Tempest (Royce/Winston)

By ForeverMindless247

157K 9.8K 3.4K

"You're a tempest.... A violent windstorm. You ruin everything you touch, and you don't give a single damn ab... More

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Extra | Axel
Epilogue | One
Epilogue | Two
Epilogue | Three
Thank You


2K 129 47
By ForeverMindless247

Chresanto's P.O.V.

"If you fucking poke me with this damn button thing" I warned, glaring at Jacob with faux anger. He rolled his eyes, but didn't say anything as he pinned it to my tuxedo.

"By the way, it's called a boutonnière" he said quietly, running his palms along the material of my tux, smoothing out any wrinkles that were still present. He took a step back and looked me over, smiling a little. "You look really nice".

"Um... Thanks, you do too".

Jacob really did look good, he was wearing a black tux that was similar to mine, and he'd taken the time to really make sure everything was perfect. He took damn near thirty minutes on making sure there weren't any smudges on his dress shoes, and even though it aggravated me somewhat, I did enjoy the way the tip of his tongue would peek out between his lips when he was really concentrated. 

"When we go downstairs, my mom is going to take a lot of pictures" Jacob warned, "I'm just giving you a heads up because she did it my junior year and she's going to do it this year too".

I nodded, thinking that Jacob was just being over dramatic, but it turns out he wasn't. Mrs. Teresa did take a lot of pictures, she had us stand at the foot of the stairs and didn't let us move until she was satisfied. It doesn't bother me as much as I thought it would, I don't think I could ever really get annoyed with Jacob's parents, I liked them.

"Your friends are here" Mr. Perez announced, holding the front door open for Ray and Elijah.

"Hey, guys" Elijah smiled, waving at us like he hadn't just seen us a few days ago.

"Hey, the tux looks really good" Jacob complimented from beside me.

"Oh, yeah, thank you again for, like... Letting me have your tuxedo" he said to Jacob, he then looked at Mrs. Teresa, "and thank you for altering it".

"You're welcome, love".

Mrs. Teresa wanted to take a few pictures of Ray and Elijah because she insisted that they both looked really nice together, and I kind of think that she believes the two are dating, but no one really thought it was important to tell her that they weren't. We all just let her take as many photos as she wanted because we all knew the thought of Axel was lingering around. It was only a matter of time until she realized that Axel should be here too, going to his senior prom just like Jacob.

"I guess I'll let you guys go now" Mrs. Teresa smiled, she looked at us all before nodding a little. She looked a little bit sad, and Jacob must've noticed because he ran a hand through his hair and sighed. He wouldn't look at her and although it bothered me a bit, I didn't say anything about it because this was supposed to be a fun night.

"I'm pretty sure my mom was five seconds away from bursting into tears" Jacob muttered when were out of the house.

"I don't really blame her" I replied, "I mean... Your brother should be here too".

"Yeah, well, he's not".

"Jacob, come on, don't be like that" I warned, unlocking my car so him and I could get in. Elijah was going to ride with Ray in his car, Ray figured it would be better for us to just take two cars because after the night was over, Elijah was going to Ray's house anyway. No one had to be dropped off because I already knew I was going to crash at Jacob's after prom, I wasn't going home because I knew I wasn't going to be in the mood to drive.

"Don't be like what, Chresanto? What am I being?"

"Just..." I could tell he was getting angry and I didn't want to deal with his attitude. "Just stop being selfish, please. Your mom is just a bit sad that Axel isn't here to go to his senior prom, he should be dressed up in a nice tux too".

"How the hell does him not being here make me selfish?"

"You're acting like this night is just about you".

"I... Well, I mean... It kind of is?" He sounded unsure of himself, "I'm trying so hard not to get mad at you because I know you don't understand how I'm feeling, how I've been feeling for a really long time".

Taking a deep breath, I tapped my fingers against the steering wheel. "Tell me how you're feeling then".

"I just want to have one thing be about me, ever since Axel died, every time a special day comes up, my mom just always talks about how Axel should be here. Christmas was supposed to be fun, we were supposed to celebrate a-and open presents, but that didn't happen because my mom was too sad to care about getting out of the bed. My dad's depression wasn't going to give him a break for one day, so he wasn't in the mood either. 

"We had a party to celebrate me becoming a senior and it went well, but I could tell no one was really into it because Axel was missing. Everything is always about Axel, I shouldn't feel like I'm still competing for attention with him when he's not even here anymore. I just want to have one fucking night where it's about me. So I'm sorry if I'm being selfish, but I just want this night to be... To be mine, I want this to be my night".

Jacob was staring out of the window with his arms folded over his chest, I decided to just let him be because knowing him, he didn't want me to touch him right now. Now that he explained himself, I understand why he was acting the way he was. Jacob wasn't being selfish, I shouldn't have told him he was. All the boy wanted was some attention because ever since Axel started to spend more time with me, and less time with his family, everyone began to worry more about Axel and less about Jacob.

"I'm sorry I called you selfish".

