. He could have used the tunnel but perhaps he's new and doesn't know about it.

"How many hours is the flight?" I asked the pilot.

"About two hours ma'am."

"Okay." There was no point sleeping through the flight because it was a short one. I guess I'm stuck with Mr Wilson for two whole hours.

After take off, I sat silently, looking at the clouds. I felt Mr Wilson move. He stood up and reached into the overhead bin.

"I want to use this time to brief you of what would be happening at the meeting tomorrow." He said while pulling out his flight bag.

He sat back down opposite me and opened his bag. I was surprised to see a Victoria Secret shopping back inside. What was he doing shopping at Victoria Secret?

I stifled my laugh but he noticed.

"In case you're wondering. The VS bag isn't for me. Its yours." He handed it to me.

"Really?" I was surprised. "You got something for me?"


"Thank you." I smiled so hard, my cheeks hurt. I couldn't help it.

Maybe thats why he came later than I expected. He was out shopping. I opened the bag, trying to hide my excitement.

In it was the most fetching black two-piece I've ever seen! The top was a halter neck while the bottom had strings. I fell in love with it immediately.

"You got me a bikini?" As much as I really liked the two piece, I found Mr Wilson getting me intimates very weird. He could have just bought me a bottle of perfume, like he normally does.

"In case you would like to use the indoor pool at the hotel, we'll be staying in Grand Rapids."

"Really?!" I squealed. Grand Rapids was a beautiful city in Michigan. I couldn't wait to be there!

I was suddenly happy I was going on a trip to Michigan. I had never been there before but Lily has and I remember her telling me it was a nice place. I should be feeling guilty for leaving my mum but it was her who spurred me on to leave in the first place.

"There's one more thing in the bag." He said.

I checked to find a little jewellery box.  I didn't know what was inside but I sure was nervous as hell!

I opened it to find a silver necklace with my name as the pendant, carved with pretty diamonds. This is one of the most beautiful things Mr Wilson has bought for me.

"Oh my god! This is so gorgeous!" I beamed. "Thank you so much! I've always wanted a necklace with my name on it. I love this."

"I'm glad you do. We'll only be in Michigan for two whole days, then we'll be leaving the next day." He said pulling out papers from his flight bag.

"If the meeting is tomorrow, does that mean we have an extra day?"

"Yes we do. We are meeting with the Sytner Group by 12pm. They've expanded their business to Michigan and they need more of our services in their new branch. I am going to inspect the place to see what facilities they would need. Also the branch manager is new so we would have to provide them with full security information and how they would go about it. I have already developed a presentation for the meeting and sent it to your email."

"You made a presentation? That's supposed to be my job."

"You were on leave, who else would have done it?"

"True. But I'll have to look at it, just to double check." I said.

"Go ahead. I'll show you." He said confidently bringing out his laptop.

I put the necklace back in the box and took one last look at the bikini before folding it back into the bag. I know I would certainly look sinister in that swimwear, Mr Wilson must not see me wearing such. I would be mortified if he does. If that was his intention when he bought me the bikini, then his plan will not work.

I tucked the bag away and waited for him to show me the presentation.

"This is it." He gave me his laptop.

It wasn't bad but it was missing a lot of information and there were a lot of formatting errors. It looked like something an amateur would do when asked to make a presentation for the first time. There was also something about the structure of the slides that seemed to be odd. And his attempt to design it was horrible.

I couldn't help but laugh. He tried his best though.

"What's funny? Isn't it good enough?" He asked.

"It's amazing but I need to make a few minor corrections." I lied. I was going to change the whole thing.

"Okay then, here is a sample of the hand outs." He gave me some papers. "Will you be using the bedroom?"

"I don't think so. There's no point sleeping, it's a short flight. Plus, I have some work to do here." I pointed at the presentation.

"Alright, I'll be in there if you need me." He said before making his way to the bedroom.

I felt sad that he was leaving me all alone but he needed to sleep. I could see it in his eyes.

I faced his laptop, copied the whole presentation and started a fresh one. I laughed to myself because he'll be so mad when he finds out what I've done.


2 hours later

I knocked on the bedroom door for the fifth time now but he didn't answer.

