Saved By The Jock

By Ohhlala_77

4.5M 114K 38.8K

A victim of child abuse ever since the death of her mother, Cassidy Taylor has become a shy, quiet girl who's... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Author's Note!
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Opinion From You (Please Read)
Chapter 27
Special Chapter
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Valentine Special
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47
Chapter 48
Story Idea (Not an update but please read)
Chapter 49
Chapter 50
Last Goodbye

Chapter 9

113K 2.9K 812
By Ohhlala_77

Chapter 9

We agreed to eat at Mc Donald's so now we're lining up and waiting for our turn. I don't know why Carson's hands suddenly tensed on my shoulders, so I turned around and have him a questioning look.

His jaws are clenched and shoulders stiffened. I followed the direction where he's looking at and found boys that are around our age.

The brown haired guy with brown eyes raked my body from top to bottom. He made the sexy whistle which earned a growl from Carson and laughs from his group.

I looked away hiding my red cheeks from them before they notice. I fiddled my fingers and suddenly Carson wrapped his arms around my waist tightly which made me jump in surprise.


I hit my head with his chin which is pointy. I hiss in pain as Carson loosen his grip on my waist. He rubbed his chin where I hit him.

"Ouch cupcake, didn't know you hate me that much." He winced with a groan.

"I'm so sorry I didn't mean to." I apologized quickly.

Why do I always bump into him?

First, at school which is very embarrassing and now this?

"Earth to Cass!" He waved his hands in front of my face. I just noticed that we're in front of the cashier, by the looks of the lady I can tell that she's pissed off for she's been glaring at me for a while now.

"Chicken Nuggets and fries PLEASE." I emphasized the word please to piss her more.

She rolled her eyes but typed my order anyways.

"It'll be $14.25," she batted her eyelashes at Carson.

I want to pull those long lashes of hers right now. I bit back a laugh when I saw Carson ignoring her with a snort and this surprised me.

"It's not nice to flirt with customers don't you think?" He told the lady with an eyeroll.

Is this Carson? Turning girls down?

I didn't hold my laugh this time, infact I laughed out loud. Let me tell you I don't care if the people in here thinks I'm crazy because that bitch deserves it.

She looked away and quickly gave us our orders. Carson took the tray with a smirk on his face, we found a seat for two and sat down. He put it in front of us and I started to inhale the aroma.

I got my nuggets and bit it. I closed my eyes and moan in appreciation as soon as the juicy nuggets filled my mouth. Carson burst out laughing which made me snap my eyes open.

"I'd really like to make you moan my name like that." He wiggled his eyebrows at me.

I got my french fries and throw it straight to his face. I laughed out loud causing me to spit the tiny pieces of nuggets at him which made me laugh louder.

"Did you just start a food fight with me Cassidy Taylor?" He yelled at me with a serious look which caused goosebumps to pop out of my skin.

"I-I didn't m-mean to spit at y-you" I stuttered.

After a few seconds Carson burst out laughing and being the stupid girl I am, I asked him why is he laughing.

And guess what? He laughed louder and you can see that he's literally gasping for air.

"I'm just messing with you, you should've seen your face. Priceless." He laughed again.

He's starting to tick me off again, well two can play that game. I stood up and leaned against the table as I moved closer to him and using my index finger, I traced his chest with small paterns. I leaned closer to him my lips touching his ear and I heard him suck a deep breath.

"Well look who's face is priceless now?" I whispered huskily and pull away to take a look at his face.


Just the expreassion I wanted.

I burst out laughing which made Carson pucker his bottom lip out.

"You're mean!" He whined mocking a little child's voice.

We both burst into laughter again. We calmed down after a few seconds and I started to eat again, but I didn't moan this time, I don't want to embarrass myself more. We finally finished eating in comfortable silence when suddenly Carson stood up.

"I think it's time for us to go home." Carson announced.

I nodded then stood up following Carson outside the parking lot. He unlocked his BMW and opened the passenger door for me which is surprising. I hesistantly got in and buckled my seat belt. Carson entered the driver's side and started to pull away from the drive way.

"Are you going to my house?" Carson asked me, his gaze still on the road.

"Sure, I'll play with Mady." I glanced at the rear view mirror and smiled at him.

"You seem to like my sister more than you like me," he said in a mocking hurt voice.

"Who says I like you?" I said with a playful voice.

"Ouch. That hurts pumpkin," he said with a fake sad look on his face.

"Pumpkin?" I raised my eyebrow at him.

"You told me not to call you cupcake so I called you pumpkin." He smirked at me.

Why can't he smile instead of smirking?

I like smiling Carson better that smirking Carson. My eyes widen as my words hit me. I can't like him. I hate him right?


"Cass." His voice snapped me out of my thoughts.

I snapped my head at his direction and found him in a small smile.

"What?" I asked a little bit harshly.

I didn't mean that to come out like that.

"Uhm.. We're here unless you want to stay in the car?" He chuckled.

I looked at the house in front of us and he's right, we're here.

"Oh right." I muttered under my breath.

I got out my as cheeks burn with embarrassment. Why do I always get embarrassed when he's around? I sighed and rang the doorbell.

"Nobody rings the doorbell anymore." He shook his head and laughed silently.

He opened the door revealing his living room. The moment I stepped in I've been tackled with a hug. I pulled away to look at the person who tackled me.

I saw that it's Rachel. I smiled at her which she immediately returned. Carson cleared his throat, we both turned around to look at him.

"What? I'm your son and you don't give me a hug?" He snorted quite loudly for us to hear.

His mom hugged him tightly and it seems like she's squeezing him. I let out a girly giggle at the scene before me.

"M-om I c-can't b-breathe" He stuttered, struggling for breath.

His mom reluctantly let him go. Carson gasped for deep breaths which earned giggles from his mom and I.

"Soo how did your day go?" Rachel asked me, a hint of playfulness was clearly seen.

"I had fun, especially the part that I spat on Carson." I replayed the scene awhile ago which made me smile wider.

Rachel dragged me towards the kitchen and started acting like a teenage girl.

"What happened? Where did he take you? Are you finally his girlfriend?" She bombarded me with questions.

"It's not a date, I need to get clothes that's all and no I'm not his girlfriend."

She frowned at me and nodded understandingly.

I told her everything that happened starting from my encounter with Rose, the slapping which nade her gasp then the boys who were checking me out then spitting on Carson.

"From the start I really had a bad feeling about Rose, when they broke up I felt like tons of brick were lifted off my shoulders" she beamed at me.

"That girl's a slut! You should have seen how she seducted Carson, it's so -"

Rachel started to laugh at me. I didn't have the time to finish my sentence.

"What?" I asked her.

"You're jealous." she stated with giggles.

"I am not." I stated firmly.

"Oh.. Young people these days, doesn't know when they're inlove." she whispered.

"What do you mean?" I can't understand what she said.

"Nothing honey." She smiled and walked away leaving me confused.


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