UndertalexReader One-Shots!

By Makusia

150K 2.4K 1.7K

These One-shots are more like... "fluffy" and funny ones. Of course there'll be some Yandere or something if... More

Mettaton is life - MettatonxReader
You can do it! - NapstablookxReader
Cooking lesson - PapyrusxReader
A Sad Ending - AsrielxReader
My Friend - Frisk x Reader
GasterxReader (+Tsun! Flowey)
Lovely Valentine's Day - SansxReader
A Childish Pirate Game - M!FriskxReader
My Sweet Candy - Yandere!CharaxReaderxFrisk
FISHing in the kitchen - UndynexReader
Warm - M!FriskxReader
I've been tagged!
You're My Only Star - UndynexReader
Care for a ride? - River PersonxReader
"It surely is hot in here"... - GrillbyxReader
Sweets~ - MuffetxReader
I'm sorry - CharaxReader
Our Drop Pop Love Song - Extrovert!Male!FriskxReader
Babysitting is hard... - SansxChild!Reader
Choose one! - SansxReaderxChara+Poet!Papyrus(xReader)
We are not alone - TorielxChild!Reader (Happy Mother's Day!)
A/N About Another Book I'm Making!
Every Piece of You - Yandere!MettatonxReader
Sansation - Underswap!SansxShy!Reader
Mr. Jester - Underkeep!SansxPrincess!Reader
A nicely bad day - NapstablookxReader
Why not both? - Vampire!MettatonxReaderxVampire!Sans
[A/N] I'm so sorry!
SOUL? Or sweets? - MuffetxMale!Reader
Friends and maybe something more? - UTxReader
His hidden obsession - Yandere!SansxReader
Until you came, it was empty - AsgorexChild!Reader
Your Sweetness - MuffetxFem!Reader
New Year's fright! - UTxReader
My only Partner - Fem!Older!FriskxMale!Reader
Happy Valentine's Day!
Seal it with a kiss - Male!CharaxReader
April Fools! - UTxReader
Won't you stay? - TorixScientist!Adult!Reader (+A/N)
A New Adventure - FroggitxReader
Last Reset - Yandere!SansxReader

Only Me&You - Yandere!Genocidal!FriskxReader

4.4K 60 51
By Makusia

(A/N: WOO HOO! Almost 10k views and 250 stars! Trust me, I really appreciate that! Thanks, guys! ♥ AND SO! This one-shot has the highest quantity of words in the whole book... I hope You'll enjoy it!) /also this time Reader is surely a girl >3>/

AND!! IF YOU DON'T LIKE CHARACTERS DYING, THEN... well, I really want You to read it, but if You don't want to it's okay... I'm just warning ya. ;w;

One more gift from me:

I drew a Yandere Frisk just for You

It was almost summer. The 20th of June.

Yesterday, everything seemed fine as always... Frisk was talking with You, You were both going to school and playing with some kids...but...

Something went wrong.

In the morning, You walked to school. Nothing seemed diffrent. The weather was perfect... it was very warm and a little bit windy. You smiled, as it was supposed to be the last day of school....You opened the front door and noticed... blood. Lots of blood on lockers and also some dust. You knew this is COMPLETLY wrong... "What the hell happend?!" You thought. You wanted to run away right now... but... what if it's just a joke...? Or if there's still someone You can help?! You decided to walk around and inspect the situation. You took a deep breath and one step forward... when You suddenly heard someone call out for You.

"Y/N! Y/N! Please, help me!" - they shouted. You took a few steps forward and looked around. Now You know there's no going back... You HAVE to SAVE anyone who's alive, but... You couldn't see anyone. You decided to run around and try to find the person that called out for You. After a few minutes of running (in the wrong direction), You stopped and fell onto Your knees. You were too tired to run any more. As You stayed like that for another couple of minutes, You heard footsteps coming from behind You.

- Y/N! There You are! - someone called out. You turned around and saw... Frisk. They were smiling at You cutely as always.