What the hell is going on in there?

"Mr Wilson?" I called out his name but he didn't reply.

I decided to take my chances. I slowly pushed the door and to my surprise, it opened. He didn't even lock the door.

I stepped into the small room and saw Mr Wilson passed out on the bed. He had taken off his shoes and his shirt, leaving him bare-chested. I carefully made my way towards him and noticed he was sweating profusely. Tiny beads of sweat formed on his forehead and on his body, some of them running down his chest.

I couldn't help the naughty things that came to my mind as I watched his chest rise and fall from breathing heavily. Mr Wilson was the sexiest male I had ever come across and I couldn't even deny it. I could feel myself getting hot from staring at his body. I really wanted to touch him so I did.

I reached out and placed my hand on his chest but I jumped back immediately I did.

He was burning up!

"Mr Wilson?" I squatted beside him and tapped him trying to wake him up. All I got was a groan from him. "Please Mr Wilson wake up. We're landing soon."

He tossed about and I thought I saw him shiver.

"Are you cold?" I asked and he nodded. "Maybe you have a fever. Come, the plane will be landing soon."

I helped him to sit up then I got a towel from somewhere and dabbed it on his forehead and chest. I tried my best to block all the wicked thoughts going through my head as I dried him up. Touching him and having him so close was doing things to me. I helped him to put on his shirt and his shoes.

"Come on, we need to sit out there. As soon as we land I'll find something or someone to make you feel better." I pulled him up to his feet and supported him out of the bedroom to where he had previously sat with me.

I buckled his seat belt and did the same for myself when I sat down. I felt really bad for Mr Wilson. He must be feeling uncomfortable. I don't understand how he could fall sick all of a sudden, he looked perfectly fine 2 hours ago.

"Where is my jacket?"

"It's here with me." I had picked it up while leaving the bedroom.

"Let me wear it."

"No, Mr Wilson you can't wear it because you're temperature is too hot."

"But I'm cold." He whined.

"I know, thats's because you might have a fever. Covering yourself up could make things worse." I reasoned. He said something incoherent but I knew he was complaining. He can grumble all he wants, he doesn't realise that I'm helping him regulate his temperature.

The plane landed at Gerald R. Ford International Airport, I supported Mr Wilson on my shoulders because he was too tired to walk. We took a taxi to the hotel and got there in 20 minutes. The name of the hotel was JW Marriott and it was an extremely beautiful place. I didn't have time to look around because Mr Wilson was ill and he needed attention immediately. I hurriedly went over to the desk clerk to check in. I was given a set of keys that said 58. That was probably our suite number.

I helped Mr Wilson towards the elevator. He was still sweating as he leaned on the wall for support. He had gotten worse and I felt so bad for him in this condition. He looked like he was about to collapse.

"Don't worry Mr Wilson. As soon as I get you to in the room, I'll go look for help." I was thinking of just buying him medicine for fever but I didn't want to self medicate. He needs to be properly checked because his illness may be worse than a fever. It could be anything.

I literally dragged both of us out of the elevator because he couldn't walk anymore. I opened the door to our suite with the key and pulled him inside.

The place was exquisite! There was a living room, dining room and a separate sitting area. There were two rooms each on the opposite side of the suite. I took a guess which one was the master bedroom and went to the one on the right first.

Luckily it was so I guided Mr Wilson to the bed. I took off his shoes and carefully began to remove his shirt.

"No, no, no." He pulled away. "Its way too cold."

"But you're so hot!" I said and he smiled. I immediately realized how smutty that sounded. "I mean temperature-wise! You're temperature is hot." I corrected myself.

He took off his shirt slowly, looking me in the eyes directly. Ugh! Even when he's sick, he's still arrogant!

"Lay down and rest while I find medical help, okay?" I stole a few glances at his broad chest.

"Sure." He smirked at me.

I rolled my eyes before leaving him in his room. Just as I opened the door to go downstairs, I saw one of the hotel staff bringing in our bags.

"Excuse me, does the hotel have any health services?" I asked him.

"Oh yes we do. Downstairs we have a Spectrum Health System." He said.

