Destinee's Double Life

By -vintage_rose-

13.1K 314 77

2 years can really change a person. Especially for Destinee or should I say 'Dez'. For 2 years now Destinee... More

1| A Pair of Eyes
2| Battle Cries
3| Brat
Our Tinee...My Destinee...
Oh I so did own it...
Mr. Trent! Detention!...
Im not your favouite girl...
Pulling my strings

I'm a vampire!...

1.2K 36 4
By -vintage_rose-

hey guys sorry i havent updated in a while

hope you like it :)

picture on the side is Jayden



I turned around and saw the whole class not looking at us but at a girl with long curly brown hair who had earphones in and had her head on her desk. I think she was asleep. I watched as a girl and guy beside her shook her awake. She turned towards the girl without facing my direction so I couldn’t see who it was. They whispered to each other before she looked over to us.

When I saw her face I stood stock still this time because the girl who was just asleep and now has a very shocked face was our Tinee... My Destinee

Chapter 5

Destinee’s POV

I woke up really late. It was 9:10am and school started at 9:00am plus I took me 10 minutes to get to school. I raced into my walk-in-closet and chucked on a pair of black shorts and a loose off the shoulder grey top that had music notes in the middle. I chucked on my pair of grey guess sneakers.

I raced into my bathroom and brushed my teeth at top speed while putting a pair of earrings on and my necklace of a microphone with blue gems. I then did my make-up which was eyeliner and mascara and a coat of clear lip gloss. I then grabbed my phone and wallet and chucked it into my pockets of my shorts. I grabbed my car keys off the side table of the door and opened the front door with much force and slammed it closed behind me.

I jumped into my light blue no-roof car and pushed on the pedal to reverse out of my mum’s estate. I waited impatiently as I waited for the gate to open so I could pass through. I then raced down my mum’s street then all the way towards my high school, without getting any speeding tickets or getting caught by the police cameras.

After 5 minutes since I raced to school I parked my car near the schools entrance. I jumped out of my car and ran at full speed towards and at the same time fiddling with my car keys to lock it. I ran passed some classrooms and then the office. Out of the corner of my eye I saw a familiar figure by the office door but I ignored it and turned the corner.

I saw my AP Science classroom door about 5 feet away. But before I was able to reach it I was stopped by Miss Sew my music teacher. “Destinee! I was just about to pull you out of class so I can have a word with you” she said smiling. “Oh hey Miss S” I said smiling at her. She’s my favourite teacher in this whole school because we both share the same passion in music.

“Okay, I was wondering if you could come to my room to help me tune all the music instruments since they haven’t been tuned for the whole holidays?” she asked hopefully. “Sure, I’ll come at lunch 1 to help okay?” I said. “Great see you then” she said then walked off. I continued walking towards my science door and opened it with a grimace because it made a loud squeaking noise.

“Miss Freize, glad to see your all bright and early today” Miss Hance said sarcastically but I knew she was joking since she was the type of teacher where she wouldn’t get angry at anyone unless you push her buttons all the way. “Hey Miss Hance, sorry I'm late, I’ll take a seat” I said then dashed towards my chair.

I slumped into it once I reached it. I looked to my right and left to see my 2 closest friends at this school, Maddie and Josh. They’ve been going out since I met them which was a year ago at the annual camp this school has. When I walked into them making out in Maddie and mines cabin. Let’s say it’s a good thing I interrupted them. Anyway. “I'm gonna shut my eyes for a while nudge me when you need to” I said to her. Then laid my head on my arms which were crossed on my desk. “Sure thing sleeping beauty” I heard Maddie say before I drifted to a light sleep or this case nap.

I felt a nudge to my right shoulder which caused me to pause my dream and lift my head up. I turned towards the person and saw Maddie looking at me concerned and shocked. “What’s up?” I mumbled to her. “Destinee, do you remember how your old best friends left to become famous?” she asked slowly. I nodded my head confused at her.

“Well don’t have a heart attack but look towards the front of the classroom. I raised an eyebrow at her and turned towards the front. The first thing I noticed was that everyone person in my view was looking at me concerned, shocked and excited. The next thing I noticed shocked me to my core. Standing at the front of the class was the 4 guys that I once called my best friends, brothers, soul mates. It was Nathan, Jayden, Carter and Kyle.

My eyes looked over the one by one. Nathan, he had cut his dark brown hair and had gotten tanner and built. Jayden had grown his hair longer so it ended just before his ear, he also much more built because he used to be skinny before he left, he also got tanner like the rest had. Carter had a skater hair style but he didn’t seem to have changed a bit. Kyle, well he seemed to have changed the most. He used to have long spiky brown hair but now seems to have dyed it black and cut it shorter. He has also gotten more built, more than the others.