- W-...What's going on here, Frisk..? - You asked. You were still worried about all this blood and dust and that no one's around. Frisk's cute smile turned into a... psychotic grin as they opened their red eyes. Only then You noticed dust and blood on their hands.

- Ah... Who are You worrying about? I thought I'm the only one You like... - they looked down, almost crying. They were ALWAYS able to melt Your heart.

- You know that You're my best friend, Frisk! I'm just worried about the others... they're also my friends...

- Haha... yeah, I remember! One of them called out Your name... You must've been REALLY close. I think it was this boy... Shame that I don't remember his name. - they giggled demonically. You stared at them wide-eyed.

- Wh-... Y-...You're not Frisk! They'd NEVER act like that! - You shouted. They seemed confused after that...

- Huh? What do You mean? It's just me! Frisk! The REAL one! ...ah... yes. I've never showed You this side of me... But I can assure You... - they went closer and grabbed Your chin, making You look right at them. - This one's better.

You quickly pushed them away as You tried to run.

They didn't really seem to be interested in running right after You... They were just walking slowly... Following You.

You cried out to Toriel, hoping that she wasn't killed. "She was working here as a teacher... just like Undyne and Alphys...!" You remembered. You slowed down, kneeled and started feeling tears in Your eyes.

- W-why... Why did Frisk... - You whispered to Yourself and sobbed.You suddenly felt someone touch Your leg. You jumped and looked down... It was... a girl from Your classrom. She was bleeding from stomach, leaving lots of blood behind while crawling on the floor. You kneeled down to her quickly and all nervous, not knowing what to do. You helped her turn onto her back, also giving her a bandage (from a First Aid Kit that was close to where You were standing), trying to stop the bleeding. She tried to reach You and whispered:

- P...Please, just run... they want...only You, Y-Y/N... - she said and coughed. - ...haha... at first I thought that it'd be better if You'd come earlier to school... but I know they'd kill us all anyway... - she whispered and took her last breath. Her hand fell down onto the ground and You cried again. You promised Yourself that You'll get Frisk to pay for their actions. You stood up and ran out of the school. You haven't seen Frisk all the way when You were going back home. You didn't even know what to do anymore... Should You just call the police and wait somewhere? Or maybe leave a trap for Frisk...? You decided to try and call the police.

As You took an earphone from a landline phone in Your house, You tried calling... but... nothing happend. You noticed that the line was cut and You don't have Your own phone... unfortunately, You broke it yesterday. You sighed... maybe You should just go to Your parents' work and take their help? Or go at the Police Station Yourself...? You ran out of Your house, hoping for finding any adult... anyone.

But nobody came.

You took a deep breath and looked around. It was very foggy and You could barely see anything... there was no sound. Only silence... they say that "Silence is golden"...but not this time. "Did Frisk already kill them all?! The whole street...?! No... that's impossible... right? How? And why...?! Why are they still doing this?!" You thought and looked down, crying quietly.

- Y/N~ Where are You~? - someone called out. You quickly reacted and turned to where this voice was coming from. Even when You knew that it's Frisk... You hoped for it to be someone else. You hoped it's someone else so much... but You couldn't lie to Yourself too long. You saw them a few metres away from You.

- W-...Why...? - You asked quietly. - Why are You doing this?!

- Why? Because it's FUN! Y'know... once there was a person who showed me what LOVE is. It's pretty fun! Come, I can show You! If You'll get closer... I'll give You some of it. - they said with a gentle smile and open arms. You knew You can't trust them, that's obvious! But... You felt something pushing You to get closer to them. It's like if something... was 'helping' them.

You took one step back, feeling like if You won't be able to move anymore... even though, You moved. You moved back and ran away. You looked back at them one more time and... they... they were crying. You didn't know if it was a trick or... maybe they aren't the one in control... maybe it's not their fault! If so... maybe... just maybe... we'll still fix it... You slowed down and thought about Frisk...

