Dangerous Liaisons [Sterek]

By BekkaChaos

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A Sterek fiction. When Derek realises that Stiles has become a trigger for him he tries to stay away. He know... More

Authors Note
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Thirty

Chapter Twenty-Nine

77.1K 2.3K 2.1K
By BekkaChaos

A/N: Thanks for waiting on the update, me has lots of assignments that I may or may not have left until the last minute... Anyway, about the sequel, I will have more details in the next chapter.

Hope this one is better for you!

                                                               ~ ~ ~


“Derek? Derek! Don’t you ignore me Derek.”

He didn’t look up, instead he sighed and stared at the ceiling.

“I know you can hear me.”

“You’re not even real.” He said flatly.

“Says who?”

“I’m not having this conversation with you.” He shook his head.

“You’re going to say the poison’s making you hallucinate but did you ever think that maybe you just needed this? Because you’re still an idiot, you’ve always been a fool when it comes to-”

“Don’t say it.”

“Well that’s it, isn’t it? Love? You love him and you’re an idiot.”

He stopped letting her get to him and let his vision blur, the ceiling all he could see.

“Don’t you do that. Derek? Derek!”


Twenty-seven hours earlier… 7pm

“Well, if you’re going just be careful. I can't promise that these things will make you stronger, only that they’ll stop her from killing you as quickly.” Deaton said as Derek took a shot of his final mixture.

He coughed and spluttered and pulled a disgusted face.

“I didn’t say it would be pleasant either.” He said.

Derek muttered something about necessary evils as he regained control of himself. He shook himself off and gave Deaton a sombre look. “I know where she’ll be, I’m going to cut her off and… Well I guess that’ll be the easy part out of the way.”

“Quite. You’ll be careful, won't you Derek? The others will never forgive me if I let you go out and get yourself killed.”

“If you don’t get a call from me by midnight you can start digging my grave.” He said with a straight face as he headed for the door.

“That’s not funny Derek.” Deaton said with a shake of his head.

“It wasn’t a joke.” Derek said quietly and opened to door of the clinic to leave.

He had a job to do, and no one would be safe until it was finished. One way or another. He didn’t take the car, that was parked well out on the other side of the woods where no one would think to look for it, in a place that he had only ever taken one person.

His car wasn’t as comfortable as his bed but it would do while he finished what he had to do. Besides, the view of the town made him feel somehow closer to the rest of them, even though he tried to convince himself that he wasn’t missing them.

So on foot he walked and ran to the place that he knew she would be, because like him, she was hiding from someone, trying to keep her actions a secret so that no one could stop her.

Her senses were strong, but his were stronger. He was an alpha and his abilities had grown with him. He sat perched in the tree branches, his ears intently trained on the sounds in the forest around him as he waited.

He would have been there almost an hour before his nose locked onto the scent he had been tracking for the last two weeks. He scoured the darkness and focussed all of his senses on finding her.

She was still human at this stage. She hadn’t fully completed her transformation and if he played this well enough he could surprise her before she had the chance. The smell got stronger as she roamed nearer, his fingertips twitching with anticipation.

His instincts still said that killing her was the best option but he wasn’t going to give in. There was too much at stake.

She was walking in a path that led directly to him now and his crystal clear vision picked her up and he prepared his jump. His timing was crucial. Deaton was right, the tonic he had Derek drink didn’t protect from the severity of her claws or her dexterous tail, those could quite easily still kill him.

He gave himself a count and when she was almost directly below he let himself drop right into her path, knocking her down from above.

The Maeve let out a cry and Derek crouched, teeth bared and ready for anything she could throw at him. He leapt at her, grabbing her throat and pinning her to the forest floor with a knee in her chest.

She hissed up at him with her eyes glowing and Derek would finally get a good look at her. She bore a striking resemblance to Karissa but she was definitely older. Her hair was much darker and her nose was more pointed but the eyes were all but identical.

Derek tightened his grip on her throat and she began to laugh hysterically.

“Do you even know what I am? Your little werewolf tricks aren’t going to work the way you want them to.” She grinned and Derek knew that she would be trying to manipulate the pheromones in the air to seduce him long enough to kill him.

It didn’t take long for her to realise that her tricks were the ones tripping up and her eyes filled with horror and disbelief.

“You sure about that? Maeve.” Derek said flatly.

“What do you want from me?!” she spat through her gritted teeth.

“All I want is to talk.” He said, not relinquishing his grip one bit.

“Looks like it.” She growled.

