This Is Where We Fall (Hetali...

Autorstwa mochikitty

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How are nations during the zombie apocalypse? They are just like their citizens, trying to survive. In a worl... Więcej

The Beginning of the End (Prologue)
"Not Yet" -France & England-
"Tears for the Dead" -Russia & China-
"Ribbons" -Sweden & Finland-
"Voices" -France & England-
"What's Done Is Done" -Sweden & Finland-
"Don't Look Back" -Russia & China-
"So Close" -France & England-
"Bunnies and Eggs" --Russia & Lithuania--
"By the Sea" -Sweden & Finland-
"I Love You" -France & England-
"You There?" -Sweden & Finland-
"Silence" -France-
"Welcome" -Sweden & Finland-
"Lost and Found" -France, Canada & America-
"Silver and Blood" -Denmark, Sweden, Finland-
"The Story of Tonight" -France, Canada, America-
"Stay Alive" -Arthur-
"Here?" -Finland, Denmark-
"Red Metal" -FACE family-
"Unspoken History" -FACE family-
"Rest" -Berlin-
"A Perfect Night" -Berlin-
"I'm Sorry, Dearly Beloved"
This is Where We Fall | pt.1
This is Where We Fall | pt.2
Goodbye, Until Tomorrow [Epilogue]

This is Where We Fall | pt.3

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Autorstwa mochikitty

The second the first morning rays glowed around the outline of the trees and illuminated the buildings around, they knew it was time. The day's first breath signified that this would soon be their last. No one announced the beginning of dawn. No one needed to inform them that they were to die very soon.

Instead, everyone stood up from wherever they lied or sat and stared at the door. It was almost like a robotic move and they all had wires connecting them together. Ludwig took the first step and walked over to the door of the meeting room. Pressing his ear to its wooden surface, he could infer to that the biters had dispersed and roamed about only on the lower floor and outside.

That's where their battleground would be.

"We split up." Ludwig explained, his voice uneasy as he realized this was his last battle command he would issue out. "Stay with a group or pair or by yourself... however you prefer to fight." The implied meaning was 'however you wish to die' and everyone picked that up.

Everyone walked over to him now, or hobbled when it came to Toris and Mathias's cases. They all stood side by side with their shoulders touching. That's when the surprising thing happened. Slowly, each one of them reached to their sides and grabbed the hands of the person beside them. No one looked at each other but they made contact through touch. Ludwig faced the united nations, feeling a lump form in his throat at how they stared at him.

For years, he would yell above their chatter. He would pry Arthur and Francis off from one another before they got into a fist fight. He would groan when his brother started to become egotistical and taunt Elizaveta. He would glance beside him and see Feliciano taking a nap where he sat, usually accompanied by Lovino who leaned against his shoulder. He would feel his blood boil in irritation as all the mixture of different tongues and accents crashed together as no one found a level of ground they all agreed on.

Ludwig faced that for years. Yet, at the end of it all, here were the remaining nations of the world holding hands in unison, silently listening to what was being said and obeying thoroughly. There were no arguments, no harsh words, no reluctance on complying to orders. Everyone was standing together. Everyone was ready for their final battle.

"When we get out there," Ludwig continued to instruct, trying to keep himself together through all this, "we fight until we can no longer stand. If someone is injured, or if you are injured, do not stop fighting. As how Arthur put it, this is a... suicide mission. The battle ends when we die. So, no matter what, don't stop fighting. That's our only objective. To fight as many of these... these pests so they don't bring harm to those left on this world. We won't do significant change right now since the biters below aren't even a tenth of what inhabits the entirety of this world, but it will do something. It will be significant as time passes..."

He paused for a moment, licking his lips. Did he say everything that was needed to be said? Did he explain the whole plan? Was there anything left out? Truthfully, the German was searching for anything to stall the moment before they all went out that door; before they all parted ways forever.

"I know, I'm not one to show any sentiment and touchy feelings but..." Ludwig sighed, locking eyes with each and every one of them as he followed down the line. A sad smile grew on his lips. "It has been a pleasure fighting along, and against, you all. Our histories and pasts may have been rough and filled with a massive mix of hate and allegiance, but nonetheless, it has been an honor to know each and every one of you. Whatever happens to us after this... I hope for the best for us all."