- ...Please...please, just let it be a nightmare...! - You whispered to Yourself and cried one more time. You were unable to run anymore... You felt so tired out of crying, out of all these nerves... and of course, out of running. You looked at Your watch. It was one o'clock.

You didn't know what to do anymore... where to go. You sighed and decided to rest a little bit behind the nearest house. You sat down and fell asleep... but not for long. Only about 30 minutes. Even after such small amount of time, You felt better, but still wanted to cry. You stood up and decided to find anyone who's alive. You still felt... bad. When You went in front of the house, You noticed something. It had a.. weird shape, but still looking kinda like a dog. It quickly looked at You, as You jumped back and hid behind a corner. You felt Your heart beating faster and faster, as You heard this thing coming closer to You.

You waited a couple of minutes...

And it suddenly grabbed Your hand, pulling You to itself. It was... weird and sticky in touch. You got scared even more, as it showed it's face... or more like head. It had a hole instead it's face. It was also making some weird dog noises... You decided to pet it.

It seemed excited. You smiled at the monster.

About an hour passed since You met this monster... You also wanted to name it, but You didn't know how... You were mostly playing with it all this time. You thought that it may help You with Your situation with Frisk... that's why You took it as a pet and moved on.

It wasn't all silent anymore, since this monster was making all these noises... but still, keeping it was kinda dangerous. Frisk may come and attack it... even though, You couldn't just let it be all alone! You don't want it to die... though, it really is kind of stupid to keep it. You thought about coming to Alphys' lab and lock it somewhere there. You'll come back for it when all this situation'll calm down.

It was kinda hard to get to the laboratory, because of the fog, but it seemed like Your Monster Friend knew the way itself. It guided You to the lab and You didn't see Frisk at all.

As You were walking around, You noticed stairs leading down. You decided to inspect what's down there, but You noticed a crack... it was very big and You couldn't see what's underneath. Though, when You wanted to go back... Your Monster Friend jumped at You and both of You fell down.

You woke up in a weird place... it seemed to be another laboratory. It was brand new... and Your Monster Friend seemed to be from here. It was kinda weird... You didn't know Alphys had a place like this. Maybe she was afraid that humans won't accept THOSE Monsters? You noticed another one... it looked similar to Snowdrake with... some more faces where they shouldn't be. It was melting and looked horrible... You felt sad when looking at it. There was a smaller Snowdrake next to it. It was telling puns and they both seemed to be happy together.

You walked near the Snowdrake and asked how long is it in here.

- Me? I'm here from yesterday's evening! There was a crack in the stairs and I couldn't go back home... but as long as I can be with my Mother, I don't care! Hey, Mom! Listen to this! Ekhem: Human! It was ICE to meet You! - the Snowdrake said. You giggled at his little pun and he seemed to be really happy with that.

- ...G...ood...one...Sn...owy... - the melted one whispered. You smiled at them.

- Uhm... do You maybe know what is happening on the surface? - You asked.

- No... is something bad going on up there? - Snowy asked. You looked down and he seemed to know that something's wrong. - If You don't want to tell us, that's okay... but are we safe here?

- I... I don't know... but if You'll see a human in striped shirt, run and hide away from it! Don't go near or attack them, okay?

- Alright... but why?

- It's that... ... - You stopped and looked down, feeling like if You're about to cry, but You were able to hold it and so You did. Snowy seemed to know that he should stop asking questions about this human. The Monster hugged You, making You feel a little bit better.

- I...don't...th...ink...th...ey...will...get...in..he..re... - the melted Snowdrake said.

- Yeah! We're surely safe here! And... You seem really tired... You can rest in here! We'll keep You safe! - said Snowy, with a smile on his face. You smiled back, as he led You to a bed. You were too tired to even think if it's a good idea or not. You believed in these Monsters and quickly fell asleep.


You woke up about 5 hours later, when You heard a strange noise, like if something metalic fell down close to You. You quickly sat down on the bed and looked around... and yet again, it was silent. You felt Your heart beating faster. It's wrong. Those Monsters can't be that silent, unless they went somewhere. You got really scared and decided to search for them.

