Since The Day I Saw You

De saltwaterveins19

547 38 16

Isabelle Tate has been friends with the same group of people since freshman year of High School. Their summer... Mais

Chapter One
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16

Chapter 9

9 1 2
De saltwaterveins19

Isabelle's P.O.V 

I sat staring at my phone with my jaw opened wide. My mom was trying to get my attention, but my brain could barely register anything. When I finally began to regain brain activity, I heard my mom calling to my dad upstairs, "Tom, our daughter is broken!" I slowly responded to my mother without taking my eyes off the messaged I had just received, "No I'm not." Which, was all my brain could seem to muster out. I slowly got up out of my chair and ran upstairs to conference call the girls.

"Hun, where are you going? You have your first work shift in an hour." My mom yelled up as I ran to my room. "I know, I don't have to leave for another thirty minutes!" I yelled back and closed my bedroom door. I quickly called Anna and added in the rest of the girls once she picked up. Once everyone was on I didn't wait another second.

 "Nate asked me out. Well at least I think it was a date, I mean does it count as a date when they ask you to come to their place and go horseback riding? He never came right out and said date, now I'm wondering if it even is one?-" Taylor quickly cut me off, "Whoa can you start from the very beginning?" I sighed and started again. "Nate texted me out of nowhere and said Hey Is, want to come over and go horseback riding tomorrow?" All the girls shouted in approval. 

"Please tell me you said yes," Liz said. "Of course, she did," Anna said. "Well, I actually haven't responded yet, because I am still unsure if its a date or not," I said sighing into the phone and flopping onto my bed. "When Brayden first asked me out I was unsure if it was a date because he just asked me to come over and watch movies. It wasn't until I flat out asked if it was." Natasha spoke up. I forgot she was on the phone. 

"Natasha has a point, especially if Nate is getting tips from Brayden," Anna said. "Besides, who cares if its a date or not. He still asked you to hang out alone." Liz added. "I guess you guys are right, but I still can't believe it. What does someone even wear horseback riding?" I asked. Soon we all got into a big discussion about what I would wear tomorrow and before I knew it, it was time for me to leave and start my first shift at the ice cream store.


I decided to ride my bike over to the ice cream shop since it was only a thirty-minute ride. Ten minutes into my bike ride I regretted my decision, due to the fact I had started to sweat. Thankfully, I had worn deodorant. I arrived to find the ice cream shop unusually empty since today was especially hot, it was odd that the beachgoers weren't taking a break from the heat and getting ice cream.

I peered through the front door window and could see Elena behind the counter reading a cheesy romance novel that I had seen my mom read once. Elena looked up as the bell rang, as I walked through the door. "Hello, sweetheart, as you can see it's going to be an easy first day today." She said and stood up as she led me to the backroom. "Where is everyone, it's usually pretty busy around noon?" I asked as she walked into what I assumed was the break room. "Oh, the red flag is up today, the lifeguard said it's not safe to swim. Something about riptides." She waved her hands nonchalantly. "Anyway, here is the break room, you can take your breaks in here and put your lunch in the fridge. You can leave your stuff in here, don't worry it will be safe." I nodded and put my stuff into a locker placed in the back corner of the break room.

Elena began giving me a quick tour of the backroom and freezer and went about explaining my duties. "There's not really much you need to do. Just refill the ice cream as it empties, serve customers, and make sure everything is clean. That also includes the customer washrooms." I nodded my head in response. After teaching me how the cash register worked and how to properly scope ice cream she gave me a list of things to do before the six o'clock rush came in. "Hopefully, this will keep you busy until then. I'm going to do some paperwork in the back room. If you need anything just holler and I will come right out to help you." "Okay," I said and with that, she left me alone. To be honest I was surprised Elena had faith in me right away that I could efficiently serve customers on my own.

I began busying myself with my task list and served customers here and there. I began to realise why Elena had left me alone. It was completely dead aside from the few lone customers who came in and serving them was easier than I expected. As I went through the task list I found my thoughts wondering to Nate and what exactly would happen tomorrow.

Before I knew it, it was six o'clock and the rush of customers came in. Elena come out from her office to help. By closing time we had served over hundred customers, most of which were tourists, aside from a few local kids. "You did good today, I am very impressed. Most of my grandkids didn't even learn that quickly." She smiled and handed me an envelope that was filled with money. Before I could ask Elena explained. "Your half of the tips. It's not much but I always split it with the employees on duty." I smiled at her. "Thank-you," I said and went to grab my things from the back. As I was leaving Elena handed me my schedule for the next two weeks. "My grandkids are coming up later than anticipated, so I hope you don't mind the extra shifts." I shook my head. "Not at all," I smiled. "Okay, have a goodnight sweetheart." "You too Elena," I said as I headed out the door.