A little chuckle came from the Prussian on the end of the line as he reached over and took his brother's hand in his. "Hush up, will you? How pathetic would it be to fight with stuffy noses and teary eyes? I want to look good, dammit."

That stirred a mixture of soft laughter from everyone. Ludwig nodded, his smile now bittersweet.

"I suppose you're right, bruder." Leave it to Gilbert to always lighten the mood. The taller German looked at everyone in silence for a moment before giving a little nod with his head.

"This is it... I'm sure we will meet again in the future."

With that, Ludwig opened the door of the meeting room. Everyone reluctantly filed out and down the stairs as the chains of death locked around their ankles. Each step was a step closer to death row.


[ Gilbert's P.O.V ]

Hell yeah, I get some insight in this.

The moment Ludwig opened the door, everyone split up at the bottom of the stairs. Francis and Eyebrows ventured down the hall and towards the parlor where a bunch of those nasty dead people were. Berwald half carried Mathias outside towards the back. The big Russian dick half carried Toris towards the kitchen to where a couple of biters hobbled into.

I was quite surprised to see Matthew request to fight alone. He ran off into one of the hallways on the second floor, leaving Francis and Arthur staring after him. How pitiful.

Ah, but that doesn't matter now. The group I'm in is with my brother, Toni, and Piano Ass. What a killer group this is, huh? Ha. Get it. Killer. Cause we're going to be killed.

We ran out to the front yard of the building to where a majority of the biters were. Luckily, or maybe it was unfortunately, for us this is where a majority of all those biters were. All were walking about whilst minding their own boring business but soon turned one by one as our footsteps reached them. So, this will be our final ground.

"There's so many..." Antonio breathed in shock beside me. He was staring out at the large mass of biters that now started to walk towards us. There had to be at least thirty, maybe even forty.

"You ready?" I asked him, flashing him a grin. He gave me an uneasy nod as a he returned my smile equally.

"You know I always am, mi amigo."

Just like the old days... I remember just as if it were yesterday Toni, Francis, and I were teaming up to fight against Rodriech. Of course, at that time, we had the whole world and all we could ever ask for. We didn't have to worry significantly about our own well beings. But, I'm not going to let that spoil this awesome time.

I watched Antonio run straight into the herd of biters, screaming as he did so. When he ran, I briefly got a glimpse of his eyes. They were filled with anger; filled with pain. The green was vibrant and bright when the biters reflected off of it.

So... He's using the thought of Lovino and Feliciano to aid him in this battle. That's all that ever was on his mind now. He would mumble about it and occasionally talk to me about it. Soon he'll be reunited with them both. I guess that means I'll be reunited with her after this as well...

Shaking that out of my thoughts, I, too, ran into the opponents cluster. The moment I stepped before them, everything swirled.

I stabbed my knife into multiple skulls; I couldn't keep count. I felt hands and teeth grab and pierce into me but that didn't stop me. My fierce hand with the knife still slashed through the air, sending bodies down with a thud. I continued to kill and slay like a bitch.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Antonio fall. His figure disappeared into a group of biters that surrounded him. When he fell, the biters hunched over and started their turn to attack him. Did he scream? Was he even moving? I couldn't tell. Everything I was witnessing was a blur. Nonetheless, I continued to fight with the adrenaline that pumped through my veins.

Antonio was dead.

"Gilbert!" Ludwig's voice rang through my ears, causing me to turn sharply.

He had stepped back from the biters and stood alone near the front doors of the building. He was alone. Rodriech wasn't with him, which I assumed was because he already fell into his grave.

Rodriech was dead.

There was something about him the flashed back memories to when he fell as the Holy Roman Empire. In that time, he was stepping away from the French soldiers, fearing for when he had to face Francis. The terrified look in his eyes then were identical to the stare he wore now.

I staggered over to mein bruder, grimacing at the injuries my body had already gained. I shoved any starving biters away from me as I went over to Ludwig. At my pushes, they took more notice on my fallen friends and put all their focus on attacking their already lifeless bodies.

I put both hands on his shoulders, forcing his piercing blue eyes to lock onto mine. As they did, I saw the horrors of all the things he'd seen reflect off of them.

"I-I can't do it... I can't do it..." He whimpered. Beneath my hold, I could feel his body shaking out of fear for the unknown. If we weren't about to die right now, I would've laughed and gave the whole 'you got balls, right? Use them!' talk, but I couldn't do that now.

