Necro ( Bakura X Reader )

By Wryyyyyy

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Reincarnations are true no matter what you were Adbridge style fanfic ! Most stuff will belong to littlekurib... More

Day 0
Its 'Role Playing'
¿What this be?
2 face
It's not what it looks like !!!! ( half special chapter !?)
Oh No..
→i'm HIM and he's ME ← ( special chapter )
Duelist Kingdom part 0
Duelist Kingdom part 1
tag -thingy
Duelist Kingdom (part 3/?)
Duelist Kingdom ( part 4/?)
Duelist Kingdom (part 5/5)
What is reality
Memory shower / battle city ( part 0/?)
Battle City (part 1/?)
Battle City (part 2/?)
sorry!! (notice!)
Battle City (part 3/?) : Explination of who he is
Battle City (part 4/?)
Battle City (part 1 of 5/?)

Duelist Kingdom (Part 2/?)

556 22 8
By Wryyyyyy

"By the way"


"Why is she still here ?"

"Well she's my accomplice !"

"No I'm not !!!"

_(n)_ glared at the yami next to her while she sat on the grass. Bakura looked at her with his eye twitching. " yes you are , that's why you married me " "wha-" "ACHEM!!!!!!!!!" The two turned straight seeing the pharaoh staring at them with a raised eyebrow " should I give you guys..privacy ? " the two looked at each other , they looked straight glaring .


The pharaoh blinked twice as he looked back at his deck confuse.
Bakura got his five cards while his eyebrow kept twitching . _(n)_ on the other hand was just sitting there confuse to what was going to happen.

She looked around the place seeing the mist forming thicker ' back..' Her gaze looked straight again as sweat ran down her forehead. ' it hurts...'

" once i gain all 7 millennium items I shall use that  vaguely establish powers to destroy the world. " Bakura smirked wider " but first I'm going to beat you on a card game"
" not if I can help it you albino cream puff " the pharaoh placed a card on the mate " I summon the cyber commander , which by the way its Tristan's favorite card , even though he actually never plays this game " the pharaoh gasped a bit along with _(n)_ as the saw their friend come out the card, the pharaoh blinked twice  " by the gods ! That's exactly how I want to look like !"

Tristan blinked looking at himself
" I'm surprisingly buff!"

Bakura glared slightly as he placed a card face up " white magic hat, send his cyber commander to the graveyard " " no Tristan!!!" The ancient Egyptian glared watching his friend vanish " he was the finest mind of his generation . " he took a card out " I summon the flame swordman !"

_(n)_ had wide eyes from what she just saw....her friends....they were cards,.? Her gaze moved to Bakura , she looked back down seeing the gang being there .

" is that _(n)_!!?"

The gang blinked confuse as they stared at the girl next to the yami.
" how many times do I have to kill you people before you stay dead." Bakura glared taking a card out showing it as he smirked, yugi blinked seeing it
" change of hearts ? That's Bakura favorite card!" The yami smirked wider ' that's right. With this card I shall turn you  in to villain, that way you'll know what its like to have your plans foil time after time by a group of  card game obsessed morons '   he placed the card down activating it .

_(n)_ looked down seeing the angel like creature appear but she froze seeing ryou , she turned to Bakura
" we had a deal!!" The yami turned to her glaring as the rest of the gang looked at them confuse. " tch. Seriously he won't die, hell simply be sent to the shadow-ack!!!!!!!" _(n)_ glared angrily as she choked him, her hair slowly began to spike up as her eyes went sharp ",don't give me your bullshit Bakura !!!! You promised me he would be safe"
Bakura kept making growling noises as he placed his hands on her wrist trying  to rip her hands off his delicate neck.

" deal!?" The Pharaoh glared confuse as the gang stared at their 'friend '
Ryou turned to the two in pure confusion ''
Bakura let out a loud cough as he pulled her hands off his neck "fucking hell woman,you can only do this on the bedroom ." He glared at her but his eyes dull a bit feeling something heavy on his chest ' this is not good.' He eyed her seeing the dark matter thinking around her,  His ring glowed slightly 'she's awakening already ' , _(n)_ looked down at it confuse , her vision began to go blurry as she slowly blacked out hitting face flat on his chest.

Ryou glared turning to his friend nodding , yugi blinked confuse but he smiled seeing ryou quickly fly to the dark witch." I've taken control of this woman's in order to save you guys ! "

Bakura looked down quickly glaring "how the hell!!!! " he put his hand put to interfere till The pharaoh stood up quickly " that's enough spirit !! " he glared as his puzzle let out a bright light , Bakura growled as he slowly fell back  feeling everything going  numb ' what the hell.....'

