Bite Me, Love. (COMPLETED)

By MintyNFresh

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I look as she yells at my beta for making her friend mad, and I can't help but think about her. She is always... More

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All over the world!
Editing Still Ongoing


112 4 6
By MintyNFresh

// Hi guys! I know! FOR THE FIRST TIME IN FOREVER I DON'T NEED TO SHOW YOU GUYS WHAT SOMEONE LOOKS LIKE! ( I swear if you mention frozen I will delete this chapter and will not update till Sunday.) Like what I put up there^^ Eh? Ehhhhhhhhhhh? Okay let's get to the story shall we?! Btw this song is my new favorite song. It kind of explains my family situation(not the achohol or anything or the disabilities). It gets me crying every time XD AND listen to the song while you read this story! It is kind of comforting.

QOTC - What do you think of my new book?

I am going to make 2 new books, one that is not a spin off of bite me, love, then another book of Harper finding her mate. I really like Harper. She is a cool character XD//

I look at both of my options of bathing suits. Left. Right. Left. Right. Left. Right. WHICH ONE?! I huff out a bunch of air in confusion. Ughh... I guess right. I put on the bathing suit then model for my self.

I smile. Perfect. I put on a sun dress then make my way down stairs as I put on my flip flops. I see my mother making some Kenwa for herself. I walk from behind her and hug her.

" Jackson is going to the pool with Pilar. Dylan is gonna be there and so is Harper, Neliya, Colton, Zach, and Hazel. Can I go too? AND  the cousins are also going to be there. Can I pleassseeee?" I ask with my puppy eyes. My mom puts down her spatula and looks at me with her hands on her hips.

" Sure. Get back by 2:00 P.M. Tell me if you are spending a night at Pilar's house, okay?" I nod my head and make my way to the door.

" You also have to bring your brothers." I groan in annoyance and make my way to the couch. I wait till my brothers come down with their bathing suits on and a tight surfer shirts on. I roll my eyes and motion them to follow me. They both smirk and follow me. Once we get into the car, I turn to them.

" No make outs while at the pool. Got it? Good." Just as they were about to say something, I turn and put my keys in the ignition.





I lay down on the sun chair and start to get a tan. I put on my sun glasses and close my eyes. All the sudden, I feel a heavy weight on top of mine. I open my eyes to see a pair of black eyes staring at me.

" You should go swimming." He says while water is dripping from his hair.

" Get off of me Dylan and maybe I will." I snap back, causing Harper to cross her arms proudly and wink at me. Dylan then crawls up and kisses me on my lips, then smirks and gets off of me. I slowly get up and stand with my arms crossed. Dylan then smiles.

"Now take off the sun dress and go swimming with me." He says and puts his hand out.

" Stop it there are other people here!" I whisper quietly. It was true. They were all people our age, but I still felt quite scared.

" Take off the sun dress." He growls quietly and frowns. I snarl.

" Fine. You asked for it." I take off my sun dress as sexy as possible and whip my hair around, earning quite a few whistles from other men and other men saying ' Shake that sexy thang!'. I smirk as Dylan growls and bite my lip and wink as sexy as possible to the men in the crowd, making them drool. I laugh and make my way into the pool, sticking my butt out as I went in. I see Zach and Hazel and I make my way towards them.

" You really had to do that?" Zach asked while he groaned and Dylan growled, but Hazel just laughed.

" I like that she did that. Maybe I will too if you don't act like my boyfriend Zach." Hazel says while growling at him as I laugh.

" She is MINE. ONLY MINE." Dylan growls under his breath and I growl.

" I will be sleeping in Pilar's room if you keep acting so possessive Dylan." I say as he starts to smirk.

" Jackson is there." He says back. Pilar just then comes up with Jackson tagging along like a sore loser.

" Trust me, this guy won't be doing SQUAT in my room." Pilar snarls in disgust.

" I wasn't flirting with them Pilar!" Jackson says to pilar, pouting like a baby. I high five Pilar as she smirks.