Jacob didn't respond, all he did was shrug his shoulders and continue to stare out of the window like the streetlamps were the most fascinating things in the world. I continued to drive us to the banquet hall that our prom was being held in. I frowned, I really need to learn to stop ruining everything. When I finally made it to the banquet hall, finding a place to park was a struggle, but I did eventually find a parking space. Jacob got out of the car before I could even turn it off and I sat there for a moment, praying to God that I hadn't ruined prom for him.

Everyone was waiting for me near the entrance of the hall, Elijah was talking with Jacob and Ray was staring at me as I walked up to him.

"We literally just got here and you've already made him mad?"

"I didn't mean to, I swear" I said quietly, "I just said something really stupid".

"What did you say?"

"Mrs. Teresa was obviously sad about Axel not being here to go to prom, and Jacob just kind of seemed like he didn't care... I told him to stop being selfish, to stop acting like the night was just about him... I didn't know that he felt like he's been competing for attention with his brother ever since he's been gone. Jacob just really wants the night to not revolve around Axel, and I should've known that, but I didn't".

Ray stared at me for a moment, his eyes set into a cold glare. "I don't know much about relationships, seeing as they're not my thing, but I'm pretty sure you're not supposed to constantly make your partner feel like shit". I opened my mouth to speak, to let him know that I didn't fucking mean to, but he stopped me by his raising his eyebrows, "right?"

I sighed in defeat, taking a deep breath to let my annoyance and anger free. "Right".

"Go talk to him, please" he requested, "you guys are supposed to be having fun".

"Yeah... I know". I turned away from him and walked over to Jacob, motioning for Elijah to leave. Once he was gone, I spoke up. "I'm sorry I called you selfish, okay? I didn't mean to upset you and I should've asked how you were feeling before just making assumptions".

"It's okay, I guess" he murmured, his fingers fiddling with a button on his jacket, "you didn't know".

"Stop making up excuses for me" I kissed his forehead and took his hand in mine, walking with him to the door. I pulled our tickets from my pocket, handing them over to some teacher whose name I didn't know. "This is your night, okay?"

Jacob nodded, smiling a little even though he still seemed distant, "yeah, okay".

We walked in together, looking around the room and taking in how everything was set up. A large portion of the floor was completely free of tables, people were already dancing there and having a good time, while others were sitting at tables that weren't too far away. I could see two sashes and plastic crowns resting on two podiums on top of the stage, lights casting on both. The decorations for the theme of prom were okay, I guess. The theme was apparently something about stars because they were everywhere, and every single table cloth was either black or a navy blue.

When I looked at Jacob, he was smiling a lot more than before and I sighed in relief because maybe I hadn't ruined this for him. He looked up at me and raised his eyebrows in curiosity.

"Why are you looking at me like that?"

"No reason".

"Well, I'm taking you to the voting table because I need you and I to vote".

"Okay, who are you going to vote for?"

"Uh... You? Who the hell else would I vote for?"

"Well Lexi really wants to win, so I just tho-" "Fuck Lexi, I don't care about her or Pierce, I'm voting for you".

When we got to the table where we were supposed to vote, Jacob handed me a ballot and took one for himself. I watched him check off my name and I checked off his just because there was no one else I wanted to vote for. Jacob placed both of our pieces of paper into the box then proceeded to pull me to the dance floor.

"You think Ray and Elijah are having fun?" He asked, looking around for them.

I could see Elijah dancing with a cup in his hand and Ray was sitting down at an empty table. Ray didn't look like he was having fun, but then he didn't look like he was having a terrible time either. I should've expected this really, Ray didn't like crowded spaces, and although it wasn't packed, there were still a lot of people here. I wouldn't be surprised if he bailed and sat in his car for the rest of the night.

"One of them is having the time of their life" I answered, watching Jacob as he danced around. "What are you doing?"

"Dancing? Am I not allowed to do that?"

"Not like that".

Jacob laughed at me, "oh, what? Are you getting jealous?" He swayed his hips some more, "you don't like it when I dance?"

"You know that's not what I meant".

"You just don't like it when I dance like this without you" he held his hand out for me to take, "you're not fooling anyone, Chresanto. I didn't come here for you to stand off to the side and watch, come dance with me, please".

"I really don't like to dance".

Jacob took it upon himself to grab my hand, pulling me closer to him. "Do you know how to have fun? It's a genuine question because you just don't seem very... Open to things. I want you to have a good time tonight, Chres, I'm serious".

I tried taking a step away from him but he wasn't having it, so I was forced to dance with him, and at first it was hell, but after a while I just kind of gave up and willingly danced. I wasn't thinking or worrying about anyone but Jacob, he was the only one on my mind as we danced together. I felt happy as we held hands, transitioning from an upbeat song to a soft, slow one, and it's been a while since I've really felt happy.

Jacob was laughing a little, hiding his face in the crook of my neck as we moved together.

"What're you laughing at?"

"You can't dance" he murmured, leaning back to look up at me, "you know that, right?"

"What makes you think I can't dance?"

