8 Years gone to waste

By AnisaOliviaa

31.7K 728 181

It's hard being me. I work, I have twins and I have a husband who hardly comes home. I don't know if he's act... More



1.7K 40 17
By AnisaOliviaa


I got up to finish off the washing. It kills me seeing Rosie like this. I wish I could do something, but I physically and mentally can't.

Work is very demanding. Paperwork and different designs are thrown at me, and there is no way for me to escape it.

In the past, I've missed seeing the birth of my two kids, I've missed Kaiden's first basketball game, and I never showed up to Katlin's dance recital. All because I have to stay behind to finish of all the designs for my boss, which then affects my family, and my marriage.

Rosie and I can never agree, we argued on what we were gonna call the twins when Rosie was pregnant, We couldn't decide on the colour theme for our wedding. Nowadays, we just argue over the simplest things. Our marriage isn't what it use to be eight years ago.

"Dad, why is Mom crying in the bedroom?" Katlin's voice asked me. I turned around and saw her standing there in her pyjamas.

"It's complicated adult stuff sweetie, don't worry about it," I say, smiling so she is convinced.

"I'm not two, I'm eight, is it because you didn't show up to lunch today?" She asked me, a sarcastic confused look on her little face.

"Why did you ask me if you already know the answer?" I wondered out loud and she smiled.

"Just wanted you to feel the shame," she smiles brightly.

"What? Katiln, what are you on about?!" I asked her, she rolled her eyes, just like how Rosie does.

"You didn't come to my dance recital, you wasn't here for dinner tonight or last night, or the night before and you left Mom today, not even bothering to show up or even call her to say you can't come!" Katiln says, giving me glares in disgust. If looks could kill, I'd be six feet under.

"Aren't you grounded young lady?" I asked her, smirking in her face. Her smile drops and she groans when she clicks that I've caught her out. I heard Rosie yell at Kaitlin even before I got in the house.

"Goodnight princess," I say, getting on her nerves, giving her a big hug and kiss on the forehead. She tries to free herself, but then she gives in and hugs me back.

"But Dad, promise me you won't make Mom cry again," Katlin says in a serious tone.

"I promise," I say, knowing deep down inside, I might break that promise and lose my daughter's trust forever...

"Okay, I'm going to bed now, you should finish off the dirty dishes," Katlin smiled, skipping out the kitchen and up the stairs.

It wasn't until she left, I realized that I've turned just a small little situation, into the biggest problem of my life...


I woke up early in the morning. It's Saturday so I haven't got to go to work.

Rosie on the other hand does have a big fashion show today, so she has to go to work. But then I get to spend time with the twins.

"Morning Dad," Kaiden cheered, as he came down into the living room and jumped onto of me.

"Morning Son, how are you?" I asked him, handing him the tv remote.

"I'm good, just really hungry," He says, looking at me with innocent, big brown eyes. I laugh at his attempt to hypnotize me.

"Come on, how does lucky charms sound?" I asked Kaiden. He smiled a pleasing smile.

"That sounds like music to my ears!" He says dreamily. I put him on my shoulders, and give him and piggy back ride into the kitchen. I place Kaiden on a stool around the island and start to make him breakfast.

"What's the plan for today then dad?" Kaiden asked me as he twisted and turned on the stool.

"I'm not sure, how about we visit Jacob?" I suggests and he pulls a face.

"Again?" He asked, sighing in a upset manner.

"Why? What's wrong with going to see Jacob?" I question him, not seeing a problem at all.

"We go to his house all the time!" He protested. He does have a valid point...

"Where do you want to go then?" I asked him, placing a bowl full of lucky charms in front of him. He takes the spoon and begins to eat.

"I don't know, what about the village?" He suggested, chewed up lucky charms and milk escaping from his mouth.

"Ewwww!" Katiln said from behind. She was in the doorway of the kitchen, her face screwed up. I laughed and gave her a big bear hug.

"Morning to you too Dad," She giggled, squirming and wriggling around around in my arms.

"Good morning sunshine, how does a trip to the village sound?" I asked her, planting kisses on her forehead. Just like how I kiss Rosie's forehead.

"Sounds like music to my ears!" She squealed happily, clapping her hands in excitement. Kaiden laughs, obviously remembering that he said the same thing earlier.

"Well let's get going!" I smile and they both bubble with excitement as they ditch their breakfast and race up the stairs. I start to clear away the breakfast dishes, when Rosie enters the kitchen in a flower print top and high waist denim jeans. She looked perfect.

"Morning, I made you breakfast," I say nervously. We haven't spoken since last night. The atmosphere had shifted from giggling and laughter, to awkwardness and anger.

"Thanks, where are you all of too?" Rosie asked, smiling at me kindly. I eased up a bit and place a bowl of her favorite cereal in front of her.

"It's not a big breakfast, but it comes from the heart," I smile at her. She laughs as she looks at the Crunchy nut cereal before her eyes.

"It looks delicious," She chuckled. I walked over to her and hugged her tight.

"I really am sorry Rosie, if only you knew how demanding work is," I apologize.