" Go back to your new girlfriends Jackson. God knows you can't live without them."  Pilar says as Jackson wraps his arms around Pilar's waist. She snarls and slaps his hands. Jackson groans and crosses his arms.

" What can I do to make it up with you?" Jackson asks.

" I have an idea..." Pilar smirks and yanks Jackson towards the car and he smirks as well.

" Hey sun dress girl! Wanna hang out with us and ditch that loser?!" A man yells to me while pointing to Dylan, and Dylan growls. I bite my lip and look at the man with puppy eyes.

" Well..." I say while looking at Dylan who then rushes up to me and kisses me. He hoists me up around his waist, wrapping my legs around firmly. Then the man scowls in the disgust.

" Your lost babe." He then walked back to a disappointed crowd. I yank away from Dylan's mouth as he grins.

" Why did you do that?!" I snarl at him.

" Because I am aloud to. I have a right to. They were gonna steal my angel face away from me." Dylan says, clutching onto my bum. I roll my eyes while grinning.

" No one will take me away from you. I was just teasing you loser." I say while holding Dylan's face. Zach then pokes my shoulder.

" What." I say quickly.

" You said no making out." Zach says while smirking and I roll my eyes.

" This isn't making out Zach." Dylan says while putting me down and I frown. Dylan looks at me then smirks.

" But we can show you what making out looks like." I look at Dylan wide eyes then start to swim away into the water and, of course, he follows. After a while of swimming away from his grasp, I suddenly crash into a tough, hard body.

" Sorry..." I say while grasping for air.

" My pleasure." A low manly voice replies, and I snarl and look up at him, slowly weaking from his handsome face. He was hot, but not as hot as Dylan. He was like half as hot as Dylan.

" Why don't you slip in something more comfortable? Like a coma." I say, then put my mouth up to my thumb and pretend to blow it up, and slowly put my middle finger up. I smile as him then just when I was about to head towards Dylan way he grabs me by my wrist. and growls at me.

" No one talks to me that way." He snarls in my face and I roll my eyes.

" Do you hear that? It's the sound of no one caring." I retort back to him while grinning.

"  Shut up you brat. Now why don't you do something nice and bend over for me." He says and grins. I spit in his face and he growls louder, then I kick him in his balls, making him hold them tightly and groaning.

" I'm busy. Your ugly. Have a nice day!"I say and swim towards a growling Dylan.

" Where were you Nat! I couldn't find you." Dylan says confusingly.

" Dealing with a perverted person." Dylan starts to growl and looks around. I hug him.

" Don't worry. I beat the crap out of him. No way he is coming near me again." I say and laugh silently. He looks at me and tucks a loose strand behind my ear.

" What did you do?" He asks with curiosity filling up in his eyes. I shrugged my shoulders.

" Kicked him in the balls and spat in his face." Dylan starts laughing and I cross my arms and look up at him grinning.

" I told you. I could take anyone down. He isn't going to feel his balls for about a week or two." I say, making Dylan laugh harder. I roll my eyes and walk towards Harper, who was surrounded by boys. I walk up to the crowd in which all of the boys start whistling and cheering. I roll my eyes.

" Okay. Party is over boys. Leave miss sexy alone. " I say and make them all leave Harper alone and she sighs.

" Thank god you came and rescued me." She said exhausted.

" Don't mention it." I reply. She was wearing a one piece bathing suit, yet she still looked like a sexy freaking beast in it. God am I  jealous!

her hair was hair goals. I pointed towards her bathing suit.

" No wonder why they are all swarming around you! Your bathing suit might be a one piece, but Harper I am SURE that you would look great in anything." I say to her seriously. She sighs and nods her head.

" I know.... People say it is hard to believe I am like a tom boy. Just because I have a nice body and hair and good style in clothing doesn't make me a girly girl. I try so hard not to stand out, but when I got a modeling offer, I mean it was my big break. I was running low on money and my parents didn't like that I kept borrowing their money, so I took the modeling offer and got a bunch of money. I don't like the fact that now I stand out more, but I mean... what can I do? I need the money."

