The Missing Goddess

By Black_Rock_Shooter78

1.1K 115 79

This story is about a girl who has two of the most powerful god's powers,but she doesn't remember her past. U... More

The begining of my life
Our First Converstion
My First kiss
My first pet
Finding part of my powers
The Hole
The Song
My Second kiss
Hiden Memories
The Confession
The News
The double date
Unexpected surprise
The letter
The sibling
The New People
Unfortunate Surprises
Thank you
The names
Reunited Siblings
Another Contest >///<
please read
Everything comes to an end

The Family Reunion

40 4 0
By Black_Rock_Shooter78

Me, Damian, and Jacob walked back to my cottage. Jacob was in the shadows and Damian was walking next to me. I recognized the tree where the hole was.
But it the hole was no where to be seen. There was only the place where I slipped and no more foot prints, odd.
We got to my cottage and Tylor, Brody and Starfall came running at me and gave me a big group hug."Don't ever leave without me knowing, I thought you were kidnapped." Starfall said with tears. I hugged her tight and we sat on the floor still hugging "It will take more than me disappearing to get me Dead." I said with a smile.
I told them what happened and also told Jacob to come out from the shadows and to introduce himself.
He came out but he had a red mask on. I kept the part out where Jacob kissed me. "I also have something to show you guys as well," I said looking down. I walked in the water and I turned into a mermaid I sat in the rocks and showed them. Everyone gasped except Damian who already knew.
Suddenly the water started to bubble and another mermaid came up. She had golden blue armor, Light blue eyes, dark brown hair and pale skin. "Princesses Roselight, your father has been looking for you for a long time, please come and meet him." She said firmly."Yes,but I will bring my friends with me."I told them to get in the water.

(So the way it works is that she has to kiss the boys on the lips but she has to kiss Starfall on the cheek.)

I kissed Starfall on the cheek and she turned into a mermaid with a light blue colored tail. Then I kissed Jacob and he had a black tail. Next was Tylor, he had a green tail, after that was Brody he had a dark blue finally it was Damian he had a glowing red tail. We went down and I saw the dolphin from before with a crown.
I ducked down and put the crown on me. I started to glow, My purple hair got a bit darker at the top and lighter at the bottom. My tail was a bit longer and my purple scales were purplish gold. My top had a different design while sparkling. I nodded and we headed down with everyone.

(King Poseidon's POV)

"Your highness, We have news that the princesses has been found." My first in command said to me. I turned around and said,"Prepare for her arrival I want her to feel welcomed." "As you wish your highness." He said swimming away. I was finally going to get my baby girl back. All these years she was finally coming home.

(Roselight's POV)

We came to huge kingdom. It was beautiful , even the group gasped at the sight. We got to the entrance and guards stopped us. Then they saw me and bowed I said,"I might be the princesses, but you guys don't need to bow to me.Consider me a friend." I smiled sweetly. They smiled back and we entered.

(This is what part of the kingdom looked like.)

We entered a huge castle and a lot of people we in and right of the end of the people was a huge man and as soon I saw him I could recognize his face and smile. "D-dad?" I said. Tears started to roll down my cheeks. He opened his arms and I swam to them and gave him a big hug."The princesses has returned," He said beaming with happiness. I smile and turned around, I bowed and everyone cheered.
I saw everyone was very fancy and I put my hands around my hips and glared at my Dad. He saw me glaring. "W-what?" He said nervously. "Dad I appreciate you setting up everything for me buy, you know I don't like it when people have to fake how they look like. I want them to be themselves when it comes to me." I said smiling, yet I didn't realize everyone heard me.
Eyes where at me and I still kept my composer. My Dad looked surprised and then said with a smile "You still haven't changed, my little baby girl. Still like your mother." I smiled. I cleared my throat and turned to everyone"Well let us celebrate and have a fun time shall we" I smiled. Everyone cheered and the party smiled. "Oh, Dad I would like to introduce you to my friends." He looked at the group in the corner.

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