The yami blinked looking at his hands seeing him being inside the dark witch , he turned quickly having wide eyes seeing ryous body laying on the floor along with _(n)_, he turned glaring  " how dare you defy me!!!! Just wait until _(n)_ hears about this!! She's the only one that can see me dress this way !!" He looked down seeing himself being on a dress.

" yugi, finish him!!"

The boy placed his hand out glaring " super special awesome attack!!!!"   Bakura stumbled back yelling in rage with wide eyes as he vanished" THIS IS NOT THE END PHARAOH!!!!"

The Pharaoh sighed " well that made no sense at all..." He turned to the girls body as the shadow realm vanish
'... What did she say again...'

Ryou opened his eyes slowly ' I..', he loomed to his side confuse but he soon blushed seeing familiar rosy lips . his gaze moved up making him see the girls full face '...O-oh....' His face turned red feeling something familiar pressing under his chin ' don't look down don't look down-' his face went down seeing 'oh...' He blinked eyeing his girlfriends boobs move up and down from the shirt not being button up completely. He kept a calm expression from this...actually being nothing to him now, he puffed his cheeks with half open eyes as he looked side to side , he made his face lay on it as he smiled happily with hearts coming out his head " warm"  he giggled lowly feeling her hug him a bit making his face sink between them. At times he was grateful by his girly looks.
Yugi slowly got up as his hand lay on his head, he looked around seeing everyone laying on the floor " ow ow..." He rubbed his head closing one eye as he turned " Bakura are you okay?" He blinked seeing the boy sited up with his back facing him, he snapped his fingers remembering something .

" where did you get your evil ring from Bakura ?" Yugi blinked twice,  ryou turned to him as he held an unconscious girl on his arms " hu? Oh... My father bought it while he was in Egypt " he smiled , yugi looked at him for a while but he soon nod smiling .
Ryou looked down at the girl '' He blinked surprise seeing her eyes open slowly , _(n)_ moved a bit seeing her vision clear "....ryou....?" "Mm.." He nod smiling letting her feet touch the floor as she held on to him with a hand on her head " were am I..." She looked around then down seeing " yugi?" The short boy smiled with his eyes close ._(n)_ looked around confuse But stopped as she watched Tristan , joey ,and téa wake up.

" man I had the most unbelievable dream.. There were two Yugis and Bakura was a main character with _(n)_,being his accomplice "   joey rubbed his head with his eyes close.
Tea looked around confuse " I usually enjoy  dreams that involve two Yugis.. But that one was very disappointing.." Tea looked straight seeing the two boys and the girl . yugi looked to the side while ryou sweat dropped 'what...'

Yugi turned quickly " that sounds like mai!!" " come on we need to check it out!!!" Joey turned quickly
_(n) _ looked at them confuse "...who's mai!?" " mai valentine !" Joey smiled " boy she has the biggest breast!! " he soon began to run . tea sigh " typical man." She chased after them " wait up!!!"
_(n)_ blinked twice seeing ryou standing next to her , she grabbed his hand " I'm going because you want to go with them right ?" She blushed seeing him look at her confuse , he sweat dropped smiling.

" you guys coming !!!"

They looked straight seeing the gang waiting .



" no my harpy's !!! I can't believe I lost!" Mai had wide eyes seeing her monster vanish , the man smirked " maybe next time you can think and put more than three monsters in your deck , I'll be taking your stars chips now" he put his hand out .

" super special awesome rescue !!!"
Everyone stopped running as they saw the scene " we heard screaming is everyone okay?" Yugi looked at the two concern.
Mai stepped down the steps irritated " I lost an other duel.." " you were screaming because of that? What are you five years old ? "

" it was very distressing !'

" we were trying to sleep !! Honestly this is exactly why I hate blonde people !!" Joey glared as he was held back by Tristan and ryou " calm down joey you bloody yank!" Ryou sweat dropped seeing how angry he was.

" she was my easiest victim yet! Her huge breasts were no match for my enormous chin!"

_(n)_ blinked watching the View , she glared looking to the side ' I should had taken ryou and find seto and mokuba... I'm waisting time with these people..' Her thought stopped '....what am I saying....' She looked back at them seeing a duel between the man and yugi begin ' when did this happen...' She stopped thinking hearing what they were talking about.

