When I saw her

By Joker400

293 98 14

Sapphire pretended to be a normal girl. She had been training to defeat the Dark Followers. It was in her blo... More

Dark followers
What if
A chance
Keep holding on
The Only Exception
Bring Me to Life
Safe and Sound
The end bye bye guys

Death or Love

21 7 2
By Joker400

Sapphire's POV

My first reaction was to scream, but he covered my mouth before I could make a sound. I really had to trust Angel more. He smirked and raised his hand. I saw that he now had a shimmering blade of water in his hand.

It was like I was taken over by another version of myself.

I had a blade if fire in my hand that I used to block Sebastian's. I used several different kicks and punches until I threw him into the wall.

I knew he wasn't dead, and felt a strange surge of victory.

Then I saw the silhouette of someone standing in the entrance to the alley. Her stance was threatening and she was obviously dangerous.

She walked forward and in the dim light of the one flickering streetlight, I could see the smirk in her face. Her features were sharp and everything about her screamed dangerous. She was wearing all black and a leather jacket.

"I see you were able to take out Sebastian over there. You won't be as lucky with me." He voice was low and threatening. She was closer to me then before. I back up until I was pressed against the wall.

I looked into her black eyes. Angelica. She was the most dangerous of all the Followers. My breath quickened in fear. Her eyes and expression were cold and emotionless.

I saw the flickering blade of black fire in her hand. I was hoping that whatever happened when I was in the same situation with Sebastian would happen now.


I stood helpless as Angelica cut my arm. I felt a weird sensation slowly spread through my body. It was relaxing and sickening at the same time. I was losing consciousness. I slid to the ground and right before everything went black, I saw her standing over me with a smirk on her face.


I woke suddenly. There was a loud crash and I saw figures moving and fighting behind a foggy glass wall. I was in a small room with the bed I was sleeping on and nothing else. It was cold and dark with a single flickering light attached to the ceiling.

I screamed when the glass shattered and a figure stepped in.

"It's me, Angel." The person said. I instantly relaxed at the sound of her voice.

I ran into her arms, much to her surprise. I don't think she was used to hugging. "I really should listen to you." I told her, my voice muffled.

"No, I should've let you walk away and I should have never touched you. That was out of line and I'm sorry." I could tell it was hard for her to apologize and could hear the regret and anger in her voice.

"It's ok, just don't do it again." I said to her.

"As much as I'd like to talk, we're in the middle if enemy territory." Angel pointed out.

"Right." I said, looking around. There were signs of a fight, I saw who I figured was Skyler lying on the ground. It wasn't Angelica and I thought I recognized her from my house. Just the thought of Angelica was enough to make me run over to Angel. She was lethal and dangerous. I knew Angel wasn't joking when she'd said Angelica was the most dangerous of them all.

"Angelica's not here. They made this too easy. I think it was like a warning it to get a sense of your skill or something." Angel said, pulling me through different rooms until we reached the door. The glass was also broken.

She pulled me into a car and drive away. I felt myself sigh in relief when we drove away.

"Sleep. I knew you're tired." I started to protest. "You said it yourself, you should listen to me." I rolled my eyes, but was asleep in minutes.

My dream was strange. If started as a replay if the scene with Angelica and then Angelica somehow morphed into Angel. I woke up when Angel lightly nugged my side. I almost screamed.

"You were having a bad dream, you ok?" She asked. The dream was making my paranoid. Angel was nothing but nice and she was my protector. She would never hurt me.

I couldn't help but noticing that besides the eyes, hair, and clothes. She looks almost like Angelica.

"Um... I-I-I.. Nevermind." I mumbled.

"What is it? You can tell me anything." Angel said.

"You, um... remind me... If Angelica." I stuttered nervously.

"Yeah. That's because she's my sister. We were close until she went dark and I went light. That's why we're both fire." She explained, her grip on the steering wheel tightening.

Holy crap. My protector was the sister of a Follower. That was hard to process. Like seriously.

"Oh.. I'm sorry about that." I said quietly.

"It's ok. It's ironic that I'm trying to protect you from my sister who's trying to kill you." Angel said.

"You're staying with me from now on, even if you want to kill me." Angel said, smiling.

"Yeah. After that encounter with your sister, gladly." I said, laughing slightly.

"Yeah. Lets just make sure that doesn't happen again." Angel said.

"Sounds good." I said. The rest of the drive was quiet, but in a comfortable way.

"I'm going to contact some friends and see I they can find your parents. I'd go but I need to stay with you. Your parents would kill me if I didn't." Avery said seriously, but jokingly at the same time.

"True and thanks." I told her.

She pulled up to her warehouse. It was hard to believe the dingy building could be so different inside.

"Is your arm ok?" Angela asked as we walked in.