"Brilliant. Thanks for your help." I smiled at him and he smiled back.

"No worries."

I took the elevator and rushed downstairs. It took a while before I found the health centre but when I finally did, they were about to close.

"Hey, are you closed yet?" I asked one of the assistants.

"Not yet but we would be closing in fifteen minutes. What is it that I can hep you with?" She said.

"It's my boss. He's really sick and he's running a temperature. I'm not sure what it is but I'ld like for him to get tested."

"Okay, are you currently residing at the hotel?"

"Yes. Suite 58."

"Alright. We'll send someone up to be with you shortly."

"Oh thanks ever so much."

I went back up to the suite and took my suitcase to my room. It was a bit smaller than Mr Wilson's but it was ensuite and so was his. Thank god for that.

I took off my boots because my legs were hurting.

After getting a bit comfortable, I brought Mr Wilson's suitcase into his room. He was underneath the covers which was the worst thing you could do when you have a fever. I did what I had to do. I yanked the covers off him and his eyes widened.

"You shouldn't use that, your body is probably above 40 degrees." I exaggerated.

He groaned in annoyance but I ignored him. I sat down beside him and pulled out a menu on top of the bedside table.

"I'm going to order some food." I said.

"I don't have an appetite." He complained.

"You have to eat something because a medical person is coming soon and they'll most likely give you some medication. And you know you can't take medicine on an empty stomach."

"My stomach's not empty. I had breakfast."

"Well now it is. It's been hours since you've eaten. Look, the food is from Six.One.Six Restaurant." I showed him the menu. We've both eaten there once before. He scanned through it with much boredom then turned away. I decided to help him order instead, he looked indecisive. "Why don't we get the Chef's lovely soup? It's the first one on the menu."

"Ok." He sighed, not bothered at all.

I picked up the phone on the bedside table and ordered two of that and some water just incase he gets medication.

"The food will be here in about 20 minutes. And you have to eat it, even if I have to feed you myself." I told him. He didn't respond. His eyes were closed but I knew he wasn't sleeping.

Something like a doorbell rang. It was probably the medicals so I went to open the door.

"Hi, my name is Dr Pipe. You requested for medical help." A man with a first aid kit said to me.

"Yes I did. Thank you for coming." I moved aside to let him in. I guided him to Mr Wilson's room only to find that Mr Wilson had used the covers again! He's so stubborn, I can't deal.

"I'm Sophia Parker and this is Adam Wilson, my boss. He's really weak and he's running a temperature."

"Alright. I'll need to attend to him alone because I'm going to ask him personal questions and make other enquiries about his health. Is that okay Sophia?" He asked me.

"Of course. Go ahead."

I left the room and waited patiently in the living room. I just hope it isn't anything serious with Mr Wilson. We have a presentation tomorrow and he needs to be well for that. I put on the large TV and browsed through the channels, then I found one showing Desperate Housewives. I grinned in happiness and watched to get my mind off things. 15 minutes later the door bell rang again. I opened it to see room service with the food I ordered.

"Thank you, you can put the bill on our tab." I said taking it from them. I put them down on the dining the moment Dr Pipes came out. "How is he?" I asked.

"He's okay, the fever was as a result of stress. I found out that he hadn't been sleeping properly for the past week." The doctor said.

"Why is that? Does he have insomnia?"

"No he doesn't, he just stressed out."

"Did he say why?"

"Yes, but I personally cannot disclose that information." He tried to hide a smile but I noticed it. "These are some tablets for the fever and the discomfort. You'll need to give them to him after he eats." He handed me the medicine and I took it. "That will be all now Sophia. Though it shouldn't, but if the fever persists feel free to get back to us at Spectrum Health. The bill for the medicine will be placed on your tab."

"Thank you so much for your help Dr Pipe. Hopefully, I don't see you again." I said and he laughed, understanding my joke.

"I hope so too."

I closed the door behind him and went into Mr Wilson's room. He wasn't using the covers this time and he was seated upright resting on the headboard.

"Hey, the doctor said you have to take this but you need to eat first. Here you go." I handed him his bowl of soup but he turned away. "Come on Mr Wilson, don't you want to get better?"