"Hey... Listen, it's okay. You're okay. You can do this." I encouraged, putting my hands to his cheeks now to wipe away any tears that dripped down. "You've done so much in the past, you can do this. I will be with you through this whole thing, alright? Remember when you fought when you were just a young nation? You got through that, you'll get through this again." I grasped one of his hands in mine tightly, smiling up at him. "You.. You have someone waiting for you on the other side. You made a promise to them. You promised you would return from the war. Ludwig, he's waiting for you."

This conjured the smallest smile from him. Ah... Even now, I could make him smile. Despite all the years that passed, I still see him as my little brother dressed in that black coat of his and wearing that big black hat that always seemed too big to wear. The little boy who always grew flustered when he hung out with little Feliciano when they were children. The little boy who awoke from defeat as a new person, yet the same little brother I've known all my life.

Shut up, Gilbert. You're not one to get sentimental about this stuff! You don't want someone to find your corpse with ugly tear tracks, now do you?

Shaking that aside, I gently pulled Ludwig out back onto the field. Our movements acquired the attention of the biters around us once more as they continued their walk towards us.

"You ready, bruder?" I questioned, wrapping my hand around my pistol now. Got to make that 'click boom' ending, am I right?

Ludwig did the same with his, stepping forward as he regained his stoic exterior.

"I'm ready."

We fought side by side non stop. Biters fell to our feet at every swift movement of ours. A gun went off beside me as crunching bone rang on the other side. This sound wasn't new to me. I've heard it countless times in the past. This was nothing new.

I don't know why... but I'm not that scared to die. You'd think an old soul like me would be terrified with the thought of sudden death. But, I'm just not. The idea of possible condemnation to oblivion didn't frighten me nor did the thought of losing all memories.

Maybe it's because I've lived a pretty great life and have the tiniest need for a renewed story. Maybe it's because I miss things from the past and wish for the chance to see them again for the first time. Maybe it's because things have gone to shit and I don't want to deal with shit anymore.

As these thoughts swim through my mind, I feel my body begin to break. I don't see Ludwig beside me nor do I have the strength to even look over my shoulder for him. Bony hands grab my arms and pull me forward as teeth began to tear through my flesh.

Ludwig was dead.

I didn't scream. I didn't oppose. I simply fell into the death reeking embrace and smiled.

The shortness of my breath signaled I would be gone soon. The loss of feeling in my legs signaled I was losing all strength. I didn't even acknowledge that I was now lying on my side on the floor, staring at the rotting ankles around me.

I wonder if Elizaveta experienced a death like this...

I've long accepted that she died the week after she didn't come back. Yet, that fleeting hope of her miraculously being alive still inched in my mind. I hope she had a pleasant, non-painful death...

Elizaveta, I can't wait to see you again. Even if we come back to life as strangers, I know they'll always be a special place in my heart for you. You'd probably smack me across the head for my cheesiness.

"What? You speaking in such a tongue on your death? How amusing."

Ha... Loser.

Hopefully, the world can work well without my awesomeness glorifying its soil.

Gilbert was dead.


[ Francis's P.O.V ]

"Papa, please understand. I wish to do this alone... I love you and dad both very very much. We will meet again in the future, just like how you said. We will. So, please, don't look at me like this is our last time. I love you. I must carry out this battle alone."

That was the last conversation I held with Matthew. Before we left to where we desired to fight, he pulled Arthur and I aside to give that request. My dear Arthur, of course, was aghast at this request but soon complied alongside me when we saw the look in his eyes. I knew we had no say in how Matthew wished to... to die.

So, we parted ways from our last son and took our own path towards death.

"Francis... I'm sorry." Arthur's soft voice tugged at my ear before we entered the parlor. That's where we decided our graves should be.

"Why are you apologizing, dear? You have nothing to be sorry about." I assured, squeezing his hand to try and comfort him. We both were terrified of the idea of this being our judgement day. Yet, with both us feeling in such a way, I refused to show that freely.

Arthur shook his head, averting his gaze towards the floor beneath us. I noticed him cringe when the growls from the parlor room shook the atmosphere around us.

