Love struck ( A Nick Mara Lov...

By Beauty_Swim

20.6K 310 17

there always that one person that you trust and loved when you were as child....... but when you realize you... More

The Last Day Before Spring Break
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Not a chapter
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Not a chapter
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
chapter 38
chapter 39
chapter 40
chapter 41
chapter 42
chapter 43
chapter 44
chapter 45
Chapter 46
chapter 47
chapter 48
chapter 49
chapter 50
Chapter 51
chapter 52
chapter 53
author note
Chapter 55
Author Note
Chapter 56
Chapter 57
Chapter 58
Chapter 59
Chapter 60
Chapter 61
Author's Note
Author Note

chapter 54

105 1 0
By Beauty_Swim

Darlene's Pov
I ran as fast I can to get away from mikey. I'm still hurt from the scene, that happen last week, it still replay in my head. I need to get over the fact that he not ready to be committed in relationship. But when I talked to Joel at the park, it was easy to talk to. He has cute smile and gorgeous brown eyes and he really sweet and Latino. What am I saying? I cannot be crushing on him, I just met him but it not problem to be friends with him. I saved the number into my phone. I got home and went straight to my bedroom. When I walked in, I immediately went to bed and just think about things. Me and Mikey, me and Joel and it almost Christmas and I have to start shopping for presents and decor for the house and my room. Maybe I asked girls tomorrow for Christmas shopping. After thinking about it, I drifted asleep....

12 Days Later...
Alaisa Pov
I woke up and to see Jason sleeping. I smile at the sight of him. He looks so peaceful and relaxing, I get up the bed and went to my bathroom. I brushed my teeth and wash my face. I went down to the kitchen while I passing the living room, something caught my eye, I saw Nick and Heather on the couch sleeping. These lovebirds need to get a room. I went to kitchen and grab two slices of bread and put some nutella spread on them and pour orange juice into my glass and eat breakfast. While I was eating, I saw Heather and Frida entering.
"Morning Chicas." I said to them
"Morning" Frida said and "morning Alaisa." Heather said. They made their breakfast, heather grab chair next to mine while frida was infront of us. We talking about regular stuff.
"OMG guys it's almost christmas!!! I can't wait for it because it my favorite holiday and season. We should decorate the house when our parents come home." Heather said with all the cheer and Christmas spirit she has inside of her.
"That sound like good idea and it reminds us the old days when we stayed up til 12:00 at night and open presents, have big dinners and be in our pjs, drinking hot chocolate mmhhh I missed those days. Those were the best memories ever." Frida said and we nodded and my light bulb just went on.
"Why don't we do those traditions again? We get to be our normal selves with our family and love ones. But wait we have two problem and they not here with us." I said and they nodded at the first part I said and looked around and they know what I'm talking about. Then we heard singing and footsteps...... We all looked each other and look at the entrance and it was Darlene. My eyes were wide like the size of an orange. She passed us and went straight to the fridge and start making her breakfast. We all looked at each other and turn back to Darlene. She had smile on her face and she doesn't look upset. She looked at us, "oh hey guys! What a wonderful day it is today." She said and I'm like happy but shock but happy. "You seemed very happy today." Heather said. "Yes, I'm happy girl today and forever in life." She said and I was like Do we have our girl back?!. "So you don't love Mikey anymore?" Frida said and I elbow her in the stomach and gave her glare. "Oww, that gonna leave a bruise." Friday said and walk away. I looked back at darlene, and I could tell she she still love him. "I still do love him but it time to move on, he done it twice and I keep giving him chances but he keeps breaking them, so I gave up and I don't think it best we go out. I want to be single and focused on me." She said and I could tell she was upset but she has to think of her first. " well, we got something to take your mind of him, Let's go Christmas shopping, c'mon on, it our favorite things to do in the holidays." I say to her and gave her smile and she nodded her head and we screamed. We went to go hug Her and jumped around.

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