" Pegasus has offered a great rewards to who ever throws you out the tournament !"

" yeah maybe you could use the money to buy yourself a voice that does frighten small children "

"I'll teach you to make fun of me ! "

' still idiotic...'  She turned but stopped as she felt her back burn. She looked back towards ryou seeing him stating at her while hr still held joey. She glared seeing him smirk signaling it being Bakura.


' I have to get to Pegasus's island ! Fortunately I know how to pilot a helicopter ,  Thank god for Microsoft fly simulator ' seto looked at the familiar view ' once I get there.. I might bump into yugi , I'll never forget the way he beat in a card game, I can remember it like it was just yesterday '  seto dazed for a while remembering something .


"Did you just summon more then one monster in one turn ?"

" yeah so what ?"

" that's against the rules "

" screw the rules I have green hair !!!!"

' well that was just weird.. I should probably cut down on the drugs ..'  He looked to his side " my big brother senses are tingling, _(n)_'s boobs are close by" he looked straight " I should probably see a therapist after this "


"Look Bakura your millennium ring is acting really peculiar "

Ryou blinked pulling up the thing seeing it glow from the left end " oh that's just my father installed it since I look really feminine " " he wasn't kidding " _(n)_ blinked smiling as she leaned on the boys arm making him blush slightly,
Yugi blinked looking were it was pointing at " wonder why its pointing towards Pegasus's castle " "bugger if I know, say that reminded me of the day I was transfer to your school "   The albino blinked looking at his ring " you were playing card games with your mates when my millennium ring started pointing towards your puzzle, I can't imagine why..." He looked up at him  " by the way were are the others ?",yugi smiled " joey and Tristan are busy guarding téa" " ah I see..."

*enter helicopter noises*

_(n)_  looked up hearing something "do you guys hear that ?"  Ryou and yugi looked around till a hard wind was blown at them .
The three got up quickly as they stumbled back with wide eyes seeing a helicopter , soon the rest  of the gang appeared with pure curiosity.

" oh my a helicopter , I wonder who it is "

" I hope it's Santa Claus !!"

They starred at Tristan ' he needs help'  they soon looked straight seeing  The door opened slowly showing a familiar CEO, _(n)_'s eyes widen as she smiled " seto-" " hey its that  guy I defeated on the first episode without even breaking a sweat !!" Yugi smiled " hey loser how's it going !?"  Seto glared looking down at him " I'm here to kick ass and play  card games, and I'm all out of cards "  he walked out the helicopter .
_(n)_ smiled running towards him catching him off guard from a tight huge " I've been looking for you !!!' She smiled up at him making  Seto looked at her surprise " seems my boobie senses were correct " he looked straight making her blink confuse "...what-"  " shut up _(n)_ "

Yugi smiled walking to him as he put his hand out holding a familiar deck "here's you deck kaiba, by the way I have forgiven you for hospitalizing my grandpa , can we be super special awesome friends now ? " he blinked, seto snatched his deck from Yugis hand " like hell I don't have time to waste with you scooby's no offense Bakura " " none taken" " and  yugi, your a great duelist and all" he turned eyeing him but he soon looked at joey "   but your buddy over there couldn't duel his way out from a paper bag." He turned walking " now. _(n)_ let's go , we have things to do. ' sibling' things that are totally normal on anime and crazy fanfics ." He clutched the girl by the wrist as he dragged her  " wait seto!!" She looked back at ryou seeing his confuse expression.
Joey glared running after them " that does it, nobody talks about my pal Tristan like that!!!" He clutched seto by the shirt tightly  , seto glared angrily snatching his wrist" I don't like to be touched by people who don't have money." He threw the blonde to the side making him hit the ground roughly , yugi ran towards him quickly helping him sit up " joey are you okay!!"

" check his pulse yugi!!" Ryou blinked worried .
(,tbh I didn't believe this actually came out on the american version of yugioh until I watched xD )

Tea looked at ryou " the fuck will that do ?"

I has returned...maybe...( ̄・ω・ ̄) look what I found on the yugioh cafe guest book  !!  My friends message she wrote on my bd when we went !! 4.28.16 !! She drew Bakura !
You may know her as doujinist LECHE! _(-ω-'_)⌒)_

I'm hoping on updating here fast since I have a wonderful idea for battle city thanks to her !! She will help with the art I'll be putting here ( ̄・ω・ ̄)

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