The Girl in the City

נכתב על ידי JolieBernadette01

302 23 51

After Competing University and Gaining a good job, many of us would be in a content place in life. But not Li... עוד

Part 2: When the prince is the frog
Part 2.2 side chick or main chick?
Part 3: a King is looking for a Queen not a princess

Part One: Elizabeth or Lizzie, not sure

148 7 11
נכתב על ידי JolieBernadette01


'Listen babe you need to understand your 24 years old, we are going to be 25 years old in three months. All our friends are either married or in serious relationships and you are just there ...blah blah blah'

I just left my phone on my desk and let her talk; it was the same conversation every single day. Why couldn't we have normal sisterly conversations? No my sister and I had to have these awful ridiculous tiresome discussions, in which she would remind me that I should open my eyes and look for someone to marry. But not just anyone, mind you. He should be a 'sort after man' that was 'going places', her words not mine. I should find someone like her husband. Mr Kwame Mensah aka the first black British finances director at the Royal Bank of London, aka my boss. They met when I first started working there. As soon as she saw him, she knew exactly who he was, because she researched all Black British high flies. And from that day she made it her mission to become the first lady of the Royal Bank of London. A task that was not difficult for the spoilt Jolie Francis. Almost 4 years later she was now, the Jolie Francis-Mensah, head of PR and communications for the right wing Establishmentarian party. Essentially she was paid to make the Prime Minster look good. I must admit she was good at her job she could make a summer in rainy England sound like a 5* holiday in Jamaican. My sister was near perfection only one thing was destroying this, her identical twin sister, aka Elizabeth Francis, aka me.

'are you listening to me, hello', she screamed down the line

'yes hello, I am listening, I am just taking in what you're saying' I lied as I stared out at London from my window.

'Well I need go and I have a meeting with a MP, he cheated on his wife with a prostitute, and press have got hold of it'

'ohh wow' I replied in the most fake excited voice I could master

'Elizabeth at least sound interested in my job, anyway I'll see you Sunday evening at Grandmothers' house. And I say these things about you finding someone, not to hurt you or remind you that your single however to help you. Talk to you later'

'Yeah... love you'

'Love you more Elizabeth'

And with that she finally got off my phone. My sister and I looked exactly the same, obviously being identical twins. We were both ebony in complexion, very tall and slim, because of our height we dominated every room we entered. I must admit we were both pretty, looking exactly like our mother. Jolie took advantage of this, whereas I didn't really care. From a young age we were always compared which was so annoying. Which is why i chopped my hair off at sixteen and I have had it short ever since. Jolie hated it, as she wanted her and me to be rocking the latest in Peruvian and Brazilian weave whereas I opted for a pixie cut. The only similarity we had was our looks. My older sister always had one up on me and I guess this is way she peruses she has a say in the way I run my life. She beat me in absolutely everything. I came out with good A levels: two As and a B. She got two A* and A. We both got into magic triangle universities, but with her going to the prestigious Royal University of Leadford, my university although still a stop university sounded pretty crap. She graduated with a first class and a graduate scheme. I graduated with a low 2:1 and the Job centre plus number. She has more friends and our family love her more. I am basically the crap version of Jolie Fancis-Mensah.

With that being said, i am happy with where I am in life although single. I am an investment banker at the Royal Bank of London and I actually love my job and the pay also helps. And no I am not jealous of my sister, I just wish she wasn't a controlling psycho bitch.

'Lizzie you need to stop staring out side that widow, we are going to be late gone the meeting with the traders' a work colleague told me

I nod and followed suit.

Two :

It was after work and I was making my way to Afro Hub, a Nigerian restaurant. It was a hangout spot for my friends and I. I called the meeting today, because I actually missed these hooligans. Once I entered the restaurant my eyes met with my Congo bongo, my rock, my best friends Kamillie Jean-Pierre. Her beautiful dark gold brown skin was glistening as usual, and she had on an African printed dress. My best friend was absolutely beautiful; she had these big brown eyes and gorgeous big lips perfectly completed by a small buttoned nose. Mille was the definition of an African goddess. And Dwayne teenage sweetheart knew this, and wasted no time in marrying her a month after her graduation. She met him at church at 17 after giving her life to Christ. Millie is the most beautiful person I know inside and out. And that is also why she made the best secondary school teacher. I wish she was my history teacher; I probably would have enjoyed it more. Kamillie was the close person to me. We had been friends from year seven, when I was made to sit next to her. she turned and told me that she would become my best friend. And ever since then we have been besties. Going to the same college and even university.

'oi congo bongo' I screamed as I poked her massive afro that was packed in a up do.

