BATTLE ROYALE [Section 7 - Ca...

By curiouslittlepiscean

1.9K 58 31

In a class trip, 28 students are happily and were very busy as they drive their way to their 'destination'. ... More

BATTLE ROYALE [Section 7 - Carson]
Chapter 1 - Explanations
Chapter 2 - Weapons, Sources, Alliances
Chapter 3 - Let The Games BEGIN!
Chapter 4 - Say Cheese!
Chapter 5 - Friends?
Chapter 6 - We found "Faith"
Chapter 7 - Left Behind
Chapter 8 - Dictionaries
Chapter 9 - Apologies and Vengeance
Chapter 10 - I can't fight this feeling anymore
Chapter 11 - The Game of "Love"???

Prologue - An Ordinary Field Trip

273 7 2
By curiouslittlepiscean

Prologue - An Ordinary Field Trip

8:23 A.M School Bus

Everyone was talking loudly as the bus pass through the scenery outside. The children were playing, chatting and it seemed like an ordinary field trip to anybody, am I right?

'If you don't stop eating like that you'll eventually become a pig yourself.' Erskine laughed, so is everyone on the back who were also teasing Irish. 

'At least I'm not as small as you.' She laughed, some people laughed too. 'Don't change the subject.' Erskine waved his hands and formed the letter X.

As they fought back words at each other, Erskine picked up his pack of crackers from his bag.

As they teaseh each other and laughed at the same time, the others were still busy doing their own business. 'Guys! Guys! Everyone look here! I'm taking pictures!' Micah said positioning for taking the picture. Everyone stopped and the bus was filled with smiles.

Micah's camera was one of those expensive ones that makes the pictures ready and well-developed after taking the shots.

She gave everyone each of the picture and she said that it is a remembrance of them before graduating this year. 

And thus, everyone came back to what they were doing.


Students Present (Alive) 28 to go:

Note: The last name is not used...


1# John Mark

2# Denisse

3# Isko

4# Erskine

5# Kenneth

#6 Haydn

#7 Josiah

#8 Kurt

#9 Rafael

#10 Francis

#11 Jeremy

#12 Luke

#13 Martin

#14 Jude

#15 Brahmin


1# Irish

2# Patrisha

3# Leila

4# Alex

5# Micah

6# Maan

7# Mhy

8# Sheena

9# Faith

10# Gab

11# Sarah

12# Angelica

13# Ren

* end of commercial*

3:42 P.M ???

'Guys, are we there yet?' Luke said yawning and raising his arms, more like he always do in class.

He looked around and to his surprise everyone is in deep sleep.

How does this happen anyway?

He felt like his head was hit by a huge elephant, Irish came to his head. He stood up to his feet and went his way to their teacher, which is also asleep as they are now.

His feet can't move as it moved like before, he crashed down to the floor, creating a commotion. A lady, which is very unfamiliar for some reason slapped him on the face and thus, he went back to sleep.

7:29 P.M ???

Everyone woke up in a room filled with darkness everywhere. No one can see a thing.

'Hey guys! Where are you?' Haydn was shouting out to everyone, they were all speaking the same time to be understood.

'Calm down you guys! One by One please...' Haydn said but nobody could hear them because his voice was only blending with the others.

'SHUUUUUUUUUUUUT IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIT!!!' Leila screamed, of course, some of them still were talking.

'Stay calm everyone, I'm sure that we'll-' Before he could finish his sentence, lights came flashing down on them. So bright that now all they can see is white even thought they already closed their eyes.

As the lights flicker and start to lessen up a bit, everyone get their eyes open. They were in a solid metal room with no windows but a door and a CCTV camera on top.

'Maam? Sir? Where are you?' The others came calling the advicers' names but they were no use.

They were the only one there.

'Ah~ Got a little stiff neck here.' Gab said streching her neck. But it wasn't. 

Everyone looked at each other and were surprised to find that they all have the same necklaces on their necks.

'Urgh! I can't get it off.' Maan said.

'It is screwed to the back. We can't open it without a screwdriver.' Faith replied.

'Then how are we even going to take this off?' asked Sheena.

'Who knows?' Alex said.

The boys were suprisingly calm than the girls, well, that wasn't suprising at all. I just said nonsense. Wow.

Anyways, back to the story.

Each student had a different thought of what was happening. 

'Hahaha... I see the school had entered us on a mystery game challenge.' Brahmin said.

'Hahaha, sounds fun to me.' Kenneth said.

'Well, I think this is some sort of leadership training.' Isko replied.

'Then the teachers should've informed us. Maybe were kidnapped?' Rafael said.

But none of them were correct. They didn't know they were going into bigger trouble than they imagined.

Worse than being tortured and being kidnapped by a serial killer. They didn't know they are about to encounter the worst danger.


Seconds after, they heard a buzzing sound coming from the roof, everyone looked up. A small monitor was slowly descending from the ceiling.

As it went about a meter before the ground, everyone recognized who was on the screen. It was their teacher, Ms. Joanne.

'Good evening, students. I see you are a little bit confused of what is happening right now am I correct?'

Nobody answered.

'I see. Well, you are all here for-' before the teacher could even finish up her sentence, the students concluded their thoughts, all of them.

'SHUT UP!!!' Azucena said, nobody listened. 'QUIET!!!' Ren said. 

I think Patrisha was the only one who wasn't even talking, suprisingly she's a little calm. A gunshot was heard. Everyone looked at the center, all were suprised.






Micah was shot.

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