Military Girlfriend

By Midnight_Writer97

661K 14.8K 1K

I didn't think you would mean this much to me. I was never suppose to fall so hard for you, but every time yo... More

Military Girlfriend
Military Girlfriend (Chapter 1)
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5:
Chapter 6
Chapter 7:
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23:
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 34
Untitled Part 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39: Epilogue

Chapter 4

23.9K 458 17
By Midnight_Writer97

Chapter 4:

I had been pacing back and forth across the diner for about fifteen minutes. Just waiting for Jay to walk through. I wasn't sure how comfortable I was with him picking me up and taking me somewhere, I mean he was here when he was little what if he knows some secluded spot and kills me and stashes my body somewhere where no one can find me?!

Ok, Shaylee. Stop being paranoid, you're fine. I breathed trying to regain myself just a tad.

I mean after all he said he was the one who protects me, that has to count for something right?!

Dear God, I hope so!

"Hey Shay, ready to go?" Jay spoke scaring me as I turned around quickly on my heels.

"Already starting with the nicknames?" I chuckled grabbing my purse.

Which yes, held pepper spray in it!

"Yea I guess so, does that bother you?"

"Nope not at all, although it sucks because your name is as short as a nickname."

"That is true, so how do you feel about grabbing some lunch first and heading out to what I have planned?" He smiled as he opened up the door and lead us out to a red jeep wrangler.

"Sounds perfect, by the way what exactly do you have planned?" I asked buckling up.

"That's for me to know and you to find out, so how was work?"

"It was slow actually, I didn't make to much in tips, how was yours?"

"Ehh I didn't do much."

"Don't you have a job?"

"Yes mam."

"So why didn't you go today?"

"I'm off for awhile."

"Oh I see, well what do you do as your occupation?"

"It various actually, never know where I'm going next you can say. Anyway what kind of food do you want?" He asked quickly changing the subject.

"What about Mexican?"

"Sounds good, there's an awesome place a little bit down from here. They have the best food!"

"Ill be the judge of that. Mexican food is the best food there is." I said smiling as I watched the trees zoom by till they all blended together as a blur.

As we arrived at the restaurant and was served our food we decided it would be the perfect time for conversation.

"Mmm how old are you? I don't know if I asked you that already." I laughed nervously as I awaited his response.

"Twenty two. Umm biggest fear?"

"Aww that's a tough one, to be honest I'm afraid of a lot of things. Mostly heights, water, and Spiders though, but in life I'm afraid of not being good enough."

"What do you mean?" He asked puzzled.

"I mean like not good enough for people, myself, or even good enough to achieve things I desire most."

"Well as long as you believe in yourself, screw what anyone thinks. You are good enough Shaylee, don't allow people to tell you otherwise."

"Thanks Jay, so will you please tell me what your biggest fear is?" I smiled showing my pearly whites.

"Umm I'm afraid of not coming home, or being forgotten."

"What do you mean not coming home?"

"You'll find out soon enough, if you stay around with me long enough."

I scrunched my eyes up in confusion but passed the need to intrigue since we just met

"Alright lets go cutie, off to the next surprise." He payed the bill even after I had nagged him not to and left a ten dollar tip on the table before opening the door for me both exiting the resturaunt and climbing into his car.

We drove through various streets and passed houses until there was no civilization on either sides of me and a dirt road we were now climbing.

"Umm where are you taking me, Oh my God I was right earlier when I was thinking about being killed and stashes away!" My heart rate accelerated until I heard Jay let out a laugh.

"Shay come on, I'm not that guy. What do I need to do to show you I'm good?"

"Well try not killing me and I'm sure my heart will steady itself back out to a normal pace."

"Alright, I Jay Michael Ryan, swear on my life to never kill you." He raised his right hand as amusement danced in his eyes.

"Fine, I guess Ill trust you for now."

"Good, and just so you don't think I'm taking you to some cabin to kill you, Ill tell you what were doing, How do you like off roading?

He sent a smile my way as he stepped on the gas and we went flying over the elements of Mother Nature.

"Jay, slow down!" I laughed but yelled at the same time getting nervous as we were on the side of a huge massive drop off!

"Now where would be the fun in that Shay?" He asked pushing more on the gas and getting closer to the edge a my eyes squeezed shut.

"Did you not hear me at the restaurant when I said I'm afraid of heights!" I yelled as he turned the wheel going up the side of the bank so my door was inches from the ground.

I had to say, although I was terrified enough I could pee. It was actually an amazing rush that a smile etched itself on my face going against my words and making Jay go faster over more rocks and banks. Taking turns like they were nothing.

"Told you we'd find something fun to do!" He said winking, my stomach did a flip as butterflies erupted in my stomach, this time I wasn't sure if it was the dips he was now going over... Or him.


Thanks for reading.

Xoxo- Midnight_Writer97 :)

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