If I Met...

By sprittals98

30.6K 509 174

This is just a collection of mini stories of things that would happen if I met really popular superstars... More

If I Met... Logan Lerman
If I Met... Jessie J
If I Met... Justin Bieber
If I Met... Ryan Higa
If I Met... Danny Phantom
If I Met... Robert Pattinson
If I Met... Chip Skylark
If I Met... Sarah Dessen
If I Met... Channing Tatum
If I Met... One Direction
If I Met... The Avengers

If I Met... Avatar Aang

1.6K 37 9
By sprittals98

it's been awhile!


If I Met... Avatar Aang

"Okay, how did I get here," I mumble to myself. I was in a place outside. A place with a lot of grass. And everything looked... animated. I have no idea how I got here or when I got here. I just know that I'm here.  "And how do I get out of here."

Then I hear a faint noise coming from behind me. Like people talking. I turn around and see....


Sokka the character.

Sokka the adorably cute and funny non-bender.

Sokka the character of one of my favorite animated shows.

Sokka from Avatar: The Last Airbender.

I squeal a loud and girly squeal then I run up to him and jump on his back. "I love you," I whisper in his ear.

He yells. I guess I surprised him. "Who are you?" he asks.

"Your biggest fan!" I answer right after the word 'you' is out of his mouth. He gives me a strange look. "Say something funny. I love it when you say funny stuff."

"What are you talking about?" he asks.

"Ooooh, I get it," I say. "You're being practical Sokka right now, not funny Sokka." I sigh. I like funny Sokka.

Then the rest of the crew comes. Aang, Katara, and Toph. Zuko is no where to be found, so I'm guessing this is before he joins the group.

I run up to Aang and squeal again. I haven't squealed this much in forever. My throat is starting to hurt. "You're Aang! You're an Airbender! And you're 112 years old! And you have a massive crush on Ka-" I'm cut off by him slapping a hand to my mouth.

Then he whispers in my ear, "How do you know all this stuff?" I ignore his question and pull his hand away. I study his face closely and see that there are bags under his eyes.

"Oooohhh!" I say. "I love this episode! Continue on." Then I sit back against a tree and wait for them to start.

I wish I had some popcorn.

They stare at me strangely for a second before taking my advice and continuing on.

"Aang, you need some sleep," Katara says. "If you want to be ready to face the-"

"Yeah Aang, get some shut eye!" I interrupt. He really needs some sleep. Katara looks at me then goes back to what she's saying.

"If you want to defeat the FireLord then-"

"Evil douchbag," I mumble. But obviously I didn't mumble because she stops again and stares at me.

"Douchebag?" Toph questions.

"Yeah," I say and get up and walk over to her. "It's an insult. It means-"

"Group huddle!" Sokka yells and motions for them to come over. I wonder what they're gonna talk about. They go into a circle and start talking but I can't hear them so I move inside of their circle.

"Could you repeat what you just said, I didn't get it," I say, now smack dab in the middle of their circle. They all scream.

"Okay, you have to go," Sokka says. "For all we know, you could be some spy for FireLord Ozai, trying to get in on all our secrets.

I start to sniffle. How could he think that I worked for the evil guy. Do I look evil? Thinking this, I burst into tears. "I just (hiccup) wanted (hiccup) to watch my favorite show ( hiccup) in person," I say inbetween tears.

"Look Sokka, you made her cry," Aang said, giving him a dissaproving look.

"Oh, so now you're on her side!"

"I just (hiccup) really like this show," I say drying my eyes. "All the guys in it are really good looking."

"Well, I have been working out," Sokka says and lift his arms to show off his muscles.

"Ooooohhh." I say and Katara makes a gagging noise. "Why don't you go and admire your boyfriends muscles," I tell her and nod towards Aang. "He would really like it, trust me." Her eyes widen in surprise, Aang turns red and Toph gives a loud guffaw.

I give Katara a look. "I'm serious."

Sokka puts his arms down. " Wait. You said episode. What do you mean episode?" he askes.

"Nothing..." I say. I don't want to tell them that they're all fictional characters and that they mean nothing in the real world. Instead I say, "I wish Zuko was here. He has good muscles." But that was probably the wrong thing to say.

"Okay!" Aang says. "Now you really have to go."

"Well I would but I don't exactly know how I got here," I say. "Are you mad at me for mentioning Zuko? I'm sorry, but you'll see how useful he is to you later."

They all look at me like I'm crazy.

"Okay then," I mumble to myself. Geez, tough crowd.

"Uggh fine, you can stay, but don't say another word." Sokka says. I squeal again and then I make the motion of zipping my lips and throwing away the key.

I love this show.


was this one bad? I feel like it was. It didn't go as I planned... but whatevs.

It's been awhile since I've done one of these. Since like September. That is sooo sad. My new years resolution is to upload my stories more... but that might be hard.

Anyways! Hows life?

sooo... well i really don't have anything to say. I like watching the show Bones. o.O random.


Next Time on If I Met...: If I Met... Chip Skylark

as you can see by my profile picture, i've become pretty obsessed with that guy. And Justin Bieber ;) I want to change the whole If I Met on JB to just two sentences:

I Met Justin Bieber. And then I jumped him. The End.






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