"I'm sorry for everything I've said and done in the past." He mumbled, his messy blonde hair falling over his eyes. "All our quarrels and pathetic fights. All those insults and tears. I never meant it, I never did. If I could take it back I would. I'm sorry. I-"

I cut him off from rambling and wrapped my arms around him. I could feel his breath hitch as he wrapped his arms around my torso. We buried our faces into each other for a brief moment before I let out a sigh. "It's okay... I know the words we threw at each other weren't true. We did have some rough times, but let's not ponder upon that now. Please, Arthur."

I did not want to spend my last moments alive thinking about how bad the past was. Sure, I had done some regrettable acts and said things I would rather have not said, but I didn't want to define my last breaths. Thankfully, Arthur was, for once, agreeing with me.

"You're right, you're right." He nodded, turning back to the parlor.

We both stared at it for a long while. So... This would be our burial ground. This is where we will fall. Of course, I always thought my death would be more beautiful and not as depressing, but there's nothing I could do about that now.

"Are you ready?" I looked over at my love, taking his hand in mine.

He held back, never taking his eyes off the door frame. The biters have taken notice of us.


The next events that happened were a blur. We charged in and began to shoot and stab the biters that came our way. With quick counting, I could predict there were about twenty. They all came at us both as we slaughtered those in our reach.

I could feel their hands touch me all over, occasionally digging their fingers into my skin. A quick flash of a memory of me getting a scratch on my palm and briefly feeling death's clutch on my heart. I was supposed to die then. Yet, here I am, dying once again. Although, this time I know Arthur wouldn't be able to save me.

Throughout all this, I could hear the yells of my beloved somewhere near. He was a whirlwind zipping through whilst bringing down the biters around. I glimpsed a look at his eyes and they were full of hatred and anger. I've seen Arthur angry countless times in the past but none held up to the amount of anger in his eyes now. All that anger from taking away our Alfred. All that anger for damning us into this.

I turned back to the biters near me, feeling teeth tear into my side. Grimacing, I turned over to shoot it in the head, sending it once more into its own grave. I couldn't even determine where all my injuries were on my body for I ached too much in so many places.

With a swift stab, I sent another biter back down. I turned to take on anymore but was greeted by the sight of numerous bodies on the floor. There were no more biters... At least for this room.

Arthur was on his knees beside me, panting in short breaths. Blood soaked both of our clothes as deep wounds seemed to tattoo our body like we were an artist's canvas. I collapsed beside him, unable to stand on my feet anymore.

I lied on my side as Arthur did the same, facing me. We merely lied there for who knows how long staring at each other's tired and crimson painted faces. The anger that once took over his gaze was now replaced with an exhausted one. The emerald hues that I so loved stared into my sapphire ones, simply staring.

"F-Francis..." My name came out of his lips in a cracking voice as he took in another hollow breath.

I nodded, trying to summon some words to say. "Yes, Arthur?" My words were choppy as well, much to my surprise. Energy was draining from my wounds and pooled around me on the floor.

"Hold m-my hand please..." Arthur's request sent a dagger through my heart. Shakily, with faltering strength, I reached over and took his hand in mine. Sticky liquid glued them together as our lives mixed together around us. Our lives always were entwined. Whether it was by battles or history or alliances or love. We were always somehow together. So, even now as death's breaths begin to grow in our lungs, we are together.

"Don't... Leave me..." I heard him beg weakly, tears now mixing in with his blood. I made an attempt to give his hand a squeeze in assurance. He gasped shortly before continuing what he was saying. "I-I need you... Promise me w-we'll be... together. Promise me, p-please... I want to kn-know this isn't the last.. last time..."

Would this be the last time? Will this be Arthur and I's last moment together? Will this be the last time I see him? Will our corpses be the remains of our relationship?

"P-Promise.." I breathed, feeling words start to betray me. "I will... find y-you.. and w-we will be together again... I promise." Even as I speak this, the weight of uncertainty presses down upon my heart. Would I find him? Would my objective and promise stay or would it disappear along with everything else?

Arthur gulped and gave short intakes of breath. I stared at his features, studying them as he studied mine. His annoying blonde hair that would leave a perfectionist twitching out of discomfort. His deep forest green eyes that held the beauty of the Earth. His elegant light skin that's as delicate and pure as precious porcelain. That frown of his that always caused his nose to crinkle up like a cranky child. His accent that was thick yet smooth to the ears. His rare yet overwhelming beautiful smile that causes my heart to melt. Oh... How I will miss him.