“I’m not stupid.” He said shaking his head and knowing that if her let her up she would make a move to take him down while she escaped. “Why are you here?”

“What makes you think I’m going to tell a dirty dog anything?” Derek tightened his fingers around her throat and she let out a strangled laugh.

“You attacked the members of my pack so I’m here to settle the score.” He growled.

“I remember them… they just… wouldn’t… die.” She hissed, the tail that had not been there moments earlier wrapped around Derek’s neck and tore him backward and off her.

She got to her feet, claws extended and faced him as Derek did the same.

“Do you think I would just let my pack die?”

“What do I care what you do with your filthy pack? The real question is why do you care who I kill in this pathetic excuse for a town? This place has been plagued with animal attacks since you lunatics migrated here all those years ago. Don’t you think we have some double standards here?” Her tail swayed from side to side and the arrogant grin on her face never ceased.

“I haven’t killed anyone in a long time.” Derek growled. “You on the other hand are killing someone new every week.”

“Just men,” she scoffed, “no one worthy of staying among the living.”

Derek felt a snarl brimming, the urge to protect his pack getting stronger. “All for the sake of staying young?”

“All for the purpose of doing what my ancestors intended me to do. My family may not believe in the old ways but once you’ve done it… well you realise just how much of a natural instinct it really is to kill.” She grinned with such sadistic pleasure that Derek knew this was going to be much harder than he thought. “How is it that you can stand to be around me?” She asked, fascinated.

Derek tipped his head. “Maybe you’re just not as powerful as you thought.”

“I highly doubt that.” She lunged for him with her claws ripping through the air.

He lurched forward to grab her shoulders but her claws had already found his back and ripped through his shirt. He let out an agonised growl as the poison stung his skin and he threw her back into one of the trees.

She let out a screech and Derek tried not to focus on the pain as he stared her down. The terror in her eyes was magnified now. She couldn’t understand why he wasn’t convulsing in a heap on the floor.

“How are you doing this?!”

“Maybe I have some werewolf tricks that you don’t know about.” He said in a gravelly voice.

He could feel the blood trickling down his back as he tried to heal himself, but it wasn’t working nearly as fast as he would have liked.

She was hesitant to make another move. She began to calculate her plan of attack in her head.

“All I want is for you to leave Beacon Hills. If I don’t have to kill you I won't, but if you stay here, I will.” He said.

“And why should I uproot myself for someone like you? I happen to have an acquired taste for Beacon Hills.” She smirked.

“And how did that go for you on your last two attempts?”

She flared her nostrils, Isaac and Stiles both managed to survive her attacks. “Maybe if I get rid of you I can finally get back to business.” She barrelled herself towards him with a screaming yowl and he braced his shoulders into her.

They tumbled back, Derek’s feet slipping on the fallen leaves. She tried to claw at him but he held her wrists tightly and pinned them to the ground. Her unbridled anger slipping over the edge and her tail wrapped around his throat.

“It doesn’t have to be like this!” Derek choked but she didn’t relent.

As his airways restricted faster he looked around desperately for someway of stopping her.

A few feet from her head there was a rock jutting out of the ground and Derek managed to grab her by the shirt and throw her into it with his remaining strength, knocking her out cold. Her tail slipped down from his neck and he gasped with the air that was finally getting into his lungs.

Her ears and claws began to shrink back into her and she was once again in her human skin. As Derek settled his breathing he looked down at her with a sigh. In her slumber she looked like a normal girl. She was beautiful, but she looked almost peaceful, not the angry vicious creature she had just been.

He had no idea where to go next. He stood up and leant against one of the trees, wincing with the pain in his back that hadn’t completely healed. He sighed.

“You’re not going to stop are you?” He spun around to see Karissa standing in the open looking up at him.

For a second he tried to figure out how she had snuck up on him and what the hell she was doing there in the first place. “My priority is to my pack.”

“You gave me your word.” She said.

“Don’t you think that if I wanted to kill her I could have? One blow to the head isn’t enough to do it but she’s defenceless now.”

She gave him a strange look. “You’re very different.”

“How do you mean?”

“I didn’t expect to you stay true to your promise, why do you think I’ve been tracking you for the last two weeks?” Derek said nothing; he just stared back at her. “I was wrong about you.”

“You make snap judgements.”

“So do you.”

“I gave my word.” Derek said, something he doesn’t take lightly.

