Him. || Book 1.

By inyournightmares__

4.6K 72 9

Lust. Drama. Love. Luh. More

002. || derek.
003. || study.
004. || call me daddy.
005. || property.
006. || smut.
007. || grades.
008. || party fail.
009. || desperation.
010. || falling for you.
011. || down chick.
012. || trick or treat.

001. || his smile.

796 7 1
By inyournightmares__

"Come on, Ray! We are gonna be late!" Tori yelled up to my room from the bottom of the stair case. I've been going through my whole closet and then through my dressers to find the perfect outfit for the first day of college. Both myself and Tori whom has been my best friend since elementary school got accepted into UCLA after taking a major break from school. We are 24 now and both were getting tired of working in retail, it was time for a career. Finally I had an outfit that I knew would be a good one; black jeggings, adidas superstars, a white skin fitting tee. I pulled on my outfit and looked myself over in the mirror.
Perfect, looking hot Raven.
I grabbed my purse and my books and rushed down the stairs only to find Tori glaring at me in disbelief that we were going to be late for our first class.
"It's about time, Raven." She said as she grabbed her bag.
"Sorry girl, had to look somewhat cute.. New city, new school. Gotta look fly." I said with a sly smile.
"You're something else." Tori said scoffing as she turned the door knob to go outside.
I followed.

Let me tell you a little about myself. I'm Raven Alexander, A city girl from Miami, Fl. I moved out of my parents house when I was 18 and have been on my own ever since. My best friend Tori and I got ourselves an apartment after saving our money off of minimum wage checks which worked out for us. We kept saving and landed ourselves a spot in Los Angeles, Ca. The rents a little more pricey than what we are used to in Florida but, we love it out here. I got accepted into music production at UCLA where as Tori got accepted for Pre-Law. We might be best friends but, we are two totally.... Let me rephrase that.. Completely different people. I'm gonna let you guys figure us out on your own..

We arrived at the campus around 9:30 in the morning. Tori parked her car and we both sat and admired the view of the college and the people walking around before classes start.

"Ready?" I questioned to Tori as my hazel eyes landed on her now fairly pale face. Tori was a shy girl which I knew that would get her no where especially, while she's doing pre law. I saw her head slowly nod. I was excited to meet new people that I just hopped out of the car and placed my purses strap on my arm. I ran my fingers through my hair as I looked around walking to the hood of the car after closing the door and leaned against it.

Tori got out herself and closed and locked up the car before she landed a spot beside me, "I'm kinda nervous." She said quietly to me. She even looked nervous, she was making me nervous. I rolled my eyes slightly, "Tori, everything will be fine, you're gonna meet new friends and maybe a new boo." I chuckled. As if she needs one after her and Ty..

"I think I'm good in that department but thanks Ray." She said strutting away from me to get to the corridors of the building. I followed in her foot steps, "classes are about to start, Definitely text me when you get out of your class." I told her as I looked at my schedule.

She only nodded before she disappeared by the puddle of people in the hallway. I slid my lip between my teeth before I walked hearing the bell finally go off warning people to get to class. I kept my schedule in hand as I walked to the music room. I scanned the door numbers looking for my class "201... 202... Here it is." I said as I turned the knob to room 203.

I felt a tug on the other side of the door and the door flung open. I stood there facing a tall guy whom almost ran me down trying to leave but, I moved just in time. "Shit, sorry." He said in shock about almost running me down. I shook my head, "it's okay." I softly said as I looked the male in the eyes. Damn he looks good. He slightly flashed my a sly smile exposing his perfect pearly whites. I sort of froze from that smile. He walked past me heading off to where ever he was in a hurry to go to.

His smile..

Get it together, Ray.

I walked into the classroom and sat my bag down before sitting at a desk. I looked around the room there wasn't any one in there yet so that gave me time to shoot my mom a text. I pulled my phone out and had a small conversation with my mom before people started piling in the room. I watched all the people walking into the class room cute couple.. Weird friends.. Wannabe.. H-him. There he was again the boy with the smile.

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