As You walked down a hallway, You heard Your Monster Friend. It was... kind of barking. You could hear by it that it doesn't like whoever's close to it. You begun to run and help it. You won't leave it just like that!

As You reached the room from where those noises were coming... You noticed Frisk. They were struggling to get away from Your Monster Friend. They were sticked into it. You noticed that they don't have their knife... but You knew You can't trust them, no matter what. Even though... You still wanted to talk to them and know WHY are they doing this.

- Frisk... - You said quietly, but they heard and looked at You.

- Y-...Y/N! - they shouted with a smile. - Y/N, please, help me! This thing doesn't want to let me go... and... I... I just-... I wanted to pay You a visit! I was searching for You, while I'm still me! I-it's not like if-...I-I mean... I... I can... I was doing... I... - they looked down, as their fringe covered their eyes. You looked at them sadly and went closer. They couldn't really move... their hands were kind of glued to the Monster. You kneeled down and hugged them.

- So... it really wasn't You, was it, Frisk?

- Ah..ahaha... N-no! I-it... it wasn't me... I... I didn't mean that... I... I promise I-

You hugged them tighter.

- I... I understand. You'll tell me later, when You'll calm down. We'll fix it... I believe that we can do it. I belive we-

You noticed that Frisk is struggling. Before You could react and get away, they separated from the Monster and pinned You to the floor. The monster was clearly shocked with that and it seemed like it didn't know what to do, giving Frisk a chance to do whatever they want for a minute.

- I can't believe that even if You know what I've done... You still think it wasn't me. You're always trying to be so kind and give other people chances... but it's only making everything worse. - they said and sighed. - I guess I don't have enough time for too much, but... - they suddenly got closer and kissed You. It lasted for about... 3 seconds, but You were still unable to move, as they ran away. Frisk knew the Monster's going to catch them and then, they'll have no chance for anything anymore. You got up... red-faced. No matter what, Frisk could always make You blush. You sighed and thought yet again, why are they acting like that... Is there really no chance to get their 'Pacifist side' back...? Or maybe, it was all just a perfomance? You looked at Your Monster Friend and petted it. It helped You get up, as You looked around. You noticed an elevator and quickly ran to it. It still had power... that meant You can get out of here! You wanted to push a button to go up, but... something stopped You. You suddenly felt... awful. There're still other monsters... Mostly Snowy... You can't just leave him! If Frisk'll find him... it's over. You want to save everyone who's alive! That's why... You decided to search for Snowy. Though, You can't just leave the elevator. Frisk may mess with it. You decided to leave Your Monster Friend to keep an eye on it, since it can't be hurt.

- Frisk's POV -

I ran to a very dark room, but I could see almost everything. I sat on a bed that was probably used for sick Monsters and looked up. I was so tired of chasing Y/N... But I won't give up. She is MINE. I'm too far gone to give up right now... Lying down on the bed, I fell asleep. I don't think it lasted long, though. I woke up when I heard her voice.

- Y/N.. - I whispered to myself. I don't think she heard me. I got up and decided to watch her... What does she want this time? If she's looking for the other Monsters, then... well, I took care of them. But I can't tell You my secret, Reader~

Maybe next time.

- Third Person's POV -

You looked around... it was too dark to see anything, so You couldn't really search this room. Though, these monsters're always making noises, so they surely aren't here. There were still some rooms You didn't check and You can get over to them only by going through this one... so You walked ahead, hitting Your leg on the beds about 10 times. You heard a giggle behind You. You turned around, though it was obvious who it was.

- I knew You're clumsy, but to hit Yourself so many times? - Frisk said and laughed. - I thought that Sans is supposed to be the "comedian", but You just beated him!

You blushed and looked down as if nothing before the kiss happend. This felt so weird and wrong... though, You were glad that it seemed like if Frisk could come back. The kind Frisk, not the murderer. You looked at them with tears in Your eyes.