“So let me give you mine.” Derek gave her an odd look. “You will never win against her, but she can't win against you either. You’re both just torturing each other like this. I don’t want this to spark some stupid war because you’re both too stubborn to just make this simple. All I want is my sister back and all of this death to stop.”

“Death is in your nature.” He said.

“Death is in my history, not my nature. You can relate to that, I’m sure. I know you’ve killed before, whether it’s one or more – I can feel it. And I know that one day I might do it the same. You have so much guilt in you, and that’s not natural for a werewolf. You and me are pretty similar Derek, I don’t want to be this monster, do you?”

He paused for a moment, her words sinking in. “No.” He shook his head.

“We’re the same Derek, strong and fierce and restricted by that part of us we were born with. I understand that you want to protect your pack; it’s the same way I want to protect my sister. So let me try and take her away and stop all of this pointless fighting.”

Derek scoffed a little. “Who says she wants to go, don’t you think I made that proposition before that happened?” He nudged his head to her sister who was still passed out on the ground.

“Some parts of her are still human.” Karissa sighed, staring over at her like she was remembering another time. “My mother and I have thought about leaving before. Our kind tends to be nomadic because… well, historically if you ran out of men in one town you’d just move on to the next.” She said a little gloomily.

“I can't let this go on in this town.” Derek said.

“Nor can I.” Both of them turned to look at the beautiful woman standing by Karissa’s fallen sister.

“Derek, this is my mother, Dahlia.” Derek was wary of her, clearly this wasn’t a woman that he could so easily overpower.

“I’ve heard about you, I must say I was shocked to hear of what happened to your mother. From what I knew of her she was a remarkable woman.” She gave him the weakest of smiles but her face was still warm.

“How did you know her?” Derek asked, a little thrown at her statement.

“My own mother met her many years ago when we passed through, I was much younger then. I hear you have a vendetta against my eldest daughter.” She tilted her head and looked down at her lying on the ground. “From what I can see, Freya seemed to be holding a grudge against you too.”

“She is a threat to my pack. Three of them have already been in the hospital and one of them only just made it… with help.” He gave Karissa a quick glance. “I’m just trying to do my duty as alpha.”

“You’re doing quite more from what I understand of it. It’s quite odd for a werewolf to keep his word to a Maeve, but here you stand, my daughter laying helpless and you just standing back to watch.” Dahlia said calmly.

“A werewolf is not all that I am.”

Dahlia smiled. “You have good lineage. I have no doubt that you are the son of Talia Hale. You hold the same fearless loyalty.”

“I knew her as my mother, not as a pack leader. If it were her choice I never would have become what I am.” Derek said, thinking through the chain of events that led him here today.

“Some might call it your fate.”

Karissa looked from one to the other and Derek kept his gaze trained on Dahlia. “Others would call it bad luck.” Derek said.

Dahlia chuckled. “There is no such thing as luck Derek. Not in a world like this.”

He continued to stare at her as his mind processed all of the things she had been saying. She held out her hand for Karissa and she took a few steps forward to take it. Dahlia gave her a warm smile and turned back to Derek.

“I will take my daughters elsewhere, but I can never promise that death will not follow us.” She said.

“Neither of our kinds could promise that.” Derek was being cautious, he was outnumbered and knew that his strength couldn’t beat two of them, or possibly three if the conversation headed that direction.

“As Karissa said, the quarrelling of our species is not something that we want.”

“And how will you convince your other daughter? So far my efforts have been useless.”

Dahlia gave him a shrewd smile. “You should know that some bonds cannot be crossed.”

Derek nodded, knowing exactly what she meant. “Somehow I don’t think you’re doing this for nothing.”

Dahlia laughed. “You have a keen wit Derek, but all I ask of you is a truce. I could be an ally to you if you would only accept.”

“If you’re gone from Beacon Hills I won't try to follow. All I want is the safety of my pack.”

“Then we have an accord.” She dropped Karissa’s hand and walked towards Derek with it extended for him.

Derek took her hand after a moment of thought and felt a power surge between them.

“This is all too complicated for me.” Karissa shook her head.

“This can work in your favour too Derek,” she whispered. “If you find yourself in above your head you need only ask.” She dropped his hand and stepped back. “Come on Karissa; let us gather your sister before she awakes to destroy our new-found alliance.”

Derek didn’t quite trust her but if she was willing to take away his problem and the threat that Freya posed to them he would let her do that for now.

“You give my emissary my regards. He is clearly more knowledgeable than most.” There is was, Derek knew that this would have influenced her decision. She thinks Deaton could be of some use to her. Emissaries are valuable and a link with Derek provides her with a direct link to Deaton.

