Thrax and The Virus Queen

By sparklekitkat2004

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This story is taking place in the middle of the earth where all of the bacteria is growing and where virus's... More

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The Thermal brothers past part:1 mothers hate
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Meeting Flame

The Thermal brothers past part: 2 the hell ends.

243 5 3
By sparklekitkat2004

Five years later...
"No, Thrax! Your doing it all wrong! Go for the throat or stomach! Don't go to the damn bloody eyes!" Thrax's mother yelled at him as he was brutally hit by his mother.
"Now do it again!" Thrax attempted to kill the germ once again but later failed as soon as the germ slammed Thrax back onto the ground, but how can a eleven year old virus take on a six foot germ?
"I should replace you with this germ for all I care!!" Thrax's mother yelled at him as the germ went back into his cell hoping not to deal with all the drama which was happening in the other room.

"Then...why...don't you?" Thrax whispered to his mother as he coughed up some of his plasma, which was black but sometimes orange in different times.
"What was that?" Thrax's mother asked as she came closer to Thrax's back.
"Why...don' A NEW SUCCESSOR!?" Thrax yelled as his eyes blazed with anger and fury.
"EVER SINCE THE MOMENT I WAS BORN, YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING TO BE MY MOTHER!! ALL YOU HAVE DONE IS BRUTALLY HARASS ME AND TEACH ME TO KILL! HOW HAS THAT BEEN HELPFUL IN ANY OF MY LIFE!?" Thrax yelled as he glared at his mother still mad that she would do so much for her four other children, but make her other freeze in the catacombs underneath the tower they lived in.

"Thrax..." The female began to start.
"What..." Thrax said painfully from the plasma still coming up his throat.
"You want to know why, I am brutally harassing you and making you kill?" She asked.
"Why!" Thrax asked as he glared at her.
"That is how a true virus is born!" She yelled as she got a smaller germ for thrax to take on.
He killed him by a scratch across the chest then the face.

Five years later...
"Well done my son!" The female began as Thrax finished off two seven foot germs within seconds.
"Now, lets get your sister shall we?" The female said.
"Why?" Thrax asked as looked at his mother in surprise.
"For you to kill her of course~" she purred.
"W-WHAT!!!!???" Thrax yelled and wondered at the same time.
"Well you have to kill her you know, the last phase to becoming a virus, or a deadly one at least is to kill someone you grew up with through thick and thin~ and you have been doing that with your siblings ever since you all knew how to walk~" she purred more.
"Now who do you choose to kill?" She asked as she looked at Thrax.
"Hestia." Thrax said firmly as he glared at his mother.
"And may I ask why?" She asked as she looked at her son.
"She's the oldest, if I kill her I would then be eldest of all my siblings" Thrax said firmly as he walked towards his mother.
He then hugged her.
"Oh, how sweet~" she said as she kissed her son on the lips...yup! SHE KISSED HIM! Oh come on guys! She had sex with her brother for petesakes! Yup, Flame is her brother...don't worry guys this part is when it gets interesting~.
"Oh, who passionate~" Thrax purred as he kissed her firmely.
"Oh, Thrax I- *SLASH!* *COUGH!* *GASP!*" she then began to cough up plasma as it spilled onto the ground.
"What is the matter mother? Surprised that I killed someone I have been through thick and thin?" Thrax purred as his mother fell to the ground coughing up blood and not being able to breath right.
"You honestly think I would kill someone I cared about!? Hahhahhahaha! What a joke~. Your probably thinking you'll grow back, right? Wrong! You see, if a virus is killed in a place where it reaches one of the hearts or the reproducing system, it kills off the host limb, by limb. However your probably wondering how I'm still alive, right? Let's just say, acholo does not stop anyone, from growing." Thrax growled as he smiled as he watched his mother suffer with plasma covering her waist up to her breast.
"So sorry you had to find out this way mother~" Thrax said as stabbed his mother back in the stomach as she began to groan and cry at the pain.
Thrax did nothing, but laughed at every single tear drop that came down her face.

Brutal, I know, however since I read that royal's inbreed...let's just say I have been getting dirty thoughts about both Thrax's and Frostbites parents and grandparents...yes Frostbites parents aren't actually related but you never know her grandparents are!

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