Finally Complete

By parkercuddles

90.3K 1.4K 255

When Zayn and Liam Malik decided to finally adopt, we'll see how their lives go with the newfound happiness t... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8

Chapter 5

7.9K 137 23
By parkercuddles

Originally, Zayn had thought the idea of baby monitors was a bit absurd. The kids were 3,4, and 5 years old. Baby monitors were for babies. The name was pretty self explanatory.

However, Zayn was proven a bit wrong on that when whimpers and cries began coming through the baby monitor in Niall's room. They'd put one in every room, but to make sure they didn't confuse them, they put labels on each with each of the children's name. So, when small noises began coming from Niall's, Liam tiredly sat up in bed and began to look around for the source of the noise. He looked around for a few seconds, then realized the noises were coming from right next to him, so he looked down at the baby monitor marked 'Niall' and immediately knew something was wrong when he looked at the clock to see it was only five in the morning.

With this in mind, Liam quickly got out of bed and made his way towards his baby's room.

Once he arrived in Niall's room, he was met by a heartbreaking sight. Niall was sat up in bed trying to muffle his cries into his blankie. There were tears running down his flushed, pale cheeks and he was shaking a bit.

"Hey, baby. What happened?" Liam asked as he approached Niall. The tiny blonde looked at his daddy and began to cry harder. He didn't want to tell Liam what he'd done for fear that he would send him away or be angry. "It's okay, baby. Tell daddy what happened," Liam soothed, bending down to rub Niall's back. "I-I'm sorry!" Niall cried. "Hey, what're you sorry for?" Liam asked, concerned. "D-didn't mean to!" Niall just continued to cry. "What happened, baby? What're you sorry for?" Liam asked. "I-I went potty in bed!" Niall cried in embarrassment. Well that broke Liam's heart. "Aw, that's alright. You didn't mean to, baby," Liam soothed, now smelling the strong scent of urine that he'd somehow previously missed. Niall just continued to cry, so Liam said, "Why don't we go get cleaned up?" Niall sniffled in return and gave a slight nod. "C'mon then," Liam said, helping Niall out of the bed and placing him on his hip. He really didn't care if Niall got his shirt wet; he just wanted his baby to feel better and he could always change.

Liam took Niall to the bathroom. When they entered, he asked, "Do you wanna take a bath, baby?" Niall nodded and allowed Liam to strip him. Liam began running the water and decided to add a little bit of bubbles to try and cheer Niall up. However, when Liam turned to Niall, he saw the small boy shaking. "Hey, what's the matter?" Liam asked worriedly. Niall just shook his head, still shaking and his breathing was becoming a bit erratic. If Liam wasn't mistaking, he'd say Niall was on the verge of a panic attack. He began to rub Niall's arm in hopes of calming him down, and it worked a bit, as Niall leaned into Liam's touch. "Please calm down, baby. You know I don't like seeing you so upset," Liam said. Niall sniffled and said, "M'sowwy." "Hey, you don't have anything to be sorry for. You didn't mean to. Accidents happen," Liam replied. Niall just gave a tiny nod and bunched his fists up to rub his wet eyes. "See? You're alright. Daddy's not mad. You didn't do anything wrong, okay?" Liam told Niall once he wasn't shaking as bad and his breathing was a bit more normal. Liam then noticed that the water was done running, so he shut it off and helped Niall in. He made sure to go more slowly and carefully this time, as he didn't want to scare Niall like last night. Thankfully, Niall went into the water without fuss, only tensing up a bit when his foot touched the water, but he trusted Liam so he tried to calm himself.

Liam began to wash Niall with a washcloth. The boy was still shaking a bit, but he was doing okay now and he just tiredly sat in the bathtub. "Did you have a bad dream, baby?" Liam asked. Niall shook his head. Liam frowned a bit. He was hoping that this was just over a bad dream or something for Niall's sake so it wouldn't be a regular occurrence, but then it occurred to him what Kari had said about Niall's bed wetting. "That's alright, baby. You didn't mean to," Liam replied. Niall just gave the smallest of nods and allowed Liam to finish washing him.

Once Liam was sure that Niall was clean, he pulled him out of the tub and dried him off. Next came redressing the tiny boy, and honestly, Liam felt terrible for what he was about to say, but he got over it and told Niall, "I'm gonna put you in a pull up for the rest of the night, baby." And Liam wanted to take the statement back when Niall gave him the most heartbreaking expression ever. "Hey, it's not because I think you're a baby, okay? I just don't want you to have another accident," Liam coo'd. "I-I not a baby?" Niall asked tearfully. "No, not at all. You're my big boy. But big boys need help sometimes, okay?" Liam responded, feeling absolutely terrible for Niall. Niall just gave a sad nod in reply and let Liam pull the pull up around his waist.

