Blood And Pleasure (Lesbian S...

By livingwithfun

38.6K 1.5K 239

The World we live in is just a fictional mentality of our witting. The world we live in is filled with Demons... More

1 - Silence
2 - Unforseen Reality
3 - Define : Domain
4 - Getting to Know
5 - Bloody Mary
6 - Magical
7 - The Dilemma
8 - First Kiss
9 - Research
10 - Doubt
11 - Tomb of The Undead
12 - Reality Kicks In
13 - Coming Clean
14 - Happy Birthday
15 - Unpredictable Events
16 - Truth About Kendall
17 - Kendall Jenner
18 - Dancing With The Undead
19 - Alexandra
21 - One Step Closer
22 - Lost in the World
Final Chapter - When It All Comes Crashing Down

20 - Christian

971 42 5
By livingwithfun

Kendall was scared out of her mind. She couldn't find it in herself to breathe when two vampires grabbed her arms and started pulling her.

She would have screamed and would have tried to resist or fight them but she couldn't move anything. Her legs kept carrying her toward the old man unwillingly. She glanced beside her to look at Cara. She seemed as helpless and as angry as herself.

"Privitokami samondo." Christian whispered.

It all went blank.


Cara opened her eyes slowly. She still felt a tremendous amount of pain cut through her bones right after she gained a bit of her consciousness back.

"Ugh." She groaned deeply as she tried her best to observe the new environment she was trapped in.

"Sorry about that." Christian's voice captured all of Cara's attention. She forced herself to sit up with her arms holding her weight on the harsh floor.

Cara chuckled bitterly at Christian.

"Oh really, are you?" She asked with a mocking tone and a sick smile on her face. "After almost killing all of my friends and giving me many hard times, you just realised you re sorry for this?" Cara nodded her head toward the stone walls.

"That's anything but logical." She continued as she sat up straight, trying to stand strong in front of her enemy. Christian ran a hand through his beard.

"Where are my friends?" Cara asked.

"Your friends and the bright sider you were about to die for, you mean?" Christian wondered with a smile on his lips. Which genuinely surprised Cara.

"Where are they? What did you do to them?" Cara asked. She was still surprised why she was alive. Christian could have killed her long ago. Yet, he chose to be all nice all of a sudden.

"They're all okay. I mean you no harm." Christian put his hands behind his back and started walking in the small space he had. They were in a small room with stone walls and a securely locked metal door.

"And you expect me to believe that? After all that you've done? You nearly killed me twice for stealing a stupid book! " Cara snapped as she tried to stand but her legs failed her.

"It was all to protect you!" Christian snapped. "They were necessary steps."

"Really?" Cara finally managed to stand up. "From what, exactly?" She asked with a bitter chuckle.

"The undead. And whoever its idiotic possessor is." Christian replied wholeheartedly.

"Why?" Cara's eyes now held a serious gaze towards the old witch. "Why'd you do that?"

"BecauseI promised your father I would." Christian replied.

"Don't you dare tell about my fath.." Cara was about to argue but the older man cut her off.

"He was my best friend!"

Silence fell between them. Cara looked at Christian with a questioning and almost blown away gaze. Could this be true? Why does everything keep getting more and more confusing?

"He was." Christian repeated in a slower pace. "My best friend." Christian walked closer to Cara. He stared intently into her eyes.

"I promied him. I had to. I wanted to." He began.

"Oh really?" Cara asked in a mocking tone.

"I did." Christian walked closder to Cara. "If I weren't there to use the spell to weaken Toni, if I weren't there to block the spell on you and Brandon's cars' breaks, if I weren't there to stop the undead when it first saw you, if I weren't there to stop the undead's tiger demon earlier.." Christian trailed off. "I don't even want to imagine what they would've done."

They both stared at each other. Cara with question and confusion and Christian with a sense of coldness.

"Then why act like you wanted to kill me? Why lead that map to the tiger?" Cara asked seriously. Still not believing this.

"The map was made for you to find Nick. The undead was the one to put a charm on it and lead you to the tiger. Thankfully, I got there quick enough to see you. Nick was my trick to finally get you and tell you the truths you need to know."