'shhhhh man you're so loud, and don't you know not to touch a black girls hair' she said as she turned to hug me, the hug went on for a little longer then a normal hug would. And you would have thought we hadn't seen each other in months although I was at her house last Friday. But that was Kamillie she was a hugger.

'where is princess Catherine and professor India' I asked. This was the other half of our friendship group.

'Cathy, I mean Catherine is on her way, she was with her ladyship aka you sister' i giggled at this. 'and India aka the educated bum is leaving the library as we speak. It's your turn to take her this week. I can't have her dosing around my house like this; Kaleb is beginning to notice her aunty is a bum'. Kaleb was Millie's three year old daughter; she looked like a little dark-skinned Indian princess, due to her father's Indian Jamaican heritage.

I just laughed and on queue Catharine and India walked. It looked as though they were having yet another argument. This was the norm for them.

'You honestly need to stop calling me Cathy, I do not like it. Particularly in front of my colleagues. I DO NOT LIKE IT!!! I do not want to repeat myself India, understood' Cathy I mean Catherine yelled , I am sure if she was lighter she would have been bright red in the face.

Catharine and Jolie both Leadford girls, had this horrendous and rather annoying habit in which they used pet names like darling and sweet for everyone but refused to call anyone by their nick names, or themselves be addressed by a nick name. Examples included Kamille and not Kam, Kay (as her dear husband called her), or millie. I was to be addressed as Elizabeth and not lizzie, liz or Beth. It was always something with my sister and crazy Cathy (which her name was saved as on my phone)

'You know what, Cath-er-ine you're a bitch' India replied in a carefree manner.

'YOU ARE A BITCH' Cathy corrected her 'you would think with all that schooling you have, you would be able to speak proper English. You are bloody 25 years old and you speak like a 16 teen year old girl' she continued

'Okay ladies, please sit down. We are in public' Mille stated in her teacher mode voice. Millie was usually the one to shut them up although she was not the oldest of the group, she unexpectedly fell in the role of mother of the group.

And both girls, I mean ladies sat down.

St Lucian born India was the oldest of the group. Yet you would have never guessed it, she sofa suffered between the three of us. She was the broke rich girl. Both her parents were extremely successful lawyers and were tired of feeding her education addiction. At 26 she had a first class degree in economics, two masters' degrees; one in law and the other in psychology and now she was in her first year of a PHD in African studies. India can never make up her mind. And now her parent decided they would stop funding her and this was going to be her last degree and that she would have to find a job to survive. Because India did not want to work for the 'man', she turned to her new parents to accommodate her, myself, Kamille and Queen Catherine. Another addiction India had was sex and weed. She believed that the best way for her to express herself was through sex and this was sex all the time. As a woman she had the right to sleep with anyone she wanted and she should not be slut shamed. And she was nearly always high. Now I didn't have a problem with this. But millie and her did not agree on this at all, they would have very serious and emotional arguments on it. Millie felt there was something deeper leading her to self destruction and that India needed to be open. And India believed Mille was brain washed by the intuition called the church. India laws a Nubian Queen, with dreadlocks that reached the bottom of her back. He yellow complexion made people think she was mixed, although she was fully black. India was avenge in height but her body and face was far from avenge. She was an island beauty. She always wore bright colours and patterned head wraps. She never wore a bra or shaved her legs or arm pits. To Catherine's dismay.

Catherine and India were completely opposites. Cathy like myself came from extremely humble begins. Her Kenyan single mother, done everything in her power to ensure Cathy get a better life. And Cathy too worked extremely hard, gaining great A levels and gaining a place at Leadford. But everything went downhill. She found her degree extremely difficult and graduated with a Desmond (2:2). After results day she shout down and no one could get through to her. We tried our hardest to get through to her but we couldn't. India and I who both study economics for our undergrad, met Cathy at a networking event. So i never really felt close to her. However during Cathy's awful period India become her rock and they become super close. India encouraged her to find her to find her love, which was writing. Cathy started a extreme successful blog and also wrote a bestseller. She now works for the right wing paper called Dailyhours. India was extremely upset that it was a right wing paper but she was happy Cathy was living her dream. Catharine Bahati was the model of the group. We secretly all have wanted to be her at one point. She has been Miss Kenya UK twice and not a third time because she decided against running. She looked and dressed like a supermodel, Miss Catharine did not look like she should be walking the streets of London but rather Milan.

Cathy pulled down her glasses and looked at me.

'so miss banker in the suit...when are you going to find a man'


'Don't listen to those idiots'

I looked at my best friend trying to figure out what she was on about.

'Lady Catherine and the Miss Jolie Francis-Mensah' she continued, she had a sad look on her face.