- I want the old Frisk back! - You shouted at them, as their eyes widened.

- "The old Frisk"...? Are You kidding me? - they said with a sarcastic smile. - There is no "old Frisk". There's only ME. The REAL Frisk.

- B-but... Why now? Why did You change right now and... why like that?! - You asked. They walked closer as You tried to walk back... but You were pinned to wall. You couldn't escape anymore.

- You see... I loved You from the very beginning. When I met You, I just... I fell in love. And honestly, it was Your fault. If I wouldn't meet You, none of this'd happen. You made this urge to have You... Your SOUL, Your body... I want the whole You, Y/N. The more time I spend with You, the more I wanted You... - they said as they got closer. They were just about to kiss You, when something suddenly pushed them back. It was Your dear Monster Friend. It barked and growled at Frisk. Now, Frisk was the one pinned to the floor. As You looked at them, You noticed that they were holding their knife... You stared at them as they struggled.

- ...So, even if You "love" me... You still want to kill me. - You said with a sad smile. Frisk didn't give You the response for about a minute. They just looked at You and smiled gently.

- Who said I wanted to kill You? I just like playing with my toys. - they said and closed their eyes. You decided to walk away. When You were about to leave the room, You called Your Monster Friend. It ran over to You happily. You looked once more at Frisk. They were lying on the floor. You walked away.

You sighed, worrying about the other monsters. You couldn't find them. Though, if they hid somewhere... it's better if You just left this place, so Frisk'll follow You. You looked at Your Monster Friend. It seemed happy to be with You, so You decided to keep it.

You stepped out of the laboratory, right on the street. It was still foggy... You looked up and sighed. Maybe there's no way to fix this... You can't control timelines afterall. You walked ahead. You decided to see if there're any adults in the nearest factory. Your parents work... or worked there.

As You opened the door, they made a creaking noise. The most interesting thing was that... Your Monster was too scared to get in.

- Come on... Why are You acting like that? - You asked it. - There's noth-...

As You turned to look around, You noticed a... corpse. A metalic smell suddenly catched Your nose, as You felt sick. You took a few steps back, still trying not to believe in what You just saw. You weren't sure, but it was one of Your parent's friend. Now, they... the friend was stabbed deadly in stomach, chest and... head. Now You know how sadistic Frisk can be.

You decided to get as far away from this place as You can. Though, You thought for a hiding spot for a few minutes...

Your house is too obvious and if You choose a near house or any from Your street... well, they'll probably check it. You're not going back to school or any work-place. You know You're only going to see more and more corpses. You looked up again and closed Your eyes.

- God, please help me... I can't take it anymore. - You said quietly as You suddenly felt something wet fall on Your cheek. You opened Your eyes. It started to rain, but You didn't care. The fog was vanishing as You walked ahead, desperately searching for a place to hide. Your Monster Friend was covering You from the rain drops... You looked and smiled at it, making it happy.

- I n  m y  w a y.

Someone said from behind. You knew it doesn't mean anything good, as Your pet covered Your whole body.

- Why won't You just give up and give her to me?! Come on! DIE! - they shouted. You started crying again, hoping that they won't hurt Your friend. You heard it bark in pain, so You struggled and quickly got out of it.

You looked right into Frisk's eyes with disgust.

- Y/N! - they shouted happily, all covered in blood. - I... I killed them all for You! I did it! I've-...

Your stare was piercing through them. They couldn't speak for a few seconds.

- W-why... Why are You looking at me like that?
- ...
- Why won't You answer me...?
- ...
- C-...Come on! Say something! Anything.
- ...I hate You. - You whispered.
- W-what? - they asked another question.
- I HATE You, Frisk. - You repeated with a smile, as tears fell down Your face.