"Let's go get some jammies and then we can go back to bed," Liam told Niall. Niall nodded and walked along side Liam back into his bedroom. "Which ones?" Liam asked, opening Niall's pajama drawer. Niall ended up pointing to a white pair that had blue clouds on it, which Liam thought were just absolutely too cute. He helped Niall into the pajamas and said, "Alright, bed time." Niall shook his head no. "Come on, Niall. We have to get back to bed. I'm tired and I know you're sleepy," Liam replied. He was beyond tired and he knew the toddler was too. Again, Niall shook his head. Liam sighed. "Do you wanna rock for a little while then?" He asked. He and Zayn had decided to move the rocking chair they had into Niall's room since it matched the furniture and they knew rocking helped kids get to sleep. Niall thought about it for a second, then nodded, so Liam grabbed Niall's blankie and another blanket and sat down in the chair. He pulled Niall into his lap so that his face was to Liam's chest and then he pulled the blanket over them so Niall would be warm. He wasn't too uncomfortable since the chair had padding and stuff, so he was okay. He rocked slowly and watched as Niall's tiny blue eyes drooped and closed. By the time Niall's eyes had closed, Liam could feel his eyes drooping too.


Liam honestly hadn't meant to fall asleep. However, he was awoken later by a poking to his face.

"Li, wake up."

It was Zayn. Liam just mumbled something incoherent and tried to swat Zayn's hand away. However, Zayn wasn't taking that as an answer. "Liam! We're taking the kids to the school today! Get up," Zayn pushed. Again, Liam grumbled, but sat up. His mind immediately wandered to the stiffness of his back, and that's when he realized he'd been asleep in the rocking chair.

Liam groaned and popped his back.

"Bet you wish you hadn't slept in that chair," Zayn said with a smirk. Liam rolled his eyes at his husband and quickly flipped him the bird. "Oi! Someone's grumpy today!" Zayn exclaimed. "Well I got up at five," Liam replied. "Yeah, I meant to ask, did Niall have an accident?" Zayn asked in response. "Yeah he did. Poor thing was having a panic attack while I was getting him a bath," Liam replied. The two men frowned, than Liam asked, "Wait, where is the little guy?"

"Oh, I finally got him to come downstairs to eat. The boys just had cereal and watched some cartoons. Niall didn't really want to come down without you, but I did get him to," Zayn explained. "Okay. But did you check his pull up?" Liam responded. "Well, I saw the tip poking out so I kinda figured...but I asked him quietly and he got really embarrassed and said no," Zayn replied. Liam sighed.

"I really hope he was telling the truth."

Both men frowned again and decided to go downstairs to check on the boys and make sure Niall hadn't wet the pull up.

Once downstairs, Liam walked straight over to the couch where Niall was sitting with Louis and Harry, engrossed in an episode of Peppa Pig.

"Ni, can you come here for a sec?" Liam asked. Niall turned his head toward Liam and his eyes lit up. He was so excited to see his daddy since he hadn't all morning. The tiny blonde immediately hopped up and bounced toward Liam, who picked him up and smiled once he got to him.

"Morning, baby," Liam said. Niall gave a tiny smile in return. "Why don't you come with me for a sec, yeah?" Liam proposed. Niall was a bit confused, but nodded anyways as he didn't want to upset his daddy.

Niall soon realized that Liam was bringing him into the room with the potty, so now he was even more confused. He didn't have to go, so why was he in here?

"Did you go potty in your pull up?"

Now Niall understood. And this understanding caused him to blush madly. He truthfully shook his head no, but Liam still wasn't sure, so he pulled back the elastic on Niall's pj pants and checked inside the pull up. He then knew Niall was telling the truth, so he said, "Well why don't we get you out of this pull up and into some undies."

Niall nodded and allowed Liam to leave him for a split second to grab a pair of TMNT undies they'd bought. He soon came back and helped Niall step out of the dry pull up and threw it away. "Alrighty, here you go," Liam said as he helped Niall step into his undies. He then helped Niall back into his pj pants since they weren't doing anything just yet and they were just going back downstairs for the time being.