He didn't say anything.

"I'm going to feed you." I began opening the food and he looked at me with a 'what the hell' look. "You heard me." I said.

"Absolutely no way." He argued.

"I'm sure it tastes nice." I dipped a spoon into the soup and brought it to his lips. "Open up."


"Mr Wilson please, you have to eat this!" I cried out. I sighed heavily and put the spoon back. I was frustrated at him, this is his health we are talking about here!

"I will eat only on one condition." He finally said.

"What is it?" I hoped it wasn't anything crazy.

"You have to sleep here, tonight, on my bed."

"What?! You mean the two of us will sleep with each other?!" I shrieked.

"No, we're not going to sleep with each other." He laughed. "We'll just sleep together."

"What's the difference?!"

"Oh, there's a big difference. Sleeping with each other involves activities that require both-"

"OK Stop! I think I know the difference now." I cut him off before he could go any further. I checked the time to see that it was 10:30pm. "We have to eat now because it's getting really late." I usually don't like eating past 8pm.

"So, would you spend the night?" He pressed on.

"If that's what's going to get you to eat and help you get better then yes." I said immediately regretting it.

"Good." He took the bowl from me and finally began to eat.

I ate mine as well and boy, was the food delicious. I had only taken a few spoons when Mr Wilson was finished with his, apparently he had gulped everything down. I don't know why he rushed his food. Maybe he thought it tasted nice or he was just in a hurry to have me sleeping on his bed. I found myself believing the latter much more.

I handed him his medicine and he took it according to the doctors dose. When we were both done, I threw the disposable bowls in the bin and cleared up the place.

"The doctor said you don't sleep properly. Why is that?" I asked.

"Stress." He answered simply.

"But what's stressing you out?"

He turned and looked at me deeply, as if the answer was written on my forehead.

"Something." He said before looking away.

"Well, I'm going to have a shower now and you should too." I said to him.

"Will you be back after that?" He asked and I sighed.

"Yes, Mr Wilson. I'll be back."


"I promise."

I went to mine and locked the door before stripping. I'm still unable to believe that Mr Wilson and I will be sharing a bed today. Maybe I shouldn't go back. I'll just lock my door and stay in my own room. Perhaps that will be a better idea, I smiled to myself.

The shower was great. The nozzle was big enough that the water coming out touched every inch of my body and it felt comforting. The water's temperature was perfect and I came out feeling fresh. My hair was also properly washed and I felt clean.

I put on a pair of black shorts and a black camisole. Mr Wilson was probably expecting me now, but I'm not going.

After I relaxed a bit, I kind of felt bad a little. I recalled the doctor saying he finds it hard to sleep at night but he refused tell me why. Will he be waiting for me up all night? Well, he can't because we need to get up early for the meeting tomorrow. Plus he's sick and needs to rest.

I didn't want to keep him awake and disappointed so I got up from my bed and made my way over to his door. I knocked once before entering.

He was there lying on the bed with his hands behind his head, showing off his muscles. This time he had changed his pants because they were white. I walked in and closed the door gently.

"I've been expecting you." He said.

"Well, here I am." I folded my arms, standing in front of the bed.

"I didn't actually think you would come back."

"But I did." I could feel his eyes raking up and down my body. Maybe coming back was a bad idea.

"Why." He said more like a statement than a question.

"I... I don't know." I began to get nervous.

"Turn off the lights." He said like a command, his voice deep and throaty. I felt my nervousness increase ten times more.

I slowly walked to the switch, his eyes never leaving me. I flipped it and turned the lights off.

"Come to bed." He said.

It wasn't too dark, I could still make out where Mr Wilson was but I couldn't see his face. I creeped towards the bed and sat down before pulling my legs on top of it as well. I laid back and crossed my hands on my chest like the position of a dead person in a coffin because that was exactly how I was feeling right now.

I closed my eyes and prepared to sleep but I was cut short when Mr Wilson pulled me towards him and put and arm around me. Half of him was on top of me, it was like he was half-hugging me.

"What are you doing?" I managed to speak. His weight was killing me.

"Holding you." He said like it was nothing.