When I got home my parents were watching t.v and waiting up to hear about my first shift. I filled them in and went upstairs to watch whatever movie seemed good on Netflix. I flopped onto my bed after changing into my Pj's. before I knew it I had passed out.


The next morning I sat around anxiously waiting for twelve o'clock, so I could leave to go to Nate's house. I had been up since seven because I had been so nervous about this afternoon. When twelve did finally come, I found myself hesitating to leave, purely out of immense fear of what would happen today. Finally, I managed to drag myself to my car and drive over to Nate's place.

When I pulled up to his house I was amazed by how different it already looked, compared to when the Greenwood's lived there. The house itself was a ranch style home, made out of red brick with white accents. The gardens along the front of the house had been redone and now had a variety of different flowers and the pathway to the front door had been laid with white broken stones. The Greenwood's had always kept their gardens and lawn in order, but the small changes they had made to the house had made a big difference. I walked up to the front door and rang the bell and prayed Nate would answer and not his parents.

Nate swung open the door and gave me an odd look. I began to panic as a variety of thoughts ran through my head. One being that I had messed up the days. Then suddenly his face changed as he cursed under his breath. "I'm so sorry, I forgot to message you. I have to baby--" Nate was cut off by the excited scream of a little girl who looked to be about six. She came running down the hall as soon as she saw me. Up close you could see she had some of the same features as Nate, She had brown hair that fell in ringlets and big blue eyes. She had the same nose and mouth shape as Nate. She passed Nate and grabbed my hand as she began to pull me through the house to what I assumed was the living room area. While Nate kept shouting for her to stop as he followed behind us.

She pulled me over to a tea set that was placed on the floor in the middle of the living room. "Okay you can play Elsa because of you have long blonde hair and I am will be Ann." She smiled and ran over to a bucket overflowing with toys in the corner of the room. "Lauren! You can't just pull people into the house like that, it's dangerous." Nate scolded the girl I assumed was his sister. He glanced over his shoulder and gave me an apologetic look. "Well, you said her name, so she isn't a stranger." Lauren gave a defiant look and went back to looking in her toy bin. Nate let out a sigh and walked over to me. "Lauren, we'll be back," Nate called and guided me over to the kitchen area. "I'm sorry about that she's easily excited, especially by the prospect of someone new to play with." He said.

"It's okay," I said as I shrugged my shoulders. "I meant to text you and ask to reschedule our date because I had to babysit the twins." I was so distracted by the fact he called today a date, that I almost didn't register the last part of the sentence. "The twins?" I asked and before Nate could answer a young boy who looked somewhat identical to Lauren ran through the kitchen. He smashed into me causing me to fall into Nate. Nate caught me before I crashed right into his chest. I could smell the mint on his breath as it fanned my face as the smell of his cologne engulfed my senses.

He smiled down at me "Lauren and Brody are the twins and my annoying siblings." Nate chuckled while his arms were still wrapped around me. I felt his chest rise and fall as he laughed and I had the overwhelming sense to lean my head on his chest. After realising that would be weird, I reluctantly stepped out of his embrace and made my way to the door.

"Well, I will get out of your way then," I smiled and turned to leave when he pulled my hand back. "Wait, I know it's not the afternoon we planned, but we could still hang out while they play?" Before I could respond Lauren came bouncing down the hall in her Ann costume. "Where are you going, Elsa? We still haven't had tea." She said and began to pout. I smiled and removed my lingering hand from the door knob. I got squatted down to her level to speak to her, "It's such a nice day, why don't we have a picnic outside instead of tea?" I smiled at her and she screamed a yes before running back down the hall. "Thank-you, you just made her day. As well as ensure the twins will be good the rest of the day." I lightly shoved him and walked back into the kitchen to help him make lunch.

Nate was not skilled in the kitchen, so I told him to play with the kids while I made a quick lunch. I worried what he would've made for them had I not been there. I decided to make peanut butter and jelly sandwiches and used Frozen themed cookie cutters I found to make them different shapes and did the same with pieces of watermelon. Once I was finished Nate came back with a blanket and basket filled with some water and juice boxes. 

We piled everything into the basket and guided the kids out the door. Before we left, Lauren put a relatively small crown on my head and a sash and insisted I keep them on. Then she grabbed my hand and hasn't let go since. Nate lead us to a forest path and told the twins not to run off. After ten minutes of walking, we walked out into a clearing. I had no idea this was here. It was gorgeous with didn't types of wildflowers and lush green grass. There was an oak tree that was closer to the middle and provided some shade.