"I get it, you have to work so then we can have food and clothes and a house, I should respect that," She replies. I let her go so she can eat her food. I go upstairs and check on the twins. I enter Kaiden's room first and to my surprise, he's is dressed and ready, wearing his white polo shirt and jeans. He looks up, holding one foot of his converse, the other on his left foot.

"Come on slow coach!" I tease him, making my way to Kaitlin's room. She's dressed too, jeans and long sleeved shirt with adidas superstars on.

"Let's go, let's go people!" I say, hurrying then both downstairs. The eight year olds rush downstairs, leaving me to chase after them. Since I'm all ready, I just put my converse on and my coat. I enter the living room and see Rosie zipping Kaiden into his coat. I get Kaitlin into hers and were all set to go.

"See you later guys!" Rosie waves us off as we hurry out the front door. I unlock the car, getting the twins in and buckling them up. I get in the drivers seat and we're off!


"Where to first guys?" I asked the little ones, as we wonder through the streets of the local village. All the shops were open, markets selling fresh fruits and vegetables, others selling clothes. It was so peaceful and calm.

"How about the florist, I just love smelling the flowers!" Kaitlin sighed dreamily.

"What about the market? It's full of different things!" Kaiden smiles.

"Let's visit the market first then buy some flowers for Mom," I suggests, and they both agree.

So that's what we did. We brought new woolly hats and scarves for the upcoming season. Winter is practically around the corner. We purchased quite a lot of food too...

The twins chose white roses for Rosie. Cliché but it's cute. We all agreed for lunch at Anne's Café.

"Well hello Rayan Lopez and his little minions," Anne greeted us. The twins grinned mischievously.

"Hey Anne, how are you?" I asked her, keeping the little ones close. This cafe is always full of satisfied customers.

"I couldn't be better! So what can I get you guys?" Anne said in her British accent. Send always happy and full of joy, I've never seen her upset or angry before.

"I'll just have a coffee, what about you guys?" I asked Kaitlin and Kaiden.

"Chocolate cake and banana milkshake!" They both cheered together. Anne laughs at their cuteness and I shake my head while smiling.

"One coffee, two chocolate cakes and banana milkshake coming up, take a seat," Anne replies, going into the kitchen around the back of the café. I guide the twins to a table by the window and sat them down.

"I love this place dad, do you think Anne will let me work here one day?" Kaitlin asked me, taking in her surroundings.

"Maybe, I think you'll make a great waitress," I smile at her and she flips her curly locks over her shoulder in pride.

"Who's that? I move never seen her before," Kaiden asked, gesturing to another table. I turn to see a fair skin girl with waist long blond hair. Her crystal blue eyes were mesmerising. She was serving a table so she must work here.

"Obviously she's a new waitress Kaiden, stupid," Kaitlin rolls her eyes and I give her a stern look.

The girl leave the table she was serving and then walked over too the counter. Anne came out with what looked like our order and handed it over to her. Anne points to my direction and I pretend to act natural, like I knew she wasn't coming over to our table.

"Hi, I'm Imogen, and here's your food," She greeted us, placing the cake in front of the kids and my coffee, milk and sugar in front of me.

"It's like a slice of heaven!" Kaiden sighs happily, almost drooling over the cake. Kaitlin looks the same, her mouth wide open, her eyes fixed onto the cake.

"Well aren't you too just adorable! What are your names?" Imogen asked the little ones, smiling at them both.

"I'm Kaiden, and that's my twin sister Kaitlin," Kaiden introduced. Imogen shakes both of their hands.

"And you must be big brother?" She asked me smiling. I laugh at her joke and shake my head.

"Sadly no, I'm Ray their Dad," I say, introducing myself. We shake hands.

"It's nice to meet you all, are you guys from around here?" Imogen questioned.

"Yeah, we live about fifteen minutes away from the village," I explain. Imogen tells us that she moved from Toronto to New York to live with her Auntie, who is Anne.

"So why don't you have an accent like Anne?" Kaitlin asked confused.

"I've been living so long in Canada, I've got their accent, Auntie Anne moved to London with her Dad when she was younger, then came to America to study," Imogen tells Kaitlin. The little eight year old was fascinated.

"Imogen!" Anne called from behind the counter. Imogen waves goodbye to us and goes to serve the next table.

"Well she's just amazing!" Kaiden smiles brightly.

"And pretty!" Kaitlin add on.

"Well let's see if she wants to come have a tour of the village with us after her shift," I thought. The twins agreed so it was all set. We asked her to join us and she happily agreed to come. She she finished her shift and we went on a lovely walk through the quiet streets of the village. We saw a local beach near by so we decided to and collect sea shells by the shore. We made sandcastles and played tag in the warm sand. We skimmed pebbles into the calm sea and just had a great time. The twins bonded with Imogen, telling her about our family. Imogen tells them stories about her family back home.

The sun started to set, as the evening crept upon us. A little band in the middle of the village was playing happy songs so villagers and tourist could dance. Kaiden grabbed her sister and they danced, laughing and squealing with excitement and joy. I smile as I take Imogen's hand and dance with her. She laughed and smiled brightly.

I've not had this much fun in years...

(Imogen in the mm💗)

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