Av Magifanficqueen

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A book containing my old Ja'far x reader one-shots. Mer

Olivia too!
A writer's curiosity (Ja'far x Writer!Reader)
A soft embrace on a stormy night
Life support
Diary Disaster (SnB)
A lesson on puberty (Snb)
leagues and love
Written in your heart
Tutors and hugs
A little love now found
poetry and tears
Rescue and escape
The art of the pun
Love and chains
Hateful Study buddies
The Orphanage
Authors note
Authors note 2.0


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Av Magifanficqueen

A/N I am SO sorry I haven't updated this in two months, I've been so busy with the Magi-scenario blog that I am now an admin of. So anyway, I recently wrote a scenario fic for Ja'far and so I figured I would post it here since it IS x reader more or less. So yeah. Enjoy. :D

He knew that there would be trouble as soon as he saw this person. He'd made it a point to memorize all of the palace's staff by name and appearance, and this person was never hired for the job they claimed.

When he told Sin, his king only laughed it off. "So you made a mistake." he said with a shrug. "I mean you can't expect yourself to remember everything."

Ja'far frowned. "Yes I can. It's a survival technique I have used to survive with my entire life. This person needs to be investigated heavily."

Sinbad frowned. "Just relax, you've been working yourself too hard lately and you're looking for anything to nitpick to keep yourself going. Take a break. Get some sleep or something."

Ja'far sighed, knowing that he wasn't going to get anywhere with his king, and stormed away.


The first attempt at Sinbad's life was during a Mahrajan festival

He'd been tailing the suspect, waiting for any slip ups, and warning flags had been going off all night it seemed.

The assassin was fairly amateur to be honest, and it made Ja'far question why they had been sent in the first place. Did their employers really think Sinbad would die that easily?

To the assassin's credit, they did seem to sense that someone was following them, and they almost spotted him a few times, but really if he'd been their superior they would have been dead already.

When he thought he saw them slipping something into Sinbad's wine he frowned. Did they really think that it'd work?

Before they could take the wine to said king, Ja'far stepped around the corner, making his presence known.

"Hold it!" He called out, and the assassin stopped. Turning around with an innocent look of askance on their face.

"I'm afraid I'll be taking that..." he said, snatching the bottle out of their hands.

"But I thought it was Sinbad's favorite....I was just trying to be nice, honestly." They argued.

He smirked. Not only were they terrible at stealth, but they were bad at lying too. How ever had they survived?

"Were you now?" He asked amusedly. He couldn't help but enjoy the look of fear behind their eyes, the sight of their hands slightly trembling.

He opened the wine bottle then, and poured a bit of it into his mouth. After a few minutes he could taste the poison, it was pretty common among assassins as it was simple enough to build an up an immunity to. He grinned and swallowed it.

"You're going to have to try harder than that." He scoffed. "But I guarantee the king will have you executed before then, once he gets word of this."


"Absolutely not." Sinbad exclaimed.

"What?!" Ja'far's eyes bulged. "But I caught them trying to poison you, Sin!"

Sinbad crossed his arms. "That's what you say....but you also said you took the wine to Yamuraiha to examine and she has no memory of this."


"Why would Sharrkan try to drink poison?" Sinbad asked with a frown.

"I don't know...he's an idiot!" Ja'far huffed. "Anyway, I had to snatch it away from him and the bottle broke"

" don't have any proof?"

"OF COURSE I DON'T HAVE ANY PROOF!!" Ja'far screamed.

He took a deep breath and walked away. "You will die" he seethed. "And I will carve I told you so on your headstone" He huffed, and then he walked away.


At this point he almost felt bad for this pathetic excuse for an assassin.

They'd tried to kill Sinbad eight times already. The first attempt had been the wine, the second, third, and fourth times had been an attempt to throw knives at him. The next three attempts had been too eject him with poison, however Ja'far had managed to keep them far enough from Sin that they only managed scraping themselves; it really was too bad they were immune to the poison they used, otherwise they would have been dead already. Then there was the eighth and current attempt, and this was just sad.

Ja'far stood in the corner of the room, staring at the assassin as they wrestled with a snake. The snake was poisonous, and rather deadly, and he was pretty sure he saw the assassin shaking in fear at the sight of it. This really was pathetic actually. He supposed he should let the snake kill them, after all it was their own karma, but there was something in him that just couldn't let it happen. He sighed and strode over to them, holding a hand out to silence any lies that they would surely start shouting.

"Allow me" he said calmly, reaching out and grabbing hold of the snake. Then, managing to hold it in place, he turned around to go find Sharrkan. After that slip up with the wine, he needed to take some kind of responsibility, and he happened to like snakes. Ja'far was sure he knew how to handle poisonous snakes...hopefully.


When Ja'far heard the sound of crying echoing through the halls he groaned. What was wrong now? Was he the only one solving problems in this blasted place?

Following the sound, he found the assassin, crying in a darkened room. He sighed. He could leave them be, he could get them killed, he should have done a lot of things, but why was there a part of him that just couldn't let himself hurt them? Why the hell was he so soft as to let a known killer off scot free?

He sighed again and stepped into the room, shutting the door behind him.

"You're pathetic." He scoffed. "You shame the title of assassin.....your superiors should have disposed of you already!"

What was he saying? Wasn't he supposed to be helping this person? What the hell was going on anyway?

"You think I don't know that already?!" The assassin asked between sobs. "AT LEAST I'M BETTER THAN YOU!" They shouted, standing to face him with a scowl. "WHY THE HELL HAVEN'T YOU KILLED ME?!"

Ja'far blinked. Why hadn't he killed them? He should of. He was justified. He would have been doing it to protect his country and his dearest friend.


Ja'far frowned. "Don't be so childish." He hissed. "Miscreants like us don't deserve to die. Instead we have to live with our sins."

"WHAT DO YOU KNOW ABOUT MY SINS?!" They demanded, fresh tears pouring from their eyes. "YOU WEREN'T THERE WHEN I...when I...YOU WEREN'T THERE WHEN I WAS FORCED TO MURDER MY OWN FAMILY!"

Ja'far's eyes widened, as he fought back flashbacks of his own. He wasn't surprised, murdering loved ones was a fate that all assassins shared, but that didn't make it hurt any less.

Stepping forward, and knocking the assassin's weapons away, he pulled them into an embrace.

"I know more about you then you realize" he whispered to them. "I too was forced to slaughter my murder my friends. I know what it's like to have to be have to wash blood off your hands that never seems to come bide your time until you yourself get killed. I know what it's like to cry alone, knowing if you show your vulnerability you will be manipulated and left for dead."

"But I know one thing you don't know" he whispered after a pause. "I know what it feels like to escape."

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