I watched them as they all stood stock still. I tried to fight a frown but it didn’t seem to work. Just then the bell for second period went. I quickly stood up and dashed towards the door. I looked behind me before leaving to see that most of the girls from this class were gathered around them and the guys were trying to get to me by their bothered looks and desperate attempts to try to follow me.

I walked away and down the hallway where I was met with Darcy, a guy that has an obvious crush on me but is a total player. “Hello mumacita” he said hanging an arm around my shoulders. “Hello Darcy” I replied back not even trying to shrug off his arm as its hopeless from experience. “I’ve heard this rumour that the band Players of Music is attending this school again?” he asked confused. “Yeah they are, I wish they went to another high school” I said then I kneeled onto the ground which made Darcy stand in front of me and looking at me weirdly.

“Why? Why? WHY?! do they have to grace their presence here and not somewhere else? Why are we so unfortunate?” I said dramatically yelled with my hands up towards the sky. Everyone around us stopped and watched the whole scene then cracked up laughing because in this school I'm the school’s joker/prankster. So of course they would expect this from me.

“Honestly Destinee you’re too much of a drama queen” Darcy said disapprovingly like a mother. I laughed and got up from the ground. He placed his arm around my shoulders again and steered us towards our next class English. We walked into the room and sat in our seats in the middle of the room. We seemed to have been a minute late because everyone was already in their seats including Carter, Nathan, Jayden and Kyle who were seated right behind us.

I made sure I didn’t turn around for any reason because I seriously didn’t want to face them after everything. “okay class, we are going to be studying fantasy this semester so we will be reading Twilight, I know for some it may be a good thing for others it may be boring” she said looking at our faces.

When she said Twilight I scrunched up my face in disgust and turned to Darcy. He started shaking with silent laughter while I was too. We looked down to calm our laughter but we both looked at each other’s red faces and couldn’t hold it anymore so we cracked up laughing aloud.

We kept laughing until someone behind us coughed. We turned around and I saw Kyle looking at us weirdly then nodded towards Miss Darf. We turned around in our seats and saw her looking at us with a raised eyebrow. “Care to explain why you trouble makers were laughing for about 5 minutes straight?” she asked. I giggled under my breath and turned towards Darcy.

I told him ‘you make up an excuse’ through my eyes. He sighed and turned towards her. “Well, Destinee here was just telling me about the time when we were both making out last week what she was thinking at the time which was twilight when Edward and Bella were in the forest and he was sparkling” he explained. I started choking/coughing from his excuse.

I turned towards him after I manage to stop. “Your messed up in the head, I wasn’t making out with you. Gosh so delusional” I muttered to him quietly. He smirked at me. “Maybe I wasn’t imagining it, I remember perfectly well that we were making out last week, because seriously who can say no to this body?” he said pointing to his abs under his shirt.

I shook my head at him and turned towards the board where miss was reading chapter 2 already of the book. I looked around at everyone in front of me and saw them either falling asleep or texting. I smiled evilly which didn’t go unnoticed by Darcy. “What are you going to do now?” he asked wearily.

I waved it off. “Nothing much, don’t worry” I said already seeing the plan in my head forming. I snuck out of my chair quietly and started crawling towards the cupboard at the back of the classroom. I passed by a questioning Kyle and Jayden since they saw me along with other people on the aisle I was crawling through.

I made it to the cupboard in less than a minute and opened the bottom one quietly without making it squeak. I smirked gladly at that. I then took out the silver glitter then closed the cupboard. I then went to the left corner at the back of the room and kneeled. I turned on the tap while watching Miss Darf making sure she wasn’t looking. I then wet my hands and then spread the water all over my arms, neck and bits of my face. I then turned off the tap and sat on the ground ignoring the few people looking at me curiously.

I opened the lid of the glitter then started sprinkling it on the wet parts of mu arms, neck and face, making sure I covered it all. I looked down at myself and smiled. I then left the things on the ground and crawled back towards my desk. I gave a smile to the people that looked at me in shock which again included Kyle and Jayden.

I sat in my seat and turned to see Darcy giving me a disbelief look. I smiled evilly at him then jumped onto my desk. “MISS DARF LOOK!” I yelled over her reading. She instantly stopped reading and looked at me shocked. “I’M A VAMPIRE!!!” I yelled spreading my arms out. Everyone broke into fits of giggles and chuckles while Miss Darf’s face turned red. She got out of her chair and pointed towards the door. “Get out of my classroom Destinee and go to the principal’s office this instant!” she shouted at me.

I shrugged and got off my desk. i picked up my bag and turned towards Darcy. “Guess I’ll see you later Darcy I have blood to suck” with that I walked out leaving the class in laughter and Miss Darf seeing red. Man is it good to be back at school I though chuckling.


i'll be uploading the next chapter soon :)

remember to





Love -vintage_rose-

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