Jacob flinched when I accidentally stepped on his shoe, "that's the third time you've stepped on my foot".

"Right" I sighed, nodding my head in agreement, "I can't dance, let's sit down before I have to end up carrying you out of here because your feet will be too sore to walk on".

I found a table for us to sit at, "are you hungry?" I asked, "they have snacks here, but I honestly wouldn't trust it".

"I'm fine, I ate before you came over my house".

I opened my mouth to respond to him, but Jasper came bounding over with his loud ass. He pulled out a chair and sat down, not even sparing me a glance.

"They're about to announce the winners for prom king and queen" he stated.

Jacob rolled his eyes, "Jasper, I'm not going to win".

"I wouldn't be too sure".

I placed my elbow on the table, resting my chin in the palm of my hand as I listened to the two talk. Ray and Elijah eventually joined the table, I glanced at the both of them, watching as Ray cracked his knuckles before pulling at a strand of his hair.

"Are you alright?" I questioned, he only ever pulled at his hair when he was on edge.

"I'm fine".

"Stop pulling at your hair then, you're going to go bald before you're thirty. What's wrong?"

"I knew there were going to be a lot of people here, but I honestly feel like I'm going to be sick. I went to the bathroom and a bunch of people were in my way, it took everything in me not to freak out".

"If you feel like you're going to have, like, a panic attack or something, you should just leave. You don't have to stay just because we're all here, I can drop Elijah off at your house after, Rayan".

"I don't want to keep running away from my problems, I hate being touched and around a lot of people and that's because of you know who, but I want to be able to stay and enjoy myself without her being the cause of my discomfort. I just have to slowly ease myself into crowded places, this is... Practice, I guess".

I nodded a little, I understood what he was saying. His aunt scarred him and left behind some damage, and he didn't want to have to deal with it anymore. He wanted to have a good time, but he couldn't because he was just scared and uncomfortable, and he didn't want to be those things anymore.

"Alright, but if you begin to look completely miserable, I'm dragging you out of here myself".

He smiled a little, "I'm sure you will".

My eyes moved towards the stage when Mr. Henderson, our principal, walked up to the microphone stand. The music stopped playing and the room became relatively quiet as everyone directed their attention towards him. The man cleared his throat before speaking into the mic so everyone could hear him clearly.

"So it's the moment most of you have all been waiting for, the crowning of the kings, queens, and or king and queen of prom. I've counted the ballots, as well as Ms. Greene and Mr. Smith, and we have determined the winners".

People were murmuring now, anxious to see who the winners were, Jacob wasn't even paying attention to anything that was going on. He was too busy looking at his phone, a bored expression on his face. I watched Mr. Henderson pull an envelope from his pocket, opening it carefully and sliding out a card.

"Your prom queen is none other than... Lexi Adams! Congratulations!"

A good portion of the crowd cheered, the cheerleaders were the loudest, as expected, as Lexi emerged from the floor and walked up onto the stage. She accepted her crown with a big smile and it took everything in me not to roll my eyes. I should be happy for her, but I honestly didn't care one bit about her win.

"Well, we can't have a prom queen without one more person" Mr. Henderson began, "your prom king is..." I could see Pierce already making his way towards the stage, but his step faltered when our principal spoke again: "Jacob Perez".

"Holy shit" Jacob cursed, his head snapping up to look around, "that's me".

"Uh, yeah" I nodded, "get your ass up and go to the stage".

"Congrats" Ray smiled.

"Yeah, I knew you'd win" Elijah added.

Jasper smirked, "told you so".

Jacob stood up and made him his way across the dance floor, he walked on to the stage and stood next to Lexi, putting the crown on himself.

"A few words from your king and queen" Mr. Henderson said, moving to the side so Lexi could speak.

"Thank you so much to everyone who voted for me!" She spoke cheerfully, "although this win would've been so much better with my baby Pierce up on stage with me, I'm still pretty satisfied".

Lexi moved away from the microphone and Jacob took her spot.

"Uh... I didn't think I was going to win... So... Thanks, I guess".

"You only won because people felt bad for you!" Pierce shouted, I stood up from my chair, frowning. "We just felt sorry about your brother, figured you winning the title of prom king would make up for your loss or something. You wouldn't have won if Axel were still alive".

I expected Jacob to say fuck you and threaten to punch Pierce in the face, but that's not what he did at all. He just walked off of the stage and I followed him with my eyes, going after him when I realized he was making his way towards the door, that he was leaving.

"Jacob" I called out, walking outside with him, he ignored me. "Stop walking away from me, talk to me".

He turned around, his eyes glossy with oncoming tears, "I want to go home".

(A/N: I have a new book published, it is titled "Fireworks", it's a short Royce story, I decided to write it just to give my mind something else to work on besides On The Rocks and Tempest. So Chresanto almost ruined prom for Jacob before it could happen because he let his big mouth speak before he could think about what he was going to say, and Jacob won the title of prom king, but obviously it was for a reason that wasn't all that great. What are your thoughts?)

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