Cara sighed angrily at the mention of his name.

"Nick did betray you. For the power I offered. As a young alpha's son. He was tempted." Christian explained.

"I acted like I wanted the worst for you because I needed them to think so." Christian began. "If they suspected me, they'd kill me and hurt you. But thinking I want you dead, they let me be around for a while."

"Why did you do all this?" Cara asked. Christian's eyes held a large amount of sincerity. They were warm, unlike before. They held life and emotion. They made Cara believe him.

"As I mentioned earlier, I promised your father." He sighed.

"Tell me everything." Cara demanded.

"It's a long story my dear." He began.

1943, Sevastopol

"They're coming! The fascists are coming!" A ten year old boy screamed as he ran toward the small village. He had come to get wood early on that frigid morning but had witnessed the battle lined getting close to his village.

"ALEXANDER! Give me fire!" Christian yelled as he crouched further into the snowy ground. His thin clothes weren't doing much help and his cheeks were beyond red from the cold. His hands chook as he tried to refill his weapon with the bullets Alexander had weakly thrown in his direction.

The number of soldiers was getting less and less every time a gunfire filled the air. The sky was covered by black coulds. About to rain any moment, as if grieving the dying soldiers. Grieving the dying fathers, dying mothers, screaming women, crying babies, hungry people.

The young Russian man, Christian, crawled further toward his friend, Dima's lifeless body. He wanted to see his friend once before biding farewell. What he didn't notice, was the bullet being fired toward his leg.

He let out a soul piercing scream only to be lost in the gunfire and the striking thunder. The bone-cracking pain shot through his leg as first raindrops started falling on his face.

"The sky is falling down!" Artem screamed when he saw an explosion before his eyes. Christian laid down in his painful position as cold droplets of rain took away all the warmness from his body.

"Help!" Christian shouted to capture his friends' attention. Alexander rushed by his side.

"Christian.. You're.. " He never got to finish his sentence as a bullet shot through his heart.

It was all like a heartbeat. Everyone was suddenly backing away from the field. "They're coming here!" A soldier shouted as they ran.

Christian had made up his mind. He was going to die in this bloody battle anyways. He picked up his gun with a numb shaking hand and pushed it against his own forehead. If he really was going to die that day, he wanted his death to be by his own bullets. Not by the people who killed all of his family and tortured his sister.

No. He didn't want a similar death. He didn't want them to take pleasure out of firing a bullet for his death. He didn't want them to think they had succeeded in killing him, not after they killed his wife and six months old baby.

"What are you doing?" Another soldier asked. He had clearly been in the front as his beard was covered in fresh blood. Unknown if it was friend's or enemy's. But it was there.

"Get up! Hold on to me." He offered hurriedly as he wrapped a strong arm around the wounded soldier.

"Let me die with my own bullet, brother! I don't want my son's killers' bullets to be my end! They took everything away from me! Let me die with my pride." Christian begged weakly.

"Then don't give them another corpse to burn mercilessly. It'd please them even more! Just hold on!" He lifted Christian up and pulled him towards the safer grounds.

"Who are you?" Christian asked the mysterious man whom had saved him from the flying bullets as rain fell even harder on the men.

"Charles Deleviungne."

'A British soldier' Christian thought.


"Your father was the biggest hero I knew. He knew I had weak magical powers. He knew he wasn't allowed to help me. But he did. He chose to be a man. To be a human and show me the way to live again." Christian had a tear in his eyes.

"I owe him my life." He softly cleared the tears from his wrinkled cheek. "If he weren't there. I would have killed myself. I had no one." He sighed.

"My father had died. They killed my mother before my eyes. They'd taken my wife and had killed my son. I had no reason to live. I saw every day how one invader would be guilty for all the blood and how the other would not. I saw the different sides of people. I wanted to die. Because I wanted my dignity." Christian was panting softly to avoid crying too much.

"And Charles, gave me a reason to live. Since then, he was my only friend. My best friend." A sad smile was formed on his lips. Cara's eyes were teary after the emotional story Christian had shared. She was surprised.

"Nobody knew of our friendship, even now it's still not something a royal would dare do." Christian continued.