“Thank you.” He said.

“There is no such thing as luck Derek. All things have reason.” She said as they lifted Freya off the ground and began to walk out of sight.

Derek waited until after they were most definitely gone before he let out his breath and leant against the tree nearest him. His back was throbbing from his handshake with Dahlia and he knew that she was much older and much more powerful than she looked.

Maybe an alliance was the smartest thing he had ever agreed to.

The only problem was that now he had no excuse for staying away from the pack and especially Stiles. He felt his chest pang at the thought of him but he knew that he couldn’t stay away forever. Slowly he made his way through the forest and back to his car before driving to the home he hasn’t seen since this all went completely pear-shaped.

Stiles sat at home that night watching a movie, Erica alongside him. His dad was working late as usual and Erica had suggested they do something. With the choices being spending the night alone on his computer or watching Wolverine with another person for human-ish contact, he was going to choose the last one.

“I seriously don’t know why this was your first choice of movie.” He said, shoving some popcorn into his mouth.

She shrugged. “I’ve been kind of in the mood for it ever since you mentioned it that time.”

He chuckled. “I know what you mean; I went and read an old comic that day.”

She laughed and looked over at him, stretching out and resting her feet on his knees. “So why aren’t you hanging out with Scott tonight?”

Stiles shook his head. “He’s too busy spending his time with Isaac, and I think I’ll let them have their… moments.”

“Moments huh? What’s going on with those two? Have they finally banged?” She asked.

Stiles looked over with an eyebrow raised. “You know about those two?”

She scoffed. “Please, they are the only two who think they’re keeping it a secret, trust me. It’s actually pretty hilarious. I don’t know why they don’t just come out and say it.”

“True, I’ll let them have their moment while they want it.”

“Speaking of that, do you mind if I crash here tonight?” She asked.

“Uh, yeah, sure, why?”

She shrugged a little. “I’m not fussed on going home and I really don’t want to walk into the loft when I know Scott’s going to be there.”

“Well yeah, sure, my dad won't care.”

She gave him a smile and turned back to the movie. “I wish our pack looked like him, it might make things more interesting.”

“He is one attractive man.” Stiles had to admit.

“Are you the expert on that now?”

“Oh you’re funny.” He shoved her and she threw her head back laughing.

It was quite a while later that Derek finally lumbered into the loft, tired and sore and his back stinging as it still struggled to heal. He walked straight into his kitchen to pour himself some water and he heard Isaac coming down the stairs.

“Derek!” He said, striding over to him with an exasperated look on his face. “Where the hell have you been?”

Derek just looked at him, took a sip of his water and turned his back to put it over on the bench.

“Shit, what happened to your back? Derek, what’s going on?”

“Just hold on for five minutes would you?” He said. “I’ll answer you just let my head stop spinning, alright?”

He felt quite weak, living on the bare minimum, hardly sleeping and tirelessly working to rid the town of the Maeve, which he had hopefully achieved.

“Alright.” Isaac said, sitting down in one of the chairs and waiting.

“You’re just going to sit there and wait aren’t you?” He sighed.

He nodded. “Yeah.”

“Fine.” Derek shook his head.

He started off explaining why he hadn’t come back and why he’d isolated himself. Then he started telling him about the plan and Deaton’s tonics until he had finished telling him about the events from just a few hours earlier.

“Wow… that’s… I mean… yeah.” Isaac said.

“It’s finished now. Hopefully.” Derek said as he pulled his bloodied and torn shirt from his back and threw it into the trash. “How bad is it?” He turned to give Isaac a look and he shrugged a little.

“It’s alright I think, maybe a little infected but it looks like it’s healing. So are you going to explain why you abandoned Stiles?” He said.

Derek groaned. “I’m not going to talk about it.”

“Why? Because you know your reasons are stupid?”

“Because you already think you know everything about it.”

“Oh I see, you don’t know whether he’ll still be a trigger for you when you see him and you’re scared it’s going to be like some Schrodinger’s… werewolf?” Isaac threw his hands up and Derek raised an eyebrow.

“Schrodinger’s werewolf?”

“Yeah well I thought Schrodinger’s cat might be a little insensitive right now. Seriously though, you’re an idiot.”

“That’s not the reason. He hasn’t been a trigger in a while.” Derek said.

“What? Since when?”

“Since… since the weekend you got attacked.” Derek said, remembering the moment the trigger bond changed, the moment he knew how he felt.