- I... I don't get it. The last time... You just didn't accept my feelings. I was... I was so mad at myself for holding everything back for a long time... so... so I reseted and killed all the MONSTERS I could in the Underground... then, I... I don't remember, but... but I befriended everyone again. I did EVERYTHING again! Just-... just for You... hoping for a better end. I... I noticed that... that this guy from Your classroom... H-he had a crush on You... and... I couldn't hold myself when I heard that he'll confess to You today... so... I-...I stabbed him and... as soon as someone tried to stop me from stabbing him, I... I killed them. I killed everyone that got in my way and then... I noticed You. I don't know why, but... but I just... I... - they said with tears in their eyes. - I just wanted You to be mine, Y/N! I just wanted Your love, but..!! But I couldn't show it!! I just couldn't show You how much I love You and now... I... I broke EVERYTHING!! - they cried out and dropped their knife. You looked at them with a gentle smile.

- You're lying to me, are You? - You asked.
There was no response.
- Are You trying to trick me again?
But they were still crying, being unable to reply.

You... You felt something.

You went closer and hugged them... was it just something pushing You? Was it just Your heart telling You that they need one more chance...?

- You said something about resetting, right, Frisk? - You asked, as You picked up their knife. - Hey... Will You remember this timeline? - You asked and looked down, as their cry was fading away.

- Wh-...What do You mean, Y/N? - they asked.

You suddenly felt something... crawling on Your back, as You held their knife. Will You spill their blood to try and see if they'll remember this timeline?

Knowing that You still have a chance to SAVE everyone... it fills You with DETERMINATION.

(Now, choose Your fate.)

[Kill Frisk]

You looked at them with a creepy smile. They seemed scared as You got closer. They tried to run, but they fell down.
- This time... I'm the one the one in control, my dear "LOVEr". - You said, grabbing their blue sweater and pulling them to Yourself, before stabbing.
Even when dying, Frisk was quiet. They grabbed back of Your head and kissed You gently, before falling dead on the ground.

A RESET button appeared in front of You.
You choose to ERASE this pointless timeline.

Even though... You'll forever feel and know Your biggest sin, as it was just something... You could do, but You shouldn't.

Why won't I judge Frisk...?
Well, love is blind, my dear. They didn't know what they're doing.

(Scroll down thourgh the second option to get to the end.)


[Drop the knife and ask for the RESET]

- Frisk... I'll forgive You. - You whispered to them. They suddenly stopped sobbing and looked at You, wide-eyed.
- R-...really..? - they asked.
- Yes, but... there's something You have to do.
- I'll do anything! - they shouted with a smile. They seemed happy, even when tears were still falling from their eyes.
- Please, RESET this timeline... - You said and grabbed their hand. They blinked a few times and looked down.
- B-but... I'll have to kill You if You don't want to remember this...

You sighed. You don't want to suffer a physical pain, but it surely is better than the psychical one. You handed the knife to them.

- Just... do it quickly, okay? - You said with a smile, but they could clearly tell that You don't want to die.

Frisk suddenly hugged You tightly and looked You in the eyes, before kissing You in lips.
As You felt it's not the murderer anymore... You didn't want to break it.

Though, You suddenly felt an unimaginable pain in Your back. You couldn't hold it and took a deep breath, as You saw Frisk crying again. You wiped their tears and said:
- I...love...You...

You blacked out.


You woke up in Your bed just an hour before school, noticing it's 20th of June. You had a headache, so You decided to stay in bed for a couple more minutes, as Frisk suddenly broke into Your room.
- Y/N! - they shouted happily with a gentle, warm smile. - Um... Are You okay...? It seems like You're ill... let me check! - they said, went out of the room and quickly came back with a thermometer in their hand. 
Frisk was right, You were ill. You had a temperature and a headache. You smiled at them.

- I'd better tell Your parents about that, OK? - they asked. You nodded and closed Your eyes.
You suddenly remembered something and panicked. You got up and looked around...

"No, no, no... it was surely a dream...", was it?

You noticed Frisk, standing in the door and staring at You with their red eyes.
- I'll visit You today after school to give You the homework, Y/N. See ya. - they said, smiled and walked away.

You didn't know what to think about all this anymore.

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