For Your Sins [bxb]

By revolution_starter

50.8K 2.9K 537

❝Reign Myers always pays his debts.❞ Copyright © 2016 by Zoe Golden. *full summary inside* More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10

Chapter 4

3.9K 296 61
By revolution_starter

Keep in mind that all my chapters are unedited and may contain mistakes.


I jerked away from his hold "What?"

Reign had a passive expression "Are you deaf? I said that I've decided to help you find your sister."

A knot lodged in my throat "I-I don't need your help. The police are on top of it." With every single fiber inside of me I wanted him gone from my sight. How on earth did he find where I worked? During the time we met I never let any intimate details of my personal life slip. I wasn't stupid (something yet to be proven completely); I knew that he was dangerous and the very worst thing about a dangerous man is when he knows something about you. I had made sure that he left with barely a trace to remember.

Yet here he was, casually sitting on my desk with his leather combat boots splayed over my chair. His black hair combed in a wave and grey eyes twinkling with mischief I didn't even want to comprehend. He looked at home.

As though we were old buddies and he came for a social visit.

Reign chuckled "You should be jumping for joy Watson. I've agreed to help you. Isn't that what you want just yesterday?" like I really needed a proud reminder of my utter stupidity.

I sighed "I'm sorry but I really don't need your help. Turns out that I was wrong and the police do have it handled. They're actually doing a great job." I didn't even know where the hell these lies were coming from. All I knew was that they were coming in fast and steady. Heaven knew that I didn't even have complete faith in Connor who was actually dedicated to the cause, not to even speak about the rest of the police force.

He studied me carefully. I did my best not to physically waver under his gaze. Cluing him in on what I was really feeling was the last thing I needed in the current situation.

Reign placed his palm on the desk and shifted his body closer to where I stood. I stiffened moving back but he grabbed my arm "Don't you even want to know what made me change my mind?"

"No," I replied flatly.

He grinned, the tips of his too-sharp-for-a-human canines glistening "I never changed my mind. I was going to agree from the moment that I saw you."

Inside I battled with my curiosity. Egging him on would only prolong this whole debacle and convince him to continue pushing his assistance on me. Still my cursed human nature was aching to understand what game Reign seemed to be playing.

I pushed his grip away "Why?"

"I wanted to see you beg," His grin was utterly devilish. "I wanted to hear the way you pleaded, nearly falling on your knees and spilling tears just so that I could help you find your poor little runaway sister."

Hot anger seared right through my chest. I raised my hand to hit him but he was faster and caught my wrists in a vice-like grip.

"You fucking bastard," I spat.

Reign looked undeterred "Ah ah, that's no way to talk to your savior now Watson. Manners maketh man."

I furiously tried to wring my hands free "I'd like to make your face into a toilet bowl so that it can eat shit much better!"

Suddenly, Reign slammed my hands against the desk. I shouted in pain but he still didn't let go. My wrists throbbed and I hated how weak I felt in the moment. I was a man dammit. He had no right to treat me like a rag doll. Especially not by humiliating me this way. Reign was pressing my two hands against the desk with just one fucking hand.

"I gave you a choice Watson," the way he said my name gave me chills. It was slow and oh so precise. "Do you remember?"

No answer came from me but I said nothing. We both knew that I remembered though. He leaned in, giving the space between his lips and mine mere inches. My heart rate increased. I hated how familiar it felt and how much the urge to close the gap was undeniably there.

"Three years ago I promised you that I'd leave you alone," Reign whispered. His free hand caressed my cheek. I wanted to vomit. "Those were my exact words. I said, if we ever happen to cross paths I'll leave you alone but if you come to me of your own free will-"

I winced dreading the end of that sentence.

"I said that if you came willingly, I wouldn't let you go."

The tip of his finger tickled my jaw making me shudder "And you came. Right to me." I pressed my eyes closed hoping that this would end before anything I really regretted started. He moved his mouth to my jaw, chasing goose bumps all around my skin with a closed mouthed peck.

Somehow I managed to loosen the chain around my tongue "I don't owe you anything. You owe me a debt."

Reign grinned against my jaw "I really like the dumb blonde act. But on anyone else but you, it doesn't go with the overall package." I wanted to snark about what the hell he meant by package when he continued "We both know the sort of man I am. Nothing goes for nothing."

He released his grip on my hands to my immense relief. Then moved his right hand inside my jacket freezing my movement. He creeped down to my trouser, pulling the tucked shirt free. A treacherous gasp escaped me once his cool hands came in contact with my bare stomach. However, a moment of strength came to me and I pushed his hand away.

"Stop it," I breathed.

"Why should I? Your body clearly doesn't want me to stop," He responded shoving it at a rougher pace and digging his nails right into my back. The second gasp that left me couldn't even pretend to be controlled. I wanted to let my entire body melt right under his dirty ministrations, but common sense surpassed all other urges.

I pushed Reign away moving away from the desk. The bastard only grinned as though my rejection didn't bother him.

"You'd be a fool to refuse me," He said.

I shook my head "The foolish thing would be for me to accept anything from a snake like you."

"Ouch. Of all the reptiles you could have compared me to," Reign said in a faux hurt voice. I tucked my shirt back into my pants looking away from him "Just leave me alone please. I'm begging you. I don't want your help any longer. I'm sorry for wasting your time."

"No Watson. The only person whose time is being wasted is Willy," my entire being suddenly felt heavy.

Reign had a wistful look "Imagine what that poor girl is going through. Probably all alone. Maybe some gang's got her. I mean she was dealing in a few not quite clean areas."

"How did you know?" I demanded not even noticing that I'd stepped forward once again. He shrugged "I own these streets. Everything that happens is my business."

He was evil but very skilled. Reign had placed me in an extremely difficult position. He dangled the fact that he might have information about Willy's whereabouts right when I'd just renounced needing his help. Snake wasn't even accurate enough to describe how cunning he was.

"Think about it won't you. I can help you find Willy, maybe even faster than those sorry pigs at the police station. All you have to do is agree. It's just that simple." But nothing was ever truly that simple. At least not with Reign.

His deals always came with a hatchet attached. A hidden cost not easily parted with. The worst part was that I had an idea of what he wanted from me. It was something I knew I would never be able to retrieve once given.

"What do you say?" He grinned.

I clenched my fists "No."

He shrugged "Suit yourself. You're only prolonging the inevitable love. I'm the only one who can actually help you."

"The police are working on it," By now that argument had even begun to annoy me and I was the one saying it. Reign hopped off the desk towards where I stood.

"Just so you know. That witness who came forward is lying. She was told to say what she did," Reign informed. My mouth opened to ask him all the sensible questions. How he had heard that, who told him and when he had heard it. Yet no words came out of my mouth.

I simply just couldn't find them it seemed.

He patted my cheek "I'll be waiting for your answer tomorrow love. Meet me at the club again. No funny business this time."

I didn't answer him.

"I must take my leave now. Don't want to give poor Kevin a heart attack when he comes to work now do we?"

Before he could leave, I called out to him. "Reign?"

He turned back "Yes?"

I swallowed "What do you want from me?"

He chuckled for a second then answered with a wink "Your very soul my dear."

 Forgive me for this shitty chapter.

Reign went and done it.

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