“Well you need to call him up, and I mean now, it’s been almost three weeks and Erica is kind of starting to move in. She’s at his place right now, just the two of them.” Derek ground his teeth a little, feeling some anger building inside him.

“Good. He should move on and forget about me. It’s better that way.”

Isaac couldn’t even believe what he was saying. “Are you kidding me Derek?”

“Leave it alone Isaac, and don’t tell Stiles that I’m here.” He started heading up to his room and Isaac called back.

“You can't expect that I’m not going to say anything. He’s my friend Derek.”

“As your alpha, I’m asking you to keep your mouth shut.” He said, and Isaac couldn’t argue with that.

Stiles woke up on the couch the next morning, Erica sleeping on the other side. He rubbed his eyes and stretched out as he checked his watch. It was already ten.

Damn, how late did we get to sleep? He thought.

He remembered putting on another few movies and just chatting until it was quite late. They must have just drifted off to sleep when the conversation stopped.

He wandered into the kitchen to see his dad reading the paper at the table.

“Late night son?” He said, sipping his coffee.

“Yeah, I guess so.” He reached into the fridge for some juice and drank straight from the carton.

“What’s… what’s all that about?” He pointed to Erica in the living room with raised eyes.

“What, Erica? Nothing, we just had a movie night, that’s all.”

“Yeah I heard the two of you when I got in. Is there something I should know about?”

“No, dad, no there’s nothing.” He said.

“What’s going on with Derek?”

Stiles looked down into the juice and shrugged. “Yeah, I don’t … I don’t really want to talk about that.” He said.

“Well… if you do, I’m here. And if you want, there’s a whole heap of things that I could charge him with and lock him up.” He smiled and Stiles managed a laugh.

“Thanks dad.”

Erica woke up not long after and said a brief hello to the sheriff before heading out with a lingering smile for Stiles. Little did either of them know that Derek was back.

Isaac was lying on Scott’s bed while he read one of the books on the list for next year. Isaac sighed for the fourth time and Scott put the book down, rolling over to look at him.

“Okay, seriously Isaac, what’s going on?”

“What? Nothing, I’m fine.”

“You’re a bad liar.”

“No, you can just tell when I’m lying, there’s a difference.”


He rolled his eyes. “Look, there’s something I have to tell you, but I can't.”

“Well that made no sense at all.” Scott smiled, putting his hand on Isaac’s stomach and tilting his head. “You can tell me anything.”

“No but I really can't.” He groaned. “I physically can't.” He looked at Scott, hoping that he would read between the lines but who was he kidding, it was Scott.

“Isaac, I mean it, anything you have to say, you can say.”

“Scott, you’re not listening. I can't. If there was any way that I could get out of it I would but I physically can't.”

He raised an eyebrow and Isaac just grunted, frustrated that Derek had put a gag order on him.

“I have no idea what you mean Isaac.”

“Forget it.”

“No really, tell me.”

“Scott! I am begging you to believe that I have no control over this! I need to tell you, I am dying to tell you but I can't. This is the only freaking loophole I have.” Isaac said and Scott thought for a few moments before his eyes lit up.

“It’s Derek, isn’t it? Derek’s back?”

Isaac nodded and Scott stood up straight away.

“Well we have to tell Stiles!”

“You can, I can't say anything.” Isaac said.

“Derek didn’t want you to tell did he?”

“If he thinks I was going to just give up then he was wrong, but I’m pretty sure he expects that everyone will know by the end of the day.”

Scott already had his phone out, Stiles number dialled into the key-pad. “Come on, come on, come on, pick up damn it Stiles!”

On the tenth ring he finally answered.

“Hey Scott, what’s crack-a-lacking?”

“Derek is back Stiles.” He said, not missing a beat.

There was only silence for a moment from Stiles who really hadn’t been expecting that. “Oh… when… when did he-?”

“Last night I think, Isaac is kind of bound by some kind of alpha rule and can't talk about it.”

Stiles nodded silently. “Well, I don’t think he wants to see me Scott…”

“So? You need to go over there and give him a piece of your mind! He’s an asshole and he needs to hear it.”

“I… I don’t think so Scott. Look, thanks for telling me, I just… I can't really do anything about it so… yeah, thanks.”

Scott sighed and not much more was said before they both hung up.

“He doesn’t want to talk to him anymore does he?” Isaac asked and Scott shook his head.

“It’s been nearly three weeks, I’m not surprised.”

