But its Gonna be my Year

By jessalltimelow

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Sequel to : Maybe it's not my weekend (jalex fanfic) :3 More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5

Chapter 6

253 15 1
By jessalltimelow

Alex P.O.V.

I look at Jack in a fancy suit sitting on the seat next to me in a taxi we hired to get to the wedding. He smiles when we realises I'm looking straight at him so I take his hand in mine and look forward, he squeezes it slightly and looks forward as well.

"You look nice" the tension breaks with me saying a simple 3 words.

"Thanks, you to" He turns his head and looks straight forward, I guess he is trying to avoid eye contact with me as this is the first time we have seen each other in four months.

Ever since tour ended.

*/5 Months Earlier/*

December/January 2008/2009

"3 Cheers to Jack and Alex finally getting back together" Rian Held up his bottle from the entrance of the packed room, surrounding the food in front of us. The last day of tour and things coundlt be better, I mean it was New Years for fucks sake! all the bands decide to stay here and rent a place out as it would probably be the best for everyone, and the most fun. I put my arm around jacks waist and smile as the 'hip hip hoorays' get called out from around the room.

I look over at jack to see him smiling brightly at me and as the countdown seems to come closer and the room starts counting down to midnight I make myself closer to him and finally bring into a kiss when the whole room goes wild. Yes! it was 2009! Finally! and I was spending the first seconds of this new year kissing the person I love more than anything in the whole world. Jack Barakat.

He takes his face away from mine slightly but keeps it kissing distance away. I laugh a little and smile at him while putting one arm around his waist, pulling him closer to me.

"I love you Alex" He says quietly but I manage to hear in this massive noise around us.

"Jack I love you more than anything in the fucking world, remember that okay?" His lips pressed back against mine is the answer as he places his hands around my waist and pulls me close to him. I smile and kiss back in return.

"Hey hey hey hey looooovvverbirddddsssss" A drunk Matt Flyzik makes us pull apart as he makes kissy noises and motions I just laugh and so does jack.

"Hey Matt" Me and Jack say at the same time, making us laugh more.

"Hey Jalex!" Matt answers, slurring his words. "Happy 2009!" He shouts then walks of to another group of people shouting the same thing.

"So you wanna go upstairs Alex?" Jack asks and I just nod my head grinning as he takes my hand and pulls it upstairs to one of the free rooms, pulling me down on the bed so I'm sitting across from him.

"Alex is hot tonight" I watch as a drunken Jack starts taking off his t-shirt while swaying side to side, giggling to himself, I can't help but laugh, he looks extremely cute. But in my sober sate I feel wrong for doing anything other than put him to bed, so I try to lay him down so he will lie flat on the bed.

"Alex! You need to kiss me first!" I smile at him

"Jack your going to bed! Your drunk and you know I can't do anything with you when your drunk."

"Alex you sound like my Mom!" he groans and try's to sit up, me holding him down by his shoulders, making him laugh.

"I don't care you are going to sleep!" I smile more as he keeps pushing against my hands to sit up.

"Only if you come to" He sticks out his bottom lip and makes his eyes all big, looking like a child.

"Yes I will come ,just get Into bed" He crawls up the bed and gets under the covers and I come join him, not being tired at all but realising this is the only way he could go to sleep.

"You look so pretty ton-" He cuts off his sentence by him giggling and moving his legs around "My phone!" He smiles as I reach into his pocket and take his phone, I'm not letting him text drunk.

My mood changes in a matter of seconds when I look who it's from

Jacks Mom.

"She wants to see you Jack."

*1 week later*

January 2009

"You can't just fucking go see her jack! what if She hurts you again!" I shout over at the already angry Jack from across the room in his house, who refused to let himself remember how much she hurt him, making this our 5th fight this week.

"Alex, she's my Mom, she says she's better and so do other people! don't you think I should give her a chance at least?" He walks over to the door of the living room . "My flight leaves in an hour Alex, I'm going to see her. I'm not listening to you, this is my choice." I sigh and walk over to him, taking his arm in my hand.

"If she hurts you, if she does fucking anything, call me. Call me every day your away okay? and don't do anything you shouldn't. I love you. be back soon" I kiss his cheek and walk off to the kitchen as he doesn't say anything and runs out the door with a few packed bags, off the the airport, leaving me alone.

*3 weeks later*

February 2009

"So, urm, was the weather nice today?" The phone calls to Jack everyday make it hard to find new things to talk about as I think it would be kinda mean to tell him how I really felt. How I missed him like fuck and needed him to come home but he felt happy there apparently, his Mom being nice and living with a Step-Dad of Jack who was apparently nice too and they treated Jack well, better than they did when Jack was growing up.