"But you're crushing me." I squealed.

Before I knew it, he grabbed me and rolled us over. Now I was the one on top of him. He enclosed me in his arms making it difficult for me to move away.

"Why are you doing this?" I said, my head on his chest. He smelled divine and I couldn't even deny it. He had a shower just like I did. Something in me wanted to put my hand on his chest and feel all his muscles then run them down his abs.

"Because you're so warm and soft." He said leaving me shocked.

Warm and soft? Was he objectifying me?

"Well you're hot! And I don't mean sexy hot, I mean temperature hot. You make me feel like I'm in hell because your skin burns." I felt him chuckle, his action shaking me up and and down in the process and sending warmth between my legs.

"Well I'm cold and your skin is keeping me warm. Its either this or you let me use the covers."

"Use the covers then." I said half heartedly. I really didn't want him to stop holding me.

He released me and got under the covers, tucking me in as well. He reached out for me again and part of me was glad. This time he just held me by his side. Not on top or under him. I was engulfed in his masculine scent and I was overwhelmed with it. His arms were wrapped around me and his sexy body was right in front of me. I was about to go crazy.

I needed him badly, and I know Mr Wilson will be joyful if I just reached up and kissed him. I couldn't pretend anymore. I have to give into this need!

I was going to kiss him.

Just as I reached up to touch his chest, I saw the scar of his bullet wound. It had completely healed now and you could barely notice it.

I remembered when his wound was still fresh. The image of him kissing another blonde girl also came to my mind and that was enough to clear the lust that had clouded my brain at the moment. I stopped myself from kissing him immediately before he noticed.

"Good night Sophia." He said, oblivious to what I was about to do.

"Good night" I told him too.

I can't believe I was just about to kiss him! I should be running away from him because at the end of the day, he's a player and he will always remain a player! I'm the one who'll end up with the broken heart.

He has so many girls on his plate and I refuse to be one of them.

Sometime later, his breathing became even and his hold around me loosened. I carefully pulled away from him, making sure to not wake him up by accident. When I got him off me, I stood up from the bed. Mr Wilson was still fast asleep so I took that as my queue to go.

I turned on my heels and left.


Adam Wilson

I woke up to an empty bed which was quite perturbing. Sophia was not beside me like she was when I fell asleep or maybe she left in the morning. I checked the time on my phone and it was 8:45am. The meeting is not until 12pm so I still had enough time.

I got up after a good night sleep which I haven't had in weeks until now. The reason why I slept well last night was because I had Sophia in my arms. I knew having her with me was the solution to my sleepless nights since she was the cause of them in the first place.

Last night, I confided in the doctor and told him the reason for my lack of sleep. It was all because of her! I told him about how much I am dying for Sophia. I swear I've never wanted to make love to one woman so badly in my life. And the more she resists me, the more I want her! It's like she's torturing me on purpose!

When she wasn't around, I almost went crazy. Now that she's around, she won't let me touch her! And seeing her in her skimpy outfits are only whetting my appetite for her.

It was the doctor's idea to try and have her see me to bed comfortably but I took the extra mile by telling her to stay completely. And hell, I enjoyed every moment of her company.

She felt so good beside me that if I wasn't sick, I would have done things to her that a healthy, virile and oversexed male would do to any woman in his arms like that. I was so tempted but I didn't have the strength for it.

Thankfully, I'm completely better now. My temperature is normal and the discomfort is gone.

I headed straight to the bathroom to freshen up. I shaved the stubble which was now growing on my chin but I left a little bit of moustache on. I brushed and showered and got ready for the day. I put on a white shirt and a navy blue suit I remember getting from Emporio Armani. This was one of my best suits because it fitted perfectly. I topped it up with a red tie.

I arranged all my files and important documents that I will be using today into my briefcase and closed it. I put on my shoes and watch, checking the time in the process. It was 9:50am.

Time was slowly leaving our side.

I came out of the room to see Sophia all dressed up in a plain black dress that hugged her figure perfectly. Her hair was let down which she rarely did until recent and she wore black lace-up heels.

Damn this woman!