Upon arriving back downstairs, he saw his two other little boys still watching their kid show.

"Hey, Li; start getting dressed. We're going to leave in about 30 minutes," Zayn said. Liam put Niall down on the couch and headed back upstairs. He quickly got dressed, then went back downstairs to discover Zayn had all three kids in the bathroom, brushing their teeth. "I'll take these two, and you can take Louis," Liam told Zayn, gesturing to Harry and Niall. Zayn held a thumbs up in reply and pulled Louis into his arms to take into the bedroom to get dressed. Liam popped in himself to grab Harry some clothes and then he quickly went back into Niall's baby blue bedroom.

He helped Niall and Harry put their clothes on, mainly Niall since Harry insisted he was a big boy and could do it himself, though Liam did have to help him pull his shirt on correctly when he stuck his head through the arm hole. He then tied both of their shoes and they were finally done.

Liam brought the kids out of the room and saw that Zayn and Louis were already downstairs.

"Finally! Thought you'd gotten lost up there!" Zayn exclaimed with a smile. Liam playfully rolled his eyes and replied, "Well I had to get two kiddies dressed, so you got the easy road."

Zayn just smiled sweetly with a slight eye roll himself and then kissed Liam's cheek. "Well let's get these kids in the car." Liam nodded and pulled Niall into his arms and held Harry's hand. Louis walked alongside Zayn and they locked the house up. The two men buckled the boys into their car seats and took off toward the school.


Upon arriving to the school, Liam and Zayn unbuckled the kids and walked them inside the school. Niall demanded to be picked up halfway to the schools entrance, so Liam carried Niall inside while Louis and Harry held Zayn's hands.

They got inside and headed towards Headmaster Cowell's office.

"Hello, Zayn. How are you today?" Simon asked once Zayn had stepped into the office. "Well I'm wonderful. As you can see, we've completed the adoption process and we now have three little rug rats," Zayn responded.

"Well let me meet the kiddies. They will be attending my school soon so why don't I go ahead and get to know them?"

Zayn smiled and nodded down at Louis.

"I'm Louis and I'm five so I'm a big boy!" Louis exclaimed proudly.

Zayn then squeezed Harry's hand.

"M'harry and m'four," Harry said, still a bit shy around strangers.

Liam then looked at Niall signaling him to say something. However, Niall reacted by whimpering and burying his head into Liam's shoulder. Liam, Zayn, and Simon all frowned at this, but Liam made up for the lack of self introduction by saying, "Well this is Niall and he just turned three." He then asked, "The school is aware of his age and everything, right?" Simon nodded and said, "Yes, I've notified his teacher as well to keep an eye on him a bit." Liam held a thumbs up in thanks and let Zayn continue his conversation with Simon.

Once Zayn and Simon had finished talking, the two exited the office and headed towards the classroom that would be Louis'.

"BooBear, this is going to be your class," Zayn told Louis as they stood outside the door. "Do we get to go in?" Louis asked excitedly. "If you want to," Zayn replied. To that, Louis rapidly nodded his head, so Zayn knocked on the door to be met by Zoe, well, Ms. Zoe to the boys.

"Hello, boys. I assume one of you will be my new student," she said. "One of us?" Louis asked, confused. Liam and Zayn both sighed, as they figured Louis knew he and Harry wouldn't be in the same class.

"Yes, boo, you're in this class," Zayn said as he knelt down beside Louis. "W-what about Hazza?" Louis asked nervously. He also used Harry's nickname since he was a little embarrassed that he couldn't say his r's just right yet, so he used a nickname instead most of the time.

"Hazza will be in a different class. You're a little older, so this is your class," Liam explained. Louis looked around nervously.

"I-I'm gonna be all by myself?"

"Yes, baby," Zayn replied. He immediately felt his heart break when Louis' face crumpled and he let tears cascade down his cheeks. "Don't wanna!" Louis cried. Zayn sighed and pulled Louis into his arms. Louis clung to Zayn with his legs around his waist and his arms around his neck. Zayn was rubbing Louis' back and swaying him, still standing in the hallway.

"I think we'll try this another day," Zayn said. "That's okay. Kids are scared all the time," Zoe replied. "Thanks," Zayn said. He let Zoe go back into her classroom then told Liam, "I think I'm gonna go get him cleaned up real quick and then let's just meet at my classroom. I've got to go by there so just take the boys to Ms. Lloyd's room to check it out since they're in the same class." Liam nodded then took off towards Cher's room with Niall and Harry.