"Yeah, I guess, there's been a bit of rain but that's it" He answers obviously as bored as I am with this small talk. We have done long distance before, we can do it fucking again.

"Well I'm thinking about dying my hair blond again,maybe, whatever you think." I smile, hoping he will put some effort into answering so we can talk about something we can actually talk about.

"Yeah your blond hair looked pretty good, anyways Alex gotta go " He hangs up the phone, leaving me silent on the other line, so I put my phone down on the table. Feeling yet again, alone.

*1 Month Later*

March 2009


"Hey Jack! I hope your doing okay, I miss you! I love you, hopefully you can come back soon? call me back." I leave about my 5th voicemail today As Jacks seems to have the incapability of picking up his phone at the hour we have phones each other at for weeks now, everyday.

This makes me worried, What if shes done anything, what if he's done anything, what if Jack just doesn't want to talk to me. What if he hates me, what if he won't ever come back because it's better where he is than in Baltimore.

Stop thinking Alex, please stop thinking.


"Jack I've really fucking missed you" I keep looking forward, hoping he won't look at me.

"Alex" is All he can say, making it clear that he didn't miss me back, that it was just my heart being stretched when he didn't contact me for 3 months.

"Why didn't you call?" I say quickly, turning my head to look at him.

"Alex I " he sighs and looks in his lap. "I'm sorry, I have no excuse. I didn't want to speak to you so I didn't miss you more. "

"Yeah well, didn't exactly make me feel the best to be honest."

"I'm sorry Alex! okay?" He almost shouts, making my insides hurt even more. I pull back my hand and put it in my lap, not wanting to know the reason he didn't call but also being extremely curious.

"Sorry I fucking missed you!" And the silence is deadly, him not knowing what to say and me not wanting to say anything after that, we both looked forward, not looking at each other. I just want him to say something , please say something.

"You don't think I missed you? Your everything to me Lex" My emotions get tangled when he calls me Lex, He can't call me lex he doest have the fucking right, that's for when everything's good. Not now

"So you just lost in contact with me for 3 months and didn't even try to call?" I turn to look at him to see a tear rolling down his cheek. "Jack don't cry" My anger being lost because of him crying, I should really stay angry but I just...can't.

"Alex" His voice cracks and he blinks and another tear comes down his cheek. He pauses for a few seconds."Things got bad again"

"What do you mean things got bad Jack" He doesn't answer he just looks straight forward. "Jack, what happened when you left"

"I-I told her that I was dating y-you" He stops "And everything was good before that" He looks at me "and she told him, and he doesn't like his step son to be gay" I already feel like I know where this is going and I don't want to fucking hear anymore. What the hell is wrong with them. "So he hit me, a few times, took my phone so I couldn't speak to you" He takes my hand and I let him, because I feel like I might start crying myself. "And said if I was gay I was bad, but being straight is good so he got this girl, and made me kiss her, in front of him, to prove I was straight." He starts crying more. "But Alex I didn't feel anything towards her, I promise I just had to kiss her and do stuff with her in front of him please don't think anything please stay with me " And I realise how selfish I have been, how Jack was forced into doing something he hated, how me thinking he was being mean for not calling me, Man I was fucking horrible .

I can't find any words to tell him how much I love him, it's like I can think them but I can't say them. I can't bring myself to say them, I want to scream from the top of my lungs that I will stay with him, but I can't. I'm speechless with what the fuck kind of a person can treat someone like that, Jacks perfect and they think they can hit him into making him straight. It just makes me more angry.

I don't want to see the bruises which are probally beneath his shirt, I don't want to hear about how a girl was kissing him and putting her hands all over him, I don't want to think of the pain that Jacks gone through but I have to. Alex, you have to help Jack, help him before anything gets worse.

My mouth still seems to have the incapability to speak so I just move closer to Jack and kiss him, to try and show him that no, I won't leave him over something as stupid as that.

He slowly pulls away and smiles "Alex,I've really missed you" I move as close as I can to him, I missed him more than fucking anything.

"I'm never leaving you Jack, okay? I love you." He doesn't answer me but puts his arm around my shoulder and puts his head next to mine, resting it slightly on my head. I seriously just want to hold and feel every single bit of of him, tell him how much I've missed him and how much I care, how much he means to me. I love him.

The car ride continues for around another half an hour, with me and Jack not saying a word to each other, me just being wrapped up safely in his arms.

