Chapter 17

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It landed on me and I was like in shocked and I could tell Darlene was upset about it. When I turned to Nick and he look like tomato."well I could kiss him on the cheek." I said and he nodded and I kissed him on cheek. We pulled away and I sit next to Darlene and said "hey sorry about that." And she said"no it's fine beside you my cousin I trust you." I smiled and gave her hug. We went back to the game and it was my turn and I was thinking land on Nick. I spun it and landed on Nick. I was relieved and we lean in and kissed. I smiled while we kissed. It's 10 mins and we stopped and Mikey said"ohh okay we trying to get back to the game and if you two lovebirds are done." I blushed. After that we were playing Til the bus stop. Layla came" Hey we're at New York so grab your things and meet you in the Hotel" she said and we all got up and went to get our the stuff and enter the hotel. We got into the lobby and waited for Layla to gives us our room key. Some girls screamed and I turned around and they came up to us ask to take a photos with us. We nodded and we took photos with them. We signed some autographs. We all said goodbyes. Layla came to us and give us our room key."okay so we're on the same floor. The girls are in one room and boys are another room." She said and we nodded and went up to our floor. Our room was 454 and the boys are 455. We went to our room and put my luggage to the corner of the room. The girls and I were bored. "So, what do you want to do?" I said and they thought about it. "Let go to the pool!" Frida said and we nodded and change into our bathing suit. My was blue. Darlene was purple, Alaisa was teal, Frida was pink, and Katherine was red. We grab a towel, tan oil and our phones. I put on white sheer tank top with blue shorts and white flip flops. We head down to the lobby and to the pool. We all took 5 chairs and put our towels on the chair and lay down and tan and talk. "It's so relaxing to be here with not any distractions." Katherine and we all agree. "Hey let go in the pool?" Alaisa said and we all nodded and we all got up and went inside of the pool. FREZZING Cold. We all were cold but then later it on we got used to it and we were all in the corner of the pool. Talked about girl stuff. "So, you know school is almost over? What should we do in the summer?" Darlene said and we all didn't realize that school is al most over. Me and Darlene go to the same high school as Nick and Mikey. Alaisa and Frida go to the same middle school as Jason and Louis. Katherine and Madison go to different high school than us but this is their last year. "I honestly don't know and beside we not going to school because we're on tour and we're getting homeschool by some teacher." Katherine said but she didn't care because she graduating this year. "Also I have to packed all my stuff this summer because they want me to be there early before the school semester starts." Katherine said and we smiled but we're gonna miss her. We grew up and got closer in this group. We talked little bit more and all sudden my phone start to ring. I got out of the pool and went to grab my phone and Slide the lock. I answer it.
(H:Heather & N: Nick)
H: Hello
N: hey princess
H: hey what's up
N: nothing just missing you
H: aawww Nick but you know we're in the same hotel.
N: I know but I miss my princess.
H: aww so wryd actually?
N: just here with the boys wbu?
H: at the pool with the girls
N: what and you didn't invite us ?
H: I didn't know you guys wanted to hang.
N: well should of ask then?
H: my bad.
N: well it is your fault that you didn't invite your boyfriend.
H: well sorry Nick I didn't know ok... You don't have to get upset about it.
N: I should because I wanted to hang with my girl today. But no she didn't care about asking ME!
H: Nick don't yelled at me. I said I'm sorry.
N: WELL I see don't actually feel that you sorry.
H: What's up with you. Why you getting so angry? I gotta go.
N: Don't Han---

After that convo I hang up the phone and place it down. I went to the corner of the pool. Where the girls saw that I was actually having a good moment. "Hey heather? Who was that? What wrong?" Alaisa said. "It was Nick and I don't know what was up with him. Like he was normal himself and then when I mention that I was with you guys at the pool. He got upset and yelled at me." I said and I was confused what just happen. They all had confused look on themselves. We stayed at the pool and then we decided to go up to the rooms. We got to our rooms and I went into the shower and wash all the chlorine out of me. I got out of the shower and change into my coral plain shirt with white shorts and my coral keds. I did my usual routine and blow dried my hair. I got out and sat in the couch and waited for the girls to come out. While I was waiting and I went on Twitter and snapchat. I got message and it was Nick. I read the message was

Nick Message
Hey Heather I was just wondering if we could talk about what happened early?
I didnt know what to do? Should I reply? Should I ignore it!? I thought about it and reply back.

My message
I guess so. Meet me at the lobby and we could talk.
Nick Message
I got up and told the girls I be right back. They all screamed "okay" and left the room and went to the elevator i pushed the button and the elevator opened and I went in and waited for the elevator door to open. It opened and went out. I saw Nick waiting for me and he looked up and walk toward me. He lean in but I push him away. "So what do you want to talk about?" I said and we head out and walk around New York City. "I wanted to say sorry about what happened early and I'm also sorry that i yelled at you too. I'm just thought that you didn't want to hang around me anymore." Nick said and I just stop and he turned around. "Oh,I didn't know you thought that but Nick we been dating for 2 months, if I need a girl day with the girls it doesn't mean that I don't want to hang around with you. Besides, you like to spend time with boys." I said while he grab my hand. "I know, I'm sorry. Do you forgive me?" And I nodded. We walk around and checked the time and it was 3:30 pm and the show starts around 7:30. We decided to go back to the hotel and get ready for the show. When we got to our rooms and we said our byes and went to our rooms. I saw the girls and they were watching tv. "Hey girls! Watcha doing?" I said and they shook their heads. "Hey where were you?" Darlene said and I told her to come with me. We went into the bedroom."I was with Nick and we talked about what happened early." I said and she just stood there." So what happened? Darlene said. I told her what he said and what I said. She just shook her head."well let's get ready for the show.Im going to get my stuff ready." I said and she agree and she did the same too. I got my blue dance bag and put all my costumes that I need for tonight. Also, I put my Vlados and my vans. I grabbed my hair and makeup stuff. I grab some other things. I finish and went to living room and the girls was ready. So we left and went to the place where we going to have our show.

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