"If hurts, but it's bearable." I said. I felt Angels hand on my arm where Angelica cut me and winced at the pain. Then it disappeared and I looked at Angel. "What did you do?"

"Um.. I can tell you more about that later." She said vaguely.

"Seriously. Tell me." I said.

"Fine. Because I'm your protector, there are certain things I can so and one of them is pain transferring." She said. I glared at her.

"I don't want you to hurt yourself to make it easier for me." I told her.

"I can deal with it. You can feel weak or in pain if you meet Angelica or any of the other Followers. I'll do anything I can to prevent that but it will happen eventually." Angel said.

"Fine and thanks for saving me."

"You shouldn't have needed saving. I should have protected you better." Angel said, looking down.

"Angel. You did what you could and things happen for a reason. And you saved me. Don't worry, I'm fine." I insisted.

"Fine." Angel said. "So, do you want to watch a movie?"

"Sure." I agreed.

"Um... I have some movies that we could watch and there's Netflix.." Angel suggested.

"Sounds good."

Angel's POV

I looked down to see Sapphire curled up against me, sleeping. She fell asleep sometime during the movie. She made me sit through some lame chick flick. Fucking awesome, right?

I turned the TV off and fell asleep. The rescue mission was tiring. Skyler was a pretty good fighter, but like I told Sapphire, the other three not being there made it obvious that the Followers weren't trying to hard to keep her.


"Hey, Angel. I think we missed school." I heard Sapphire's voice.

"Huh, what? Yeah." I said sleepily, not paying attention to what I was saying. "What the fuck do you want?"

"Shit, sorry." I said to Sapphire. "I didn't mean to sound rude."

"It's ok." I could hear the slight hurt in her voice.

"No it's not. I'm sorry, and I shouldn't talk to you like that." I said, looking away. It was my fault she got kidnapped and I shouldn't have snapped at her.

"Listen, Angel. You have to stop blaming yourself for stuff that happens or happened in the past." She said, firmly. As much as I wanted to deny her, she was right. I've been through shit and I guess I was blaming myself for other things that fucked up.

"Yeah, I know." I mumbled.

"Shouldn't we get to school." She said as I walked to the kitchen to get food.

"Do you want to? I mean 'Sam'' said he was enrolling. Before you go back I want to make sure that it's safe." I said. The idea of her being even 100 miles near him not to mention that he was able to get her into a fucking alley. I need to make sure she stays away from places like that.

Especially that alley. A lot of Dark things happened there and it could fuel the Followers powers. And weaken Sapphire.

"Yeah, but I want to be back tomorrow." She insisted.

"Okay."' I guess I could do the research tonight see if any of them were attending Ashton.

"So what are we going to do." She asked as I took a bite out of my apple.

"I don't know. What do you feel like doing?" I asked, taking another bite,

"When Sebastian was close to me with a Water Blade, I was able to fight him but with Angelica, I couldn't do anything but stand there. Do you know why?" She asked.

"I could feel you in danger, but I couldn't get to you in time, so I channeled some of my fighting skills to you, but I couldn't help you with Angelica cause she's my sister and blocked the exchange and it's not exactly easy." I explain. She looked shocked.

"Does that mean I really can't fight the Dark Followers. I was powerless against Angelica." She said.

"If you want I can help you a little. I think you're pretty good. You just need to work on technique and confidence. You can't let them make you afraid." I said. "I'll do whatever I can to protect you." I looked into her sapphire eyes and felt... I don't know, I wanted her and not just for sex. Something about her pulled me in. The first time I kissed her, I think I realized it, but tried to deny it. I liked her. Shit, I might even love her, but I didn't know if she would ever feel the same way.

I leaned closer to her. I kissed her and felt her soft lips against mine, moving in sync. I moved closer and was about to slide my tonge into her mouth, but she pushed me back. I tried to cover the slight hurt at being rejected. It's just at moments like this when I wished she wouldn't push me away. God, I sounded cheesy, but Sapphire rejecting me was more painful than I thought.

I just hoped this wouldn't be fucked up because of the Followers.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you." I said, looking away from her, staring out at the ocean. I watched the waves crash against the cliff.

"Angel." She said softly. I looked down at the white carpet.

"Before you say anything else, I want you to know I like you more than a friend." I said. Fuck this. I might as well get to the point. "Hell, I might even love you. I don't know." I said in a rush, looking into her sapphire eyes. I was raised knowing both my options. I was supposed to protect the Way of Light and my parents showed me various pictures of her growing up over the years. When I realized I was gay, I started seeing her differently than before. She's always intrigued me. I don't know why or how I ended up falling for her when I'd only known her for days, but I think it might be because we were meant fall for eachother.

"It's ok. I-I, I just don't think I'll ever be able to see you as more than a friend." I tried to cover the pang of... I don't know... hurt and pain mixed with other emotions. I don't think it worked.

