The past

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1980,December,25 10:45 am."Waaaaahhhh!!" Cried a baby on the bed with her blood cell mother cuddling her in her arms.
"Hi,baby" whispered a large virus coming into the nursery room.
"Delgado,what do you think of are baby girl?" Asked the blood cell on the edge of the bed.
"She's beautiful" answered ...Delgado.
"She has your smile laura"Delgado said in a soothing voice as he looked at his little girl.
"Maybe,but she has your eyes,claw,and fangs" Laura smiled as she talked to her husband.
"There's only one problem".
"What would that be?".
"She's a spitting image of my murderous mother".
The room became silent as the couple admired there little baby virus and blood cell hybrid.
"What should we name her?" Asked Laura.
"Skull crusher!"
"No!" Laura replied
"How about...Frostbite?" Delgado asked as he looked in hope at his wife.
"....yeah,that's a cute name and it fits her" answered Laura.

1989,march,26 11:29.
"Who is he!!??" Yelled a thundering roar from the virus Delgado.
"He is my husband." Laura answered as she looked at the crying virus.
"Husband!!!!????" "I'm your only husband!"
"Not anymore,I thought you were different Delgado,but your just like the virus I thought you were when I met you!...goodbye Delgado!".
Delgado had just been snooping around the brain cord and almost got to the main brain.
He killed five guards and the mayor,now he is leaving the body.

1990,June,15 1:54 pm.
"I pronounce man and wife,you may kiss the bride" as the priest was finished laura and James had just been married and kissed.
Same day 6:24 pm.
"Mommy who is this cell?" Asked the young ten year old.
"He is you new father" said Laura as we smiled at her daughter.

1992,December,25 11:39am.
"Waaaahhh!!" As a baby blood cell cried out for her mother.
"Mommy,who and what is that thing?" Asked Frostbite.
"She's your baby sister" Laura answered to her little one.

1995,February,14 9:00 pm.
"Do you honestly think I wouldn't find out about you abusing my daughter!" Laura yelled at James as he was about to hit the hybrid.
"Laura it isn't what it looks like!!" James yelled as he held the hybrids arm once more.
"Oh really!?,well it looks like your about to hit my daughter with that pipe your holding!" Laura was about to pull out her gun she had ever since she retired from being a cop.
"Ok,fine I was about to...but what are you going to do about it?!" .
When James hit the hybrid with the pipe Laura immediately pulled out her gun and shot her husband on the foot where plasma exploded in that area.
"Aaaaaaaahhhh!" James roared and let go of the hybrid.
"Now get out James...your not welcomed hear anymore".

1996,July,13 4:47 pm.
"Scarlett what are you doing?" Frostbite asked as she looked at her little sister who was in her fairy dress.
"I'm having a tea party!want to join?" Asked Scarlett as she looked at her sister.
"Nah" said Frostbite.
Same day 8:13 pm.
"Aaaaahhh!" Yelled Scarlett as she ran down the alley way with somebody chasing her.
"Slowdown and I might go easy on you,BLOOD CELL!".
Scarlett ran as fast as she could to get away from the germ who chasing her but instead got trapped at a dead end.
"Now what should I do with you?".
As the germ got closer and was about to grab her something kicked him in the balls from behind him.
"OOOOWWWW!!!!" As the germ fell on the cold ground groaning in agony Scarlett was able to see who had just saved her.
"Little sis, next time you leave the house I'll kick you between the legs!" Answered Frostbite as she glared at her sister in anger.

1996,December,1 2:45.
"MOM!!" yelled the hybrid as a blood cell with a lab coat on pulled her away from her mother.
"FROSTBITE!!!" Laura screamed bloody murder and tried to break free of the police officers that were holding her back from her baby girl.
"Sorry Laura,but the felicity needs more animals to experiment on" one of the officers said as they were holding her back.
"That's not an animal that's my daughter!" Yelled Laura as she still tried to break free from one of the officers.

2000,December,31 12:00.
"Behold are newest successful experiment and last experiment!,Experiment 1999!" As the blood cell on stage yelled to the crowed below as he showed the last experiment.
"It took at least four years to finally finish this genetic masterpiece!" As they pointed at
"This creature has eyes of a cat to look through the dark,a tail with detaching spikes like arrows,claws that can rip through iron,a sense of hearing up to ten miles,wings that can fly it up to one hundred feet off the ground,and you see its size well guess what folks its not going to be five feet when its done growing!".
Whatever was left of Frostbites nature was now all instinct to kill,eat,and have kids.
"Frostbite!" A yell came from the crowd as they,all looked at one particular blood cell.
"Scarlett?" Whispered in a raspy voice as the hybrid looked in shock as a blood cell similar looking was talking right at her.
"Frostbite please come home with me,if you can remember!".
Frostbite then knew it as she jumped of stage while ripping off the chains that were locked on to her were now scraps on the ground.

2002,January,14 12:03.
"Mom,I can't stay here" said Frostbite as she looked at her mother with bloodshot eyes.
"Why not?!" Laura said in a angry voice.
"I don't belong here,I might be part blood cell but I'm also part virus and...I feel like a monster here" Laura then knew her baby girl would have to leave soon.
Laura began to cry on the floor as she stared at her daughter.
"Mom,please don't do that you know no matter where I go you'll always be my mother" Frostbite then kissed her mother on the for head and held her close to her chest,and the lab blood cell was right,last year Frostbite was only five feet but now she is six foot and can pick up her mother with ease.
"Fine you may go but bring your sister with you"
"All right mom,...I love you"
"I love you to" Laura said as she stared at her daughter for the last time.

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