Does she have to look this sexy for the meeting? There are a lot of men going to be attending this and I don't want any of them looking at her!

I made my way over to her. She was on the dining table arranging some food. I watched her in silence as she set the table for a breakfast meal. When she was done she turned around with a smile on her face. That smile only lasted for a second until she saw me, then it dropped.

"Mr Wilson, good morning. How are you feeling today?"

"Never better. Good morning to you too." I said taking a seat on one of the chairs.

"I ordered you breakfast. An almost healthy one. Look, here are some fruits and yoghurt for you, still-cut oatmeal with potatoes as a side. With this you'll drink some Japanese green tea." She pointed them out to me as she said it.

I wanted to barf.

"You don't expect me to eat this. I have a presentation, I need proper food."

"This is proper food. You need to hurry so we won't be late." She sat down opposite me and I looked at her plate.

She had steak and eggs with smoked bacon with a cup of latté. I was so jealous.

I managed to ingest the food but I felt like I had an acid reflux after.

"Come on, its not that bad. It was just oatmeal." She said while we walked downstairs to the taxi, taking us to Sytner Group's newest site.

"That's safe for you to say. You didn't even taste it." I said and she laughed. "Next time, order something I can eat."

"Okay." She smiled before getting into the taxi.

We drove to the Michigan branch. It was decent for a start-up. Since we arrived at 11:30pm, we used 30 minutes to set up in their conference room. Once everything was in order, the meeting kicked off by 12pm.

I did all the talking while Sophia distributed the hand outs and took a seat amongst the clients.

I opened the presentation only to find that everything had completely changed. I scowled at Sophia knowing what she did. Was my work really that bad? She had changed the whole thing when she only promised to make 'minor corrections'.

The conference table was filled with men and all couldn't keep their eyes off Sophia, especially one in particular. He sat right in front of her and kept glancing at her. I tried to keep my cool and pretend like I didn't see him but I wanted to kill the bastard.

At a point, Sophia noticed he was looking at her so he smiled and she smiled back. I tried my hardest to ignore but I could feel my anger flaring up. I decided to turn away and complete the presentation without any distractions.

"In the security sector we offer the best solutions to companies in various fields like Emergency management, Protection of critical infrastructure, Border surveillance and protection, Intelligence systems and Information and communications systems. For this purpose we provide image and audio analysis services, command and control systems, intelligence systems and cyber-security solutions. I would be going through these one after the other."

After about two hours, I finished presenting.

"Anyone with questions can ask me now for the benefit of others, or see me privately."

"About the Image and audio analysis systems, what types of videos does it cover?" Someone asked.

"I'm sorry I forget to mention that. It includes biometry, behavior analysis and intelligent video. Anyone else?"

I took a few more questions before calling the meeting to an end, only for a lot of people to come to me for private questions.

I answered and explained a lot of concepts to them personally. They all seemed very interested in the functions of the security systems and I was happy.

When I was done answering questions, I looked for Sophia. I spotted her at a corner with that bastard that was getting on my nerves throughout the meeting. They were talking and laughing and he was way too close to her. I watched them closely and saw him whispering something in her ear. Sophia blushed at what he said and he put his hand on her face. Thats when I lost it. The possessive beast inside me took over.

Like an animal on instinct, I dashed over to them.

"Sophia, a word." I said harshly, glaring at the bastard. He just looked at me with wide eyes.

I didn't want to cause a scene so I took Sophia to another room with nobody in it.

"Who was that you were talking to?" I tried my best to stay calm.

"His name is Mr Kinsley, he's one of the department managers."

"And what were you guys talking about?"

"What do you mean?" She winced at me.

"I saw you two chitchatting. Was it in anyway related to what I discussed at the meeting?"


"So why are you talking to him!"

"Are you jealous?"

"Stay away from him Sophia. He doesn't look like a man with good intentions." I said and she laughed.

"How can you judge someone from their looks? You haven't even spoken to him before so you don't know him. I've spoken to him and he's really nice and funny and very-"

"Sophia! Trust me, he's doing all that to get into your pants!" I said.

"If that's true then I should stay away from you too, because you're no different!" She screamed.


"You think I just want to get into your pants too?!"