I nodded. "Yeah, ok." I was looking anywhere but at her. I'd been turned down by a few other girls, but I honestly didn't care about them. With Sapphire, it was different. I started back at the ocean.

"I'm sorry." She whispered.

"Yeah, I know." I said, looked back at her. "We can just forget this happened." I knew I wouldn't forget, but I could try if that's what she wanted.

"I don't think I can, but can we just be friends?" Sapphire said softly.

"Sure." I replied. That was better than nothing.

"Can we finish the movie?" She asked.

"If you want." I said. I grabbed the remote and pressed play.


"Angel." She said, waving a hand in front of my face. My eyes had involuntarily moved down and paused at her chest and legs. You can't blame me. She was wearing a lower cut tank top and shorts. And I was kind of horny. Not helpful. The movie got boring and I was trying to forget what happened earlier.

"My face is up here." She said, slapping me.

"Shit, sorry. I told you to not wear shorts again." I said. My eyes started to move down again when I felt her slap me again.

"Angel, stop." She glared at me.

"I said I'm sorry. Just change into something else." I told her.

"I'm not changing." She argued.

"Fine.." She curled up next to me. She moved around and continued squirming.

"Stop moving." I said through clenched teeth. She moved again. "Now. You're killing me here." I tried to not think of images flashing through my mind. I'd thought I didn't just want her for sex and that was true, but she was making that hard with her squirming against me.

"Why?" She asked, teasing. I glared at her and scooted over.

"Really. Do you mind if I come back in like 3 hours? You'll be safe here and call me if you want me to come back." I needed a good fuck.

"Sure." She said. I mumbled thanks and pulled out my phone, walking to the door.

"AJ," I said she she picked up the phone.

"Meet me at my place in 5." Thank god. She was like physic best friend and sex god. I guess she thought the same of me, so it was even.

I drive to her apartment and she was waiting, sitting on her bed. I was pushing her down and slowly kissing down her body before we could say hi. I pulled her clothes off and tossed my own to the side. I slid a finger into her and she moaned.

I moved away. "I'm sorry. I can't." I stood up, pulling my clothes back on.

"Why?" AJ said, leaning up on her elbows.

"I just can't. I'll talk to you later." I was confused. I just couldn't go through with it. I'd been thinking of Sapphire. It just felt wrong. I got in my car and drove to my house.

Sapphire's POV

I heard the door open about an hour after Angel left. I turned in the direction of the door.

"Back already?" I asked, seeing her walk in.

"I couldn't do it." She said, sounding conflicted.

"Why?" I asked. I'd seen her with Casey, and she hadn't turned her down. Fine she did, but she went over to her a few minutes later.

"It felt wrong. I was thinking of you." She looked me in the eyes. I stared into her teal-blue eyes and saw a flash of pain and felt a pang of guilt.


"If you want I can help you a little. I think you're pretty good. You just need to work on technique and confidence. You can't let them make you afraid." She said. "I'll do whatever I can to protect you." I looked into her teal-blue eyes and saw a flash of something I couldn't identify.

She leaned forward and kissed me. I kissed her back, our lips moving in sync. I wasn't sure if I wanted to be with her. I was straight and I was just getting used to spending time with her. I didn't know what I wanted, but the idea of dating her or something felt strange and not totally right. I pushed her back. I saw the flash of hurt in her eyes.

"I'm sorry. I shouldn't have kissed you." She said, looking at the water.

"Angel." I started. She refused to look at me.

"Before you say anything else, I want you to know I like you more than a friend. Hell, I might even love you. I don't know." I stared at her in shock. I didn't know what to say. I didn't think I loved her. I couldn't.

"It's ok. I-I, I just don't think I'll ever be able to see you as more than a friend." I whispered. I wouldn't be able to feel the same way she did. I saw the pain and hurt in her eyes. I don't think I could ever love her.

"Yeah, ok." She said, looking back at the ocean. I could tell it was hard for her to get reject after telling me she might love me.

"I'm sorry." I whispered.

"Yeah, I know. We can just forget this happened." She said. I knew it was hard for her to suggest forgetting.

"I don't think I can, but can we just be friends?" I said. I knew I wouldn't be able to forget. I at least wanted to be her friend. I like spending time with her, as friends.

"Sure." She replied. I was glad we could stay friends.

*end of flashback*

"Sorry. I won't bring it up again." She looked at the ground, leaning against the wall. "Anyway, want to eat dinner now?" She asked. I was hungry. I missed breakfast, but made my lunch, PB&J, while Angel was sleeping. I was thinking of making her something, but I didn't know what she liked. Like what if she was allergic to peanuts or something.

"Sure." I said.

About an hour and a half later, I was sitting at a diner eating a burger. Let's just say Angel's attempt to make spaghetti didn't go so well.