I thought about what she said. She really had a tough time before this modeling agency offered her to model for them. I felt really bad.

" Um... have you found your mate yet?" I ask, not knowing what else to say. She thinks about what I said, then shrugs her shoulders.

" I get a good whiff of him sometimes, but I never really Have met him. It gets pretty confusing, but I don't really want love anyways. It is just another thing that gets people hurt." Harper says. Then, she walks away and lays down on her sun chair. I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist. I turn around to see Dylan smiling at me. I did my best fake smile back at him. He instantly frowns.

" What's wrong?" Dylan asks as if he is worried.

"Harper said that love is just a thing that gets people hurt. I wonder what she had gone through. I feel really bad for her. She struggled really hard to get money. Apparently the modeling offer was her big break. " I say, looking down and waving my hands in the water.

" She just had a bad experience. With love and life. We just got lucky."Dylan says while smiling. I look at him with confused eyes.

" What do you mean?" He looks at my then looks away into an empty space of air.

" Um... We should... go dry off..." He says while rubbing the back of his head.

" Okay..." I say, ignoring the fact he avoided my question. We both make our way to the sun chair and I flop down onto the sun chair, grabbing a cup of lemonade and sipping on it as well. Dylan drops down on the chair on my right, as Harper was on the left. I let the warm sun hit my cold body and I shiver. I instantly feel a warm hand push me over in my sun chair, then a sudden weight to my right. I open my eyes to see a smiling Dylan next to me. I grin back and cuddle up next to him, enjoying the shared body heat from Dylan. I somehow fall asleep as I am cuddled up to Dylan in a sun chair next to the swimming pool. He plays with my hair as I fall asleep.

Dylan's Point Of View

I look at Natalia as she falls asleep. When she asked me what I meant, I didn't know what to say. How else was I suppose to say I actually loved her, and that last night wasn't fake? I don't wanna be cheesy, but I also want her to know how I feel.

I know what a lot of people would say. Hey, you've got a bunch of wolves to take care of! Don't deal with love right now! Love is your weakness, don't let it get to you! Well, I am sorry, I am going to let it get to me. I know that Colton is keeping things perfectly in order. Of course, soon I will come back to my pack and rule again, but that is when Natalia is ready to move and be Luna of my pack, and Queen of all  wolves. I won't force her to do anything. Sure I will ask her if she would like to move in with me, but she probably wont accept my offer just yet. I talked to her mother on the phone and her mother said she dropped all of her kids out of high school so that they can get use to the werewolf life. Everyone is doing the same.

I look down at the sleeping Natalia cuddled up to my chest. Good thing I started working out! She would probably not like me if I didn't have abs. Every girl is more attracted to a boy with abs. It's so obvious. I am glad I got abs. I would just look less attractive if I didn't.

I was interrupted from my thoughts by an angry couple. I turn my head to see Pilar and Jackson arguing at each other. I roll my eyes and cuddle with Nat some more.

" See! Why can't we be like Nat and Dylan right now? They are cuddling! Who cares what people thinks!" I hear Jackson argue back. I snap my head in his direction.

" Don't you get us involved in your argument. " I growl at Jackson and he submits. I turn back to an awaken Natalia.

" What were they arguing about?" She asks while yawning and rubbing her tired eyes. I chuckle and kiss her forehead.

" Who cares. As long as we aren't arguing." I shrug my shoulders. She instantly frowns.

" Pilar is one of my best friends. Jackson is my brother. I need to know whats going on so I can interrupt their argument and solve it." She replies while getting up and I groan. She walks up to Pilar and Jackson, giving me a very good view. I smirk.

Natalia's Point Of View

I knew that Dylan was looking at my butt, but I didn't care. I start walking towards Jackson and Pilar. Once I get there Pilar says,

" Yeah well maybe you should ask THEM to be your mate, and everything will go back to normal! You go and check out all of those girls and I go back to my normal depressing life. " Pilar says. I can notice they aren't trying to yell so they don't draw attention. Apparently it is working, because everyone else's eyes are on something else. I wait a second to hear his reply and of course he speaks.