"But after his poisoning, before he died. He sent me a message. To protect you. He didn't have enough time to finish it. But I had gotten it. And I promised him, in my heart that I will do it. For your sake." He finished. He went back to his normally dry side instead.

"I can't believe this." Cara sighed as she tried to process all the information. She would have normally doubted this. But after seeing how sincere Christian was, she couldn't help but bbelive it ans be amazed by her father.

"I have no idea who.. Or why the undead was set free or who the posessor is. But I am certain they're after you and your bright sided friend." He explained.

"Kendall? But why? She's the kindest person.." Cara was about to continue but Christian raised a hand to stop her.

"I have no idea." Christian cut in. "Even I have questions sometimes."

"What about her parents? Where are they?" Cara wondered.

"I don't know. Nobody does." He replied.

"What can I do now, then?" Cara asked desperately. "I have done absolutely nothing to provoke a reaction this big." She mused.

"It's not you! It's the person who does this. Whoever they are, they're blinded to kindness and sighted with hatred." Christian explained. "It never was your desicion to make, my dear."

"What now?" She wondered out loud.

"I'll send you off to where the gates to Alexandra's underground palace are. Only two people can pass through each of the three gates before they change places again. I'll send you to her, to find your answers." Christian replied.

"When are.."

"You need to rest for the night, my dear. We'll talk more thoroughly later." Christian tapped Cara's shoulder with a smile and turned around to open the door using magic.

"Wait!" Cara called. "Can I see my friends?" She asked.

"They haven't woken up yet."

"It's alright I wanna see them." Cara interrupted eagerly.

"Very well."


Cara sat beside Kendall on her bed in the room. She observed the brunette from head to toe. She softly ran her fingers through Kendall's hair from time to time. She loved how peaceful the girl looked in her sleep.

A few minutes later, though, her smile turned into a frown when she realized Kendall's body tense up. She noticed the girl becoming less and less comfortable in her sleep until she let out a whimper.


Kendall woke up, feeling scared. After spotting cara, she pulled her in for a bone crashing hug. "Hey sleepy." Cara greeted. Kendall's grip only tightened around her neck. "I thought I lost you." She held cara closer to her body and breathed her scent in.

"I was so scared I lost you." Kendall exclaimed as she looked at Cara with tears in her eyes.

"I'm right here and I'm fine." Cara whispered softly as Kendall nodded. She leaned closer to the blonde and made their noses touch.

"Just don't scare me like that." Kendall's breathing was going  back to normal.

"I won't." Cara softly kissed Kendall's lips to express how she meant it. She hugged the girl tighter as their little kiss deepened.

"When I saw that tiger attack you, I felt like I died." Kendall confessed. She really wanted to tell cara she realised she loved her but couldn't bring herself to say the words.

"Shhh.," Cara soothed. "It's all fine." She pecked Kendall's lips softly. "We're alright here."

"Where are we?" Kendall wondered.

Other members had already woken up and knew all about the new information Christian had shared, Kendall was the last.

"It's a very long story." Cara kissed Kendall's temple before beginning to explain.


"Everything's just getting weirder and weirder." Selena confessed as they all sat in Christian's hideout.

"Not really! If you listened to ME, that Nick bastard couldn't have done all of this shit!" Brandon grinned proudly while Karlie and Selena just shook their heads in disappointment.

"You are like a five year old elf, Brandon." Taylor, for the first time, admitted.

"You say it baby!" Karlie smiled before giving her bonded partner a kiss.

"Well I hate to admit but it's true." Kendall also joined in. Which caused a surprised glance from everyone.

"Well I wouldn't be any better if I hung out with Cara as much as you do." Brandon commented.

"At least she's not hanging with you, you'd ruin her manners." Cara replied dryly.

"But guys are you sure we can trust this Christian guy?" Selena wondered all of a sudden. "I don't want this to be like Nick." She trailed off in disappointment.

"I can see where you're coming from. But honestly... Do we really even have a choice?" Cara asked.

The door suddenly swung open.

"My guards spotted the undead approaching." Christian let them know with fear.


Thank you guys for all the support! I really would like to know more about what you think of this. It'd be really great.


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