'I try not to, but its hard Millie. I haven't been in a relationship since I was 19, I am turning 25. And you and my sister are both happily married. Cathy is engaged and India well she's India' I replied and giggled at the last part.

'Guys don't even approach me, even in the club. What is wrong with me, am I not normal?' I continued as I watched my best friend fold clothes

'I haven't been to a rave in years, but I know you can't find a husband in the club. Lizzie you are still young. I am being serious when I say don't listen to these fools. And to answer your question there is something wrong with you'.

Playfully hit her but waited for her to continue.

'you don't see the beautiful creation God has made, your too busy trying to compare yourself to Jolie. And lastly you are not normal, you are the Elizabeth Francis' she stated and said my name in a posh British accent

'Jolie Francis-Mensah's little sister' i whispered. But she heard and shook her head.

'mummy!!!!!!! We ome, we ome' Kaleb's little voice shouted from downstairs.

We were upstairs in Millie's room; I had come round to spend my Saturday at hers. Once I heard kaleb's voice I took as my opportunity to run from this conversation. Princess Kaleb was being carried in by her father Dwayne, she was wearing a ballet outfit and her usually massive curly afro was in a neat high bun.

'Aunty lizzie Liz' she screamed i took her and hugged her. She was so amazing. It was so weird that my best friend was married and had this beautiful human being'

'Hi gorgeous, hi lizzie' Dwayne said as he approached Millie and gave her a kiss on her forehead.

Dwayne was not the tall, dark-skinned demi-god like Mr Mensah. Who is trying to take over the world Finance? Dwayne was a junior doctor; he become a doctor because he wanted to help people. Dwayne was an average looking guy (in my opinion), but he had the most beautiful smile, it was so warming and welcoming. He and Millie both had hearts made of gold and they were just perfect.

'Listen I'm going to leave you ladies, Kaleb bath time' Dwayne spoke as he took Kaleb from me

'bye bye bye byeeee' Kaleb sang as her dad carried her up the stairs.

'Millie you guys are perfect, like you guys are actually goals' I told Millie

She just smiled and remained silent. She then finally replied 'Liz we are perfectly imperfect, don't say goals. You just caught a good scene of this play called life. We have our struggles'

I just watched her; she held my hand and continued

'When we first got married, I was only 21 and he was 24. We were young and broke. Not that we are rich now. But we were so broke. I remember I used to cry everyday and then I got pregnant. Kaleb was never planned and I won't lie to you, I considered termination. But I knew as a Christian it was out of the question. It was a difficult period of my marriage Dwayne couldn't believe that even considered termination. And we went through a period in which I swear he hated me'.

'wow Millie, why didn't you tell me'

At this point she had tears coming down her face but she smiled

'I wanted too but I didn't even believe it was happening and you had your own issues trying to find a graduate role'.

I smiled to show her that I was not angry and she continued

'I was mad at Dwayne because I felt he did not understand and was pointing a judgmental finger at me, someone who I knew for years had become a stranger to me. But to outsiders everyone thought we were happy newlyweds'

She went silent, but then continued

'But we worked through it, it wasn't easy. And we still have are issues now and again that pop up. Dwayne is not the perfect man, I am not the perfect woman and Kaleb is not an angel'

We both laughed at the last part

'But we are perfectly imperfect. I love that man upstairs. But my love is not enough, its only by the Grace of God am I able to love him. Moreover because I love myself I am able to love him. Lizzie not all that glitters is gold; don't fall for this perfection Cathy and Jolie are trying to gain.

We hugged and with that there was a knock on the door.

'babe can you get that' Dwayne shouted to Millie from upstairs

'Gosh i need to ran up stairs and clean myself up after all that crying, do you mind getting the door'

'I am a guest here' I replied to Millie

With that she kissed her teeth and ran up stair. I shook my head and opened the door.

'Hello Lizzie long time'


I must have been dreaming. I was in my best friend's front room with my cheating ex boyfriend. Who apparently had given his life to Christ? What utter crap.

From the other side I could see Millie trying to mouth, she didn't know he was invited.

'This is mad weird man, what a small world. The two of you are married' Michael aka Mr steal my virginity and break my heart stated to Dwayne.

I don't know why I was so mad at seeing him seating in the Front room.

Firstly it was not my house therefore I did not actually have a say, as to who could enter and not enter. Secondary I was angry at myself, I had betrayed myself by have these emotions towards him. I felt as though I was 19 again and I had just found out he cheated on me. Thirdly I was sitting here like a dumb teenage. I had practiced on many opportunities what i would say to this man when i next see him. But here I was sitting in silence with nothing to say.