We reach the entrance to the wedding and we pay the driver and get out the car and it drives off.

It was an outside wedding in a random field somewhere and it was a good day for that, the sun shining down on us and it wasn't too windy. The long tables of food, ready to be served for the wedding in the distance and a set of white chairs with a white flooring underneath and an arch made of roses, raised slightly above ground at the end seemed to have people going to take there seats. There was trees surrounding the field, giving it a nice setting and a number of waiters were coming around and serving drinks and small snacks to anyone passing.

Realising the time we were quite late so I take Jacks hand and guide him to a chair near the front, me sitting right next to him, holding his hand tightly.

"Alex, would it be weird if we talked about everything that happened when I was away later." He says, even thought the noise of the crowd was loud, I could hear him.

"Why would it be weird?" I ask, looking over at him, knowing exactly why it would be weird talking about someone beating him and him talking about kissing a girl, yeah that would be weird.

"Don't worry, just, I missed you" He smiles at me and kisses me, I don't kiss back so we don't start having a make our session right before the wedding. I just take both his hands and place them in my lap and people start hushing us, realising it was time for the wedding to start.

A dressed up kellin, in a plain black suit walks to the centre of the arch, looking nervous as fuck, but still smiling. He looks over at me and smiles more as the music starts to play for the bride to walk down and everyone turns there heads to see Yasmin walking down in a long white dress, her dad standing by her side, smiling up at Kellin as she reaches the platform and stands in front of him, the instantly hug and he whispers something in her ear, he probably replying but I can't see her mouth.

The normal wedding carries out, them just looking like the happiest people in the world, as they kiss and run down the isle together, not caring.

After a while of random small talk with people me and Jack manage to find ourselves sitting on Kellin and Yas's table, just us four but they are drunk as fuck, she sitting in his lap, laughing like an idiot.

"So he was all like " she starts making a weird voice and making actions. "I should totally cut all my hair of" he laughs "So I was like, kellin your hair is amazing don't cut it off and we said we woundnt see each other for two weeks before the wedding! two weeks! no contact! And he told me he was going to cut it all off " She laughs more "And I totally think he was gunna! I was so relieved when I saw him with a full set of hair coming down the isle! I would miss his long hair, it's just so pretty" They laugh together, and I laugh awkwardly with Jack, not wanting to feel like I was sitting there emotionless.

"And do you know how hard it is to not see someone you love for two weeks!" He puts his hand round her neck , looking at her, I just turn my head to Jack, thinking wether we should be all over each other too, wether this is a bad thing we are not like that . "I missed her so much! " his voice gets deeper "And not just the sex " She laughs and so does he, and he lifts her up and spins her around, then they make there way to were everyone was dancing, making various drunk remarks on the way there.

As Soon as they go Jack is the first one to speak "It's okay we are not like that, they just got married, don't compare us please" He says like he was just reading my mind, damn he knows me. I just stand up smiling, why the fuck can't we act all like a couple. I don't see a reason things can't be the same as they used to . A slow song comes on and I know exactly what to do.

"Can I have this dance Jack Barakat?" I ask, standing behind him smiling, he turns his head and looks at me, grinning straight back at me.

"sure you can, Alex Gaskarth" He stands up, smiling at me, smiling at him and I hold out my hand for him to take , he takes it and I slowly guide him to the dance floor where a number of couples seem to be slow dancing.

I wrap my arms around his neck as he hugs my hips close to his and puts his face near to mine, with what looks like a permanent smile on his face.

"Damn it Alex, I haven't seen you In four months and you think I wouldn't find it hard to resist you, espessily when your wearing that fine piece of clothing" I giggle slightly to myself my smile gets larger.

"Look at yourself Jack, I want to put my hands on you right now. Stop being so good looking right now or I might have to take you home to the bedroom" He laughs and looks away with a huge grin stuck on his face.

"Wow Alex, I'm sorry I just can't help

myself!" he laughs and pulls me closer to him so I rest my head on his shoulder, swaying slightly in time to the music. I bring my hands down to his low back and start moving them slightly around, feeling his back.

"I'm never ever letting you go again" I put my face in his neck, trying to be as close as possible without looking too weird.

"Never ever?" he rests his head in my hair

"Never ever."


So I haven't updated this in like 93739292 years so yeah but okay this is only half of the wedding, I need to write more for next chapter but I really cba rn so I just think I need another Chapter out there for a bit. But if you want me to update quicker I could but i think I'm going to focus on my new Jalex even though I'm really getting into the story of this one right now..but idk whatever.

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