"Yes." She nodded confidently.

Well... technically I do want to get into her pants as well. Oh god I want to, so fucking badly! But that's not all I want. To be honest, I'm still not sure how much I want from Sophia but I want a lot more than just to sleep with her.

"If that's all I wanted, I would have done so a long time ago." I said to her honestly.

"You arrogant jerk! What more could you possibly want from me?!" She yelled.

"I don't fucking know! All I know is I want you! Only you! And I know you want me too so just say it for fucks sake! We could both figure out what we want together!" I made my way towards her and tried to hold her in my arms but she moved away.

"You're wrong! I'm not saying anything because I don't want you! You're no different from that man! In fact, you're so much worse because you're also a liar!"

"But when have I ever lied to you?!"

"Don't you dare come close to me!"

I kept moving closer to her and she kept moving backwards until she hit the wall. I enclosed her, putting both of my arms beside her. She had nowhere to go now.

"Mark me Sophia. Someday you will belong to me." I whispered carefully in her ear. "I won't stop until you're mine, even if I have to break down all the walls you've built around yourself before you finally come to terms with your desire for me. And when you become mine, I will make love to you."

She gasped.

"Yes, I will make sweet and passionate love to you. I will set your whole body on fire in a way that you've never experienced before, make you feel things you've never felt before, make you scream in a voice you've never heard before. Someday, you will be in my arms and I will pleasure every inch of you. And you're going to enjoy every single second of our lovemaking because no matter how hard you try to deny it, deep down that's what you really want. And you will wish you hadn't fought the passion between us by leading on other men. You can waste precious time by avoiding me now but trust me Sophia, that day will come. I swear to you."

I pulled back and looked into her eyes showing her that I meant every single word I said. She looked like she couldn't believe I just said that to her.

"You bastard!" A heavy slap landed on my face and she pushed me away.

Damn. I rubbed my palm on my face that stung slightly.

"Don't you ever talk to me like that again!" She screamed before she stormed out of the room.

What I said to her was nothing but the truth and she knew it, I was only giving her a heads up.

I might has come across as disrespectful but fuck it, I had to say it. One day, Sophia will surrender to me.

But not today. Right now she's upset and that's the last thing I wanted her to feel right now. Things were shaping up last night and this morning but I think I just blew it.

I kicked the table in front of me so hard that it toppled over. I was beyond frustrated with her, myself, and everything in general.

I went back to the conference room but Sophia was not there. I stormed over to blockhead she was talking to earlier on.

"Where is Sophia?!" I barked at him.

"She just took a taxi home." He said in an annoying voice. I had the urge to punch him but he was too irrelevant.

I took the elevator down, trying to catch up with her. The moment I came out of the building, I saw her taxi leaving.


I really wanted to punch something right now. This was all that morons fault, Kinston, Kingley or whatever his name was! If he had just stayed away from her! Maybe I should go back up and punch him real hard.

"You alright?" I heard someone say beside me.

I looked, recognising the person to be one of the men form the meeting earlier. He was probably a board of director as well.

"Yeah, I'm good." I lied.

"Doesn't seem so. You just were just swearing." He said reaching into his pocket and bringing out a pack of cigarettes and a lighter.

"Well, I'm having a minor issue. Nothing too important."

"Anything a smoke can fix?" He had a stick in his mouth, lighting it up.

I hadn't smoked in years. I found it to be a disgusting habit and very unhealthy too. But right now, I didn't care anymore. I felt down in the dumps and I needed some sort of stirring up.

"No, but I could use one." I said. He handed me a stick and lit it up, then I smoked it.

"I must say, you're very knowledgable in your field. That presentation was eye-opening."

"You think so?" I felt flattered.

"Yeah. I'm Henry Fetcher by the way." He extended his hand and I shook it.

"Adam Wilson, but you probably know that already." I laughed.

"Say Adam, would you like to join us at the Casino Club this evening?" He invited.

"Oh yeah? What have they got?"

"Blackjack, Roulette, Poker..."

"Sounds alright. I need to take a break from the so called problem I'm having so I guess I'll be there."


This was the perfect way to distract myself


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