"How did you find this place?" I asked as I sat onto the blanket. "I was running one day and stumbled upon it. Took me awhile to figure my way out, though." He laughed and watched Lauren and Brody chase each other. "Awesome sandwiches by the way. They're going to love them." Nate said as he pulled out the sandwiches. "You're welcome. I would hate to think of what the twins would've eaten had I not stayed." I say as Nate calls over Lauren and Brody. "Hey, I can cook Kraft Dinner, which is what they would've had." Nate chuckled. I shook my head. "So princess Elsa, tell me do you want an Olf or a Hans sandwich?" Nate said. "Definitely Hans, I would feel bad eating Olf," I smiled and took the sandwich from Nate's outstretched hand.

"You look good in a crown," Nate said as he took a bit of his sandwich. "Thank you," I said and tried to hide the blush that was sweeping over my cheeks.

After lunch, we played tag with Lauren and Brody and by the time we left they were so tired we had to carry them home. My arms felt like they were going to fall off by the time we finally made it back Nate's house and laid them in their beds. We went downstairs and put on a movie. It wasn't too long before we had forgotten about the movie and were talking.

"You can't be serious!" I said through laughter filled tears. I inhaled a big breath trying to regain my composer. "I'm dead serious! He walked right up to her and said got milk." I began laughing again and Nate joined in. Nate was telling the story of how his best friend Wilson, who was named after the volleyball in cast away, apparently his parents found it funny to yell Wilson like Tom Hanks does in the movie. Anyway, Wilson went up to this teacher with huge boobs and asked her that ridiculous question. "What did she do?" I said in between laughing fits. "Detention, someone in the class told her why everyone was laughing. We felt really bad afterwards, although I'm pretty sure she enjoyed the attention." I shook my head.

"Okay, favourite superhero?" I asked. We had been throwing in random question here and there and I was learning a lot about him. "I'm impressed I didn't think you liked super hero's or really staying inside. I thought you were more of an outdoors person." Nate said sheepishly. I smiled at him to let him know I wasn't offended. "I love the outdoors, but I also love anything that involves t.v," I said and he nodded. "So favourite superhero?" I pressed on. "Superman. How about you?" "Batman, he's definitely better than Superman," I said jokingly. Suddenly Nate got up and tackled me, he began tickling me. "Take it back and I will stop," Nate said with a smirk. "Never," I said, which was lost in my laughter.

I stopped laughing and I locked eyes with Nate. He had suddenly stopped tickling me and was looking at me with a weird expression on his face. I realised he was somewhat on top of me and our close proximity was creating butterflies in the pit of my stomach. He moved a stray piece of hair from my face and placed it behind my ear. Instantly, I shivered at his soft touch. I couldn't stop looking at his eyes and how they held this expression in them that I couldn't decipher. I could feel myself pulling closer to him. I could swear he was pulling closer to me as his eyes darting between my lips and my eyes.

The mood was broken when we heard the click and creaking of the front door opening. We separated quickly and I looked at the clock to realise it was already six o'clock. I got up and went to grab my things just as his parents entered the kitchen. "Oh hello there." His mother greeted me. "Hey, this is Isabelle, she helped me to look after the twins today." Nate quickly said. "Oh your Isabelle, I heard so much about you. My names Marilyn and that's Nate's father Frank." I smiled at them. "Nice to meet you, well I'm just heading out now, but I'm sure I will see you sometime soon," I smiled and made a beeline for the door. Nate followed hot on my heels.

"Thanks for staying and helping with the twins. It was a big help." Nate said. I nodded my head in response and turned to leave. How do you respond to that anyway? Not to mention I was looking more for him to say I had an amazing time with you, But instead, I got, your an amazing co-babysitter. That's just what every girl wants to hear. I unlocked my car and sat inside. I was debating hitting my head on the steering wheel but was interrupted by a knock at my window. I looked up to find Nate staring at me and making a motion with his hands for me to roll down the window.

Once the window was down Nate leaned in and kissed me. Instantly, the butterflies started. His lips were soft and moved slowly in time with mine. You could tell he was hesitant as to how I would react to the kiss. He pulled away and instantly avoided meeting my eyes. "I am an idiot," Nate said once he regained his composure. His face was set with an obvious embarrassment. "I had an amazing time with you today and I was just kicking myself for not saying it. As well that you look beautiful." Nate said and then before I could even form a response, he walked away and back into his house. 

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