As I thought, tears began to stream down the sides of my face as well, causing Arthur to use his other hand to reach over to me. I felt his shaky fingers gingerly wipe away my tears as he rested his palm on my cheek. This touch... I don't ever want to forget this touch.

"I love you... Francis Bonnefoy." He whispered. I could hear the limited life coating his words. I attempted to nod but found myself unable to.

"J-Je t'aime... Arthur Kirkland." I responded, struggling to find enough breath to speak. My time was running short. Death had already put down its restricting weight on me to the point where I could no longer move.

The sound of our raspy and quick breaths were the only things audible in the room now. Our hands remained together, connected by our flowing blood and desire to stay together throughout death. I stared at him from where I lied, watching his eyes begin to droop. My own eyelids began to feel heavy, threatening to close forever.

Before I knew it, the most beautiful pair of green eyes closed beside me as the hand holding mine slackened.

Suddenly, the remaining air in my lungs seemed to disappear and I found myself closing my own eyes. The last sight I saw was the relaxed face of my beloved. He wasn't in pain anymore nor did he seem troubled. He simply looked calm.

That satisfied me. As long as he was alright now...

Arthur, Matthew, Alfred... I promise. I promise I will find you all. We will be a family again. We won't be separated. I may not remember anything and you all will have forgotten our bond, but some way I promise I will bring us together.

My dearest, Arthur. I will miss you. My heart will love you and only you till the end of time and past death. I love you. My love... Until we meet again...

Arthur was dead.

Francis was dead.


[ Matthew's P.O.V ]

Being alone was prominent when it came to my last battle.

I wanted to fight my war alone. That's how it always felt like anyways. Everyone forgot about my roles in the wars I was involved in. So, basically, fighting my very last war alone wasn't that new.

Loneliness is what I feel best. It's something that has never left me since the day I was born as a nation. I was always secluded and forgotten. Of course, it's a trait I've learnt to deal with. It doesn't hurt me anymore since I've grown accustom to it like its normal.

My last battle will sum up my life; alone.

I'm thankful Papa allowed me to go off on my own. I'm saddened that I couldn't spend my last moments with my family, but I know that's not what I should do. I had to do this. I just had to.

When we departed ways, I turned and walked to the back area of the second floor. There were no biters there. I couldn't enter the battlefield just yet. I needed to take a moment to do something, even though I had plenty of those before dawn.

Quickly, I went into Ludwig's study, grabbing a couple blank sheets of paper. Humans were bound to find this place throughout time. I had to write something to them. I know, if we come back, none of us will remember anything about our history or what happened. I want to know our deaths won't be silent and unacknowledged. I want to know it will be recognized. So, I am writing a letter for whoever may pick this up and for the new world to know.

I put the letter on the desk, folding it in half. On top of it I wrote: To The New World.

When I stepped outside of the study, I felt a sudden twinge in my heart. Oh God. This is it. I'm going to die. This is my death. Down these steps is where I will die. I won't exist anymore. It didn't catch up to me until now as I was literally steps away from my grave.

Matthew, be strong. Be strong. Be like... Alfred wouldn't be crying. Alfred wouldn't shy away from all of this. Alfred wouldn't cower in fear of the unknown. Alfred would... he wouldn't do this.

Brother, even now I look up to you. Quite literally, if I must put it. How silly.

Taking a deep breath, I give myself a reassuring nod before turning back to the battlegrounds. Gunshots were heard but soon faltered into the collection of growls as I made it down the steps. They were dying out there. Some I gathered were already dead. I needed to join them.

I went towards the kitchen, catching sight of a trail of blood from the corner of the entry way. Biters were already slain here. By whom, I would find that out very quick.

Toris was slumped in the corner of the room, barely grabbing onto one of the table legs. His head lulled towards his chest as his body was covered in bruises and cuts. There were no more biters. I observed his chest to see it was no longer rising or falling.

Toris was dead.

There was a pile of biters slaughtered near the sink, their blood splattered all over the fridge and counter top. A black boot stuck out from beneath the pile, gaining my attention. Kicking some of the biters off of whoever owned the black boot, my face paled at the sight of the person below.

