Are You Scared? || Luke Hemmi...

By lustofthelost

25.9K 892 210

Charlotte has just moved into a beautiful new home. She's beginning to uncover the dark past that happened in... More

Good Charlotte
Nice Dance Moves
Demon Kisses
"We're moving"
I will never forgive myself
The End

Ouija Board

2.1K 76 11
By lustofthelost

  Luke's P.O.V.

   I was sitting in the attic, looking out the window. Just thinking.

  The silence is suddenly interrupted by the sound of the door opening.

  I quickly appear at the top of the stairs. At the bottom of the stairs stood Charlotte and some other girls.

  The girls held bags, so I assumed they were staying the night.

  I rolled my eyes at the sight of the giggling teen girls.

  I decide to go back to the attic, not wanting to deal with the teens.

Charlottes P.O.V.

I was so nervous for these girls to stay the night. I was trying to make friends at school, and decided to invite them over.

  The only girl I wish I hadn't invited was Rachel. She was being a bitch lately. Only towards me, however.

  I push my thoughts aside as i show them to my room.

  It was around ten at night, by then.

   "Let's play a game" Rachel says with a smirk on her face

Everyone, except me, thought that this was a brilliant idea.

She then proceeded to pull out an ouija board.

  My heart rate began to pick up. Luke, she thought to herself.

  I have a fücking demon in my house and Rachel wants to play with an ouija board? How could this possibly go wrong?

Sarcasm. That was fücking sarcasm.

  We all gathered around the board. I didn't want to put my hands on. I decided to watch instead.

  After everyone had their hands on, Rachel asked
  "Is there anybody here with us?"

Nothing. The board didn't move an inch.

"Is anyone here that wants to communicate?" Rachel continues asking questions

  I look over to the corner of my room. There Luke stood with a smirk on his face.

  "Charlotte it looks like you've seen a ghost" one of the girl states. "What are you even looking at?" she asks, looking directly at Luke

"Oh, nothing. I just space out sometimes" I say quickly

I guess only I can see him, I think to myself.

"How did you die?" Rachel suddenly asks, quite rudely might I add.

  I look at Luke and his eyes had been replaced by black.

  "Shit" I mutter under my breath.

The board fell to the floor.

  "Who did that?" Rachel said, trying to accuse us of playing a joke on her

  "We didn't do it, Rachel" the girls try to explain

Then, before Rachel could reply, a book fell off my shelf. Then another, and another, and soon they were sailing right towards us.

  Luke you better help me clean that up, I think to myself.

  "Stop you freak!" Rachel begins to insult the spirit, otherwise known as Luke.

  The word freak set Luke off, and he had good reasons to be mad.

  Rachel was suddenly levitating. She was quickly thrown into my wall and fell to the ground.

  I looked around and the other girls were pinned to the wall. Almost like they were tied to the wall, but the rope was invisible.

  I stood in the middle of my room, as books levitated around me.

  "I knew you were a freak!" Rachel says, this time in my direction.

"I should have known the suicidal freak would pull a stunt like this!" she went on, saying the most hurtful things she could think off

I looked at her with a confused and hurt look.

"Ya, I've seen your wrists. It looks like freddy krueger got ahold of you" she sneered

  I choked back tears. Suddenly everyone was released from their hold. Everyone immediately grabs their stuff, and leaves.

  I sit on my bed, crying my eyes out. Now everyone at school is going to think I'm a freak.

  Luke stood there with an unreadable expression.

  "Why? Why would you do that?!" I scream at him

"Charlotte-" he begins

  "No! Just go back to Hell or wherever you came from!" I yell, trying to hurt him like he hurt me

His eyes went black. He could have hurt me, but he didn't.

  Instead he disappeared, and I soon hear a loud crash from the backyard.

A tree was laying on its side. Luke standing next to it, looking up at me.

  At least he took his anger out on the tree and not me, I thought to myself.

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