" Okay maybe I will. Then will you be happy?  Happy knowing we won't share a future together? A thing both of us have wanted since we met each other? " Jackson replied, looking hurt. Pilar got angry, like SUPER angry. I had NEVER seen everyone this angry!

" Fine! Leave us. Leave us for some fake barbie dolls in the pool." She angrily replies back. I stare at her with shock as does Jackson. What does she mean by us.

" Yeah, that's right. I'm pregnant Jackson. And I was so excited to tell you, but as I went looking for you I saw  YOU hugging one of those stupid fake barbie dolls in the pool. I saw YOU talking to all of them. You didn't even bother looking for me!" Pilar says, on the verge of crying. Jackson stares at her with wide eyes. Wait.... by barbie dolls did she mean all of our cousins?! We invited them here! I slap my forehead.

" The fake barbie dolls are our cousins Pilar." I say, putting my hands on my hips. Pilar's face instantly turns red and she stares at the ground. Jackson was still staring at her with wide eyes. Then, Pilar looks up with tears in her eyes.

" I- if you don't want our baby, then just reject me, because I am not getting abortion. So reject me now, if you must." She says, trying to stay strong. She managed only to shed 2 tears. Jackson then runs up to her and hugs her, then that's when she breaks down. She starts crying as Jackson soothes her by rubbing her back and rocking her.

" I'm going to be an aunt?" I say, surprised. Pilar nods and Jackson rubs his head embarrassingly.

" I'm going to be an aunt!!!" I say a little louder while squealing. I run to Pilar and hug her as I push away Jackson, earning a growl from him and I mutter ' Shut up stupid dog' making him growl louder. I instantly stop in my tracks, then face Jackson. I smirk at him.

" Ohhhhhhhh your gonna get in trouble by mom! What will she say?! Getting a 17 year old, did I mention she just TURNED 17, pregnant?! Tsk tsk tsk. Bad bad Jacky." I say, reciting the words I would say to my brother when I was only 6 years old, and he was 4. I would always say bad bad Jacky when he did something wrong. This here was a BIG Uh Oh.

" Oh Crap" Jackson said under his breath. Pilar laughed nervously.

" Yeah... if Dylan finds out about this he will legit kill you." I smirk at what Pilar said and as if Jackson knew what I was thinking, he said " Don't you dare." He growls. I smirk and run to Dylan, who was casually sipping on lemonade and reading a magazine.

" Hi Dylan. Did you know that Pilar is pregnant?" I ask proudly. I stare at Jackson to surprisingly see him smirking. Pilar sends me a weak smile. " Wait...." I say under my breath and turn around to see Dylan. He instantly picks me up and throws me over his shoulder, making me squeak. he leads me out of the pool, making me punch his back and kick as much as I can.

" Take me back to the pool!" I squeal frustratingly. He shakes his head and I huff in annoyance and cross my arms and put on my pout face. He leads me to his car as I give up. He throws me in the passenger seat and I pout even more. I want as he gets in his car and sticks his keys in the ignition.

" Did you plan this?!" I pout. He smirks and nods his head.

" We are going on another date. Don't dress up in anything fancy." He says, then drops me off at my house.

" I will pick you up at 3:00 P.M." He says to me. I pout and cross my arms.

" no. 3 :10 P.M." I say back. He rolls his eyes.

" What ever. " I get out of his car and make my way towards my house. I say hi to my mother then make my way upstairs.




After a while of picking out clothing, I manage to have 3 styles of clothing, 3 styles of makeup, and 3 styles of hairdos.

( Your fantasy, you choose!) I love it. I smile in the mirror as I see the good work I have done. I make my way down stairs and wait till Dylan arrives.




Ding dong! I launch my self up and make my way to the door. I look amazed as I see what Dylan was wearing.

Oh wow. He looks amazing. He smirks.

" Like what you see?' He asks me, again smirking. I roll my eyes and walk out the door, and heck yeah I know what he is staring at!

" Like what you see?" I retort back while laughing. He gulps and catches up to me.

" Always." He replies.

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