Zayn on the other hand was walking Louis into the bathroom. He sat him on the counter to see Louis still leaking a few tears.

"Hey, what're these silly tears for, hm? C'mon now, dry it up and let me see those pretty eyes."

Louis sniffled and fisted his eyes. He looked up at Zayn with clumped lashes and wet eyes, but Zayn only smiled. "There's my pretty boy. Now, what's got you so upset, hm? I haven't ever seen you this upset," he said. Louis cutely rubbed his eye with the back of his hand then croaked out, "D-don't wanna go by myself, a-and I needa protect Hazza. M'scared."

Zayn swore he could feel his heart breaking at Louis' statement but rubbed his tiny knee. "Baby, there's nothing to worry about. I know you're scared and you're going in all by yourself but you're going to make so many new friends! I can promise Hazza will be in good hands and so will Niall. They're going to be in Ms. Lloyd's class and I know she's a very good and nice teacher. So is Ms. Zoe; she's really sweet and I promise that if at anytime you feel scared or upset or you need something, she'll let you come to my class, okay?"

Louis sniffled, but nodded. "O-okay," he said quietly. Zayn smiled. "Alright, well let's get your face cleaned up and then we're gonna go wait for daddy in my classroom," he said. Louis nodded and let Zayn wipe his face with a wet paper towel. Once that was done, Zayn picked Louis up and place him on his hip. They walked out of the bathroom and to Zayn's classroom.

Zayn walked right into his classroom, as it was his and he could.

"Mr. Malik!" At least 10 of the juniors exclaimed. "Why hello, my fellow students," Zayn replied. "Have you missed me?"

He heard kids laugh and even a few people say yes. Then he decided to introduce Louis.

"Well, as you all know, I've been out recently since my husband and I were adopting. This is one my children and his name is Louis." He said. He then turned to Louis and asked, "Would you like to introduce yourself?" Louis nodded, then squirmed to be put down. However, Zayn did really take the hint, so Louis whispered, "Baba, put me down," into Zayn's ear. Zayn chuckled, but placed the boy on the floor. Louis blushed a bit once he realized that all eyes were on him, even the substitute's, but he still introduced himself loud and proud.

"I'm Louis and I'm five, so I'm a big boy."

The entire class coo'd at the tiny boy, even the jocks and the guys. I mean, how could you not coo at him?

But suddenly, Zayn heard the door open again, so he turned around to be met by his beautiful husband with their other wonderful children.

"Boys, c'mere," Zayn said, gesturing for Harry and Niall to come over to him. Once they did, Zayn pulled Niall onto his hip and he held Harry's hand since he's put it up to be held.

"Hazza, do you want to introduce yourself?" Zayn asked. Harry nodded, then said, "I'm Harry and I'm four, but I'm still a big boy even though Louis is older th'n me."

Again, the entire class coo'd at the tiny boy. Zayn then turned to Niall, who was surprisingly feeling a bit bolder and quietly said, "M'Niall and I'm this many," holding up three fingers. Well everyone just thought they were going to die from how cute Niall was.

"Well class, I'll be Monday after next, as will your test grades," Zayn said, looking specifically at a few certain students. The students all hollered out goodbyes to him, Liam, and the kids.

Once back outside, Liam and Zayn placed the three boys in their car seats and started the car.

"So, Niall and Harry, how did you boys like your classroom?" Zayn asked. "It was so fun, baba! There were so many toys! Even Ni played a little!" Harry exclaimed. Niall nodded with a smile on his face because it was true, he had played. "Louis I promise it's not scary," Harry said, looking at Louis. The two fathers coo'd and Louis blushed because his little brother was here telling him not to be afraid. That was his job! So, he decided to just nod and turn to look out the window.

Upon arriving home, three out of three kids were asleep, so Liam and Zayn carried them to their beds for nap time. They decided to lie down in their bed for a little while themselves, so the two laid down and turned on the tv. They just talked and watched tv for about 15 minutes, but then they heard their door creak open.

It was Niall.

"D-daddy, can I sleep in here?" He asked. Liam smiled. "Sure."

So, Niall crept over to the bed and let Liam pull him in. He helped him crawl under the covers, then Niall cuddled up to him, so he wrapped an arm around the tiny boy. "Love you, daddy," Niall said.

Liam's heart swelled with joy.

"Love you too, baby."

Hey guys ! I hope y'all liked it !!

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