“You’d think he would at least want to clear things up with him. What are you doing?” Isaac asked as Scott put the phone to his ear again.

“I’m calling everyone else; you can't do it so I guess it’s up to me.” He said.

That evening Erica headed over to Stiles’ place, knowing that he was being stubborn and probably upset that Derek was back and hadn’t called. She didn’t bring it up, she just gave him a sympathetic shrug as she walked in.

“So you heard I guess, judging by your expression.” She said as they sat down on the couch together.

He sighed. “Yeah, yeah I did.”

“And you’re not going to go talk to him?” He shook his head.

“He doesn’t want me so why should I bother?”

“I don’t know if that’s the case.”

“Really? He is going out of his way to avoid speaking to me or even having me find out so clearly he doesn’t want to see me.”

“Maybe he’s just confused.”

“No, he’s just… Derek is just… Derek.” He sighed again.

“Are you confused?” She asked.

“What does that even mean?”

“Do you still want him?” She said, scooting closer.

He sighed and just looked at her. “No.”

She leant in closer, placing a hand on his cheek and laid a temperate kiss on his lips. For a moment they moved their lips together in sync before she pulled back with a smile. “You are such a liar Stiles.” She grinned.

He nodded a little. What am I doing? Of course I want him! He thought. He stood up and gave her a smile. “You’re right… you’re right I do.”

“Of course I am.” She leant back in her seat as he ran to grab his coat and keys.

“I have to go, just help yourself to whatever, spare key’s under the mat out front.” He said as he ran for the door.

“Good luck!” She said in a sing song voice.

As soon as she heard his jeep pull out of the driveway there was a knock at the door and she rolled her eyes as she got up to answer it. Isaac was leaning against the frame with an eyebrow raised.

“Really? You kissed him?” He said.

“That I did.” She said as a smile spread across her lips.

“Why are you smiling? He left, you lost.”

“Did I?” she winked.

She knew that Stiles would never be with her, she had figured that out early. He was miserable without Derek and sometimes you’ve got to give someone a push before they actually do what’s right. Or in this case, a kiss.

“Don’t you do that. Derek? Derek!” She yelled.

“I’m right here, stop doing that.” He said.

“I thought mom always taught you to listen to your big sister.”

“You’re not really here.” Derek said, the scratches on his back clearly giving him hallucinations.

Laura walked over to him and leant over his head as he lay on his bed.

“Even if I am in your head, I’m only telling you the things you already know.” She said.

He shook his head, Laura was dead, it was all in his mind.

“Derek, you’ve got to stop blaming yourself for what happened. For the fire, to Paige… to me. You couldn’t have predicted them or stopped them, and you being in love is not a bad omen. Because you said it! You said you loved him.” She said.

“He won't remember. He was affected by the poison.”

“Really? You think that the boy who adores you isn’t going to remember the first time you opened up and told him that you love him? You heard what Deaton said. You heard him say that he loves you and then you said it back, albeit a little belated but still. You sealed the bond Derek. You’re-”

“Don’t say it.”

She grunted. “Why do you always stop people from telling you what you need to hear? You’re connected on a much higher level than any of us could understand Derek. You’re supposed to be together.”

“You sound like some kind of Hallmark greeting.” He brushed her off and she smacked him.

And he felt it.

“How did you do that?” he said, looking up at her.

“Because Derek, I love you and I need to make a point. None of the terrible things in your life have been your fault. You can't shut yourself off from people and think that all the bad things in the world will suddenly stop. They won't. You know that Stiles has a habit of getting into trouble with or without your help so do you think it’s better that you’re there with him or that he faces it alone?” She put her hands on her hips and he rolled her eyes. “That’s what I thought.”

She sat beside him and gently stroked his arm. “You can't be real.” He said softly.

“I want you to be happy Derek.” She said.

“I miss you.”

“I miss you too, but you’re going to regret it for as long as you live if you let him slip away.” She said, leaning down and kissing his cheek. “Just wake up Derek.”

“Wake up to what?” He asked.

“Wake up Derek.”


“Derek?” The voice changed suddenly and his eyes shot open and he sat up quickly in his bed, realising that he had been asleep there for hours.

He knew that she had been a dream but now she was gone and there was another face standing in the doorway. He turned to see those big brown eyes and parted lips, in suspended motion after having his name roll off his lips.

“Derek?” He said again and Derek swallowed.


                                                               ~ ~ ~

A/N: Cliffhanger again, I know. I'll try to get the next update out soon!

Keep those comments coming guys!

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