'Yeah wow, I can't believe you know my wife and her best friend Lizzie' Dwayne replied

'Yeah we went to the same college sixth form' Millie interjected

'Wow man you guys go way back' Dwayne stated

'fam college was jokes', Michael stated in a strong south London accent and laughed Dwayne laughed along too. Millie raised an eyebrow and planted a smile on her lips. I reminded silent and felt awkward.

They continued taking about college then moved onto uni then church. The whole time I sat there in silence not saying anything. I really wanted to speak, say something, anything. But nothing came out. Michael still had an effect on me and I hated it. From the conversation I gathered that he had dropped out of uni, after figuring out it wasn't for him and after cheating on me, although he did not mention the last part. He is now working for an IT company, the pay is not a lot but it gets him by.

I decided to go home. I just wanted to go to sleep and act like I didn't see Michael Ntokozo. He was even better looking then I remembered, which I never thought was possible. He was tall, and well built, like the true Zulu warrior he was born to be. He brown complexion was so clear; he had always had good skin. When I saw him I wanted to shout at him, ask him why he cheated on me. I wanted him to say he was sorry, then rip my clothes off and make sweet love to me. I just had to leave I was angry because the man who cheated on me was seating in front of me and I couldn't speak. Sexually frustrated, wanting him to give me the best sex ever. And guilty because when he was talking about the bible and God, I was thinking of all the nasty stuff I would do to him.

I was finally home and I really needed to take a shit and just think. I always had done my best thinking on the toilet.

Just as I opened the door

'Hello roomie'

Ohh flip I forgot she was staying at mine. As I entered my front room, I was met by a naked Nubian queen, who dreads were wrapped up in a colourful head wrap. A spiff hung from her mouth and a naked man, boy about 19 in age just stared at me.

'India I am going to the bathroom to poo, when I come back he better be gone and you better have something on and my house better not smell of weed' I ordered

'Okay mum, you're meant to be the cool one, not like Cathy and Millie' India complained

'Just sort out India' I sighed

After my glorious poo, I spent the rest of the evening in my room. And I may have finished a bottle of wine and listened to Tasha my favourite r&b singer, who sang about heart break.

Sunday, was a day spent in my room. Mille had texted to explain she didn't know Michael and Dwayne knew each other nor that he was coming around. She promised that she would call me on her way back from church but she didn't.

In the evening I ended up going to my Grandmothers weekly meal. The week my sister and i left for university we made promise to have a meal with my mum every Sunday. Jolie was an exact replica of my Grandmother. They were both hungry for power, influence and money. The weekly meals consisted of the same thing. Jolie and my grandma discussing the current news and politics. Crap I honestly didn't care about. Then they would move onto black elites of Britain. Again crap i didn't care about. Then they would move one to the latest in hair, fashion and pop culture. Again crap I didn't care about. Then my Grandmother would remind Jolie of how great she has done and that she was proud of her. And ask me if I wanted gravy on my roast.

It was during times like this I missed our parents and I was so happy that this was only once a week.

Monday was a normal rainy day in London. I entered the building and greeted the front desk staff with a smile. I decided to come into work early today because I had done no work during the whole weekend and had to prep myself for the day and various meetings I would be attending. I entered in to the lift and nearly fell back. It's like you can go a whole century without seeing someone and once you see them they are everywhere you go, even your work place. Thank you universe.


'Hi' I replied

'Listen Lizzie, I am honestly sorry for Saturday, I really hope I didn't make you feel awkward, it wasn't my intention' Michael explained

'It is Elizabeth to you what exactly are you doing here' I was hoping he came to find me and that we would have steamy sex in the lift like they did in the movies. Well the 19 year old inside me did. The 24 year old me was hoping not to make a fool of her in this encounter.

'I'm helping someone out today with a program installation on their computer, Lizzie I mean Elizabeth I am truly sorry, I didn't mean to...'

Before he could finish I interrupted him

'This is my floor'

'Take care Lizzie'

I just smiled and the doors closed. I then proceed to the stairs because in fact it was not my floor and I had to make my way up 3 more flight of stairs. I am such an idiot.

A part from that weird start everything at work was normal. I was making my way back to the office after lunch. When I heard sex noises. We had recently received some graduates on our graduate scheme and I had already caught some of them at it in the ladies toilets. I swear these graduates thought this was halls at university and not the royal bank of London. I stood at the entrance of the office door and cleared my throat. And waited for the young folk to adjust themselves.

But my eyes were not prepared for what I saw.

I thought he said he had changed.

Some people never change


Thank you for taking time to read my work.

please comment!!! I want to hear from you


Jolie Bernadette xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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