Ivan was sprawled on his back, his hands just barely covering his face. Beneath his hands was a bloody mess (and not in a British slang type of way). His only good eye now met the fate of his other. It looked as if someone gauged it out with such torturous carelessness. There was a chunk missing from his face that would imply it was bitten off from a biter or multiple. However, they were all dead on top of him which I concluded that he managed to kill them all before he died. Ha. He always was very strong... I admired that.

Ivan was dead.

I left the room, unable to bare the sight and stench that made my eyes water.

It looked like a majority of the biters had already been taken care of. Oh no, there had to be some still here to kill me.

The next place I ventured to was the back area. It was said to be the backyard by Feliciano when we first got here but Ludwig told us it was simply a back entrance if the front was inaccessible. The door was ajar so I guessed someone would have to be out there- living or dead.

Stepping outside, I was instantly greeted by a single biter which stooped over a pile of fresh carnage. At my footsteps, it turned and suddenly lunged itself at me. Its quickness caught me off guard, knocking me onto my back. I whipped out my knife and pierced it into its skull as I felt its bony fingers make a rough incision into my side.

"Shit.." I cursed as I pushed the now dead weight off my body. Well, that's one achievement I've done so far.

Clutching my side, I pushed myself off of the ground and got a better look at the carnage before me. The bodies were difficult to identify due to their faces being beaten and destroyed beyond belief. However, from what I did recognize was their disembodied hands that were set a bit away from the meat pile. In one hand was a blue and white ribbon soaked in blood. In the other was an iron cross bathed in maroon. This... This was Mathias and Berwald.

Mathias was dead.

Berwald was dead.

Reeling from the sight, I stumbled back inside. Oh God... Who else has already died? Who else do I have to witness?

A limp formed at every step I took that put pressure to the wound in my side. It was a pretty deep wound but that wasn't a problem. In any case, it was probably a good thing. It cut my life down so now my time truly was running out.

The parlor was where I traveled to next.

This was the room where I found the most biters by far. However, they had already been slain. Their bodies were piled atop each other and scattered everywhere in the room. I'm surprised anyone could've defeated this much. When my eyes trailed down to the middle of the room, I felt my whole being break.

"P-Papa?" I mumbled, staring down at my two fathers.

Papa and Arthur laid on the floor, both on their sides. They were holding hands, while Arthur had his other one gently placed against Papa's cheek. Blood... There was so much blood... It dampened their hair; it soaked their clothes. Their bodies were broken as well just like the others I came across. Both of their eyes were closed and their faces looked as peaceful as ever. My family... they were dead. All of them. Dead.

Tears streamed down my face as strained cries broke free. I dropped to my knees, kneeling in front of the bodies of my family.

"Wh-Why does it have to be this way?! Why?!" I screamed, my shoulders trembling as I sobbed.

Why did we have to die?! Why did this have to be the only way?! Why did we have to be damned in such a situation?! Why does the world hate us so much? Haven't we already bared and experienced enough pain and loss? Was our years and years of wars and battles and hurt not enough?! Even after all that, all we've carried on for everyone and this planet in general, our last objective is to sacrifice ourselves whilst losing all we have.

Terror blossomed in my chest, its thorns piercing into my heart and limbs. I can't do this. I can't do this. I'm scared to die. I'm so terrified.

I shouldn't be scared. I shouldn't be a coward. I always am a coward, aren't I? I shy out when it comes to speaking up for myself. I allow others to step all over me. I tolerate any merde thrown at me even if it isn't my own. How funny. On my very last battle, I still succumbed to my cowardliness and hesitate on fighting.

Clenching my fists, I bowed my head in anger at everything spinning around my mind. No... No, I don't want to die cowardly. I will not die in such a way. Alfred wouldn't want that. Papa wouldn't want that. Arthur wouldn't want that.

I leaned down and gently put a kiss on Papa and Arthur's head.

"Please be proud of me... Please don't forget about me if we all wake." I knew that last one would be impossible to come true since no matter what they'll forget about me. I will even forget about them. Dying would erase all our history. However, my hopes mostly relied on the first one. Would they be proud of me?

I got back to my feet, sudden determination flooding through my veins. This is my last fight. My last battle. Everyone has died except for me. I shouldn't see this as a sign of weakness. Right now, I am what's keeping everything from becoming well again. My cowardliness will not get in the way anymore.

Sprinting now, I made my way over to the front entrance. That's where all the biters were. I could hear their growls even before I exited the building.

