Random Things And Stuff.....I...

By antediluvianTheropod

304 18 147

Howdy! If you're reading this I must have gotten bored cuz boredom is da worst and decided why not make a sto... More

P.I.E Part 1
AU where everything is the same but Bill can't control his body's abilities
Why am I so lazy D:
The things I dooo! For friendship!
What is this tag 0,...,0
For anyone who cares
Hey look new cover
I think I haz the new obsession
*Uses Google doc for the first time*
In honor of the randomness
He is grow
*Starts over on mystery dungeon*
Chapter 2 meeting ConeLord Continued
CHAPTER 4 field of the trips
Also Compoooooter
My Pokèmon Moon team (So far)

Halp I'm dying!!...of laughter XD

24 1 4
By antediluvianTheropod

There's was a gravity falls fandubing stream of tourist trapped and weirdmageddon take back the falls (at least that's what I caught of the stream) those also aren't actual quotes from the stream up there^ just mix matched ones. The stream was hilarious!  *dies of laughter* XD X_X I'm going to put of quotes down here
"Like pretend that you're an ant and Bill is a giant boot but if we all work together we can defeat him"-Dipper
"What's homestuck?"-Gruncle Stan
"It's funny that they think I'm an ant...I mean look at me I'm huge."-Bill
"CAN AN ANT DO THIS FORD!? *warps objects in room* CAN AN ANT DO THIS?!"-Bill
"We're going to kill him we're going to kill him"-idk who said dis I forgot
"No we hug not punch that's the only thing we learned this summer even though Stan punched Bill but anyways."-Mabel
"Don't make fun of me shooting star!"-Bill *Mabel sprays 'spray paint' in Bill's eye* "good thing I know how to use pesticides!"-mabel
"Trust no one, trust no one, trust no one, trust no one."-Dipper
"No known weakness"-idk who I wasn't there
"*humming* cleaning the window, getting rid of the illuminati pest."-lazy Suzan

"*gasps* I just peed a little"-soos
"Boats? Boats!."-Ford and Stan
"Ha my hat now bitch"-Wendy
"We'll meet again shortly after the credits."-Bill
"I'll tell you in the next shot."-Dipper
"There's a planet in my eye we'll burn it together ford."-Bill
"Homestuck is garbage!"-Stan
"Guys stop breaking the forth wall."-It was Stan I think....idk
"We'll meet again don't know-"-Bill "where am I?"-Ford "You interrupted my song."-Bill
"Look I'm big and I'm drawing a smiley face on the USA now I took a bite out of the planet now I'm flying though space and look you're big too ford."-Bill
"Good thing no one died even though the fanbase thought I was going to die which would have been really sad, I mean when I cry the fanbase cries."-Mabel

I'm too lazy and I'm typing this at like 12:36 am so yeah.....

Also watch this Don't ask why just do it (it has nothing to do with the stream but it's funny)

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