A Road Trip to Remember (Katn...

By HannahVorhees

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So when Katniss is only 20 minutes into her drive and her car get struck by a dodge pick up truck, what does... More

A Road Trip To Remember (Katniss and Peeta Story)
Part One: The Accident
Part Two: On The Road
Part Three: Learning
Part Four: An Early Start
Part Five: Kings Island
Part Six: Singing
Part Seven: Kiss Cam
Part Eight: Leaving Cincinnati
Part Nine: Change of Plans.
Part Ten: A Party Gone Wrong
Part Eleven: Find Katniss
Part Twelve: Awkward
Part Thirteen: Hanging Out
Part Fourteen: Hospital
Part Fifteen: The Storm
Part Sixteen: In The Truck
Part Seventeen: Hospital Again
Part Eighteen: Talking With Gale
Part Nineteen: Explaining
Part Twenty One: Staying With Him
Part Twenty Two: Peeta Goes Home
Part Twenty Three: Gale
Part Twenty Four: First Date
Part Twenty Five: Going Back To College
Part Twenty Six: Talking to Prim
Part Twenty Seven: Leavin
Part Twenty Eight: Step Father
Part Twenty Nine: Robbed
Part Thirty: Girls Night
Part Thirty One: Calling Her
Part Thirty Two: Taken
Part Thirty Three: Help
Part Thirty Four: Black Ops
Part Thirty Five: He's Mine
Part Thirty Six: Telling Gale
Part Thirty Seven: Christmas
Authors Note!!!

Part Twenty: Taking Him Off

4.1K 166 42
By HannahVorhees

***5 weeks later***

Katniss's POV

Over the past month and week, I haven't left this hospital. My mom came back and tried to get me to go back to my room because my health was still questionable, but when I told her no she accepted it because I don't think she wants me to snap again. Peeta's family has been here stating at the hotel across the street, but his dad and older brother not leaving the hospital except to shower. I stay and just shower in the restroom here in Peeta's room. He hadn't woken up and the doctors are getting impatient with him. His father and older brother have become very close to me and I'm glad for their company. Though my friends show up every day to see how Peeta is and offer me support. Gale is helped me a lot as well, but I think that's because he thinks he has a chance with me still. And he may if Peeta doesn't wake up, but I don't want to think of that now. I talk to him everyday because I heard you can still hear people in your coma. I sing to Peeta because I know how much he loves my voice, and I tell him how much I want him to wake up. I am found with the same result every time I do. No movement or change in his appearance at all. Everyday I pray my heart out for God to preform a mirical. For God to save his life. I pray the hardest I ever have before in my life, though it felt like I was talking to nothing. I know God heard me though, because of what happened next.

Mr. And Mrs. Mellark, Jacob, Rye, my mother, Prim, all of my friends, and Uncle Haymitch all walk in with a doctor. They have never all been here at once so I'm worried. All the girls are crying except my mother, and Finnick looks like a few tears may spill from his eyes too.

"What's wrong?"

"Katniss, it's been 5 weeks. And from what we have noticed, he isn't going to wake up." The doctor says.

"So what are you saying?" Prim comes over and sits on my lap. He whispers In My ear.

"They want to take him off life support." She says.

"What!!!" I scream.

"Katniss, please. It's hard all the way around but he isn't going to wake up." My mother says.

"You don't know that! He could!" I yell but I feel it will do no good. Mr. Mellark holds his wife while she cries (yes Peeta's mom is nice!) and Finnick holds Annie. Rye pats his younger brothers back everyone else just stands there. I get out of my seat as well and I get in the doctors face.

"I swear if you try to kill him."

"Don't think of it like that. We don't want to kill him but he won't wake up." He says.

"HE WONT IF YOU KEEP SAYING THAT!" I scream and I feel someone grab me from behind. I start kicking and trying to get out if the persons grasp, but I can't.

"DONT YOU DARE! IF YOU KILL HIM I WILL KILL MYSELF!" I scream because I need Peeta. Everyone looks at my shocked.

"Katniss you can't leave me." Prim says In a small voice. I don't know how to answer that so I don't.

"NO! HAYMITCH PUT ME DOWN!" I starts clawing at his arm as he carried me towards the door. I hold on to the door frame.

"PEETA WAKE UP PLEASE!" I scream with tears running down my face. Haymitch just keeps trying to pull me out. That's when I see it. Starring at Peeta I see the bright blue where his eyes are.

"PUT ME DOWN! DONT KILL HOM HE IS AWAKE!" I scream and I bite on my uncles hand. He releases his grip and I run to Peeta's side. His family on the other side of the bed. I grab his hand and he lightly squeezes mine. His eyes open completely, yet they still looks tired.

"Katniss." He says his voice hoarse and his eyes locked to me.

"Hey sweetie." I smile with tears still in my eyes.

"That's impossible." The doctor whispers and he starts looking through his clipboard.

"No. With man, this is impossible-" I say and Peeta joins in my sentence. "But with God, all things are possible." We finish.

"You knew that verse?" I ask.

"I could hear you saying it everyday." He admits. I kiss his hand.

"I'm tired." He says and I move hair from his eyes.

"Sleep." I tell him and he closes his eyes.


Hey! Sorry for the late update! I just didn't feel like anyone was really reading it so I took a break!

Also! I hope no one stops reading because of my religious connection! I don't add a lot of that in there but I hope you an all respect my beliefs!

Also, follow me on Instagram and Twitter! I will follow back! :)

Instagram: The_Demigod_Dauntless_Tribute

Twitter: Vorhees29

I SWEAR I WILL FOLLOW BACK! Just tell me you are from wattpad:)))

Thanks all for reading!! Next update will hopefully be soon but I work this weekend so not sure when!

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