They were all grouped over four bodies; bodies I decided it was best to not examine. I had my assumptions on who they may be already but I had enough sights I wished to forget.

"H-Hey! You... dickheads!" I shouted, gaining the attention of all the remaining biters. They turned from the three bodies on the floor and blinked their dull eyes at me. I could see the flicker behind them, almost in unison, that started their staggering towards me.


I began firing my gun relentlessly at them all, my accuracy not being at its best. But I didn't care. I wasn't going to back down. I wasn't going to be weak. Not this time. No.

My brother was dead. My fathers were dead. My friends were dead. I have to be strong and make this last fight mean something. I can't hide behind my brother's shadow anymore. I won't allow myself to do that, not now.

It didn't take long for them to grab me by my outstretched arms as I shot at them. They smacked the gun out of my hands as it was there turn to attack me.

My own screams broke through the air as I felt their teeth tear through me. Where exactly, I'm not sure. All I knew was that everything hurt now. Excruciating pain coursed through my body in all directions.

Struggling through their take and slipperiness of my own blood, I regained a grip on my knife and tried all I could to take more down. I have to do this. I can't give up.

One went down. Another followed. A few more to the head. I stabbed through the air in an attempt to take down another one but fell short when an invisible force made me let go of my knife. Before I knew it, I was falling backwards as the wave of biters suddenly crashed over me.

They feasted freely now for I had no strength left to fight any longer. I cried as I felt myself slowly break underneath their multiple hands. I cringed as I heard their monstrous growls and snarls as they attacked me. I weakly stared up at them, feeling my own blood drip from their mouth to my face.

Was this enough? Was I enough? Did I do everything to their satisfaction? I wonder if Papa would be proud...

A tiredness and numbness began to wipe over me as a large weight was set upon my chest. My eyes dulled slightly as I stared at the smallest break in the sky I could gather from the undead heads around me. The sky was blue. Purely blue. No clouds, just blue. It was beautiful.

Well. This is it, eh? Ha... Who knew I'd be the last one here. Who would've thought that.

Alfred... Papa... Arthur... I hope to see you again if the world is kind enough to give us that. I hope we become a family once again. You all were the best family a boy could wish for. We did bicker and argue, but in the end.. I felt the most love I ever felt in the world. I hope I get to feel loved like that again.

Until then...

I gave a short gasp as the last bit of air escaped my lungs and I was soon drifting away from consciousness. The last thing I saw was a single bird flying over my head. It gave a short tweet before everything went black.

That was the world's way of letting me know: "You did well."

I'm satisfied.

Matthew was dead.


Dear Reader or to the one who has picked up my letter,

I am, or was, the personification of Canada. By the time you read this, I, and all my fellow personified nations, will be dead. Which means that the world will be gradually getting better. I have no way of knowing who will pick this up or when they will, but I do know that whenever it is read it will be when the world is becoming anew. However, the purpose of this letter was not to let you know what's happening now. It is to inform you of what happened then; what happened to us.

We, as in the nations of this world, gave our lives to keep this world alive. We were the personifications of the land masses and nations that used to exist before the apocalypse made everything collapse. We lived throughout history and kept order and fought to keep our nations intact. We died so the world could be reborn and new life could form with new opportunities. I am writing this so our work and actions aren't done without notice. To be more specific, I wish that the actions of my friends and family don't go without any notice.

Please, if possible, restore our borders. Restore the fallen borders that were made in the old world. Germany, Austria, Prussia, North Italy, South Italy, Spain, Russia, Lithuania, The United States of America, France, Britain, Canada, etc.- all those past countries. Please, restore us. When the new world is born, please bring back the structure of the old world. I have no idea what that will do to us or to anyone, but I do know it'll keep our legacy. Whether we come back or not, that would at least leave something of us to carry out our acts.

That is all I ask.

If you fulfill my request, I am forever thankful. It will rest my soul and spirit in wherever I depart to after death.

I wish the new world only the best.

Matthew Williams, Canada.




Yikes. This hurt to write.

Anyways, I'm saving my sentimental farewell author's note for this story in the next chapter since that's really the end of this fic. I'm actually really sad this is ending. I've been writing this for a little over a year haha.

Please leave your feedback in the comments/reviews! I love reading them; they help me keep writing.

Czytaj Dalej

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