"So, besides the fact you can't cook, anything else I should know?" I asked. She rolled her eyes. I was glad we were able to continue as friends instead of it being awkward.

"Shut up." She mumbled. "Like you could do better."

"I, at least, got an A when I took cooking in middle school." I said.

"I'll have you know I can cook some stuff." She said. I rolled my eyes.

"Like what, pizza in a microwave." I said.

"Fine. My cooking sucks. Happy?" Angel pretended to be annoyed, but I knew it was funny to her too.

"Yeah. I've finally found a flaw about you." I joked.

"Shit. Sapphire, stay with me no matter what. I want to get you out of here." She said suddenly. I looked to where she was staring at saw Skyler sitting a few tables away. I nodded and followed her and we were able to get out of the building and were walking to the car when Skyler appeared behind us. Angel moved me behind her and against her car.

"What the fuck do you want?" Angel glared at Skyler who was glaring back.

"One day, we'll find her and next time, she won't be as lucky." She said threateningly, before turning and leaving.

"Shit." She quietly cursed, and then more clearly, "Get in the car." I pulled open the door and Angel spead away as soon as I buckled my seatbelt. We were quiet until we reached her house.

"If you're going to school, it would probably be good if you went to sleep now." Angel said.

"It's only 10." I complained. It was so early.

"Yeah, but tell me you're not tired." She said. Fine. She had a point.

"I'll sleep if you do." I mumbled. I was still shaken from the kidnapping and almost rape. That stuff only happened in movies, and now it was happening to me.

"Still scared?" She asked. I nodded. "They won't hurt you. I'll do whatever I can to keep you safe." I was glad she was my Protector. It felt right and I always felt safe in her presence.

"Thanks." I mumbled.

"Go change in the bathroom." She said. I grabbed my usual shorts and tank top and changed quickly. I climbed in my bed and felt Angel lying down next to me. I moved closer to her and felt her arms wrap around me. She press a button on a remote and I heard the shades drop, blocking the light for both floors on glass.

I couldn't stop myself from thinking about the kiss and what she said after it.

I was able to fall asleep to the sound of Angel's quiet breathing and the barely audible sound of waves crashing on the cliff and after about 30 minutes of lying there and thinking.

*Sapphire's Dream*

I was running. I looked behind me and saw Angelica following me. She was close. I sprinted with everything I had. I thought about Angel and it fueled me, causing me to speed up. Angelica caught up and pushed me to the ground. My heart was beating loudly.

I stared, paralyzed, as she held a similar knife to the one she'd used on me before. She cut my arm the the same place, causing me to scream for Angel.

"Angel's not coming." She smirked and unlike last time, I was aware of everything, but couldn't move. She dragged me to a car and drove me to a random building. It looked unused and abandoned. She pulled me out and, with the help of Skyler, brought me into the building. I tried screaming or moving or anything at all, but I couldn't move or make a sound.

I was thrown on a bed and was just left there. Angel appeared suddenly.

"I'm sorry, Sapph." Angel whispered to me. In the dream, she looked blurry and kinda not really there. Tendrils of darkness surrounded her and I screamed as her image disappeared.

Then I was left alone.

No one came. Nothing. Only Darkness, twisting and swirling around me.

There was a random flash of light and I was sitting at a lake with Angel.

We sat down near the water and she looked at me.

"Sapphire. I love you." She said, leaning over to me.

"I love you, too, Angel." I replied, kissing her. It felt right and like everything was meant to be. I'd found my place. The Dark Followers were gone and Angel was here with me. We were soul mates.

I pulled away and we turned to watch the sunset. I saw the blurry image of Angelica. It was kinda like how Angel was in the other one. She was smirking until the light from the sun shone through her and she was gone.

Another flash of light.

"It's her choice. Help her chose right. Wrong is deadly. Right is love." A voice echoed through my mind.

I was surrounded by blinding bright light.

"What are you talking about?" I said, confused.

"Who. Not what. I hope you find out in time for her to chose right." The deep voice said.

"Remember. Death or love."

*End of Dream.*

"Hey, Sapphire. You ok?" I heard Angel's voice pulling me out of my strange dream.

"Yeah. Just a bad dream." I said, sleepily.

"Want to tell me what it was? That might help." Angel suggested. I explain the strange dream.

"I won't let them get anywhere near you. I'll be there to protect you." Angel promised.

"Yeah. I know." I said. She was honestly the only person I could imagine as my Protector. Anyone else would feel wrong.

"Still wanting to go to school?" She asked, breaking the silence that started.

"I-I-I... I'm still kinda nervous that Sebastian was able to get onto campus and everything." I said.

"If you want, you can have another day off. I have the textbooks, so you can do your homework. We can watch some movies and I can make sure none of them get anywhere near you." Angel said.

Throughout the whole day the same words echoed through my mind.

"Help her chose right... Remember. death or love."

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